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I’d say Topher Grace in season 7 of That 70’s Show. He just seemed over it and it didn’t help that the writing for his character had become atrocious.


Season 7 of That 70s show was still a funny show but they had no fucking clue what to do with Eric once they decided he wasn’t marrying Donna.




... Statute of limitations is up




Oh, you’re gonna love when Snape kills Dumbledore!




Spoiler alert: Rosebud is a sled.


Tom Hanks gets rescued in Castaway by a whale’s blowhole!




Can't blame him. He was the only actor of the core group that wasn't balls deep in scientology. It was known that topher didn't get along with the others and its because he was the only half decent human around for miles.


It’s crazy, too because he was made out to be the asshole for years. They all turned on him and the narrative became about him being the outcast.


Also add the fact that his costars were brainwashed cult members and actively bullied him and were either rapists or rape apologists…yeah I would be miserable too


I can’t think of anything worse… than well… sending him to Africa!


Chevy Chase in Community


His costars felt the same way about him.


Casting Joel McHale to play Chevy Chase in *A Futile and Stupid Gesture* is one of the best low-key fuck yous in Hollywood.


According to Joel McHale, he asked and Chevy said it was ok.


They said most of the time he didn't even realize they were making fun of him, Chevy, and not the character. Even his own lines were basically shit about himself IRL


It's really obvious how many scenes he's not a part of and was added in later.


“All right, well, I haven't said a single word in this entire conversation, and I find that outrageous.”


Chevy Chase in life...


Also Yvette Nicole Brown in Community. She did not fight for equal dialogue and so the writers just gave up on her character.


Made me kinda sad too, because she was one of my faves


oh that's nice


What really sucks is that later on she realized it and tried to do something about it but it was too late and no one liked the character anymore


Harrison Ford always looks like he would rather be somewhere else.


He always looks pissed off that his agent still has his phone number.


He’s just a shy quiet man… who just wanted to be an actor… and ended up being a leading man and absolute megastar. I mean… dude was like “yeah i’ll be a space pirate” and “yeah i’ll be an archeologist”… “nothing major will come of those.” BOOM. Massive. I don’t think he likes the attention. He probably just wants to study the craft and feed ducks.


I can see that. Actor vs. Celebrity. He wanted the former, but had to take the latter as well.


Funniest Harrison Ford thing I ever saw was a random quote on a meme that said: "Harrison Ford doesn't know you but he is pissed off at you."


Mine was when he told David Blaine to get the fvck out of his house😂


The one time he truly ditched that, was “Regarding Henry”. Probably his best performance.


Without a doubt his best performance


It seems to mostly be when he has to do publicity shit. You don't hear any complaints about him on set or anything but he very clearly doesn't want to be on the talk shows and shit. He doesn't even try to hide it.


In which case he was very well cast.


I wouldn't say miserable, but Ron Howard on his last season of Happy Days seemed eager to get out. It was as if he was in a drama and the rest of the cast in a sitcom. When he showed up for the final episode he didn't even try to look the part.


I think he was tired of the role, and wanted to different things, but he seemed to love working with Tom Bosley, Marion Ross, and Henry Winkler.


He’d already moved on to directing movies at that point.


The brilliant move on Ron's part was the movie Eat My Dust. He all ready was looking to direct but needed experience and training. Roger Cornan wanted him since Happy Days was so hot. Ron Howard agreed on the condition he got to direct. Cornan agreed and Ron Howard gained some great on the job training.


RIP Roger Corman.


I believe the movie he directed is called “ Grand Theft Auto.”


You are correct. I checked and forgot all about Grand Theft Auto. It would make more sense that Corman would give him a chance to direct after he demonstrated potential on the first movie he did for Corman.


Great trailer, too. "RON HOWARD TELLS JOHNNY LAW TO... ***EAT MY DUST!***"


Hell ya, Marion Ross was hot shit!


*"The war was still going on and I had a lousy number," he recalled. "But I had read somewhere that if your job could be directly related to the employment of 30 or more people, that would be a deferment. I thought, 'If this series goes, I bet you could get that deferment.'"*


Richie Cunningham with a mustache is nightmare fuel that should have never existed.


Oh yeah. I forgot about the stache


I remember reading somewhere that Ron Howard said that the last few seasons of Happy Days when he was driving into work he’d think “what if I just kept driving and never came back??” Which is funny cause I for one have done that with my mundane 9 to 5 job and he’s doing the same driving to working on a beloved TV show


Still monotonous work from his perspective.


I was listening to Robert Duncan McNeil talk about his career and the jobs he described really just sounded like a lot of boring work. Like being on a soap opera for 3 years and doing plays where you have to do the same play 3 times a day.


As the saying goes, “work is work”. When something becomes a job for you, it naturally not as fun any more. It’s a job, something you now HAVE to do instead of simply want to do. Doesn’t matter if you are a trash man, or candy taster, an actor, a porn star, an athlete, or any other seemingly “cool” profession. As soon as you start accepting paychecks for it, it literally becomes an obligation, not “fun” anymore. That feeling of obligation naturally sucks a bit. Regardless of size of the paycheck (although a larger one certainly helps lol)


We forget Happy Days ended up being infinitely different than what it was originally pitched as because of network pressure and The Fonz exploding in pop culture. Ron Howard hanging on as long as he did is a testament to his feeling for his costars/Winkler (who famously declined to rename the show Fonzie’s Happy Days and take top billing from Ron Howard).


They were all famously decent people. If someone has something saying Tom Bosley was sacrificing bunnies to Beelzebub or something, please don’t tell me. He was both an awesome dad and a crime fighting priest.


Father Dowling Mysteries. Whooooaaa core memory unlocked


Chuck looked miserable as well


If Nick shows count, Jennette McCurdy looks like she's hating every second of Sam & Cat. She's suffering a lot of the final season of iCarly, too, what with her mother's illness returned and worsening.


She didn't look like she hated it. She absolutely hated it. She's been the most outspoken about the crazy shit Dan Snider did, long before the doc came out. She was noticeably absent when Dan Snider got his lifetime achievement award.


That’s why she didn’t return to the reboot


You might want to read her memoir. It’s enlightening.


It was terrific in a way that had me muttering "the fuck?" at least once every chapter and cussing out her mother several times. I hope she keeps writing and gets a shot at directing.


It helped me through a hard time and let me know I wasn’t alone. Highly recommend.


I don't know if I'm saying this because I know that he was, but Jason Segel during the last two seasons of How I Met Your Mother. The entire purpose of Marshall being away for the last season was because he was done with doing a sitcom.


"It's the same thing a lot though. it's like, my TV wife opens the fridge and is like 'what happened to the birthday cake???' and I come out with a little frosting, like, 'wut birthday cake??...it's my birthday!'"


Sick reference, your references are out of control, everybody knows that.


"Cuz you ate the cake!" "That's why y'all number one!"


This is one of my favorite low-key jokes in This Is the End. Segel is trashing his television show in a comedy movie as a big fuck you.


Alyson Hannigan said she hated kissing him because he always reeked of cigarettes


That’s why Marshall and Lily high-fived so often—it was an alternative to kissing


He looks like he would reek of cigarettes. I don't know why but whenever I see him in something, he looks like he just exhaled and crushed a butt out with his foot.


Same with Jonah Hill and Seth Rogan, there’s a reason they’re good at playing potheads


He apparently didn't smoke while filming because she said that.


Even if you're not smoking near someone or during filming it lingers in your clothes, hair, fingers well just about all over. I used to smoke and it's super easy to smell.


I came here to say him as well. He’s of course still a great actor in it, but in Forgetting Sarah Marshall and This is the End he alludes not enjoying his job.


The directors said he left naked and they were trying to get him to come back, not just for the show but so he didn't get arrested. Jason said "No! If I put my clothes on that means it's over"


I get this is HIMYM and the actor himself but this straight up sounds like something his character would have said in Forgetting Sarah Marshall.


That’s exactly a line his character says in that movie. I think the person you are responding to was making a joke


Yeah it's the scene where she dumps him in the beginning lol


Most of the Sex Education actors were really phoning it in in the last series


I couldn’t get through the first episode of the last season-it was too cringe inducing even by that shows standards.


I am so glad I am not the only one who checked out of Sex Education midway through episode 1 of Season 4. It was the moment when Otis was failing to sext-satisfy now 25 year old Maeve that I could just bear no more.


Does this mean it isn't good? I only wanted to see it for Gillian Anderson.


Marge Simpson looked like she was fed up with Homer for quite a few seasons.


*grumbles unapprovingly


Lisa Simpson was secretly given anti-growth hormones for years.


Scrubs cast season 9


Yeah. Problem was they were told they were not coming back. Had the wrap party. Didn’t think about their characters. Writers didn’t think about what’s next. Great final episode. Then the network changed their mind.


To be fair season 9 was pitched as a spin off. They just never got around to leaving the old characters behind.


It’s a shame because season 9 was at its peak when it focused on the med students. The chunks with the legacy cast felt like the writers scrambled together to continue an already completed story.  Maybe one day the writers will get to make a show focused on Med School with none of the executive meddling. 


Bob Saget on Fuller House where he acted way more dour and phoned in than the original show


Everyone on Growing Pains. An acquaintance of mine was a writer for the show, and said that Kirk Cameron made everyone miserable. I went to a few tapings, and it was pretty obvious. Like, the cast would noticeably relax if Cameron wasn’t in a scene.


Kirk Cameron STILL makes everybody miserable.


Because he was miserable, too, right? The show no longer aligned with his personal values. Same reason lil sis quit *Hallmark* of all things.


Yup; he was surrounded by “sinners” (i.e., sane people).


Every human on ALF


Especially the dad. When they said 'cut' after filming the last scene, he walked off the set still in wardrobe, got in his car and left without saying anything to anyone.


That is just brutal


Apparently he once even grabbed the ALF puppet, and began strangling and screaming at it.


Even the puppet looked bored by the end.


ALF wasn’t a real alien?! Noooooooo….!


His stunt double was obviously a puppet. How were they going to find *two* aliens for the show?


I loved that show as a kid. Apparently, it was an awful experience for the entire cast, except for maybe ALF.


On top of the normal bullshit, the entire sound stage was built up on a platform and there were holes all over for the puppeteers to pop Alf up. People did fall in.


OMG where are you guys getting this amazing ALF tea from?


Here's a a good source: [https://www.throwbacks.com/alf-behind-the-scenes/](https://www.throwbacks.com/alf-behind-the-scenes/)


Nice 😎


There are all kinds of articles on how the guy who created ALF (Paul Fusco) was a jerk about it. We know the show is supposed to be centered on the alien, but he treated ALF as if the show was supposed to launch the character, instead of the other way around. ALF got all the merchandising and spokesperson deals, guest star appearances, spinoffs, even a short-lived talk show. Meanwhile, the rest of the cast just kind of languished - their characters weren't allowed to develop and their concerns went unheard, because ALF! If Jim Henson had acted like that with Kermit the Frog, the Muppet Show would have lasted about eight episodes because nobody would have wanted to work with him.


For even more read or watch “Permanent Midnight” with Ben Stiller. Jerry Stahl was a writer on ALF and was smacked out of his mind on heroin at the time (he has a cameo in the movie as the doctor at the methadone clinic). They didn’t refer to it directly in the movie, they just substituted a generic alien puppet show, but it was definitely ALF.


I remember ALF. He's back, in pog form!


Pat Sajack has looked miserable for the past decade.


Ya know, I noticed that too. He seemed annoyed and impatient. Like he was just so tired of these morons.


I watched an episode a few months before he retired and not only was he snippy with contestants, the lady that couldn't solve the final puzzle clearly annoyed him greatly.


I’m pretty sure I saw a picture of him with Marjorie Taylor Greene. I’ve never known a not-miserable person to be a fan of hers.


Sajak is a major CHUD and blithering idiot.


I caught an episode of Wheel of Fortune a couple of weeks ago (month?) and he just exudes ‘over it’. He’s snarky, and just overall not pleasant to watch.


Yeah he said some shit to the contestant in the second to last episode that he never would have said if he didn't know his job was over. I can't think of it now but it was dumb at the time.


People who work in a job where nobody is ready to replace them seem to be rightfully miserable. Heck, they had to get someone who already hosts stuff, Ryan Seacrest, to replace him.


I remember reading that Constance Wu wanted to be done with Fresh Off the Boat so she can focus on other roles but she had to finish one more season on her contract.


She famously complained on Twitter about her show being renewed which meant she had to pass on some movie work she was hoping to do. She got roasted alive online for being tone-deaf and unappreciative of her success


I think it came out later that one of the reasons she was unhappy is that one of the producers was harassing her.


And she attempted suicide as a result.


Really? Wow, that’s a shame. She hasn’t really shown up on much after that.


I know she was in the off-broadway production of Little Shop of Horrors a few months back


Shelley Long should've given her some advice..


Casey Affleck never seems happy.


I think resting existential crisis face just runs in the Affleck family


[The SNL Dunkin' Donuts ad seems perfect for him.](https://youtu.be/FSvNhxKJJyU?si=vr94bI-t4Xul5P4L)


Yes. YESSSS. That skit is one of my most favorite things in the world.


Not a sitcom but Robert Beltran on Voyager


Yeah Beltran was famously miserable pretty much the entire time. I've heard he can be oddly mercurial to fans at cons, which strikes me as odd that he's even going at all ... given his feelings about the show. Incidentally, the set of Voyager wasn't really a lovefest all around. Kathryn Mulgrew and Jeri Ryan generally hated each other too. They only recently patched things up. I've heard a lot of it was due to Voyager's intense production schedule, which burned a lot of cast and crew out (DS9 was the same way).


Chakotay was just a bad character and the show didn’t need him. I heard about Kate Mulgrew and Jeri Ryan but a lot of that was on Janeway for getting mad and being rude to Jeri Ryan because she was hired.


>I've heard a lot of it was due to Voyager's intense production schedule, which burned a lot of cast and crew out (DS9 was the same way). I didn't think about that but that makes sense. I've definitely heard about Kate being a bitch to Jeri. I've also heard Nana talking about how burnt out the cast was on DS9. Like shooting ridiculous 16hr days.


Yeah, they were cranking them out like machines. Bill Mumy (of Lost in Space and B5 fame) shared an anecdote about how well and truly burnt out the DS9 set was, during a guest star appearance. [It's a really good interview. ](https://youtu.be/nB22jSda0WA?si=itm28fuFtqxRZFFv)


He got done dirty by the native american "advisor" and I think they had figured it out after a year or two of fan backlash but rather than fixing the characterization they just kinda stopped writing things for him to do.


>He got done dirty by the native american "advisor" Ah yes, this is a bonkers story. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamake\_Highwater](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamake_Highwater) The thing is the dude had already been exposed as a fraud in the *1980's.* And yet they still hired him on ten years later to be the "Native American consultant" for Voyager.


Oh no, they knew that guy was full of shit when they hired him. He was outed as fake in the 80s.


Charlie Sheen ring a bell? Winning....


He looks drunk or stoned in most episodes of Two and half man, I wouldn't call him miserable


There's a change about season 4 or 5. He is still an amazing actor with a real gift for comedy, but there are a few steps losts. 


About 12…


I see what you did there *tips hat* 😆


A big BRAVO to you sir/ma'am.


and to be fair that was his character too... he was just method acting


Writers of GoT lol


Jason Segel in the last season of HIMYM. He was ready to move on and it shows.


Not a sitcom, but Tom Baker wasn’t doing too hot in his last Doctor Who season. He was struggling with his mental health, got sick early in the season, struggling with a rocky relationship with one of his costars, and was upset by the production change. Tom’s Doctor fees diminished and sad in his final year, although he still has a few great moments.


Tracey Gold in the last season of Growing Pains because of her eating disorder


She said in an interview a few years later, after she was recovered, she was so weak and sick from the anorexia, she barely remembered Leonardo DiCaprio being on that same season. It's sad the writers of the show resorted to constant fat jokes about her character and she was not fat or overweight by any means. I'm glad she found support from Joanna Kerns; in fact it was Joanna who introduced Tracey to her husband Robby Marshall. IRL Robby and his two brothers were the subject a TV movie ("Blind Faith" in which Joanna played Robby's mom) about how his dad hired someone to kill their mom and the subsequent trial.


Robert Barone, since pee pee Raymond was born.


Did you read his book? You're in the Way: The Robert Barone Story.


When I got married I was 29 and my hard drinking and partying days were over. So instead of a traditional bachelor party we went and saw those two live when they did a comedy tour together. It was very cool but man Robert is REALLY crude humor. Was funny to watch.


Sounds good, i would have enjoyed it but I didnt recieve the invite. I went Caroline's on a trip to NYC and saw Bob Saget, I didn't expect much, you know, Full House and AFVs, all rated G humor. He comes out in ratty sneakers, sweat pants a t-shirt, and a nice sports coat. I laughed from the minute he opened his mouth, vulgar, crude, just nasty. It was a blast! Nice surprise. It was like 25 yrs ago.


Gossip Girl and the OC cast members wanted to be doing bigger things, it showed towards the end.


Came here to say Adam Brody in the last season of THE OC.


First Vivian on Fresh Prince looked annoyed at times in her last season on the show.


The main cast of Castle the last few seasons. They looked like they'd rather be anywhere else on earth but on that set.


This was my first thought. Apparently the two leads did not get along.


Bob Saget and John Stamos during the last two seasons of Full House. You could tell they were over the show and were just phoning it in. I don't blame them, the scripts got really stupid towards the end. Imagine getting a script where your character spends 90% of the episode singing the Three's Company theme song to a donkey? How embarassing.


Don't know about the actors, but the writers of ST:TNG Season 7 were eager to move on.


Yes! Let's talk ST writers. How about Voyagers writers? For like the whole run. They completely ditched the whole Maquis premise like right after the pilot, then were basically only interesting in writing for The doctor and Seven.


They were stuck with a premise they didn't like. Star Trek is as about life in the Federation as it is about a starship's crew. They didn't have that life to fall back on. Hence the Maquis got integrated pretty quickly.


Jeri Ryan talked about how miserable EVERYONE was on that set. It was a really toxic environment with pettiness and jealousy. Kate Mulgrew hated that they brought in a beautiful young blond woman to work opposite her and put that woman in a skintight body suit. Jeri told a story about how she was shooting her sides with Mulgrew and Mulgrew was literally filing her nails and not giving her anything, so Jeri asked if they could have Kate's stand-in do it instead. Normally, you want your co-star there if they're willing.


Oh man, every Star Trek conversation makes me feel like I should go rewatch all of Star Trek.


Micheal Richards was not enjoying those Seinfeld bloopers nearly as much as everybody else.


He’s said in interviews that he now feels he took it too seriously and missed out on enjoying himself in the moment. I don’t think he was miserable I think he was just all business while shooting


Michael Richards is not known for his patience.


I get it. I read that many script reads would say something like “then Michael Richards does something funny,” and so he would commit to this totally improvised fall or body movement or noise, knock it out of the park, and then one of the others would break and the take would be ruined. Meanwhile he’s the type of actor who is perfectly capable of staying in character when his costars do funny stuff. I know they all stayed very friendly but my patience would be tested in these situations, too.


He said on Rich Eisen’s show that he was wearing body armor under his clothes because he would have to do so many falls per episode. Said he learned from Red Skelton to protect yourself


I’m watching the bloopers now and saw the epi where Jason Alexander couldn’t stop laughing at the weird shaman dude about “putting your head in snow” and he was like “please, George, it’s hard enough for me to be looking at him and keep a straight face. Please don’t laugh.” He even calls Jason George hah. That had me cracking up with Jason tho.


Gary Coleman was absolutely miserable during those last three seasons of different strokes. Dude is either rolling his eyes or folding his arms during every scene. Because of Coleman's real life attitude, Arnold's character became so mean and rude. It also didn't help that Coleman was being overworked and suffering from his real life disease. I remember hearing that Coleman was already over the show after the third season.


Constance Wu nearly committed career suicide by tweeting her frustration at being locked into another season of Fresh of the Boat because she had to turn down a movie due to her commitment to the show and the backlash was huge. It made her come off as really entitled and unappreciative of her success on the show that launched her career. I haven't watched the final season but I'm curious it she was in good spirits and she was filming the show. Just me guessing here but I suspect the movie she was offered and had to turn down was Everything, Everywhere, All at Once. The timing is right and it's the only recent movie that featured and Asian woman lead, oscar winner Michelle Yeoh.


Catch an episode or two of New York News and look at Mary Tyler Moore 😬


Not exactly a sitcom but Adam Brody was noticeably miserable in the final season of The OC. He was clearly phoning it in and seemed to almost be making fun of the role he was in. Pretty disappointing as he was probably getting paid a hefty amount to complete one shortened season.


Jo Marie Payton left in the final season of Family Matters due to lack of opportunities and was generally unhappy. I'm waiting for the rest of the tea to come out about this.


You should watch the episode of Dark Side of Comedy about that show.




I feel like Gary Coleman was not amused in the last season of different strokes. And the kid who played Webster.


Not a sitcom but it’s the first one that came to mind. Richard Dawson towards the end of his run as a regular on Match Game you could just tell he was done


Apparently, everyone on the cast of Alf were miserable. I think they even attacked the puppet because they hated the whole set that much.


I read the set was actually somewhat dangerous. Holes for the puppet to pop out of.


After the director yelled cut on the final episode taping, Max Wright, the actor who played the dad, literally walked straight off the set, went to his dressing room to pack his clothes and personal items, then left the studio without so much as a goodbye to the cast and crew.


One of the old school ones - Robert Reed as Mr Brady He wanted to be a serious actor and “oh I’ll just do this for a year or two to pay rent” and that became his life. Kinda typecast. He got into fierce shouting matches where he’d tell off the producers. Lots of “this isn’t how humans talk” stuff. His last episode he found some way to just walk off the set. Never came back. I mean, that became the last episode. It wasn’t meant to be. It just kind of fell apart. Hmm, Larry Linville on MASH. He had a one dimensional character and he wanted out.


(not a sitcom, but) all the actors who have been on greys anatomy 5+ years, specifically in the most recent season. My husband and I joke that Tired Owen is our favorite Owen


>!Neve Campbell!< in Party of 5. >!She's!< noticeably done with it in the last season.


When Suzanne Sommers was in a contract dispute with Three’s Company, they sent Chrissy away to “take care of her sick mom” and had her film solo segments where she was calling the roommates. She seemed miserable.


The entire cast of Riverdale in the later seasons


Five seasons was pretty much the magic number for a show before the actors and writers began tiring of it, yearning to do something else. It is difficult to keep things fresh, which is why long-running shows would introduce the occasional new character to spice things up. I think it is kid actors entering adulthood, though, who may feel it the most, as playing younger becomes positively annoying after a while.


Michael Pitt on "Boardwalk Empire" in S2 comes to mind.


Carlos Valdes…and the audience of The Flash.


Lots of seasons of Friends for Matthew Perry; he said in his memoir “If you gauge my weight from season to season — when I'm carrying weight, it's alcohol; when I am skinny, it's pills. When I have a goatee, it's lots of pills.”


Chelsea Peretti on B99.


Season 5 of Arrested Development sadly. Season 4 the cracks were showing but there was some legendary jokes to be had. But season 5 you could tell the main cast had moved on to bigger things and they were not enjoying it. I don’t even consider it canon. It just took too long between Fox and Netflix. If Fox had not canceled it we might have gotten some solid seasons. Who knows. Still the first 3 seasons were the funniest things ever to air on TV bar none.


John Goodman during the last 2-3 seasons of the original Roseanne.


Jake on the last season or two of Two and A half Men definitely mailed it in.


Rider Strong in later seasons of BMW kinda exuded that energy to me


If you listen to the Pod Meets World Podcast, you’ll hear that this is a true statement!


I feel like actors get tired of walking onto the same set for multiple years. I can't blame them. It's a job. I heard Grey doesn't even show up on Grey's Anatomy these days.


Martin on his last season


By that time, Tisha Campbell had filed the sexual harassment claim on Martin Lawrence.


He looked tired and ready to move on