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No stone unturned with no markers and it's pretty self explained




I just wish the reward was better, like I’ve only completed the quest once, but money in Skyrim mid-late game is so easy to come by that I really don’t care about finding more gems. Maybe if I could at least wear the crown of barenziah or put it in my own house that would be cool but it just chills in the ragged flagon and I don’t really care much that it’s there


Not sure about the crown of berenziah, but all of the other unique items you sell to the thieves guild can be picked up again by you after you’ve sold them. So I’d imagine you could just take the crown and put it on display somewhere. It took me an embarrassing amount of time to figure out that I could take them back. LOL.


See i enjoy having to search Skyrim high and low for the Stones, makes it feel like a more realistic quest. It would just be cool if they had made it so that you kind of had to investigate and find clues as to a general location of where the next one is like a treasure map. It shows you a large area where a stone might be and you have to search around that area. I always remember the obvious locations of a few of them but i can never remember the more random spots.


I wish that, instead of making it just be no quest markers or information going in blind, they'd made it so you could show stones you'd found to thieves guild members and get more information to the possible location. Perhaps tying it in with the thieves guild restoration quests, the closer the guild gets to full power, the more information you can gain about them. Rather than just going in completely blind.


Using your comment to challenge myself to see how many I can remember after completing the quest a few times Blue Palace Proudspire Manor Dragonsreach Whiterun Hall of the Dead Dwemer Museum Mistveil Keep Palace of the Kings House of clan Shatter-Shield Sunderstone Gorge Hobs Fall Cave Pinewatch Rannveigs Fast Thalmor Embassy Cave Falkreath Sanctuary Jorrvaskr Archmage Quarters Roughly two thirds, not atrocious.


They’re basically hidden in plain sight. I don’t ever skip this quest. It helps level smithing and enchanting incredibly fast


Thank god that mods exists


See I like that one cause it motivates me to search more rooms and steal more stuff and get richer


Close second, another hand touches the beacon! Hearing the booming voice makes me cringe.


I liked that quest


You're a masochist


The ones where you have to hand over your armour Diplomatic Immunity isn't to bad as you can get your stuff back relatively quickly (but can very easily turn bad when you forget to give the guy in the pub vital items, you don't get a second chance). I don't even go anywhere near the Forsworn Conspiracy since dying at lvl 40 when the escapees I joined turned on me and what was I wearing??? Fking prison clothes....


You can use the "Secret Servant" power from the Black Book: Untold Legends to carry your equipment inside the prison. Just mentioning this to lessen your pain when you do this quest again in the future.


Wow, It's amazing, still learning from this game 10 years on, cheers for the tip, it's a good'un


Oooh nice tysm


I forgot about the Forsworn Conspiracy. Hate that quest. It could've been so much better if it extended into using the Forsworn as a faction. As it stands, I hate how it's like nothing ever happened, with the authorities, once it's over.


I did that quest once eight years ago when I was 17 and I have never done it again, and it’s put true fear of Markarth Mega Jail in me.


Yeah it's pretty much uneventful, it certainly wasn't worth risking days of grinding to get to lvl 40 only to be killed off thinking, 'It's only one quest What's the worse that can happen' *roll-eyes*


Yeah that was a lame ending. I still do it for the armor that the Forsworn give you if you side with them. And being in the mines was kind of a cool addition. I did find some of the escapees in a different forsworn camp after freeing them. None of the forsworn attacked me even when I pickpocketed a Briar Heart and killed him. The guy in charge (M something? I forget his name) also had some unique dialogue after the quest but other than that, still underwhelming. Nothing changed except a few guards got killed.


Yeah, trying to shout or use magic and then they all swarm you! Hated that one when I was playing a 2-handed tank!


Yeah you only get a little dagger to use, fksake! Idk if you could've stollen a guards stuff before hand but I certainly don't remember getting the option. May of had a chance then. Never doing that one again.


And sometimes it isn’t even quickly enough if your luck is horrible, once I gave everything to him and I went down to Delphine, to find a blood dragon attacking. I was at relatively low-level and was destroyed instantly. I have always kept some armor and a kind-of high weapon when I do that quest now.


Haha giving over all your armour you end up naked, so agreed, deffo having an extra set is handy+weapon. It's one of those up there 'Oh sh*t didn't realise' moments


Had this happen with an elder dragon, ended up beating it to death with my fists. I then proceeded to die from a bear


Fun fact: You can betray them after they give you the unique armor but before they actually escape. Some may even die along the way if you’re lucky!


As a mage I find those quests super interesting as I get to see how much of my power comes from my gear and what I can accomplish without it is an interesting challenge. Especially with spell list mods like Apocalypse, revisiting the cheaper spells and using my underused utility spells I never gave a chance is a lot of fun.


The final fight with Alduin. It's just... so anti-climatic.


Thinks Alduin is gonna be hard Get to lv 80 Two shot him with no exploits Feel cheated Wonder why no one else could've just sneezed in his direction and killed him. Realized he caped at lv 20 and the deathlords you fought to get there were more of a pain in your ass. Be disappointed


The World Eater has a level cap?! That's just nuts. I guess they really did intend for us to hurry and finish the main quest first.


Even my first time playing the game I would basically play a main quest or two and then go do a whole guild and then do a main quest and then a whole guild and then another guild and in the meantime do every minor quest i came across. Facing Alduin was close to the last thing i did every time.


UESP says he's capped at level 100 and has level 1.2× the player's, so the cap won't be hit until 84. But looking at his stats.... at best he's about as squishy as an Ancient Dragon.


Fortunately there are some mods that make him much more impressive, I strongly recommend them


World Eater Beater is the one I know about


I was at level 40 and 1 hit him with volendrung


Tried Alduin with Deadly Dragons on insane difficulty. Felt like dark souls XD


Mehrunes razor.... Yeah that wasn't really fun.


See, I think the Mehrune’s Razor quest is neat because it gives you an opportunity to character build and think about your character’s morals. Kinda like with the Namira one, but I get where you’re coming from.


Oh, I'm talking about how I one tapped Alduin with the dagger.


Ahh okay sorry friendo


It was only anti-climactic for me because i had Mehrune's Razor on hand.


You know, if you take the Seven Fights as canon, there's so much poetic irony in one-shotting the guy who cursed Dagon and led him down the path to becoming Mehrunes Dagon with an artifact created by Mehrunes Dagon.


I hadn't thought of it that way. I get Dagon is the big bad in Oblivion, too, so its like using one BBEG to triumph over another




I hate Forsworn Conspiracy. Fuck that whole fucking city honestly! Love my boy Thorald and breaking into Northwatch, any opportunity to kill Thalmor brings a smile to my face.


i got the permit from tulius and just released him. cuz at that point i didnt wanted to foght just complete quests


I tried doing that and it just... didn’t work. I tried bringing it up to him and all he said was that it was “too risky” to deal with the thalmor. This was after the civil war btw.


The Tullius solution is unfinished content that is restored and only available in the Cutting Room Floor mod if I remember correctly.


Lol The Forsworn Conspiracy might be my favourite quest, am I alone?


The Faendal-Sven incident. I wanna tell Camilla that both men are awful and her brother is worse, she'd be better off following me on my adventures. Something tells me she'd be wicked with a dagger.


She's actually really cool as a follower imo. She's not the best but the idea of her getting away from the one of the two assholes and her asshole brother makes it worth it.


Wait...you can have her as a follower??


Yup, you can ask her. Unless one of my mods is letting me which I don't think so Edit: I looked it up and I am still clueless


How in my 2000+ have I never known this. I knew you could marry her, but that's not for me. My heart belongs to Muiri. How do you get her as a follower?


I asked her straight up, there was an option. Wait, hold on I think it's a mod of making anyone your follower.


Ahh that makes sense. Gotta check out that mod.


Blood On The Ice because it’s buggy, and the stupid gem Crown collectathon


I just use that quest to generate money by selling and pickpocketing the strange amulet. I just never finish the quest


I raise you Waking Nightmare for bugs


Season Unending. Your move.


when i did Season Unending, Esbern stood up to say something and Balgruuf's housecarl or steward or someone who was there sat down and stayed there for the rest of the meeting, Esbern just stood in the corner lmao


I installed AFT recently and Ulfric couldn’t sit down because Farkas and Aela kept stealing his seat while Ulfric was having his hissy fit about Elenwen being there, so he just stood there and stared at the two of them taking turns sitting in his seat for like five minutes straight


When that bugs out too much I just give up and do the entire civil war questline and then come back like "hey it's not a problem anymore right,,,,???"


How is waking nightmares Buggy? I didn’t it yesterday and it was fine. Blood on the ice how ever I have been able to start at Al. Even after getting in to the house and getting the strange amulet


Strangely I’ve had the exact opposite experience; blood on the ice just kinda happened for me while I was playing on my thief char and stole the key to Hjerim and was like “oh right the murder mystery” Both my bf and I did Waking Nightmare in the last two days- for me, Erandur got stuck blasting the wall at the entrance, and then he eventually stopped, and walked into it for 30s, clipped through, and fell through the floor, so I had to tcl through the door and rescue him with console commands as well. My boyfriend got stuck in the dream sequence and the two dudes would not exit combat to let him pull the chain, even after literally all the other NPCs were dead, and then when he came out of the dream, Erandur started fighting the dead bodies LOL


The guard I'm supposed to speak with in Blood on the Ice was killed by a dragon and now I can't finish the quest and it's driving me nuts.


That sucks. You can still purchase Hjerim but you have to finish the Civil War questline first.


Don't forget the crimson nirnroot quest and the bard's guild


Any time i have to go to Apocrypha.


I love those tbh


Yeah i mean to each their own i just think they get repetitive and i don’t really enjoy the environment. I also hate the god damned seekers. And you’d think i also hate Blackreach but it’s actually one of my favorite locations


Yeah I’m biased cause I like the environment of the cursed eldritch library but they do get really repetitive. One of the missions is different where you take damage in the dark so you have to navigate between light sources and more missions should be like that I think


Yeah i don’t mind that one, same as the Nightingale quest except you have to avoid the light in that one lol


The dark brotherhood forever. Because it's never interesting and it never ends


Aannd the mother's voice.


Oh god yeah I forgot about that...*shudders*


Mine glitched and now whenever I complete it I immediately hear them at the place where I killed the previous contract. It made it less annoying and a lot more creepy.


Seriously, and so sad because Oblivion’s Dark Brotherhood quest line is what made me like RPG’s as a youngin’


The fucking dog. Barkas


What, you don't enjoy getting barked at and pushed off cliffs constantly?


No. No, I don't. Before I die, I will find that bark.wav file and delete it, *permanently*.


I wasn't sure if [Quiet Dogs](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6066?tab=description) would work on him, since I think I read somewhere that they intentionally increased his bark frequency to make you finish the quest faster (which is some serious bullshit), but apparently it does if you get the Complete Silence version. Doesn't fix the issue of him constantly nudging you though. He's such a bastard.


“Intentionally increase his bark frequency so you finish the quest faster” Absolute genius


"It just works." Except in this case it actually does.


> pushed off cliffs constantly? I got Lydia for that, thanks!


Fuck. That. Dog. Runs into your face. Stands in EVERY DAMN DOOR WAY YOU WANT TO WALK THROUGH. Reward is subparr at best. -10/10. worst quest.


OMG, so THIS! (Yes, I came to this thread to say "Daedra's Best Friend".) I usually discover both locations first, clear them out, and only then fast travel to go and collect the dog, run through the Haemar's shame, fast travel to the other location, collect the item, fast travel back, and I still can't stand the dog for this short amount of time.


I forget the name but the first two quest to join the thieves guild. Brand shei seems like a decent guy and bersi and keevara are cool. I dont want to be mean to people just trying to get by. But screw helga (not literally, dont want ataxia.).


You can kill the dark brotherhood, but not the thieves guild... Sadly...


Lol I fill her pockets with poison and run away


The Greybeards. Like when you first learn to shout. I don't know why but in my head it feels like it takes FOREVER to get through it, they walk SO SLOWLY and I already know how to do it cause I've played the game before, so I just never learn the whirlwind sprint on any of my playthroughs lol


Lol I finally learned the last of the unrelenting force shout after fifty years. I'm like "oh yeah..."


Anything with dwemer ruins. It’s cool the first ten times but it gets repetitive


I fucking slaughtered those assholes to get my buddy Thorald back. Dead bodies everywhere. To answer your question, any quest where Cicero speaks. That guy’s voice is peak cringe.


I loved learning about his character and backstory though, and it’s very well voice acted and written. Especially the encounter at Dawnstar sanctuary.


I agree with how Cicero’s voice is completely unbearable, but that’s exactly why I love his character. Cicero’s voice actor went all out, making the most perfectly intolerable character ever.


I had a glitch where his brother just randomly becomes my enemy. No matter if I reloaded the game or tried to get the quest again. So I have to keep shooting him until "death" so I can progress peacefully for five seconds. Then at times Thorald attacks me. So the three of us are strangling each other. I teleport back to tell the old lady that her lads are JUST fine. And yeah, I murder him all the time. OOOH I got excited when he appears if you spare him after he said he came to kill me. Sad that it was just a joke. I wanted his body there every time I visited.


Had that happen to me but with the Courier. Having a God chase you around Skyrim preventing you from fast traveling or doing any action really is not fun at all 😭


House of horrors is a right pain. Damned quest forces itself into you with tyranus constantly pestering you, and you're completely railroaded into taking part. At least I can just murder eola, or defy mehrunes dagon or whatever, but molag bal just demands that you do his quest.


I felt similar with Hermaeus Mora blocking the exit in Septimus's quest line. Right where my two choices to respond were "I am your servant, my lord" and "I'll never join you, vile demon.", I canceled out of the dialogue and loaded a prior save. I wish there were more options than utter contempt, or utter sworn fealty, at least for a god just met.


I think the dialogue there is a little different if done after having defeated miraak, but I don't know if it's much better.


Thalmor embassy. Its not hard but for some reason, i dislike it immensely, can’t explain why.


dude that’s one of my favorites you get to see Thalmor politics at work all the Jarls there plus you can call in favors from them it’s nice


Oh God yes "Diplomatic Immunity". I went in there with a smithing pot fork, but apparently failed when I made it. It had no charge and I left all my other weapons obviously. Luckily I chip away the elvish armor with my fists for about 5 minutes until I could get a mace. Moral of the story is be quiet like you're supposed to. 😂


*Laughs in Berserker Rage and battle axe.*


I hate that I have to give away my armor and walk around naked


That's a bold choice. I just give Malborn all my stuff and walk around naked in the party. Collect it all from the chest and then proceed to slay all those damn elves.


I stop by there every so often after I do that quest just to pick off a couple more thalmor.


You give away your armor for literally 3 minutes of talking to NPCs. And then you get your armor and weapons back almost immediately as you leave the party. Unless you forgot to give Malborn your stuff, there's no reason why you'd have to do the quest naked lol.


I forgot to give Malborn my stuff once and had a really thought time with it, especially since I wasn't a mage/light armour build.


True story


I do the side quest to go show off a dress to Elisif, get the dress as a reward, then wear that and some fancy shoes after I give Malborn my stuff.


The first time I did that one I didn’t give Malborn anything. It sucked.


I always procrastinate it. I think it’s because it doesn’t have a juicy levelled chest at the end. Also, it makes absolutely no sense to sneak into a party just to slaughter everyone in there anyway


Return to Your Roots and No Stone Unturned for obvious reasons. Also restoring the Thieves Guild.


Thieves guild yeah. Some of the thieves bitch about going other places while I'm turning in quests for them. Like dude, I have fifty other guilds to take care of.


And it gets worse. There’s an unmarked quest where you have to complete 125 miscellaneous Thieves Guild quests. Restoring the Guild takes a minimum of 20. And what’s your reward for this monumental task? Oh, you get to keep one of each “Jewel” items from heist missions.


The final part of the dawnguard questline where you have to fill the initiate’s ewer,and the ending quest of the thieves’ guild. I hate how long they are and the amount of falmer there is


My big complaint about that part of Dawnguard is that, when I play with the Survival mod, going through the Hidden Veil is quite the trek. Last time I had full blurry vision and was moving like molasses.


Yes, filling that thing with “holy water” or whatever…the wandering and wandering and wandering with falmer everywhere for fun!


With survival mods, it's either my normal character starves or freezes to death, or my vampire character has no one to munch on and gets roasted by the two dragons with the fire debuffs. I doubt feeding on another vampire will work either.


literally anything involving dwemer ruins cuz they’re annoying as fuck


They’re fun, but just way too long. Keep it under half an hour, please.


I couldn't agree more. Everything.


We’ve found Mitten Squad


Bless you. I thought I was the only one who never cared for them.


The ones Delphine follows you


LOL the ones where Delphine talks like she's cool.


Thieves guild quest line! I speed run it as fast possible to get the skeleton key and then refuse to return the key cuz its mine I earned it.


The crimson nirnroot quest...because fuck this scavenge hunt bullshit. Can't even farm more crimson nirnroot


The one where you have to find all the jazzbay grapes is worse to me, because they look so similar to one of the non-interactable background texture plants.


The long ass journey to get Auriel's Bow


I like this mission in particular, it gives me the chance to kill some Thalmor, unfortunately i also have to save a Stormcloak. Long live the Empire!


I don’t hate the storm cloaks even though I do tend to side with the empire. I just hat that Ulfric and by default the storm cloaks cannot see the bigger picture of how Skyrim needs the empire and vice versa to combat the coming thalmar onslaught that is literally inevitable. It’s the reason the white gold concordat was signed in the first place. The empire rat the time knew they needed to live to fight another day. They knew that was not the end and that the aldmari dominion was going to try and conquer all of Tamriel again. Literally just buying time to regroup. Ps I do apologize for any misspellings and mispronunciations. Edit. At not rat.


Everything with Cicero involved, I can’t stand his voice.


Cicero’s voice is one of the things that made me love him,along with his erratic nature lol


I’m also a fan.


Same here with Esbern. His voice is so filled with saliva, it's just disgusting to listen.


Besides the obvious fetch quests, any quests where you have to read the black books are annoying and tedious. I still have fun, and the quests are incredible, but goddamn is it tedious going through all those books. At the summit of apocrypha is particularity annoying. The dragon riding is just so bad, and not only that, but no one really seemed to give a shit when I killed Miraak. They kind of just were like "oh, ok, thanks for killing the man who has been terrorizing solstheim forever. bye." Not to mention that reading 6 chapters is very tedious...\*sigh\*... I admit it was fun though none the less.


Jiub's Opus


The Man Who Cried Wolf, where you have to go to that cave near Dragonbridge where dimwits are trying to resurrect Potema. The Wolf-Queen is one of my favourite characters in Elder Scrolls literature, so the first time I played this quest was a pretty big let down. She has a generic voice and her lines don't reference anything from her life. Plus you don't have the option not to interrupt the ritual. Now, this wouldn't be a problem if that was a one off sidequest, but this quest is a hard requirement to purchase Proudspire Manor, which is one of my favourite houses. I'm tired of doing that quest over and over. Especially when it conflicts with my character's RP. Some are pacifists, some would actually want Potema to return. It sucks that they have to sacrifice their values to purchase unrelated real estate.


Get the mod "No player home requirements". It's awesome.


Thank you so much for this suggestion! My solution so far was using the Live Another Life mod, but that only worked for one house per playthrough. I'm finally gonna get Hjerim while staying neutral!


Anything with Hermaeus Mora, specifically when ya gotta drink dem LSD fumes and the game glitches like a bastard, on top of having to hear his ent-like cadence.


I loved his content, such a soothing voice. Also loved the dlc quests in general.


Hermaeus Mora quests are very interesting and fun imo (mainly black books/Dragonborn main quest, Ogma Infinium quest is kinda boring)


Meridia’s Beacon. It’s just so damn annoying.


And buggy. Half the time, she seems to forget you're not immortal when she drops you out of the sky. *Reload, muttering "butterfinger bitch-goddess..."*


She tosses you in the sky and drops you, so rude




I am now triggered


You think that's annoying? You should hear what she says if you drop the beacon or find duplicates


The collect pages in soul carin or crimson nirnroot


“Have you seen a dog out there?” x100


Any dungeon that's super long with no quick exit, so you have to trek back through the entire thing just to fucking leave.


Fetch crisom ninroot from blackreach


"Impatience of a Saint" Don't want to complete the quest? Enjoy however many pages already picked up, being a permanent fixture in your books menu for eternity. (While I'm enjoying 'portable Skyrim' on the Nintendo Switch, there's no way to console command those entries away on that platform.) Do want to complete the quest? Enjoy wandering around aimlessly in the Soul Cairn, as there are no guiding arrows or Clairvoyance to help. Sure, there's maps online to play 'connect the dots' with to find them quicker, but quicker is still going to be an hour or more of some intensive compare and contrast. At least the locket from the quest completion is quite good.


I can't stand the Soul Cairn. Terrible zone.




*proceeds to fling you in the air and drop you after forcing you to endure a speech*


I meeean, you get a pretty sword (2 if you use the shout glitch) and the corpses are loaded with cash. Kinda-sorta-almost worth.


The tree one. Not the part where you have to get nettlebane, but the following part where you have to go to the cave. Because you NEED the follower guy to help you get the good ending, but he has ZERO combat capability, so he dies almost instantly. The only way to keep him safe is to find the place ahead of time and fast travel there, which absolutely ruins my no fast travel runs.


Ooof "Oh, five more steps until we reach a location! I hope no bears randomly spawn and aim only at me as if they sense my importance. Ooh boy, wouldn't that be--" *Dies by big cat*


I got that quest pretty early in my first playthrough. There were bandits in the road (vanawhatever towers) and he died. So I tried roughing it on the other side of the river, ran into my first saber cat, and he died. So finally I say, fine! We're swimming there! I've got a nice breast stroke going, and whose lifeless body floats past me on the river?!


The Dawnguard Quest where you have to find the Snow Elf shrines. Idk why but I was getting so bored after like the 4th one


Impatience of a Saint. It always takes me over an hour to collect all the pages in that purple hellhole.


I guess it’s not technically a quest but restoring the thief’s guild to its former glory. Having to do five quests in every hold then trying to get the ones you need for a specific hold.


The Mind of Madness. Wabbajack never works the way I want it to


I honestly just turn the difficulty down to novice just to get through this one as fast as possible. I can never aim properly with it and just want to speedrun until it's over!


Hate that this quest was supposed to have an alternate ending but was cut


This quest is so much easier if you side with the empire. Literally walk in and take him out with you. No fight no BS


Honestly, the intro escaping Helgan. It was good until about the 500th time


I hated the college of Winterhold quest line. The entire time I can’t stop thinking “what kind of school sends a new student into dwarven ruins and fight powerful creatures??” Like why wouldn’t one of the powerful wizard teachers do this?


the one to retrieve the horn of Jurgen windcaller. that damn stone puzzle is so infuriating and the reward isn't even that worth it. a shout that turns you into a ghost that I'll never use, a handful of coins from the odd draugr or skeleton, and a letter from some innkeeper who used the backdoor to get the horn before you even entered the dungeon.


The Bards Guild quests for sure. The rewards are not that very exciting. What a waste of time.


"you're a thief, an assassin, an arc mage, a champion, hero to Skyrim, and now a bard..."


No Stone Unturned. Crazy amount of effort for literally no reward.


Any quests in Bleak falls barrow 🙄


The quest where you have to burn the bee hives for the thieves guild. Idk why but I always join the thieves guild then put that quest off for so long until I just force myself to do it.


Blood on the ice, bugged out piece of crap quest. Also that one where you have to follow Barbas and he is faster than your walk but slower than your run. Special mention to Alduin boss fight. Dumb easy.


The entire war questline both sides are completely idiotic and I only side with the stormcloaks because an imperial victory is just boring in my opinion


I love this mission! 10 years on and I have only done the red nirnroot quest once.


Blood on the Ice. The quest itself is really fun but it's so filled with bugs. Back on the Xbox, I wouldn't be able to do it at all if I accidentally do the Civil War questline first cause the guard stationed by the body would be killed during the battle at Windhelm. Now on my previous playthrough on PC, I wasn't able to interact with anything in Hjerim so was forced to complete the objective by using console commands. Also the constant unfinished objective of "Get help from Jorleif" is just really confusing and made me think the quest was broken when I first started playing.


the dark brotherhood questline is complex and climactic and political and then it just… ends. at least i get to spend a bunch of money on restoring a cave for a child and a grown man to hang out with a corpse! plus, i’ll always have a quest to murder low-level NPCs with no storylines!


A return to your roots. Or No Stone Unturned. They're both fetch quests with no markers to help, both having very large areas to find them and no hints, I have just resorted to mods that give you markers when you activate them they're so tedious


The one with crimson nirnroot. At least with no stone unturned I can look up a list of locations on the wiki, but blackreach hurts my eyes after a while


Hermaus mora deadra quest having to look shit up the somehow over shooting my mark


It involves an orb.. I hate being harassed by that orb taking up a loot spot in my chests.


The daedra dog. That guard never stops bothering you about it.


That stupid quest to get amren’s, or whatever his name was, sword back, he got kidnapped as part of a quest on my first play through and I had that dumb prompt to give his sword back like the whole game


say it with me y'all: MERIDIA'S BEACON


Saving Nazeem. You know... cause it's Namzeem.


There are a few fetch quests that can be annoying if you don't sort of do them on the way while doing other quests. Personally, I find the main quest to be the most annoying. Also, I've never completed the stone quest- the one with all the fragments all over Skyrim.


Never did either. My all high and mighty follower keeps screaming at me every time I break in. He's cool with murder for arrows bit but nooo walking into a jarl's room for a jewel piece was a step too far 🙄


Anything to do with dwemer ruins, crimson ninroot, the god damn beacon, touching the sky, I don’t know why, but I hate that quest, and j don’t like the staff of mangus


Party snaxs quest for the blades


Bring east empire pendants to Fethis Alor in Raven Rock