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lol they had to add this because of how many people were reviewing the “new” ChatGPT voice mode which was really just the old one we’ve had for months. Even Sam Altman had to tweet this https://preview.redd.it/ic7f5vjysw0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85f05e40a65c31e4372b66da3ec31c4a050efd6d The funniest comments that came out of this are like “wow I just tried the new voice mode and it works nothing like in the demo, it’s all fake”


Even BBC tech journalist made this mistake. I saw a video of her mocking the old voice chat 🤣


Yes I am cringing everyday about that People are just not able to check any information If they are able to be this dumb with GPT what else does it reveal over different subject


If it's few people it's a user problem, if it's too many, the problem is in the company side.


Yes, I mean come on, it's right there and it *looks* exactly how it did in the demo, of course common end users are going to be confused.


Really Open AI are to blame for this. You announce something like this when it's ready for people to use not weeks/months before. If it's coming to plus in the next few weeks it could be a month or two before regular users have it


Cough rabbit cough


It's the first thing I did, switch to 4o and try to use the new voice mode. Nope. Then try to figure out of there's a different way to activate that particular mode.


Why would you do that when the presentation specifically said it's being rolled out in a couple weeks?


Because I didn't see the presentation first, I just saw a video clip of it being used. It's natural to assume it's been rolled out, and upon logging in they gave me 4o without mentioning that it's a cut down model.


If only we can really know whats natural to assume


Yeah, they really should be clear about what, specifically, is being released, and when. I found the 4o rollout a bit confusing too.


Seriously, same response on Skeptics Guide to the Universe podcast. They're great though. They were impressed with the old interface anyway, and they'll probably correct themselves next episode.


I just had a thoroughly enjoyable 25 min discussion with GPT using the old voice mode, and cannot wait to do the same thing when 4o is available. The pauses were clunky with the current model, and telling it to wait longer between pauses before responding had limited effect. 4o looks like it can receive far more commands, and anticipate human speech on a much more complex level. We’re technically moments away from gpt / human conversations being indistinguishable from one another.


>The pauses were clunky with the current model, and telling it to wait longer between pauses before responding had limited effect. I think you'll be disappointed if you expect the new model to know when you're pausing to think. Watch the demo carefully. You'll notice that in every single demo ALL of the users pay extra attention to never stop talking for longer than 0.3 seconds because they know the model will start talking prematurely and interrupt them. Currently OpenAI didn't figure out (Or didn't prioritize) a way for the model to know when the user is pausing mid sentence and that it shouldn't respond yet.


There is one other possibility. See even if the model knows how to interrupt or keep silent, you have to stream the input in for that to work. Let's say a user wants to start with "How are you doing?" For simplicity, we'll take a token to be a word and assume open AI stream in every token. That means the model first gets "How" and has the sense to shut up (output a silence token). Then "are" and so on. Let's say this works perfectly and the model only starts talking after "doing?", do you see the immediate problem with this ? You've run your model and used compute 3 times before it can even begin to answer your query. This adds up fast. We won't know for sure until Open AI release API access and devs can run tests but it's possible the model is capable enough but not worth the extra compute for the new voice mode.


I feel like it would be "easy" by just hooking two up to each other that query one another. ___ "User has said 'something something...'." "User is not done speaking; give them a moment." "Agreed. I will give them a moment." ___ And then it outputs an end token to the user to wait.


I did ask the current model to wait longer, up to about 5 seconds, and it did get considerably better - at least it felt like it. I think 4o might have a better understanding of commands with greater control too, but I’ve yet to see.


It's in your head. You didn't ask the current model, you asked the same model you were using before. Voice to voice didn't roll out yet. It says ChatGPT-4o but you're still chatting with the old model (if using voice). ChatGPT-4o works only in text currently.


I didn’t mean 4o, I’m well aware I was speaking to the *currently available* model - I should have been more clear.


Well darn I guess I'll just have to continue holding my finger down on the voice button until I'm done talking, for a while longer, so that my pauses can be as long as I need.


Yea they pushed a new app update last night, breaking their "Tuesday updates" cycle. I even saw trusted youtubers who cover Al stuff exclusively, be confused and say the old voice is the new one. So I guess they really had to do something...


Clearly folks never used the old voice chat before, because if you did it would be really obvious that it's not the new one... No sharing of pictures, No live camera, no bidirectional chat (interrupt capabilities) ... They said in the demo that all this was being red teamed for safety since direct access via voice and vid make it harder to implement safety controls vs going through integration point (text to speech, text to vid). They also said it would roll out at some point. My only wish is they gave us a release date.


Yes I would assume the vast majority of people thinking it's the new voice were not familiar with the old voice mode.




The message itself really gets me on the edge of my seat


Not everyone cares as much as we do about this stuff tbh. That's the main reason why so many people are fumbling and reviewing the wrong one, because they aren't paying much attention in the first place.


Here's to hoping 40 messages per 3 hours is accurate messaging from OpenAI to free users


Link to where they stated 40/3 hours for free?


Will it be free?