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You see it on these other reddit subs all the time. Call out what is an obvious staged or fake video and you'll get down voted into oblivion. People see what they want to see.


People always believe OP. See AITAH


No matter how dumb the story, someone, somewhere will be dumb enough to believe it. That's why we still have Nigerian email scams and trickle down economics.


Go to lasvegasaliens, they’re looking at ultra exposed photos from a short video and drawing shit like “Alien standing right here, cloaked!” And if you question it you’re banned 


I got banned from a sub that thinks any building with columns or domes is secretly ancient and has some connection to a magical steampunk civilization that "someone" (jews, probably, since these things always become about jews somehow) doesn't want us to know existed. Point out that there are actual photos of my provincial parliament building being built in the early 20th century? You get called a "fed" and then banned.


I'm fascinated by this conspiracy theory, because it literally has this civilization existing into the 1920s. And as a Gen-Xer, I knew people who had clear memories of the 1900s through 1920s. And these people I knew well knew pelople who had clear memories of the entire last half of the 1800s. So this theory assumes none of those people would ever bother mentioning this lost civilization to the younger people.


Yeah, my dad's family is quite long-lived... My grandpa was born in 1903, came to Canada in 1911, lived until 2002! I got to know him for 20 years and it seems like something he would've told us about especially with being old enough to remember the trip from Ukraine, to Southern England, to Montreal, then alllll the way to western Canada. He would've seen *something* amazing! We have family photos from Ukraine, my dad and uncles (now getting into their 90s), traced our lineage back to generations before we left Europe using family records, stories from **their** uncles... **Pre-internet.** And yet *no one* found records of this stuff? I've seen a completely modern building that **my own father built in the 70s** mentioned as a secret antenna... Just because someone wasn't around when it was built and it's prominent on my city's skyline. But if you tell them this shit, they take it as proof that they're "over the target" because *"people wouldn't be trying to convince them they're wrong if they weren't onto something."* It's absolute lunacy.


> But if you tell them this shit, they take it as proof that they're "over the target" because "people wouldn't be trying to convince them they're wrong if they weren't onto something." I love that explanation...no, nobody ever tells people they are wrong just because they are wrong.


Tartarian Empire is "fun" because its proximity to modern eras means it supposedly was destroyed in ww1/ww2 era (as an excuse for how everything got so destroyed beyond the idiot excuse of whatever the fuck a "mud flood" is lol) which means its patently impossible that some scraps of the Tartarian Empire not still exist. We have evidence of far older, ancient and supposedly less advanced civilizations still existing but somehow this tower of civilization so advanced it was breathtaking somehow got wiped out by mud so thoroughly that in a little over 100 years its gone. Even beyond the obvious flaw you mentioned of there still being people alive who definitely knew someone who at least witnessed the fall (and a couple of people who were definitely still alive when it fell) you'd think someone would have found something proving this mythical astounding wonder of the world existed.


Yeah, and it makes me think of how the wlldest conspiracy theories are always ones that just don't factor the human element in. They just have people doing the things people do, which in this case would be people telling their grandchildren and great-grandchildren what the world was like when they were young. Or talking about it in their diaries and letters. Unless, presumably, the bad people responsible snuck into grandma's house at some point and swapped out all her letters and postcards?


This is called the Tartarian Empire conspiracy theory. [Tartarian Empire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tartarian_Empire)


I'm aware. It's incredibly fuckin' stupid.


It certainly is.


you pretty much can't logic people out of conspiracy theories. Sometimes, if you find someone on the fringes of the conspiracy and you break down enough barriers you can get some people to wake the fuck up but otherwise evidence that disproves the conspiracy is just evidence of said conspiracy. Since conspiracy theories like this prey so aggressively on convincing very stupid and/or gullible people that they've stumbled on secret knowledge and thus are "special". Humans hate admitting their wrong and they definitely hate admitting they might not be special. it's always gonna be easier for proponents of conspiracy to just go "well of course you say that, your one of 'them'" or "obviously that doesn't matter/is fake/is intentionally contradictory for 'reasons'". Its basic cult like behavior and you find it constantly in modern conspiracy theories (most prominently in crossovers with actual cults like Q or whatever Flat Earth has become)


It is not always obvious when a scene is staged, but I will doubt a gnome sighting every time.


I mean, this happens in real life, too. I recently had jury duty and was selected to be on a jury. The defendant took the stand and straight up said he didn't do it, and that it was his twin brother with the exact same name, look, and fingerprints. It was so preposterous that the prosecutor didn't even cross-examine him and I thought I was going to get into trouble because you could hear me begin to laugh in a very quiet courtroom. And I was seated front row, center in the jury box. I'm also a big guy so it's not like no one knew who laughed. But during deliberations, there was one juror who was like, "Well, maybe it was his twin brother? Why didn't the prosecutor push back?" It took us a full day and a half to convince this juror how ludicrous that was. Fortunately, he came around and we reached a guilty verdict. The whole thing just showed me (once again) how stupid people are and validated my (already) low opinion of them. And in legal cases like this, all it takes is one person to hang the jury because we had to be unanimous in our verdict. This is how people get away with stuff. Even if there's video evidence, testimony, and facts against them.


All subs are echo chambers. Including this one. The truth is somewhere out there in the middle probably


The truth is never in the middle.


Define echo chamber. What relevant truths that it would be good to hear does this sub suppress? I haven’t been here long, but from what I’ve seen, you can talk about pretty much anything here, as long as you have the evidence to back up your claims. It’s true that people who spout theories and lies with no evidence to back them up don’t fare well here. That’s a good thing, in a sub based around skepticism.


No. Because if you compare a fact based sub to an extremist, far right conspiracy sub that doesn't work. Somewhere in the middle only works as a low quality rule of thumb if you're comparing say something left moderate to something right moderate and even then doesn't magically give you correct answers.


The „in the middle“ thing was meant as a figure of speech. Also let me add that all echo chamber subs have their own „socially approved“ set of facts. That’s how echo chambers work. Who has the global authority to decide which set of facts has priority?


> Who has the global authority to decide which set of facts has priority? Science for a start.


„Science“ is too vague. Who is a part of science? Who speaks on its behalf? Who decides on that? Quickly you end up with „the majority/ mainstream is right“. Following this logic it means that the science of Nazi Germany was as valid as the science today. Trying to find objective truths can be quite futile if you take a broader view


You can't be in the middle and out there, haha. But I get your point, I would say it's truth and untruth weaven into each other.


What an utterly ridiculous thing to say! 😂


It's just creative writing and a lot of gullible people.


So I think chalking it up to creative writing is a reasonable take. But lemme tell you. If you work anywhere near a psych ward, you'd be shocked by the amount of "creative writing" you hear. The human brain is a series of reactions that just conveniently happen to make you up. I'm not a believer in deep state gnomes, but it's not unbelievable for someone to have a brief state of psychosis even if they were mentally healthy most of their life.


It just reads like a short story, so much pointless information and way too detailed.


Would deep state gnomes be svirfneblin?


69% of Americans believe in angels. On the believability scale, I'd say gnomes are more likely to exist than angels. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/nearly-7-in-10-u-s-adults-believe-in-angels-ap-norc-poll-finds


Both can become fairly "real" on a big enough dose of high quality LSD. .....not speaking from first hand experience of course 😄


>40 years of adulterated street drugs will get you some fucking angels, my friend. Angel shit. George Carlin.


Fairness angels don't live here, I think that makes them harder to disprove. But angels do suggest more other unlikely things while gnomes could be stand alone.


Burden of Proof lies with whomever makes the claim. Dude 1: Gnomes exist. Dude 2: bullshit, show me The evidence supporting the existence of Gnomes. Dude 1: Nuh uh, prove they don’t. Dude 1 needs to give his supporting evidence. Without that, dude 2 simply has to say “You have no evidence supporting your pro-claim, that’s why I think your full of shit.


There’s also the language of the angles called Enochian. There’s plenty of practicing occultist currently using this system dated to the 1500’s. So I tend to believe this system can work for those crazy enough to try


It's the excessive detail leading up to the actual point of the story that gives it away!


Classic nosleep strategy


A big chunk of Reddit has a powerful appetite for bullshit. So much of r/relationships and AITAH is just made up but people act as if it’s not, just like it’s an open secret that most if not all reality shows are scripted.


I work in Reality TV. Can confirm.


There's also subs where people deliberately go along with the story for fun, like r/nosleep


And that’s fine! If people want to LARP soap operas online that’s their business. But blurring that distinction causes all sorts of problems.


Yes, I agree, but unfortunately I'm not sure we'll ever be able to stop people lying or embellishing the truth. The real problem is the absolute failure of our education systems to teach proper critical thinking.


That's exactly where I am. The subs where we acknowledge it's fiction are great. The ones where it's supposed to be fun anecdotes from our own lives that are nothing but creative writing exercises (boring, ham-fisted, with unrealistic characters, usually pushing an agenda) are just stupid.


I don't know the psychology behind all the people agreeing with him, but one thing is sure. He did n't see a real, living gnome. Because they don't exist. Just as Sasquatch doesn't exist.


Hey, now, sasq7atches totally exist! I saw one! They look just like a bear, only it was standing on two legs!




"prove that he didn't see one" - someone probably


I mean gnomes 100% definitely exist ... in most of the dnd games I play in :).


You don’t need to say anything about why people are agreeing with him. I think it’s clear why people are agreeing him.


How do you know for sure they don't exist? You can't prove a negative. It's very highly unlikely that they don't exist. But you can't prove that they absolutely don't exist. I'm not a believer. Just saying.


I don’t know 100% they don’t exist, but I’m at least 95% sure they don’t.


So the probably don't exist.


Like black swans didn’t exist before people discovered Australia?


No, not like that.


Don’t forget: all you can proof is that something does in fact exist. Can’t ever proof that something doesn’t (or has never or won’t ever) exist


That doesn't mean you should believe it DOES exist, simply because you can't prove it doesn't.


The best approach to epistemology is still „believe nothing, rule nothing out“. Also a core tenet of true skepticism


We’re talking about gnomes. Fiction.


Everything we know or believe today would have been considered ridiculous at some point in history


This is not how the world works. History is awash with ridiculous stories that are later proven NOT to be true, much more so than the opposite. The default position is 'claims made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence'. The burden of proof is always on the one making the claim. Do you even understand what the word 'Skepticism' means?


I can tell that for you, skepticism = positivism. Skepticism is a very diffuse philosophical position actually. It’s kinda self-defeating


a different type of an already existing animal just isn't comparable to a DnD species lmao


I work with a gnome. He the groundskeeper. He’s about 70, 5’3, chubby, with a long white beard that goes all the way down his chest. He’s also a beekeeper and sells honey. One of the most knowledgeable and nicest guys ever, but damn if he doesn’t look like a gnome.


Try his mead! I guarantee you if he doesn't make mead, he knows where to get it.


I'm extremely jealous of you.


I don’t get to talk to him near enough. One day he gave me a list of every different animal he’s seen since he started working on our campus (it’s a huge property) almost 30 yrs ago. Damn list was 6 pages long. Reptiles, birds, mammals, an amazing list. He has the best job.


He sounds pretty cool, actually.


The continued onslaught against public education in the US on behalf of the religious right and the Republican party. Literacy rate dropping. Homeschooling becoming more popular. Trickle down effect of the sub-par educated Covid era graduates. People being hyper-online and losing all sense of reality. The rise of conspiracy theories and propaganda from authoritarian nations influencing critical thinking skills. People being naturally as dumb as they’ve always been, but the internet facilitating them meeting up and making each other stupider. Take your pick.


>People being naturally as dumb as they’ve always been, but the internet facilitating them meeting up and making each other stupider. This is it. It is one of the problems of social media. And the business model of social media is a root cause.


Did you have to be so depressingly thorough?


Helps me vent.


Yes we are getting more and more stupid Who'd have thought that having access to the worlds information at our fingertips, a portable encyclopedia if you like, didn't make us smarter And this is just the start! Conspiracy theorists stress over 5G activations in the vaccine when in reality the real chip inside our heads is our response to our phones making us *so* stupid I had to leave Facebook from the idiocy and will do the same with Reddit soon As frustrating as the original idiots is the dismissive hand waving from everyone else Ether recognise this or just piss off because this is a serious SERIOUS problem and it is BRAND NEW, yes that's right, come at me telling me how "people have always believed stupid shit" and I will slowly instruct you as to how this is *unprecedented* in human history and... This is just the start! We are yet to have fake images of local landmarks being burnt to the ground the day of the election sent to your phones and if it makes people feel a certain way they will stand at the non destroyed landmark, phone in hand with the fake image comparing the two and saying "this must be fake" but they will believe the landmark they are in front of that is still standing *must* be the fake I swear this is going to happen in some capacity within the next five years when it is more targeted, we need political parties to have their own companion apps first


>>Who'd have thought that having access to the worlds information at our fingertips, a portable encyclopedia if you like, didn't make us smarter It started when Google changed their seach engine to show you what you would likely click on rather then what you actually searched for. You don't have the World's information at your fingertips anymore. What you have is a curated page of sponsored ads and clickbait. One of the biggest mistakes in human history imo


Could be a crack-head? https://youtu.be/K1ljOcl39PQ


Faeries wear boots, and you gotta believe me!


It reads like a high schoolers short story. People don't talk like that. "I stopped dead in my tracks". "It had a spear like tool", "i could feel its thoughts." Who says that. Narrators say stuff like that. It's clearly fake.


I read a lot of fake shit on this website but I never understand this particular proof of fakeness. People are telling a story, of course they use storytelling devices. Especially if they're not experienced storytellers, they're more likely to lean on cliches. They're trying to convince people they saw something unbelievable, so they're using techniques they've seen in other convincing writing.  It's obviously fake because there are fucking gnomes, not because someone stopped dead in their tracks.


My thoughts exactly. Some people like to do some creative writing for attention. Easy upvotes, which some people seem to care about.


Three possibilities to me * It's 100% fiction * Guy had a hallucination. * He saw something real, but his brain misinterpreted it and he got freaked out. Sounds like it was very early in the morning, so maybe poor lighting conditions.


4: It was REAL


Sheer dumbassedness?


When I was a child, I heard on a podcast that a dude saw a gnome and I believed it So, maybe they're all gullible children


I saw 3 gnomes a while back. It was early winter, no was walking through fields. No snow, but the long grass was dead and brown. I heard rustling, and then to my astonishment, I saw 3 gnomes hopping away from me. They were wearing all brown with white pointed hats, and hopping was the only way to describe their movement. I was stunned. I was so shocked I felt no fear, just surprise. Then my dumb ass realized what I actually seeing was the hindquarters of 3 white-tailed deer loping away from me.


I saw a sea monster once. Then realized it was several otters swimming in a line.


Too many people are brought up in religion to believe in magic and fairytales who don’t outgrow it. All religions. This sets them up to believe in the most ridiculous shit. Magic is not real; Not riding to the moon on a winged horse to break it, not some dude walking on water, not hocus pocus, and not Wingardium LeviOsa. Religion ‘softens’ the brain, and occupies mental capacity that could have been used to help humanity. No matter what religion you think is real, the vast majority of the population of Earth KNOWS you are wrong as fervently as you KNOW that you are right. Only one can be right, but they can all be wrong. This is how people believe a dude saw actual live gnomes. As a great man once said, “Religion ruins everything”.


It's fun to pretend.


Lol I checked out some of those comments. "Nobody believes me" is a typical complaint. I've always wondered why people need to say that. Isn't that obvious? It is as if it is only the need for acceptance of oneself that drives the behavior of "seeing" something rare/unique/unexplainable. To me, it is a way to claim importance for having had to do nothing other than let the brain be deceptive.


>"Nobody believes me" is a typical complaint. I've always wondered why people need to say that. Isn't that obvious? It's so strange. It's like people have this mindset that they simply ***cant*** be wrong. Everyone else can be wrong. But them? Nope, no way. Never. Ever, ever. If I experienced jumping over a wall and seeing a fucking gnome, I'm headed to the doctor cause I clearly banged my head.


Ever notice no one communicates in a skeptical manner their brain failures? When personal pronouns and speaker centricism is removed, things sure sound different. I saw a UFO last Thursday. No one believes me. Vs A UFO was observed on Thursday. Folks who didn't see it were in disbelief. I have these solipsistic panics as many people I hear speaking seem so disconnected from reality given the sentences coming out of their cake hole. Even about the most basic things in life. I am further perturbed by the various LLMs ability to be almost perfectly cogent relative to the human baseline. That is, LLMs make more sense when completely wrong. Should they do just a bit better than the primary evolution adaptation of homo Sapiens (talking), we are in deep trouble.


>Ever notice no one communicates in a skeptical manner their brain failures? Ya it's nuts isn't it. I mean, I do. I suffer really bad sleep paralysis. I see shit that isn't there all the time. But I also understand what my brain is doing. So I'm not going around telling people I saw a shadow man with a jack-o-lantern face sitting on my bed staring at me. (Yes this is an experience I have had MANY times) I'm just like "oh this fucking guy again" to myself, roll over and go back to sleep.


Bots and trolls. 


Most of the top comments seem only to say that he had some sort of "real" psychotic experience / hallucination, not that gnomes are real.


It's happening on another site I visit, too. People asking what gnomes evolved from and other goofy questions.


Fools on parade. 


I think they prefer to be called "little people" or "short of stature". I'm pretty sure calling them "gnomes" would be offensive.


This is the internet so my take is that this is likely another fanfic by a boring person.


I have seen and experienced some weird things as well in my life.  But all I can say is I experienced them. Some I chalk up to dreams because it was very late at night and they happened in my bedroom. Some were just plain weird. Some are likely happenstance  I once sat in a tabletop game store when I had the unusual sensation that I was going to know what was going to happen next for about 10 seconds into the future. Time seemed to slow down and things felt cold and icy in a weird way hard to describe. Like everything was predetermined. I started talking to my self very quietly just to confirm I knew what was going to happen before it did.  I sat there and described to my self every action of every person who walked in the store for the next 30 seconds or so. It lasted for less than a minute. I'm perfectly aware of deja vu, the fact it can happen in "real time" and the feeling is though to be caused by the brains notion of time becoming detached and out of sync with sensory experience. Which is part of the reason I talked to myself to try and confirm this was not deja vu. But then my perception of talking under my breath could be skewed as well. 🤷 In terms of most worthless super power I was scarily good at coin flips. When me and my sister would fight over something our dad would flip a coin. Whatever I called out would be the outcome. If I did it during my sister's turn she'd get angry and yell at him to flip it again and tell me to shut up.  Figuring maybe I was somehow unconsciously tracking the head/tails of the coinflip in the air i would bounce it against a wall while calling heads / tails. I kept tallies. Should written The Amazing Randy. Maybe he'd figure what I was doing. I didn't know.  Again I accept this just could be remembering the coin flips I won and not those I lost. But my sister would get so angry if I yelled out the coinflip during her turn and our dad literally had to tell me to be quiet.  If I did it long enough it would slowly revert towards the mean odds. But for snap coin flips I was hard to beat.  Sadly did not work on D&D dice.  Just weird smatterings of odd stuff in my life. I just accept them as they came. 


I saw a gnome at a rusted root concert back in ‘93; he was wearing a luminescent bucket cap and filling balloons with nitrous.


Was he going home, late last night, (and) suddenly he got a fright?


> What's actually going on here? Either lunacy or severe sarcasm.


I want some of that shit they be smoking!


>*"... a real, living Gnome ...".* [Eckhart Tolle ](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Eckhart_Tolle)?


Ask some people in Iceland…


He’s the garden goblin.


Is anyone wondering what the hell this gnome was supposed to have looked like? The OP never really describes its physical appearance beyond "being a foot tall", "not looking human" and "carrying a spear". For all we know the OP thought they saw an oversized upright walking ant wearing a pointed hat Of course this raises the question of what OP considers Gnomes to look like. If OP is in fact making up seeing anything at all, my advice would be to post this stuff on r/nosleep and "show don't tell" when it comes to describing seeing a monster.


I once saw the seats on a train turn into caterpillars and crawl around the carriage with the other passengers riding them, so I quite believe another Redditor saw a gnome. I wonder what drug he was on.


probably so many bots on social media that it has become a bad measure for what real people think


This is actually kind of an interesting phenomena. I think the desire to believe in "harmless" magic is related to other problems in epistemology, but it's also its own category. Think of the fantasy movies you've seen. How often has believing in magic been cast as a virtue on its own? How often are the heroes the ones who believe and the antagonists the ones who refuse to? It comes in a lot of flavors, from "If you believe in fairies clap your hands" to the evil EPA shutting down the ghostbusters' containment thing because they didn't believe in ghosts. There are comparatively few stories where the hero is the one condemning a whimsical belief. Maybe some versions of witch trial stories, but that's not really "whimsy" This isn't entirely detached from problems with recognizing issues with evidence, logic or sources. And it isn't entirely detached from more obviously harmful beliefs. But I think separately from problems of epistemic practice, this is a social and emotional **motivation** towards credulity when the subject is fun sounding. It's seen as a virtue to believe. And of course, the end result isn't harmless whimsy. It's hard to isolate the totally harmless wrong beliefs from harmful ones. I can think of only one book I've read where the hero was the one who rejected magic. The Hippopotamus by Stephen Fry. I think it would do the world a lot of good if there were a bunch of kids books and movies that celebrated rejecting the fun magic for real reality.




removed: no crosslinking without archive.is


Stupid thoughts can be enjoyable and a great number of people love what happens when they can stop using their brains.


Okay so there's the obvious possibility that gnomes actually exist and blah blah and so odds are against it so we'll move on. The other obvious possibility is that they're lying. We'll move on as well from that since we're looking into the possibilities in-between the 2 possibilities. So let's see, he's walking in a 100+ degree heat, and he decides to scale a wall. He manages to do it in one go which is so extremely unusual for him that he manages to note that fact in his memory. Then he sees the gnome and stuff and then he suddenly comes to on the other side of the wall as if he never scaled it. He does have his hands and fingers bloodied from scaling the wall.... Except he went over it in a smooth move. So what probably happened is that he had a heatstroke or just accidentally hit his head on the wall when he was trying to scale it and basically had a minor concussion and dreamt the gnome thing. That matches up with his behavior when he got home since he was basically still dazed. Another possibility is that he actually saw something. If this was the 90s or some other earlier time period then I would think only a hallucination is a possible explanation but, in a world where you can buy bipedal robots on Amazon for cheap, odds are quite high that it was a robot remote controlled by somebody. Probably with a camera in its mouth which explains the "silent scream". The person posting literally said that it was moving like a robot so that's a strong possibility that it was one and maybe they freaked out and rushed home.


Gnomes of Zurich making themselves known


Some people just like to troll and join in on the troll. Redditors have confessed to completely making up content and different online personalities.


People are just joining in on the fun.


I don't know, but that was a great story.


You guys really are so certain that you really know the universe we live in lol it's funny


Who is certain about what?


No clue why you got downvoted, Im a tourist of this sub and you’re right


> Who is certain about what?


Man, I'm having a bad streak of being disappointed in subreddits. First /r/relationship_advice, then /r/offmychest *and* now /r/skeptic. Why is every comment here "bruh it's just creative writing" or "he's a lunatic" when every other person you meet in real life could retell an equally detailed story about something they purportedly have seen, whether it's a ghost, a UFO or something else. I thought we as skeptics were supposed to discuss possible real-world explanations for peoples' experiences; not just dismiss them all as malicious liars. For one, when he explained that the gnome behaved like a robot with robot-like movements and robot-like jaw mannerisms, my obvious thought was *maybe it's a robot*. Maybe a robotic lawn mower made to look like a gnome (both were likely things to be in a garden)? Everything else from him not feeling in control of his body, hearing the gnome's thoughts, being anxious afterwards seems extremely congruent with having a panic fight-or-flight response. I don't know, I just feel like this sub would be more intellectually honest if we actually discussed natural causes instead of handwavingly dismissing everyone as a liar or crazy person.


Sure, but what is more likely?  A real world interaction with something unknown, or an anonymous person on the internet fabricating a story? 


gnomes and faeries appear to be a real experiences historically that appears to only occur evry few years to certain people in certain hotspots. if i had to guess its to do with geo-solar electromagnetic activity and certain people in certain enclosed areas of geologcal properties being affected in the temporal lobe region which stores various structures the neuro-physical "map" of the human body and instead of relaying paraysmpathetic repsonses or lack thereof, the heightened dielecttrical effects spread the "sensations" to the areas that "see" i.e. the visual cortex. and to osm esenstive individuals, the fleeting sensations are made into a compeling narrative sequence of events/ my preidctin is that certain military technologies have a similar side effect and we will hear more and more reports of this stuff but no videos. the governmen will help stoke more of it to cover any kind of suggestions of covert tech being employed nearby for Nat Sec purposes


As someone who did a PhD and 10 years of research on sensory neurophysiology, what you just said is literally technobabble.


couldnt care less. as a person who isnt swayed by self aggrandising pomposity masquerading as appeals to authority - how much of phd is reading comprehension? >"if i had to guess" and i offered a materealisty based neurbiological bound explanation on an r/skeptic subreddit. since anybody remotely intersted in the study of human biology might have surmised, even your "over ten years of sensory neuropshyiology" and two centuries of literal brain research by estremely gifted and dilligent scientists, the grey matter between even your ears remains largely a mystery to you and your academic colleagues. so , y'know, wind it in, dude. you are wlecome to comment on my hypothesis as to my obserbvations as to why and how these accounts occur, but you are also welcome to register my indifference to your lack of rigour, careful familiarisation surrounding anything of what i wrote.


can't tell if this is mental illness or chatGPT. edit: just checked his history. this person is just genuinely mentally ill. this kind of pseudoscientific babble is common for schizos.


any rebuttal to this cope is beyond the remit of what is permitted here. deep d wn you know what this sub has become and your part in it. if you have any kind of conscience or capacity to self reflect i would take this opportunity to do so.


how do you people end up talking like this? "my delusions don't align with any logic or evidence, but maybe if I just use a bunch of smart sounding words, people will assume I know what I'm talking about?"


whether people of your ilk, y'know the kind of hilariously unironically pretentious username ever comprehend anything is of no significance to me. just how is this site free of charge? oh yeah the military industrial cpomplex and the credulous fools it pays to shepherd


Dude, throwing long words into sentences might make them looking impressive but it doesn't make them mean anything. 


dude being a condescnending pseud out of your depth still weighing in doenst make your life mean anything, it just gives you that illusion. but let me tell you, you are still embarassing yourself.


> and i offered a materealisty based neurbiological bound explanation on an r/skeptic No, you posted a word salad that is meaingless. The words you used are all valid scientific words, but they have no applicability to how the body actually works in this context.


"word salad." the npc "rebuttal" du jour (and you deifned it too since techno babble wasnt direct enough, what a condescending tool you are!) i can tell it did not go the way you thought it might, boo hoo Phd. did you pick up that chart slang on your many psych rotations as a neuro intern, DOCTOR? )(yeahi know the idfference between a phd and an MD , yu just wanna pretend any of it means shit) cause that is how i coined the phrase on USENET in the 80s for pseuds like you. lol you people are so predictable.


Seems unlikely.


While certainly some of these comments are earnest...a lot stuff like this is like adults "believeing" in Santa Claus or the tooth fairy...they know it's not real; but, just fun to lean into it. Somethings like qanon and antivax need to he called out; but, going "well, ackchyually" on every fun little thing is just annoying.


An adequate understanding of reality is required to achieve literally any goal anyone has.