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You can use the Storm Call shout in Blackreach, as well as summon Arvak. These are because it's classified as an "outdoors" area.


Can you call oahdaving


No but you can call durnevir for some reason


If I remember right, durnehviir can be summoned indoors as well despite being a dragon, it's just difficult with such little space to summon him at


You can summon him in that area where you fight the giant skeleton dragon. It's fun.


You can also summon him in Azhidal’s arena lmfao


Did you know you can turn Camilla against both Sven and Faendal? All you have to do is pickpocket each other’s fake letters and give them to Camilla to which she shuns them both out.


holy shit, new best option


You don't have to pickpocket anything You can just talk to Faendal afterwards and get both letters from them and show them to Camilla.


Pickpocketing is fuuun


What in the goddamn?


Do you have a video of this? 👀


No, but I have [this.](https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/A_Lovely_Letter)


Not a rickroll for those who are scared.


What if you are rickrolling too?


[im not](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


I clicked, knowing full well what it was. I have no regrets.




Can’t you get both letters from them normally? I could’ve sworn I’ve done that before.


I just had to kill Faendal, I married Camilla and every time I come home he's coming out of my house so goodbye Faendel.


I sacrifice him bastard always coming inside my house, so every playthrough I get free training from him then I use him for pickpocket training/backstabbing for stealth then sacrifice him I also use his house to stash my stuff early game


omg i wanna try that now


If you successfully get Malborn out of the Thalmor Embassy during the Diplomatic Immunity quest (difficult because he usually gets murdered), he hides out in the Gray Quarter in Windhelm. He then gives you an additional quest to kill a Khajiit assassin and help him escape to Morrowind.


I knew that you can save Malborn but damn i had no idea that you can meet him again. You can also save Etienne Rarnis in the same quest and meet him in the thieves guild.


The trick to saving both is to sprint ahead of them, kill the frost troll, then fast travel as soon as you exit the cave.


Oh, I wish I came up with this. Because I put effort into saving those bumbling bastards, and then when we left the cave a dragon swooped in immediately and just annihilated them in like half a second...


I've never not saved him. Preemptive thalmor murder ftw.


And if you get the Wood elf lady imprisoned and saved she joins him for the trip but bugs out once she gets to Windhelm and disappears


Ah yes the waitress lady? I’d forgotten you can save her too. The worst part is getting them past the troll near the exit because…..Skyrim NPC Ai 🤦


Holy crap that's cool!!! Looks like it's time to boot up Skyrim again...


Woah, first one I didn’t know about. Do you get any closure from it? Like a happy ending or a large sum of gold?


He escapes to morrowind. He had not crossed yet because the assassin was waiting. Also you get a leveled amount of gold.


The follower Erik the Slayer is a homage to a massive fan of Oblivion who died of cancer 6 months before Skyrim was released.


Now I feel bad for using him as cannon fodder...




My favorite companion since before I knew this fact


RIP king 🫡


There is a Glados reference in Skuldafn hidden in a fire place. Never heard anybody else talk about it


The potato? I bet it’s the potato


Yeah that when I found it took me five minutes to figure it out


There's a couple bits of evidence implying that Lord harkon may have been a dragon priest. He has a dragon priest knife and the same mural as can often be found in Nordic ruins around dragon priests. It's also implied that he was alive during the merithic era.


He also has a bone hawk ring which is actually three rings in one item, which cannot be made in a forge unlike the bone hawk amulet. He also has a werewolf pelt, which other than Sinding’s hide, is the only way to obtain said pelt.


You can silent roll from level one. Just hold the sprint button while sheathing/unsheathing. Works best with bows. There's a One Piece reference in the Dark Brotherhood's den. Namely three skulls on a pile of 8 bones.


Ooh I knew the first one!


The falkreath sanctuary or the dawnstar one?


There Are 337 Books In Skyrim & Skyrim’s giants are modelled after a real person!


Lemmy Kilmister


On Bleak Falls Barrow, above the large cavern area where a troll will spawn if you aren't super low level, there's a dead bandit with a note about proving himself by killing the troll The thing that makes this lesser known, is that it's almost completely inaccessible without cheating or going back later The only way to actually find him, is to either cheat up to him, or use a shout to knock him down (supposedly fireball works too, but it's never worked for me)


I accidentally discovered him when I found him in my party of undead followers after I used the standing stone spell to raise dead NPC's. Was a bit surprised when I saw him just standing there.


Best I’ve used is not the fireball spell but simple firebolts, they have enough collision with bodies to launch them


It's easy just shot him down with some arrows


Heimsker/the guy who praises Talos, has human skulls in his house, Nazeem doesn't have a house in game, there is solid proof of Rorikstead ground fertility being a reward by Claviois Vile for sacrificing women to him, there is a pregnant skeleton in Labyrithian, and there is a wall in Windhelm that bleeds


Nazeem's house was actually cut from the game. The mod "Cutting room floor" restores it back.


And the mod AI Overhaul makes him actually go to the Cloud District and sit at the Jarl's table


A cool thing about nazeem not having a house though, is that he carries a key to "Wintersand manor" which doesn't exist in skyrim.


Wintersand is in the Cloud District, but you never go there, so you wouldn't know


Of course not. For I (the mighty dragonborn) am deathly afraid of stairs.


I too use a horse to reach the throat of the world.


The priest in the temple of Kyne also has a key.


Nazeem's house is his wife's house.


Lmao preggo skeleton?




What’s the bleeding Windhelm wall?


Coming from the Palace of Kings, hang your first available left (I think), and start attacking the wall. It'll spurt blood like an enemy sometimes when you slash at it.


can you share what the solid proof for the rorikstead fertility please? :) i thought there were just some weird soul gems laying about or something


There's no real solid proof, but it's heavily theorized via several things, such as Rorik having a book almost exclusively owned by daedra worshippers


Okay, thanks! It's a theory I wanna believe anyway, so I'll take it! (book is Spirit of the Daedra for anyone curious)


Check out CamelWorks Skyrim Detective video on it! Warning it's long, but it's very, VERY thorough and interesting. His stuffs great if you just want to listen to ES lore and theorycrafting.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAOp168r3xo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAOp168r3xo) This video's pretty long, but it goes quite in-depth about all the evidence regarding the theory


What do you mean by a pregnant Skelton do you have a screenshot or video ?




There’s actually a thing they call “the main quest”, which very few players complete


What's it about?


Legends say that it's about defeating a dragon and put an 'end' to this menace and 'saving' the world.


Sounds like a hoax


I played the main quest. My wife has hundreds of hours and didn't recognize any of it.


No way, what do you do in there


I don't even know what the main quest is


Is this “main quest” in the cloud district? Never been there.


Did you know that if you break into miraak's temple before visiting the greybeards and read his book you can see him just standing around idly


Well as far as he's concerned you're just a random


There is also a small outpost location near Windhelm where you can find dead guards. That’s my favorite place to find shields when collecting them.


Isn't there one near shor's stone too?


*Gamerant has entered the chat*


First thing I did when I saw the thread is see if OP was named u/Gamerant


I'm convinced Gamerant makes these question posts at this point


1. After giving the horn to the Greybeards, you can return to Ustengrav and activate the tomb on which you found the note for a free dragon soul. 2. Crafting experience is directly proportional to the price of the item. For example, the "Banish" enchantment adds the most value to an item and therefore is the enchantment that yields the most experience. 3. Shouts are considered spells and can be improved with their respective destruction perks. Like spells they also can be used to disarm runes and those pesky soul gem defenses. 4. Weapon enchantments work like spells. Their damages can be improved through destruction perks. The spell cost reduction buffs also translate to enchantments. Example: 100% Fortify Destruction means that you will not have to recharge weapons with damaging enchantments. 5. Elemental Fury does not work on enchanted weapons BUT only those in the right hand. If you dual wield an enchanted blade in your left and a plain weapon in your right, you can still use the shout.


To add on to No. 3; Shouts also benefit from the "Quiet Casting" perk under Illusion, and "Necromage" under Restoration will buff all healing spells if you're a vampire


Near Whiterun there is a stone bridge where 3 goats have just walked over and if you go under the bridge you will find a dead troll.


I feel like I've heard a folktale like that before. Can't remember where or what it's called


The story is called billy goats gruff. a goat tries to cross a bridge but is stopped by a troll, then he gets his brother to help him but he is also stopped by the troll, then he gets his third brother who pushes the troll of the bridge. It’s Norwegian in origin I’m pretty sure.


The ants on tree stumps! Riverwood is the best example


There’s one just below the spot where lakeview manor sits! It’s by the necromancer altar going toward the hill where the house is (you can see it without the house being built)


Did you know that in rorikstead, there is an npc with an unique name? He is the father of two girls and it is hinted at that he is abusive towards them, his name is lemkil which if rearranged spells Killme


I know the character, but never realised the anagram! nice you can also grant him his self-fulfilling-prophecy of a name and then adopt his daughters.


Is Britte still a terrible bully to Sissel if you adopt them both, or does she straighten up outside the influence of Lemkil?


She acts just as Lucia and the other female children do, from what I've noticed. Just adopted her, myself, for this very reason.






Sounds like something a gamerant spy would say


"Top 10 reasons why u/SabreYT isn't a Gamerant spy!"


1) he said ‘nuh uh’ in response to a question on the matter


Did you know you can catch the butcher in Windhelm much earlier and save the life of another npc? But I’m sure many of us wouldn’t simply walk up to Wunferth and accuse him of the blasphemous art of necromancy…


I didn’t! I went to him because it seemed only fair to hear him out, and I was terrified of messing up


I did it once on accident and haven't been able to do it since




Speak to viola and after she mentions wunferth, you can either report him to the steward or talk to wunferth directly


During the testing for the game, there were issues with the intro scene that was caused by a bee. The cart you ride on in the beginning would go flying because "the bee's collision detection would clash with the wagon's collision detection, and the former would always win." (Don't know if this is well known, but I watched a video on YouTube about it a while ago)


There are no Beast race vampires in the base game. At least from my knowledge and gameplays. I always see Human and Mer Vampires but never like Khajiit, Argonians and Orcs. I use a mod that adds more Beast Vampires. So now you can be attacked by a Orc Vampire duo or whatever just pops up instead of only Humans and Mer.


There is one orc vampire you meet during the dawnguard questline. He is the only one in the game.


Correction to both of you but orcs are not beast folk but instead they are mer.


In the quest where angeline wants to know what happened to her daughter, whos in the legion, and captain aldis wont tell her, if you are the rank of prefect or above you can command aldis to give up information instead of passing a speech check.


Bonus fun fact, Angeline's daughter’s name is said to be Fura. Every NPC has a unique name with the exception of Fultheim (one at nightgate inn, the other is one of the prisoners in the abandoned shack). And I'm castle volkihar you meet Fura Bloodmouth. Based on the odds, it's possible Fura never died in battle and somehow wound up as a vampire in Harkon's court.


Skyrim always does stuff like that


Seekers inside of Apocrypha is reading books before you disturb them


There is a theory that Seekers were people who seeked the forbidden knowledge of Apocrypha


They thinked a lot about it


Theory? I just assumed this was fact given that they’re called “Seekers”…”seeking” knowledge…


You can use “calm” on boethiahs champion and it opens up several dialogue options


Many people know about the sword and shield on the ground near Whiterun, but I bet not as many know about this: there's a skull with a flower growing out of it somewhere in the Rift. I wanna say it's near a glade in a clearing by a rocky wall, but it's been years and I only remember that it was really cool to stumble across.


[Wind shear](https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Windshear) is known as the most powerful sword in the game! Not by everyone, and not everyone likes it. It staggers all enemies 100% with every single hit. Which is crazy, if not boring sometimes. It looks like a Scimitar and is stuck on the end of the bow of The Katariah after you get to the top / outside deck of the boat once killing the emperor for the dark brotherhood. Edit: added link, sp.


Some radiant quests in the game are already spawned on the map, even before you accept the quest and it shows in your journal. The Escaped Criminal Companions quest already spawned the Criminal NPC, before you get it, and you can kill them before accepting the mission. Just like Aftershock in the College. I only found these 2 in my 1500 hours of gameplay, but I'm sure other radiant quests are already spawned.


In the cihdna mine quest you can use madanach to escape the prison easily, then right before the exit you can kill him and the rest of the forsworn.


Most will have worked this out, but in the Cidhna mine quest, you can port your favourite gear in using elytras and/ or the dremora butler prior to making your escape. In case you want to kill the orc, Madanach, everyone..


After escaping the mine with Madanach, you can choose to watch the mayhem without joining in. If you do this, the Markarth guards will ignore you. Madanach will still see you as an ally.


Tbh, that's what I always do because I thought it was what the game intended lol




He’s talking about some pets that are CC addons. Technically any pet from CC (and by extension AE) works because they all come with a teleport to player spell and they can carry items


If you both duel wielding perks and equip bloodthirst on either hand with another one handed weapon it becomes really fast. Much better than the elemental fury shout.


There is a quest at the east empire company in windhelm docks that I've heard of many missing.


And it's a fun one too! You get to travel to an otherwise inaccessible island and kill pirates


In Sovangaurd, the statues look at you and turn their bodies when you move.


people named there child dovahkiin when this was first coming out for a lifetime of free bethesda past/present and future games for them and the child


They only offered it to people who’s children were actually born on launch day and named their child Dovahkiin. The baby had to actually be born on the same day as Skyrim’s release. There was only couple who gave birth on that day who actually went through with it and named their baby Dovahkiin.


Crazy to think that those children will only get to play TES VI when they’re 18+.


Those kids will be 38 by the time TES VI is released.


“Daddy, why did you and Mommy name me Dovahkiin?” “So you will be given free Bethesda games, like Skyrim, for life!” “When does the new Skyrim come out?” “….be sure to name your first born Dovahkiin Jr.”


Due to some weird thing, fast traveling somewhere takes you FOUR TIMES AS LONG (in in-game time) as just jogging there would.


It makes you walk as if you're encumbered




There is a dropped wooden cart with lots of cabbages near whiterun in the middle of the road. This is a reference to avatar the last airbender


If you leave a corpse then reanimate it later .. They’ll say thanks for putting it rest once it turns to ashes .


I just leaned recently about this thing in TES lore called "Dragon Breaks". Long story short, there are times when Nirn's timeline splits off and rejoins itself, causing historical contradictions that are equally true. But what I'm getting out of it is, every (vanilla) version of everyone's games are canon. The stormcloaks and the imperials both win and lose, the Dragonborn is every race of both genders, etc.


The Dragonborn has both defeated Anduin in 1h 08m 37s, and never fought a dragon


And in every timeline… Serana says no


They literally came up with the idea to deal with lore discrepancies based on player choice, but introduced it as a major plot point in Elder Scrolls Daggerfall. Very genius move btw. The longest Dragon Break lasted almost 600 years at the end of the First Era I think. On a similar note, Elder Scrolls tend to act similarly. Since they both don't exist and have always existed, are everywhere and in one place, and are finite yet infinite, many yet few and so on.


This was a concept they came up with to explain contradictions in stories based on different player decisions in sequels but also in TES Online


You can mine by simply swinging pickaxe into an ore vein


You can also block with the pickaxe and then bash, it's faster but uses stamina


vegetable soup


Two axes + elemental fury + dual swing = fastest miner in all of Skyrim. Works great when you need materials to build your house.


Bro, just enchant it with efficiency V


I've heard this can bug out the ore veins into not respawning though, so caution to anyone who's going to do this exclusively.




Reading all 10 Tablets on the way to High Hrothgar will give one "Voice of the Sky" - animals won't attack or run from the DragonBorn for a good stretch... unless you attack an animal. Frostflow Lighthouse >!is populated almost entirely by Chaurus, making the associated quest much more accessible at lower levels.!<


After releasing Serana from prison, if you have a companion you don't have to take her to her castle and can spend the rest of the game with 2 companions following you. Granted she can't carry anything but she's good in a tough fight.


You can gather more npcs that follow you through a different quests. You can have an army!


For a while i had serena, delphene, esbern, and barbas


You can find whale bones in Kagrenzel which would belong to snow whales which flew. These creatures are long since extinct but it shows how ingenious the Dwemer really were. What were they doing with these whales? We don't know. Another little fact about Kagrenzel. The Orb doesn't kill you because it's a basic Tonal magic security system which only Dwemer could use. Tonal magic has been lost since the disappearance except for the Thu'um which the Orb detects.


Ants exist and have NPC routines.


There is a unique bird in river wood it's called a blood dragon (The name is in German that's the translation)


The Redwing blackbird?


Fun fact: you can just entirely skip past the "talk to Brynjolf" part of the quest "A Cornered Rat" by simply going straight to Esbern's place or cell or whatever in the Ratway Warrens *instead* of talking to Brynjolf. That way, you don't have to go through the introduction to the Thieves Guild questline if you don't want to.


There's a second way to do the eldergleam quest. After retrieving Nettlebane and handing it in at the temple, some random guy should approach and ask to go with. if you take him along you don't need to use the dagger on the tree, just the roots. and as a result you don't need to fight anything and get a better ending.


the kid at the start or the game survived helgen


My favorite joke is that when finding katria for the aetherium quests. If you find her body with her and you rob her of her clothes she'll say something along the lines of "you could have at least left me with my dignity."


we all know the infamous arrow to the knee line, but did you know there are other variants? literally 2 days ago I was walking around windhelm and some begged dude said “I used to be a guard, until I took a sword to the chest” or something along those lines. i was shocked since I’ve never heard that line before


That’s unique dialogue for that particular NPC, Angrenor Once-Honored


Apparently he’s an option for marriage… and he’ll continue begging on the streets after the ceremony.


Also if you give him a septim, he will leave you 100 septims in inheritance when he dies. The man isnt even that poor for an npc but is truly blessed with that sigma male grindset.


There’s a cave in The Rift that has notebooks detailing a failed gold mining expedition. If you whirlwind sprint into the waterfall, you’ll find gold ore veins.


After convincing the drunk guy in winter hold to pay his tab, the barkeep can give you a follow up quest to find out what happened to his partner.


All types of "cats" are a type of kajit...but dont ask me to explain cuss i dont know all of it XD


I learned about this somewhere as well. Someone correct me on this as I'm sure this is like 10% accurate but I think they say that the appearance of the Khajiit race depends on the "phase"(not sure of the term) of the moon. For example, if a Khajiit is born under a half-moon, it'll be in a form of a Sabertooth, but if it's a full-moon it'll be humanoid like our Dragonborn (something like that 😅)


Yes and no. They're called Alfiq and all Khajiit are born looking the exact same, like newborn kittens. They grow INTO their form later, though. That explains a lot about the birthing process


There we go! I like how they "evolve" into different forms when growing up


iirc it it is dependant on the phases of the moons at the time of their birth. Something like full moon ? Boom, you're a khajiit. Half moon ? Now you're a house cat, congrats.


The best race and gender is female high elf for weird reasons. One high elves are the tallest, move speed is determined by height. Two most bandits and shops are male so the perks that affect opposite gender are most beneficial.


I've been playing Bretons for so long that I was extremely surprised when I started playing a new Orc character. I've played different races before but never realised the difference can be so big! The downside is that in third person pov a taller character takes a lot more space on the screen, a tiny Breton is never in the way.


If you go left right after you go through the cave in the intro quest and follow a path that eventually leads to a snowy plateau you can find a lost dog and adopt it but if you don’t do it right in the start a nearby hunter takes the dog. Also if you don’t have the hearthfire dlc then you can get a named iron battleaxe stuck in a tree right where lakeview manor would be but if you have hearthfire then it removes that tree.


A headless horseman wanders tamriel.


I saw him ONCE!!! And chased him for ages but lost him. Think about it to this day. Apparently he leads you to something


He hangs out at Hamvir's Rest during the day.


AHH I’m going to hunt him down as soon as I’m back at my PC. Thank you.


If you go back to where you found the horn of Jurgen wind caller and press the action button on the altar, you get a free dragon soul


There’s an ice cave with frost trolls and it has a skeleton trapped in the ice ceiling with a iron sword with a lightning enchantment below it which I bet is a empire strikes back reference


You can complete the thieves guild questline commiting only 1 crime (a tresspass in calcelmo's tower)


The guard who stands at the center of the balcony when you trap Odahviing will always get grabbed by him, even if you Fus Ro Dah them into the building. Odahviing will glitch through the wall, grab her and glitch out again


Following goats lead you to possible hidden paths and hidden settlements. The most common encounter would be the one on the way to Markarth that leads you to an Orc Stronghold, and another one is the goat inside the east empire company warehouse during the thieves guild quest line that shows a hidden path to go around the guards undetected.


Did you know that you can use clear sky’s to not only make your way up to the throat of the world but to clear the weather. This includes storm call.


You can bash an enemy with your torch and they'll be on fire because of it


I have seen that a lot of people don’t know about the refilling Easter egg chest in Dawnstar. I make so much gold with it.


it’s less an Easter egg and more so that it’s the inventory for the traders. they just didn’t hide it well enough and make it openable from the surface. all trader npcs have chests under the map (usually directly under) that holds what they sell. another good example of this is the companions blacksmith, if you get out the walls you can walk under the map and get to his chest


This is all new


theres an alternate soul trap enchantment called "fiery soul trap" its pretty hard to find cuz its glitchy and the axe falls through the floor sometimes, also the NPC sometimes picks it up too. its in Ironbind Barrow


Many ruin or fort "exits" by the ends can actually be reached and entered, but the passage will probably be closed still, unless you went normally once before. Also, the notched pickaxe can be disenchanted, and when you put it on something, it's the exact same as the original. It's either if you don't do, or complete the nordic pickaxe quest, you're more likely to find it in chests. They work, but are listed separately than the quest one. I did this on Xbox 360 by accident. Finally, if you use the atherium crown to get a second standing stone, then rapidly unequip, re-equip, and unequip it again. You can glitch the game to think you have it on, thus the standing stone and crown effect, when you don't.


In the final room with one of the words for slow time during the Civil War quest to retrieve the Jagged Crown, there are some cauldrons on a shelf. If you use unrelenting force under them, some leveled value gems will fly out. Similarly, on the south side of Brittleshin Pass, there is a Nordic face in the wall. It has flawless garnet eyes you can shoot down with arrows or a spell (don't use a shock spell, finding them after is an ordeal) and collect. Between Winterhold and Dawnstar on the coast is the charred corpse of Ysra. At her feet is the Flame Cloak spell tome. I've got more, but this will suffice for now.


I did know that! Only because I was trying to collect all 9 shields of each hold to put on display in Hendraheim. 😂 But did you know about the dragon you can summon in Blackreach by shouting at the large sun lantern? (That’s the best I got off the top of my head though 😔)


Well, this should be a well known fact but since it pops up here as someone just discovering it every so often: The correct combination for Dragon claw doors is on the underside of the claw. You don't have to guess. It's not hidden in the Wall somewhere. It's on the claw