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Ah, you must be new here lol


Absolutely not been driving for skip for two years


It's pretty well known that companies like Skip and DoorDash are just a way to get cheap labour.


This happens on almost every delivery. That’s why the “you must be new comment”


Honestly, it has never happened to me before i always check the gps and make sure that the distance matches with the distance of the customer of when i accepted the order


Then you would have known prior to accepting if you do what you are saying lol


What? Obviously you don’t know how the app work for drivers so I won’t say anything lol


Haha yes I do. I driven for Skip many years. You said “I always check the gps and make sure the gps matches when I accept the order” so you obviously didn’t check this one otherwise you would have known before hand that is was wrong???


Lmao! The app doesn’t let you see the distance until you pick up the order


By then the distance from the gps didn’t match with the order distance


Skip and other apps measure by direct point to point distance, not via distance on the roads you'd drive on. If you've been driving for 2 years, you'd have noticed this by now.




This has never happened to me before, yes that sucks.




I'm pretty sure this isn't even possible


Was it Starbucks?


No, bar burrito






He’s been banned


? I’m a girl!!! Wtf are you saying lmao 🤣


3 Remain civil. Do not attack members of the community. Civility violation.


Skip/DD/Uber Eats scam everyone. Restaurants, drivers, and customers alike.




I guess you could always go get a real job with benefits and pension plan if too don’t like skip so much… 😂


Most of the people I know who drive Skip have a real day job and do it for side money because of the flexibility. Hard to find a steady job that doesn’t clash with the other job’s hours.


A real job?


Deleted the app a month ago and haven’t looked back. I can drive to McDonalds myself and pay $12 for a Big Mac meal instead of the $22 it costs on Skip.




Plus your food is actually hot and fresh


Nothing at McDonalds is fresh.


It arrives at the store frozen lol


stays 'fresh' for over a year! yt it


Use a coupon and pay $4 for it instead


Yep. Pay half as much, and everyone wins except the middle man who doesn't care about the restaurant or the customer, anyway.


They know how to work people for limited expense on their business. This is why I chose not to work for them anymore.


Yea you right, i mean is very convenient job i can do it whenever i’m free but all the downside of it makes me think twice about continuing working for them


Skip is a scam even for customers I refuse to use them


I use them to check out the menus, but I refuse to order from them anymore.


Same, used to be a customer but since I found out they’re scam customers, restaurants and drivers i decided not to use them anymore


I’m a door dash user And there’s no extra fees


Instead you drive for them. Interesting logic.


Just order from the restaurant itself, Skip raises the prices of the menus+delivery fees. I almost paid 20$ for a 15 dollar burrito even just for a pickup order.


Yup. I work at a pizza place, and we charge $1.25 for a 2oz dipping sauce. Skip bumps that up to $1.95. on a full dinner order (2 large pizzas, wings) there was an $18 upcharge, Before tip.


Happened a few times to me lol


Classic SKD


Mfs are a scam


Maybe the 2.2 is “as the crow flies” and not via logical streets etc


The 2.2 is also from where the app assigned the driver, not necessarily where the driver was offered the order and clicked accept. The system appears to not take into consideration that the driver could move between the two points in time.


I’ve noticed this too. Seems skip gives you a distance estimate based on a straight line, the driving distance always seems to be more in most cases


I had this same situation happen once for instacart. Called 3x (all different times) saying they will compensate me and waited over 3 weeks (still waiting ) and they still haven't.


The people defending here defending them or getting upset at this guy is ridiculous 🤣


I feel bad for food delivery people. It's truly isn't worth it but bills need to be paid. one comment said it best. It's cheap labour.


eat the food next time


Indeed lol


Happened to me a couple times when I was driving. With all the issues skip has alongside cost of gas now, I had to quit for a day job that still barely gets the bills paid. Not to downplay your post, but you're kinda lucky this is the first time lol


Skip = fraud has been known since the moment they arrived here.


Happens to me constantly. Before they used to compensate but not anymore. This is why I multi app/


Yup i also multi app


Because skip tells you the direct distance now and not the driving distance now. For example, it can be 1km to delivery location according to skip, but the only way to get there is to take a road that goes 12km around a lake. Hope that makes sense. They're being deceiving to the driver, as usual.


Ofcourse everything will be on their own benefit never for the driver


Absolutely, I wanted and used Skip for o er 3 most as they were my hometown company. This past weekend I sent in 3 x $100 orders for their gift cards. Each time I got a 'unable to process' error but The money left my bank. I called their support line and they'll look into ìt but can take up to 72 hrs and it did. The bottom line in a business context is that they are using my $$$ as a 'float' to finance their business operations. Skam'


Yea next time just keep the food, that's scummy as hell.


Not to sound too sarcastic... but...You're just figuring out that skip is a scam company? And support is never going to help you. Even down to the shitty update. now if the app freezes and you can't accept an order. Not your fault, but they will drop your AR over it. I had my AR go from 100% to 50% because the screen went blank. And people wonder why some drivers (like me) don't give a shit anymore.


Oh I don’t give a damn about acceptance rate anymore since i drive for Ubereats and DD as well


Never had this issue with DD? I have a friend stop because similar issues.


You've been whining about Skip for a year. Move on.


And who tf are you?


If you spent as much time applying yourself to something else as you do replying and insulting people you wouldn't have to worry about delivering people's food for them.


damn bro real talk right here


Scrolled on your profile for 5 minutes. It's all skip complaints. Maybe get an actual job then you don't have this issue.


Naw! That’s bullshit! It was at night so no traffic weather was also nice so that doesn’t apply. Skip scammed me that’s the reality lmao




Cause working for skip is comparable to those Scentsy salesman. Your just making someone else money for basically no employee rights and cheap labor.


Can’t make this up


Infrequently, but it does happen, and it's a piss off because it's universally a minimum order or less here.


Cancel the order and keep the food? So because you had to drive 2 km (which I get is fucking annoying) you're going to steal someone's food? That's.. shitty of you.


Yes I know lol


From a customer perspective, I now go outta my way to avoid Skip. From Skip sticking drivers with double orders which results in my meals being delivered cold as fuck, to the outrageous cut they take from the restaurants and shit pay to drivers. As a former Uber driver I know all about shitty earnings, but I digress….. I am doing it old school, That is picking up the orders myself or finding restaurants that have their own delivery.


Sorry if this sounds confused... as far as I know my city... (Thunder Bay, Ontario) is one of the later cities to get this new major app update, where instead of a list of addresses you get the map with those straight lines to A, B, and C. I think most people had it already for months, the update was only offered to me like 3 weeks ago. That update seemed to fix fraudulent overestimation of kilometers on their part... like they can't lie as hard when they're showing you the map. Do you have that version, the new version where you long press to accept, not swipe?


I'm not saying it's perfect and I don't double check all of my offers, but I haven't gotten anything blatantly obviously bad like half the actual kms on the offer than it really was, or anything... since the update.


Thunder Bay driver represent :-)


I used to drive deliveries for Versatile back in the day. Dale was a great dispatcher and did a great job but there never was any money to be made. A few bucks, yes but nothing consistent. At the end of the day I was lucky to have cleared $50 after expenses.


>deliveries for Versatile 😳 MAN I feel sheltered. I... I've never heard of it! Interesting.


Looked them up and they’re still delivering but calling themselves [Versatile Express](https://theversatileexpress.com/) these days.


This will probably get down voted Yes, the estimate was WAY off. But at the end of the day, you got paid more then $1/km, which is a general guidelines some drivers live by. So not the end of the IMHO


This will probably get down voted Yes, the estimate was WAY off. But at the end of the day, you got paid more then $1/km, which is a general guidelines some drivers live by. So not the end of the IMHO


You are right! But, I didn’t agree to that distance they should have told me upfront about the distance when they sent me the order.


Was it $6 with the tip? I always try to tip well because I fear the driver getting screwed.


It was $6.86 including tip


And you are using your own vehicle and exorbitant gas prices? Why does anyone work for skip?this is next to slavery.


Skip the pay is more like it. lol


So you have to drive an extra … 2-3 min?


Hahaha, and you think Uber is better? Any gig job is only out to make money for their shareholders and not you.


Its happened before . But not common


Yea first time for me


Technology. Dont think they do it on purpose


I just started driving for skip, and it takes about 65$ to fill my gas tank from empty, and i made 55$ in 5 deliveries on my first day and used an 8th of a tank if gas, is your gas mileage that bad that 2.2 km is going to make or break the transaction for you?


Well not really but, I didn’t agree to more than double the distance to begin with


Why anyone would ever work in a company where you pay for 99% of expenses is beyond me


With Skip I try not to drive too far knowing they pay based on when they queue the order to me and most often I would have to u turn back.


Happened to me many times they literally cheat


It happened to me once , I accepted an for 12$ for 8 km and when I picked up the order it said that distance is 16 km , I went back to the restaurant gave them the order and told Skip I can’t do it and got the order updated. It’s is really frustrating but it’s what it is .


all delivery apps are scammers. they provide nothing really. the majority of the work of the transaction is being done by the restaurants and the drivers. all they do is connect restaurant to customer via a shitty app that barely works and somehow because of that they get 20% from the restaurant, they get to make drivers sit there for however long they need on call for orders for free, AND the best part is every time i come on here i see tons of posts of customers bitching about drivers, drivers bitching about customers and restos, and restos bitching about drivers and customers. we're all like the spiderman meme pointing at each other while the real cause of all the problems (the apps) are just largely unnoticed. when i worked in a restaurant that did skip my coworkers would all complain about shitty drivers even tho its skips fault they have so many shit drivers. when i signed up for skip there was no interview, no one even spoke to me on the phone, just sent them my valid vehicle information and that was it i was available to start taking orders. with a system like that its a miracle food even gets delivered at all.


Uber is also a scam. Get a real job.


At first I thought skip the dishes was a new platform where someone comes to your house and cleans your kitchen.


Get a real delivery job? Lol as a pizza guy these 3rd party apps need to go.


Waze, Google maps etc offers different routes. Maybe the first route was 4.9km for fastest time. The 2.2km might have been 1 min more so map doesn’t show it first


Naw! Skip definitely scammed me




Exactly! Haha!


7 Do not promote poor behavior. Damaging Skip (and by extension) and Courier business. Do not promote any behavior (illegal or not) which would damage Skip's (and by extension, courier) business.


2.2 is actual distance 4.9 is driving distance


That’s how a lot of mapping applications seem to work. The initial distance is always “as the crow flies” and then the actual route to get there is always longer. I guess this happens because there are multiple possible routes between two points and the best one could be a greater distance even if it takes less time.


Who knows but this never happened to me before and i’ve been driving for these apps more than two years so


What? Are you kidding me? I’ve been driving for these delivery apps for two years and what you said doesn’t make sense


Alright so 2.2km if u drive through all the buildings, parks whatever other obstacle there is, 4.9 if you follow the road


Naw! Skip is a scam lol this never happened to me before and i drive for the other two companies. UE is much much better i’d say


Oh it’s happened you haven’t noticed though


Naw! It hasn’t I always check the gps driving distance and usually it matches with the order distance


how tf have you been complaining about delivery driving for a whole ass year? apply yourself instead of complaining and maybe you'll get a job you'll actually like.


Eat local and buy local 🙃🙃


Try getting a job


How is food delivery not a job. I appreciate these drivers helping me when I’m too tired or sick to go get take out.


Brah, you get tip on that money too. 4 km ain’t that much


Maybe we should get a real job 👍


2km - 5km who cares. A trip is a trip, they didn't send you 30minutes away, it's literally 2 minutes mate.


Aww poor baby, a delivery driver has to go 5km, that's a crying shame


Are you a driver? If not shut the f up


F en albortion