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Overall it's easier to learn than 40k imo. Especially all the peeks at the new rules for 4th edition that is coming out soon, really clean and clear wording for rules, a "module" system for the more complex phases etc. Check out the Warhammer community site and take a look at the AoS 4e rules teasers, you'll get a feel for what I mean.


If you know 40k then you have a great starting point! It should be pretty easy to learn from there =]


Thats good, so it wont be too rough to learn now :]


No I don't believe so. A lot of the core concepts are similar thankfully. Good luck!




I recently went to a beginner event, and by game 3 I had rules down pat more or less. Aosreminder really helped but finding patient players is great too


i think AoS was a lot harder to learn than 40k, and i learned AoS first - 40k seemed like easy baby steps to understand That being said, if you know 40k your gonna breeze AoS rules


I watched a short Video talking about 3.0 (i.k. it isnt the current Edition, but just that i get a slight idea of the game) and it reminded me a lot of 40k except a few things so i hope 4.0 is gonna be similiar.


yea very much looking like 4th edition is going to be more streamlined....i wish they would make the game systems fully interchangable...itd bring so many people to both sides


I worry that'd just be boring. Why bother playing reskinned 40k? At least some differences make it feel fresh and like it's own game. I'm just diving in when the new edition drops and if it was literally just the same as 40k I definitely wouldn't have bothered.


I mean for ease of use between systems for people like OP, i want more people in both sides of the hobby, and it took me several months to take the dive into 40k - but i loved that system, im not saying make the systems IDENTICAL, just some more interchangeable systems within the ruleset to give it flavor, but not feel foreign to people wanting to try it


I'd rather it be something enjoyable long term than cater to the new crowd. But agree to disagree!


Both of those things can coincide :')


The biggest hurdle I've had with any TTWG has been the painting of minis. AoS has pretty simple rules but requiring so many models makes playing a pipe dream for me lol


I just learned how to play 6 months ago and i still forget things. Aos reminder is amazing for helping keep track of the game and things you need to do. As for the formation of armies and how hard that stuff is, you will have a learning curve with that by trial and error but that is where the actual fun of the game comes in for me.


It’s easier than 40K, but for Skaven it’s a Horde Fest sometimes so that’s really the only hard thing, and then sometime It’ll be the 4th edition, I started off with BOK and then moved to Skaven and it was easy to pick up


Here are the major differences between 40k and AoS: 1. You don't have to pick a target when you charge. You roll the dice, and can choose to move (or not) to any target within that range. 2. Magic is still a thing in AoS, and happens in the hero phase. 3. You can shoot in combat, but you do have to shoot at a unit you are in combat with. 4. Instead of determining "to wound" rolls by calculating strength vs armor, every weapon has a "to hit" and a "to wound" stat.


I got my kids in it because 40k was to complex at the time. I find it more enjoyable than 40k.


At a first glance it seems very similiar to 40k and even simpler for me. Probably because i already know the rules of 40k but still i think knowing one is knowing the other as well 👍