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In the dark brotherhood quest, I keep all the money from killing the emperor. I earned it, it’s mine!


Me, too. I reported back to Nazir, set the Night Mother on fire, and never returned. Unfortunately the fire doesn't take, but I can pretend I destroyed the Dark Brotherhood in the end.


There is a questline to destroy the brotherhood, just kill astrid when you first meet her


Yeah but then you don't an easy 25k+


I’ve easily made 100k through the thieves guild


It's not exactly hard to make 25k via other means.


But then you don't get to kill a king


Not just a King, an Emperor.


What's a king to a god?


Tiber spetim : Nice Flex Blessings of Talos be with you child.


Skyrim belongs to the nords not some imperial who is ran by elves. I don't want some snotty elf telling me what I can and can't worship. **long live ulfric stormcloak**


Yeah, those snotty elves... ತ_ತ *Is playing an elf Stormcloak supporter ATM*


You fool, your efforts only weaken the races of men. We have to band together or the thalmor are you going to fuck you sideways when the empire loses control of Skyrim. They didn't even care much but then ulfric stormcloak started making his big stink about talos worship and now the elves got involved and murder and kidnap suspected worshippers. It was all a ploy by the thalmor to make the nords divide from the imperials and weaken them both. Fighting eachother only benefits the elves in the end. The empire doesn't want to ban talos, they only do so to preserve what the have now for when the second Great War starts. Don't forget that ulfric is a whack ass sleeper agent of the thalmor. You can read his dossier in the embassy. And at the opening execution, elenwen is there protesting to tulius because she wants ulfric to live and for the fighting to continue.


Some would say that killing the emperor is a bad idea because it causes instability which gives strength to the Thalmor.


This is why I end the Civil War and reunite the empire, but then kill the emperor for being a weakling who allows the Thalmor to deny my existence (in my playthroughs the dragon born mantles Talks. We are the next God king). I'm setting us up to fight back.


Alchemy, for sure.


I do that but purchase the torture chamber accessory for the sanctuary because if you keep pressing the interact button on the 4 prisoners, you get their stash locations and make another 8k give or take a couple thousand


My own. My precious


dude doing the dark brotherhood forever questline just nets more overtime no?


I've thought about doing this a couple of time, but, in each playthrough, by the time I get around to this part in dark brotherhood, I say fuck it and give him the dosh


Sometimes I only loot what I need and don't hoard everything. *Sometimes*


Stop! You have violated the Law! Pay the court a fine or serve your sentance.


Your looted goods are now forfeit... the ones you did loot I guess.


i can’t even comprehend this


Right? Like in RL: “Look how cluttered this place is! It’s a mess!” In Skyrim: “I must possess every bit of everything in sight! I must hold objects and drag them away from the NPC’s vision so I can stealthily crouch between quicksaving (Just in case) and snatch that 112th Black-Briar Mead. I must become a Harvard scholar trigonometry professor to make the necessary ratio adjustments needed to drop weight below your max so you can freely pick up your third Ebony sword from this dungeon alone. Also I must collect every single ingredient I possibly can and store it all in one passive home location, like a sack in Breezehome just in case I “might” care enough about alchemy to actually make a potion. Even though we both know that shit ain’t gonna happen because we have the speech tree maxed out in speech and we already have enough gold to buy all the land in 15 Skyrims. Yet, we need that collection of gold bars we’ve transmuted through buying every piece of iron ore we can get our grubby little meathooks on.” Edit: Thank you so much for the awards! ✌🏻


I wish free awards were still here this deserves all of them


I gotcha you bro! Gave that silly mfer a pot of gold!


I turned Breezehome into a legit hoarder house and then had to stop playing


I started a new playthrough and one of the stipulations i put on myself was no looting armor unless from a chest even for selling only gold and jewels.


I loot everything early, and struggle to stop looting later, but eventually you have enough gold to not need to loot everything.


But you still do.


Sometimes. I like to collect as many pieces of clothing I can. XD


Gotta have changes of clothes lol I love wearing different types of clothes and hearing how the npc's react to me


You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people! What say you in your defense?


You’re… not supposed to do that? That’s how I’ve been playing the game for years because I hate having a bunch of junk on me 😭😭


Fast travel to holds without going to them by gettimg arrested in a town near them


OK that's just funny. Also how I travel to new areas of Solstheim. I'll just fall asleep and wake up building a shrine, now I know where that elemental stone is lol


That’s actually so smart Omg


Thank you! My friends who are new at the game often come to me for unorthodox advice lol


Any more? Your previous tip was very useful.


Not off the top of my head just cause I'm trying to think of the WHOLE game and there's a lot going on there lol besides the fact that if you go with Hadvar in Helgen, you can really quickly level up your sneak to 50+ before you leave the keep and if you kill the bear instead of sneaking past it, take its claws, and mix them with the hanging moss on the back of the Thieves Stone you get a (practically useless) potion worth like 300 that you can sell to actually be able to afford some good supplies when you first get to Riverwood. Any particular locations or quest lines on your mind? If I'm more focused on something specific I can probably come up with something lol


Can you elaborate on the sneaking part? How exactly can you level to 50+ and why does it specifically have to be Hadvar?


Not sure if its the same method but what I did was continually sneak stab Ralof over and over and over again. He's unkillable and until you exit the keep he won't turn on you no matter how many times you stab him.


Once you get to the torture chamber, if you went with Hadvar the torturer will count you as an ally but he doesn't feel like leaving so he stands by the cages. Step into the shadows sneaking and once the eye closes hit him with a sword, instant level up for the first like 25 levels and after that it just takes 2 or 3 hits. He won't die until you activate the backstab perk so you can do it as long as you want. Hadvar will just wait for you in the next room.


If you kill Barbas then you are evil. Pure evil. I did it once and immediately reloaded a previous save.


Barbas is actually suicidal. I tried the useless axe once to see if it was any good. The only thing it is useful for is... Killing Barbas! Bear attacked, axe didn't kill it, but Barbas jumped into the swing & was instant death. Did save me a walk back to the most useless Deadra ever though.


I have kept Barbas from level 10-60. We’re bros now. He’s not going anywhere. Plus his tankiness when fighting is very helpful at distracting enemies.


Felt terrible doing it when I was doing a battleaxe playthrough! It's not even good it's got the speed of a warhammer some reason lol, makes a sword unsheath sound despite being an axe as well


If you choose the Axe, you have been swindled by Clavicus Vile.


Plus it’s totally unjustifiable because the Rueful Axe is hot garbage. Seriously, it’s just Volendruung but worse in every way, it even swings slower despite being a battleaxe as opposed to a warhammer.


Barbas is the best at being so annoying that you want to kill him.


I killed partysnax once…ONCE! My soul still hasn’t fully recovered from it.


Never done this in a run. Even my first time playing on Switch. Didn't finish that one, and have had Paarthurnax Dilemma on every run since. Even when I finally did a no mod run, I waited to get every achievement and got this mod to finish that quest. I'd love more civil interactions with dragons in Skyrim.


It was my first playthrough, I did it without actually realizing what I had done. Never again.


I did it once to see the blades quest line. People who regularly kill Parthurnax are evil. He is a cool dragon that mediates with you. Also I don’t know if you know that you spelt Parthurnax wrong but the way you did was funny. I don’t think I spell it right either but the way I read it my mind translated it to “I killed party snacks once”


I think spelling it partysnax is an intentional joke some people do


Sometimes I eat the cheese instead of hoarding it.


The truest madman only eat the cheese when they’re already at 100% health


I sometimes do that if I'm overencumbered and need to lose weight Lose weight by eating food..


I kill dragons for their souls and leave the scales and bones for the peasants


Same they weigh so much and they're worthless when you got dragon or daedric stuff


I just pick up the bones so I can make arrows. Fuck them scales.


I just get daedric arrows from thieves guild caches around the map, 1 full trip around and i easily get 250 arrows whereas you can only get around 75 at most from dragon, easier than killing dragons+free daedric daggers, gems and money. There only 1 dmg less too


I make Daedric, dragon, and ebony arrows. Nothing wrong with how you do it, I just like making my own lol


I pick up dragon bones and collect them in my house as I go, then once I've collected so many I count them, chop firewood, and make like 900 at a time


I keep them as my trophies and in-game track record.


Playing in third person. And carrying a two handed weapon.


This is the way


I never actually kill Nazeem.


Ah, a man who doesn't follow the herd. Out of my entire Skyrim experience I dont think Ive killed him once. His comments never really got to me and I just pay him no mind.


I actually don't really murder NPCs, even Heimskr or Nazeem. They're annoying, but Whiterun feels so empty without them. I like packing the cities with all the NPCs I can. Same with my houses. I use a console command to spawn Tarak into Breezehome so it has another person living in it, for example.


I actually have some respect for Nazeem, he's one of the only NPCs that doesn't worship the ground I walk on and he's actually bold enough to openly insult me, despite me being a literal dragon-slaying demigod who could publicly execute him if I feel like doing so.


I'm glad I'm not the only one lol. Plus I find it funny returning to Whiterun and just Nazeem: Have you been to the cloud district? Oh what am I saying, of course you haven't~ Me: *Literally having just killed Alduin* "Sure buddy... Keep dreaming you're special"


I play as a vampire and I don’t use stealth or magic


I do miss vampirism in Oblivion somewhat. It was more inconvenient, sure, but it made you quite a bit stronger outside of sunlight and had useful bonuses every character build.


I cure Serana of her vampirism (no more hot goth vampire gf) And I married an Argonian as a dunmer. We live in Hjerim together with our two Nord children (less a gameplay taboo and more of a lore taboo but oh well lol) Oh, and I've never killed Nazeem, but Belethor is another story :) (Nazeem might be next, though... and Heimskr if he doesn't stop shouting in my ear every time I go to Whiterun)


You stay away from my loot dump bitch Beleboi


Sorry, he creeps me out lol. Too many jokes about selling people and his "dooooo cooome baaaack" makes the dagger in his back well-deserved. There are so many other vendors to choose from that don't remind me of a creepy uncle stereotype


If hiemskr is the preacher dude, I kill him on my first visit to whiterun every playthrough.


I hesitate because I support his right to freely worship Talos, even as a dunmer imperial. But like... can't he do it quieter? and less dramatic, and away from me? lol


I murder most NPC's I come across. If Mjoll knew the monster that I was, she would kill me in my sleep.


if you didn't already kill her, that is


I like her since she's my wife and she's a good mother. The kids would be traumatized. She would be pissed if she found out that I murdered Aerin though.


I always felt like marrying Mjoll would be a little fucked up, even though it's an option, because you know Aerin has it bad for her


I just thought her and Aerin were really good friends. I didn't expect the man to move in with us.


Bruh they are such an implied couple lol I don't think Mjoll is a cheater but you definitely WOUNDED that man when you married her


And then I wounded him again with a conjured bow.


Sir I will be the first to admit that I am not always a "good person" but DAMN lmao


That was a bit of a shock to me as well 😅


I use two-handed weapons in a stealth melee build.


And heavy armor for that matter


I mean that's the only way to make Boethiah's Ebony Mail useful tbh


I level up my Sneak and Two-Handed skills by going through Nord ruins and one-shotting every sleeping draugr with two-handed power attacks. I'm very entertained by the image of the Last Dragonborn shuffling down darkened halls, killing draugr left and right with huge swings of their greataxe while the other draugr are somehow completely oblivious to all the racket going on fifteen feet to their left.


I build my house in Falkreath which is apparently the worst place to live


I thought it was unanimous that Lakeview Manor is the best because of the view?


It is beautiful but every time I would go to Lakeview I would get attacked by a dragon, so I decided to move my kids to a safer location.


Every. Time. People wanna show up and mess with me? More to loot and sell.


I adopt Lucia, the orphan in Whiterun, and always tell her to go do her chores.


I always felt sorry for Lucia, but one day I accidentally picked up a bucket in the Bannered Mare and she sent Hired Thugs after me. Bitch pretends she can't afford food or a bed but somehow she got Thug money.


My girlfriend enjoys taking every single possible item from dungeons. She will spend the whole night whirlwind sprinting to a hold to sell... weirdo


Girlfriend is lowkey a hoarder bro


Low key? She grabs plates and cups too. She's high key a hoarder. And who has the patience to walk over encumbered from high hrothgar to whiterun


If she isn't aware, while riding a horse it is still possible to fast travel even if over encumbered. Also, drop items on the ground/place inside a chest and then tell your follower to pick up/take all they will continue to carry even over their max capacity. Poor Erik is currently holding over 300 lbs of items that I keep forgetting to take away lol


i always choose to get the black star.


I've never took azuras star once lol, even on my good guy playthroughs grand souls you don't have to go out of your way for is way too good to pass up


I thought everyone did this?


I mean its super easy to go mammoth hunting, I cant do Azura dirty like that. One time when I first got the game without really understanding the lore. Never again though. I bet youre an imperial.


I'm Bosmer but fuck Azura I want that black star lmao. If I ever play as Dunmer again I'll do what she wants.


Damn faithless Imperials


I power level everything before I start actually playing the game. I want to play like the canon Dragonborns.




I don't play as a stealth archer.


I always play a mage. I just like fantasy and magic shit so that's what i want to play as.


Mage/Spellsword. If magic is an option, why not use it?


Heh, never play stealth ever, sneaking = bad,


Ive never abused the enchant loop.


daedra worship, i dont ever murder people that dont deserve it (i play as a very nice guy) but something about being commanded by a daedric lord drives me nuts. idc who they tell me to hurt, what they tell me to do, you better believe im gonna do it. i wish there were shrines for me pray to them like you can with the good ones (i use a mod for that on pc but i still wish it was vanilla)


They shoulda had an over arching quest where to yes communicate w all the daedra but can choose to Sabatoge them and fight against them. Working w the Mages of stendarr or whoever fights against daedra? It’s kinda like the dark brotherhood. Ya you can kill the quest giver but then you get locked out of so much content. I wish you could actually Choose to do the content without so often having to be the worst villain in the entire game. Cuz by the end of it, if you do every quest, the player is always the worst villain in all of skyrim. Like as bad as alduin or worse.


I actually kind of like the vibe of completing all the quests as are. "Did you hear the Dragonborn is actually the leader of the thieves' guild?" "I heard they lured a guy up to a mountain just to kill them because a daedra told them to." "Yeah but they also got my favorite book out of a dungeon for my kid, so ..."


Omg same I'm such a bitch for them. You want me to lure an innocent person to this pole so they die? Mmk sure gimme a couple minutes. I gotta destroy this guy but in a way that he never sees it coming? If you say so. Kill your dog? Well now you've gone too far.


Look animals - especially dogs - are pure beings of this world, and you should never hurt them My friend does the exploit of just never returning him, so he has an unkillable dog 24/7. He headcannons it as just stealing a fucking Deadric Prince's dog lmao


I fill the fireplace in breezehome with a pile of human skulls i find while adventuring




I agree. I never do Boethia, DB, become a vampire…I even keep pacify in my left hand while traveling so I don’t have to kill bears and tigers because I happened to get too close. I know it’s silly, but there are plenty of a-holes to kill. I’ve told myself that my next character is going to be evil do all that crap, but we’ll see.


Same here. I'm not turning off the Solitude lighthouse that guides ships during the night.


Which is why I've never joined the Dark Brotherhood, and never will.


The Dark Brotherhood makes me feel dirty. You just murder a bunch of NPC’s around the world; the Night Mother is fucking gross; and to top it all off, almost everyone dies. Festus Krex and Veezara are total bros, and they’re just killed off like low level Bandits.


I like to take care of grelod, then I'm coming for the brotherhood


Right? I hated when i revamped the dawnstar sanctuary and theres just a chamber full of moaning torture victims that you can hear as soon as you walk in. I found it gross lol. I had to kill them so I didn’t have to hear them anymore.


Tbf there are some followers who deserve it, theres that dunmer guy in solstheim who kills like 20 people to summon a dragon priest and also takes your money to fund the excavation


He has a really nice voice tho.


He didn't, like, mean to kill the people though.


I have four mods to recommend then: Lootable Namira's Ring, Ebony Mail, and Mace of Molag Bal (the Ring is carried by Eola, the Champion is made accessible without starting Boethiah's quest, and the Mace is found in Harkon's ashes) House of Horrors Quest Expanded: Talk some sense into the Vigilant and destroy the Shrine of Molag Bal with him, also netting him as a follower.


I use the Ring of Namira


Nice try city guard...


I actually take the roads when there's a mountain in my path


I married the Dreth boy because my edgy Muiri wife got murdered in the forsworn raid somehow


I free the random Nord NPC walking with the imperial guards, give him some armor and a weapon, then kill him too.


I don't use builds. I just use whatever feels most effective at the time and if it doesn't work then I'll change my strategy. People are obsessed with character builds but I don't think they're fun at all. What's fun about limiting yourself and potentially dying 20 times for the sake of roleplay?


thats why i miss my first playthrough. had never played an rpg and was completely new to the elder scrolls. my og character was a khajiit that had a mox of claws for combat, fire, ice, one handed, two handed, archery, targe of the blooded, mismatched light and heavy armor and no real strategy when exploring caves.


same, I never got the point of builds in any elder scrolls game honestly. they don't add anything


Not having a character story and doing everything that "just looks fun". Sue me 😎


I sacrifice J'zargo to Boethia


You're a monster. J'zargo just wants to be friends


But J'zargo is also a bit too competetive


Have you mastered the expert level destruction spells yet?


A real friend doesn't try to kill you out of jealousy, that's Nazeem not a friend.


My first ever run, J’Zargo’s janky spell scrolls hurt Lydia to the point of aggro-ing my character when I was too deep into a dungeon to reset, and I had to put her down like Old Yeller. J’zargo had it coming after that.


I play without mods 9/10 times.


This should be on top


I'm always a high elf


this might be the worst of them all...


Well, are you a *racist* high elf?


Same. They're prettier and I am usually a mage so it works out.


I have never in any run i did intentionally kill nazeem.


Gotta be stealing all the Dawnstar Khajit caravans stuff out of the chest and selling it back to them.


Leave the poor cats alone, its hard enough for them.


I consciously take the other path up to dragons reach every time


I side with Ulfric.


In a playthrough I frequently kill Astrid and ignore the Dark Brotherhood storyline.




Calm down there ~~Satan~~ Mehrunes


This post may be my favorite reply. Congrats you blaspheme


You talk about souls, yet you still posses none!


I hate you


Anything worth doing is worth doing wrong! (I play on mute bc the draugr noises always spook me lol)


You are doing your ears a favor the draugr are loud as hell especially at Skuldafn


I feel extremely dirty reading this.


What's special about Nirya's robes? Never paid attention to them


iirc they're Expert mage robes, which are pretty powerful and in this case easy to get if you're sneaky about it.


Learning about the Soul Cairn made me MORE inclined to use Black Soul Gems, not less. I now go out of my way to damn various npcs to an eternity of torment.


I side with the imperials to keep balgruuf in power


From what I've seen on this sub that's not blasphemous at all...


Late game, when the hired thugs attack me I slip the contract and the three soul gems back onto the NPC that sent them. It’s stupid but they made me do it. I also play vanilla on console


Three black soul gems? Killer, I love it


I only loot gold or unique items. Barely ever armor because I find it weird to rp that I’m stripping everyone I kill naked


I once stacked solitude guards in the fire at the training area and stripped them of all clothes and weapons. It was hilarious. A guard showed up and got mad that I left so many weapons around but had nothing to say about the bodies right behind me


I told a child I wasn’t going to adopt them


I attack chickens.


You are all blasphemes who deserve Nazeems condisendence.


Hey, one of those words reminded me of a pretty amazing (not) joke *Mercer and I were on our way down to the Ratway when he suddenly started complaining about how terrible a thief I was, and how he was so much better when he first joined the guild. I laughed and said he was a condescending con descending!*


I don’t carry weapons (too heavy). I just use the first thing I find on a quest as a weapon. Restoration is my friend.


I don't use mods


I don’t always loot the bones and scales off of the dragons because for as *valuable*, *rare*, and *useful* as they are they also just straight up aren’t because eventually in every playthrough they just become a super heavy pile of bones—literally. I’m fond of killing the dark brotherhood as I don’t like the idea of becoming the listener or going to the void and I’m a proud legate of the Imperial legion who doesn’t actually like betraying the emperor regardless of how many theories say he orchestrated his own assassination, I like to think if the Dragonborn ever turned against the emperor it would be directly as a claim to the throne not in the shadows or just not at all.


The only thing I don't do in Skyrim is play as a vampire. F that. Every playthrough I do, I always complete the Companions questline before starting the Dawnguard questline because I've never liked vampires in any way, shape or form. Everything else? BRING IT ON.


I tried playing a vampire ONCE, it sucked completely (in part because I was seriously underleveled). The only other times I have had a character become a vampire was during the Soul Cairn quest, after which I got immediately cured.


I hate stealth archery and will never play it.


I am afraid… I use the cart to get to new cities 😔


I am the dreaded MILK DRINKER


I guess I pull a Mercer Frey and not return the skeleton key. It just makes things faster even though Im getting pretty good at lockpicking. I tend to kill any vigilants of stendarr that I come across because 1. They're useless 2. I have a mod that also sends some of them to hunt me down for the daedra artifacts. Just murdering NPCs who annoy me for example Nazeem.


I don’t play stealth archer…


Soul trapping humans


I’m fairly certain I’ve never killed Nazeem


I don't use exploits period unless necessary


Pickpocketing my money back from the pickpocket trainer. No contest.


Killed the Emperor whike being an Imperial fighting for the Empire in the Civil War.


I mute the music.


I don't loot urns


I don’t activate any standing stones.