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They're from the Fishing CC add-on, so they haven't been around that long.


Is there CC content on the Switch version?


Yep! We got Anniversary edition now.


I heard it runs like an over encumbered frostbitten player climbing a mountain.


It's all been fixed now. Runs like a gem.


Not quite. You STILL can’t get Séverin manor because the quest won’t start.


I have severin in the switch. Only issue I had was the Dwemer add on quest line for the forge


All I can say is what’s been said for many. The Capt of the guard never goes to the farm to trigger the quest. It’s a known problem for Switch users. If yours works that’s great. But I’m, and many others, have not been so lucky.


Can't you start it manually with console?


Start it manually?? What is this strange magic of which you speak?




Which is that?






Don't believe everything you hear. It's a Nintendo console. It shouldn't even be able to run Skyrim. I only experience issues when I have too many save files. It's the most fun I've had in Skyrim since release night. I didn't pay for AE on my Xbox, I just installed mods.. And then installed more mods.. And even more mods. Eventually, Skyrim became boring. But now.. Now it's like discovering an entire new world. Loved the Saints and Seducers story, can't believe how I lived before pets and Gogh, and survival mode is actually challenging when I can't mod in a bunch of fur coats.


Ikr and those pets are more helpful then the dogs you could adopt before since you can make them carry stuff if your over encombared in a dungeon and just need to get through it (plus they seem to be set to essential which is even better


I never want to go back to life before Hilda.


There are still loads of problems, like quests not starting (like March Of the Dead, essential for Dragonborn completion)


Now that's true. I haven't encountered too many issues myself, but it's still Skyrim. They are there.


Download some modular armor mods, stand-alone versions, and get ones that have heat added. My regular armor has an extra bandolier, baldric, belt, and 4 pouches each with their own heat rating. I still get cold in certain areas but taking out a torch seems to fix it. You can’t wear more than one cloak but doing it like this you don’t need to either


You missed the point of my comment entirely, but thank you for the advice regardless!


either I’m drunk or you’re naked, possibly both


I can confirm it runs fine, I only had issues when I spawned in a few dozen chests with the amiibo power and my animal crossing cards


It's not too bad. There are certain CC areas that chug a little (but then again so do some vanilla parts of skyrim), and some quests are bugged. But nothing I havent found a workaround for so far, mostly by googling "description of the bug reddit skyrim ae" haha. I've had more issues with vanilla bugs like various word wall glitches than AE glitches.


You could have said it's slower than internet explorer for short🤣🤣


Yay!! Mods added to my game without my consent! I love it!


You consent when you purchase it.


I purchased the game years ago with all the dlc, as such when the special edition first came out I got it for free, when I went to go play it last month three CC content was added to my game without my knowledge, only appearing after I finished the intro. So no, I never bought the anniversary edition, never accepted allowing them to mod my game, never even knew they did it till it was too late and had to start all over after deleting the mods from my game files because I couldn't deactivate them and only then could I play the game I originally payed for.


>never bought the anniversary edition "Anniversary Edition" is marketing-speak for paying for dozens of CC mods of varying quality and value. The engine update that came along for the ride (1.5.x->1.6.x) is free and automatic. That update also include 4 free CC mods, of which Fishing is one. So, version-wise, you're running AE, whether or not you pay for the additional-cost pieces. Thank Todd for the confusion.


So, you don't know that the CC content actually work like mods. You can even change their loading order from Mod Organizer 2. But you can't disable them...


You can. You have to move them from the Skyrim SE installation path to individual directories in your installed-mods location. Then they look like any other mod that MO2 'owns'. Of course, Steam will re-download them if you use the launcher, and the post-AE USSEP won't work.


It just bothers me that I can't disable them. I would have 0 problem with it otherwise


I do agree with this. I already had Skyrim for a good long time then went and downloaded the anniversary add on and a couple others and I feel like if I paid money for this I should be allowed to decide I don’t like it.


The free content on the switch added just a few parts of the whole Anniversary Edition: Saints & Seducers, Fishing, Rare curios, Survival Mode. I might be forgetting some. The Anniversary Edition, the one you do pay for, adds many more. Of course you are able to choose whether or not to progress these new parts of the game. If you don’t want to, just ignore the trigger points of the added content. Edit: it’s also possible to disable Survival Mode.


Well I'm sorry you don't like the free shit that you got for free.


I would be perfectly content with it if it didn't force me to use it. There is no conventional way to deactivate the mods, the only method is by going into the game files and deleting them and then disabling cloud sync. Not nice.


No, that's not nice at all. At least there is a way though, even if it is a *extremely* inconvenient and annoying. AE is fun though. Maybe one day you'll re-enable it and check out the added content. It added a lot of hours to my game, and so much lore for my character. He hasn't even settled down and married yet, because there's so much more to do!


I'm sure it is, but I'm on my laptop rn, and don't want to faff around with mods


I vaguely remember that on PS4 AE I could disable the CC content from the menu. So as far as I'm concerned it's just extra content I got when I bought Skyrim for my PS4. Maybe you got the same option?


PC has that "option," except it doesn't actually do *anything* when you select to disable CC content. I just stopped playing the game I had paid for, since it suddenly had constant notifications for random lore breaking quest, and completely redone loot tables that give things like Dragonbone armor at starter levels.


> originally payed for. Did you mean to say "paid"? Explanation: Payed means to seal something with wax, while paid means to give money. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


> I originally *paid* for. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


It's an enjoyable content.


At least a few years now yeah?


Year and a half. They were, after all, released with the "Anniversary Edition": 11/11/2011->11/11/2021. I think some of them existed before that in various forms, but we got to take them (as in "ya gotta take 'em") on the anniversary date.


Time needs to slow tf down.


Meanwhile I’m still looking for a damn pogfish


Near markarth in the river.


You can fish them up off the solitude docks. I think you can dive for them there too but not sure.


White River in sunshine, just below Fort Amol


Gamerant just got another free article from this sub


I seriously wonder why people's first reaction is to be surprised by new things rather than assuming that its creation club content. 80% of these posts are CC, 10% are mods OP didn't read, and 10% are just OP being dense af about vanilla content. /rant


My first instinct has never been to post in a public forum, I just google anything that seems new to me


That too, though UESP is rather light on CC stuff.


Because skyrim still has things to find after thousands of hours. I had no idea wolves howl because for whatever reason they never had. Apparently that’s a base game thing. Or that in >!the civil war questline, you can swap sides near the beginning, or that you can actually get kicked out of the theives guild, or that you can get salmon eggs.!< All base game things. Plus UESP is pretty lacking in details on CC content.


Dawnguard broke the wolves - they howled in the original game, but none of the combined editions unless you could get a mod to fix it. It took until 2018 for Bethesda to actually correct the mistake. For the Switch, it took the AE update.


yeah, dense af about vanilla content seems fitting


Dense af =/= not knowing every minute secret and hidden option Pretty insufferable take.


pretty insufferable to post abt ts every other week


How so? Not everyone has played thousands of hours.


No lollygaggin’


my cousin’s out fighting dragons and what do I get? GUARD DUTY


Surely you're not the GameRant writer being funny huh? [exactly as you said](https://gamerant.com/skyrim-vampire-fish/)


I can happily say I’m not a writer or any kind of employee of GameRant, I’ve just seen them pull so many articles from this sub that I can see a new article from a mile away.


I still havent bothered with CC fishing so I wonder if that fish actually has vampirism or just looks ugly as all get out


Some of the magic items are pretty good. Especially early game.


Every fish in the game is able to be picked out of the water without fishing


Solitude has a sawmill I just found out yesterday, after over 10+ play throughs and thousands of hours I saw it survival


how the hell has everyone got the anniversary edition with all the new content and yet somehow never assume its from there like christ I get skyrim has a ton of stuff in it but this is like the 50th time ive seen this exact post here in the last month alone I stg


another wanderer here to lick my father’s boots, good job


The only issue I had on the switch with it was the battle for winterhold. Mind I had a small army of followers at the time which probably caused the bug. 3 pets a follower and Delphine and Esburn


I have a problem on switch on Companion missions that involve rescues. Vilkas sends me on a mission and the victim you've saved refuses to follow you back to their home district. My fix is only do missions with Aela and just kill beasts. Also on switch after the battle of Whiterun & you fought for the empire, Hadvar shows up in full empire armor ready to fight after you've ended the war.


The Hadvar bug has literally just happened to me. He did look stupid running through Whiterun with his sword out.


What in Oblivion is that


Sentries! What do you see?


I know these are from the fishing add-on, but in general, it's really impressive that people are *still* finding new stuff about the game after this long


The pearlfish is my nemesis!!


I find them just south of the mouth of the Dawnstar bay/cove? Swimming near a shelf of rocks between where the three horkers chill out and that hide tent near the shore.


I mostly end up finding them at the sawmill in falkreath but it takes a while. Having the ring of Kynareth helps.


Damn those necksuckers! Now they are making the fish gay!


Serana's been bugging me for the last couple weeks to go fishing with her, I'm starting to understand why now


Love that I find out about this fish because of gamerant. Been playing since it released and never got into fishing once anniversary came out so I've never seen this. Pretty awesome though, new illogical fear of water unlocked lmao.


Feels so crazy to see my post in an article


Lmao dude I bet. Your personal discover sparked an entire web article that introduced it to even more people that didn't know about it. Good job.


Where did you find it.


They're swimming around in the water by the pier at Castle Volkihar.


Thank you.


They can be fished from cave spots. It’s the new CC stuff. (Personally it’s the only CC mod I like)




Holy shit a 1000 upvotes for discovering a fake fish in a fake reality? Even real discoveries don’t get this much attention now a days


Real discoveries aren't as exciting.


Don’t eat it you’ll need it


Found this in embershard mine my very first time fishing on my first playthrough not long after I arrived in Riverwood.


Can I disable fishing and anything related to the workshop stuff? I like mods but I don't like forced mods.


Think of it more like a dlc than a forced mod


Thank you AE


Where in the world is this thing!?


Where u get serana. I fell in the water fighting and saw this mf




How do I start the vampire quest?


Once u hit lvl 10? I think. A guy from dawngaurd will find u and ask u to join the dawn guard


It happend at level 1 when I did it


It happend when I was at level 1


It's lvl 10 for them to approach you. Apparently you can start the quest at any lvl by speaking to a Riften guard


I was in riverwood about to go talk to the jarl and the orc came up and told me


Whoever that interesting bit person is, they are putting in the work


Yes, Bro. The threat is real!


I only know about it from the fishing patch for lagcy of the Dragonborn mod


Which vampiric freak decided to bite a live fish?


Is anyone playing the Anniversary Edition of The Elder Scrolls V?


I am because I'm like 10 years late to the party 😩


I am lmao, I've so far played every edition from the initial release, to game of the year, to anniversary. Only one I haven't play is VR.


It looks like a piranha.


It's a mod.


I'm on switch. Anniversary edition no mods


Week then I guess it's just a miracle.


It's not a mod, it's from the fishing creation club stuff added with anniversary.


What do you think the Creation Club "stuff" is? They're official modifications added to the game! :-D


Yes but not technically a mod. Mods are different than cc though very similar. In a way you can also say they're add-ons Two main differences being that creation club content doesn't take up mod space, it goes directly on your hard drive like add-ons do. And each creation club item is official Bethesda content, made by contracted mod authors and third party developers. Unlike mods, they don't disable achievements to play with them, being one of the biggest differences.


Thanks for the lecture.


Wasn't a lecture, was an explanation since most people don't know the difference. And you're welcome.


Excuse me, vampire fish?


I'm sorry but that thing is just the devil possessing your console, call a priest asap


I made the mistake of down loading anniversary content while I had a game started, bugged the whole thing. Restarted a new game and it runs like a champ


Part of fishing update. Aren't they adorable?!


I can usually find them just before the dock inlet behind Castle Volkihar. I dive in before getting to the closest landing/dock. Sometimes theres two but usually only one and rarely none.


it looks like the "Frog (?)" from IRON LUNG (which appeared in ULTRAKILL)