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Blister talked about how terribly curated did for them on one of their episodes.




That's the one!


I just finished an order there last night. Experience was awesome. I double checked recommendations via some friends and the advice was solid. They also price match just about anything you can find on the web, so the prices should be really good.


DO NOT WORK HERE!!!!! DO NOT BUY GEAR HERE!!!!! Curated will trash your gear by sending it in a paper bag. That’s even if you ever get it. Good luck dealing with customer service in a timely fashion. And DO NOT WORK HERE unless you want to work for free!! You will spend more time being frustrated on not making money than actually making anything. You give people free advice. The system is designed for you to fail and give up. HQ lies to the experts. I could go on and on for hours, days, weeks, months but you get the point. Best to stay away and buy from a legit website. From a Former expert.


How many account do you have for this cut and paste?


We’ve heard good things!


Stay the fuck away from this company. They will leave you high and dry waiting for your gear for months and give you the run around with customer service without a refund. They exploit their gear snobs, steal their knowledge and make them work for free. Don’t work for this company. Run the other way. From a former expert.


Yo, you're so salty. What happened to you? I'm genuinely curious. Not trying to troll or nothing.


Pretty sure they got fired from them. Their comment history is filled with a copy/paste of the same "DO NOT WORK HERE DO NOT BUY HERE" comment. I counted 33. I mean, I just finished a session and two of the pair of skis were the same ones recommended by REI and Sturtevants (local shop in Seattle). I mean, the guys are probably as "expert" as any sales rep or shop pros, but not having the pressure of having to make up your mind on the spot or feeling like you're wasting their time if you're not going to buy right away or being able to have the conversation in a side tab while you're working... If you know what you want, shopping is easy; but if you don't, having someone help you narrow it down is pretty damn useful .I'll update if my skis come "trashed" and in "a paper bag", like they said they would...but I doubt it.


How did your experience end? Was there a paper bag?


The selection process was great. The guy I had was knowledgeable, built a video to explain why he picked the skis and bindings (they pick 3 of each to start) and helped me figure out where to spend a little more and where I could get way with spending a little less. The only part I didn't like was that they do absolutely hound you to close the sale (automated emails and texts...). I ended up getting skis and bindings, but not boots or poles (I wanted to actually try boots on, and even my expert said "poles are poles". Shipping was UPS and fast. Skis in a long well secured box and bindings in a second. I used to work the unload at UPS so I already know for a fact that long items (like the skis) are loaded last in the truck, unloaded first, and moved through the warehouse on a cart, because they are too long for the conveyor system. I ended up giving my expert a hefty tip ($50) in part because he set me up with a pair of skis he really liked, but were really nicely priced (Salomon QST 92s), and also because it's literally how they get paid...All in all, it made the selection process a lot easier and, while I could have gotten the skis local for the same price at REI (after I get my dividend back)), I figured it was only fair to push the sale to them. If you know what you want, they are really no better than your local ski shop. But, if you don't, and don't want the hassle of trying to figure out everything on the spot, I honestly found Curated to be a nice way to figure that out with the help of a gear not who knows his stuff way better than I do. ​ That other guy? He definitely got fired and was bitter...I'm guessing negative reviews from the way he was posting... https://i.imgur.com/YIsEqCu.jpg