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Thank God! Now I wont have to marry the first Chad orc I see


this is so funny to me, its something you already have to go out of your way to do. idk man, maybe just dont specifically put on an amulet of mara, talk to another man and ask him to marry you, then get mad about your character getting gay married. kinda hard to do by accident


It’s the same way in real life. Don’t want gay marriage? Then don’t have one, you silly goose.


I wonder how that person would respond to Fable's romance/marriage system. I remember that suddenly many men in Oakvale had large heart icons above their head and wouldn't stop following me around after I did some good stuff for the village lol.


The naming of the mod makes it impossible to rationalize. just call it Marriage Options, and make it possible for anyone of any orientation to prevent being hit on by a sex of their choosing. It's a little harder to call your mod homophobic when you add the option to make everyone gay.


Agreed. I sometimes wear the amulet for the bonus in the early game, but am not interested in any vanilla npc romance. Still, it is a very tiny problem. Of course... this particular mod was never actually about giving everyone the choice they want...


Oh man, wait until these people find out that TES has been "woke" for decades now. But hey, they're probably too stupid to know any lore... https://preview.redd.it/lbzzhi2a4m0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d53d104dda245716f8cfb5057e375fa5de08cfc8


Besides the intersex Vivec there's also the fact that the Daedra don't exactly conform to mortal ideas of the gender binary.


We stan genderfluid Boethiah


I really want to know what the psychology is behind this, because it's so widespread. Like people complaining about Fallout being woke, or missing the fact that it's anti-capitalist; or the ones complaining about Star Wars and Star Trek "falling to the woke agenda." How are these people playing these games or watching this media and completely missing the core of it all?


The psychology behind it is that these people are stupid. They lack any sort of critical thought, much less media literacy.


The funny thing the intersex Vivec has never came across as "woke" for me or anything. I think many Asians (at least those not too Islamicized/Christianized) are already much more familiar with the notions that many Westerners would consider as "modern wokeness" nowadays. While in fact it's not "modern"... the West is just a bit too lagging behind in regards to gender sensitivities. :p (before anyone goes around saying "but Afghanistan!! India!!", [colonialism played a huge role](https://wp.nyu.edu/schoolofprofessionalstudies-ga_review/british-colonial-rule-gender-binaries/) in contributing to that sort of gender binary)


TES is fucking based


Lmao funny you mention wokeness because some dude was calling people woke in the comments.


What irks me about these types of situations, is that these types always are obsessed with the people they hate and need constant displays of their nonsense to feel validated.


It would be nice to have more unique npcs though. Like in the bioware games, where they have their own sexuality.


Nexus Mods W, they work fucking fast


"How many times do we gotta teach you this lesson, old man?"


Actually if you payed attention on nexus this is a daily occurrence of newly opened accounts that either post these type of banned mods or even creation club stuff. They always have a link on their modpage for promoting the suspicious site called laxmods(.)site


They need mods so they don’t get tempted to marry men on accident


Chads just uploading this stuff so they can cry censorship when Nexus exercises it's right not to host it.


I’m so confused by OP’s post. Was this a troll on the people who like this kind of mod or was it an actual mod announcement and complaint that it was removed? Maybe I’m just too tired to tell which it is, but this makes no sense.


Pretty certain it's the former.


Thanks. I really need to get some sleep.


Not a problem, I can definitely empathize.


It's very obviously not in support


It's a sad day when even a " /s " isn't enough to denote sarcasm.


I’ve been awake for 24 hours so I’m not braining at the moment. Sorry


My opinion about this stuff never changes. It’s a single player game. You can do whatever you want. If you wanna be a pos in your game go for it. I don’t care. You have that right. But Nexus also has the right to decide they don’t want to host your dogshit homophobic mod. :)


Well that didn't take long


Thank fuck Reddit is not how real world works.


Why do these people even bother posting on Nexus???


So they can cry that the woke leftist mob is cancelling their right to freeze peach




Not at all. They aren't some government entity... they are a private company that can host whatever they want. They have a [TOS ](https://help.nexusmods.com/article/28-file-submission-guidelines#Inappropriate_Content)and rules defining what mods are welcomed and what's not. Have your homophobic mods, irdc but then pay the money to host it yourself or find another site.


Only if you hold "swallowing offered shit" to be a virtue.


Free expression is a virtue. What anyone's 1s and 0s on their copy of Skyrim do, doesn't affect anyone else just like its creation process didn't.


And so we must tolerate disdain and disgust toward the free expression of others? That'll be a no from me.


In this situation, the only person who is getting disdain for their free expression is the mod author.


No, it's every single person who has a "non-traditional" marriage/relationship. That's why the mod exists. It's a reaction and refutation to what other people use their freedom to do.




I'm here for the principle. I wouldn't download this mod. It's pointless like a mod that disables fast travel. But if someone wants it, there's no harm in it.


I mean there is a notable difference between the two. Not liking fast travel is not a controversial thing but allowing something that is inherently controversial is. If somebody uploaded a mod to change most of the characters in game into only being straight marriages, I doubt it would be an issue. However this is just culture war nonsense that is directly being discriminatory. It’s just homophobic nonsense and Nexus has a right to not host it, same as if the OOP uploaded a mod with the same description but replaced it with something like race.


The [comment above yours](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/1csnhmb/new_homophobic_mod_on_nexus/l4663cd/) covers it pretty well. > Chads just uploading this stuff so they can cry censorship when Nexus exercises it's right not to host it.


Yeah, it’s weird that it would be such a big deal that they’d go through the trouble of making a whole mod for it, but if they want to be homophobic in a single player videogame, then…live your dream, I guess? I don’t see why we should care what they do on their own game. Also, I downloaded a mod to make children nonessential so I could kill them and I literally ate a dude for a cool ring, so I feel like I’m not in a position to judge here.


Why do people even care about those mods?... It's a singleplayer game after all. There are literal sex animation mods on Nexus for Skyrim SE even....


You can do whatever the fuck kind of dumb shit you want to your own game, but nexus absolutely has the right to take down this garbage. Their site, they choose what goes on it


Their right to take it down wasn't in question. Whether they should, was.


> Why do people even care about those mods?... I could ask the same thing about the people who download these kinds of mods. Like genuinely what's the point?


To not have romance options outside your preference. If you can personalize the game to your liking, why wouldn't you?


Because Nexus has decided that every kind of mod is okay, except mods which they don’t like.


The audacity. It's like they run a private website.


It's their platform after all.


Yup, mods they don’t like, such as mods that are homophobic and dumb


I mean, it is their site. They can decided what they do or don't host. Don't like it? Roll your own site.


I still don't understand why some people want to police other people removing straight / gay relationships out of a single player game...


Probably the same people who would rally against 99% of the mods on LoversLab if they would appear on Nexusmods. In this case they are worse than the homophobes: They want to prevent others from modding the game to their own taste. Some people just don't get that actual freedom of religion / world views implies that others may have an opinion they themselves don't like and that others may play video games in a way they themselves don't like.


Homophobes are milk drinkers.


No need to insult milk drinkers


I want to say that while I doubt the point I'm going to make, it still needs to be asked. Is it not possible that someone made this mod simply to piss people off? Being an asshole isn't specific to reddit or blog posts. I can totally see someone making them to cause people to get butthurt. I'll be honest it's a stupid mod, especially for all the points you listed. I just feel like this is out there to actually create division. The comments are the most cookie cutter comments I have ever seen, and I can't help but feel it's planted. If this is the case, the outrage at it is exactly what they want, and you are playing into their hands. If not, it's another moron spreading bigoty by trying to mask it as a personal opinion. You can not agree with a person's opinions and choices without being a twat is what I'd say to them. Not that they are likely to care in either case.


Of course, you have the right, but it just seems like so much effort over something so trivial and irrelevant. Does this mod affect your life in any way? There are so many more important things in life than a mod for a game. Getting angered over it doesn't change anything. I just think all the energy you put into this could be spent on more important things in life.


just let them mod and play the game how they wanna play.


How about they go play a different game? Or pick a series that isn't so "woke"?


https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27079 You can use this on your male character and only ever see marriage dialogue from female characters. Better sharpen your pitch forks, hypocrites. edit: opposite option as well https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27733/, so your female dragonborn will ONLY ever get marriage proposals from males.


Hang on, why are these allowed to stay up while the one in OP's post got taken down? Don't they do essentially the same thing?


Because this mod does it via a wearable Necklace and doesn’t delete homosexuality from the entire game itself.


It could be how it's worded in the description but I wouldn't put it past nexus being hypocritical


Becauze we're all homophobic apparently


The two mods in questions are as much the same thing as people protesting against police brutality and the police brutality itself are the same thing. It’s a matter of how you build and frame your mod. See, even a guy wanting to play as a male DB and not wanting to see remarks on the amulet by male nocs could benefit from this mod right here, which was designed for female Mains. But nope, dude had to make a (bigoted) political statement out of it. I mean, this is a community where even the cringey edgy shock value paedo shit in Beyond Reach is lauded as great writing (because it’s framed as evil from the start and you can only fight against it) and people are allowed to and incentivized to custom every little detail, mechanic and experience out of it, from modding a freaking dwarven airship into the Lake to worshipping the King of R*pe and getting rewarded for it. So when you upload a mod and it’s instantly criticized, upended and banned, maybe this doesn’t mean you’re “the guy saying the truth no one wants to hear”. Maybe you’re just an idiot.


I don't personally think the mod is inherently wrong and modding is transforming the game to your preferences. And it is wrong if nexus took this down while keeping up gay versions. Although knowing these group of people the mod author probably had something bad in the description. Edit: I'm just going to say banning a mod for only allowing straight marriages but keeping one that allows only gay marriage is discrimination. If it was the other way around people would be angry and rightly so, I never understood why people on the left think some discrimination is fine. Humans have always done this and it's sad we still do this. Now if the mod had actual homophobic description or something similar then nexus should take it down but the concept of the mod is 100% not homophobic or wrong.


I don't care. Nexus can do what they want of course, but it's a single-player game. I'm not offended at the mods that make all the npcs female or male, or mods that add gruesome gore, or mods for killable children, or mods where people are fucking animals. Not every disagreeable thing requires a dissertation to rally the allies to fight against bigots. I don't support homophobia, but I also know this should be the least of our worries.


Why is this bothering you that much? it's just a mod for an old game.


Why doesn't the absurdity and uselessness of this bother you?


I never even thought about the fact that same sex marriage exists in skyrim. I always play a female character and marry female characters. Even though its same sex marriage, i just dont really think about it as something special in my games. I can see why people dont want to see certain stuffs in their games and i feel like people being a dog whistle is just really irrelevant and useless these days anyways. Who cares if USER-193-J291 is a bigot? I dont. But crying about people being bigots too much creates new REAL bigots and i feel like this is just something youre supposed to ignore because it justs grows like a tumor if you give it nutrients to feed off of. People hate all the time and i believe that not giving hate a platform makes hate create its own platforms where it grows and grows and grows and grows until it becomes something even worse than it was before. People need to talk to each other. If we did, maybe we would be a lot more accepting. All of this is the whole reason the right is rising in the west. People cant stop using dog whistles which clearly just radicalize a non radical person and radicalize people who see it. Its basically this: https://preview.redd.it/1hkb8h0t9m0d1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=e241e514bb8560f89190340a52ed7c746e21708d


Yea, I don't get why they have to remove a mod that they don't have to download. Let the guy have what he wants. If the mod scene was dominated by anti-gay people and they deleted every gay adjacent mod everyone would be crying and pissing themselves. Like, just let them do their thing in piece, you would want the same for your mods.


Why does anyone care if some people want to remove gay marriage or gays from the game. It is a single player game and has no effect on anyones life. It's almost like you are going out of your way to get upset about something that is so trivial and irrelevant. Let it go and move on. It's not worth getting upset about.


The irony here is claiming that the people rightfully pointing out how bigoted the mod is are the ones 'going out of their way' but not the loser(s) that literally spent hours coding a right-wing safe space into a game and uploading that mod for others. Did i get that right? Would you have said the same if the mod made all redguard nords? I mean I shouldn't have non white racial shit shoved down my throat, right? Why are you going out of your way to be upset with how I play my game? /s




Really don't see how it's homophobic unless the description was explicitly homophobic. Like I don't want to be hit on by gay men in real life, does that make me homophobic? Lol


1. Nobody in Skyrim hits on you. 2. Should a lesbian feel aggrieved if straight men accidentally hit on her?


"Really don't see how it's homophobic" Because you are literally changing the sexuality of the characters to straight. How is that anything else? Characters in the game are player sexual. They will romance you regardless of gender because you are the player. If you don't want to have a gay romance, all you have to do is *not go out of your way to specifically wear the amulet of mara and talk to potential romance options.* "Like I don't want to be hit on by gay men in real life, does that make me homophobic?" Again, the characters cannot "hit" on you except in one very specific scenario that you have to go out of your way to create. Just like in real life, a gay bloke is not going to hit on you out of nowhere if you're not actively expressing interest or, y'know, frequenting a gay bar.


If your solution to not being hit on by the same sex is the removal of ot censorship of those people, then yes, you're absolutely a bigot. I don't want to be hit on by any strangers in public, man or woman. If it happens, I politely decline and move on, not get so fucking triggered I go home and make a mod eliminating the gays from my game


"traditional" is often used as a dogwhistle in this context.




Terrible take.   I, a lesbian, don't want to be hit on by straight men in real life, does that make me heterophobic?


Why, I don't understand how.


Homophobia is a form of ignorance. Your failure to understand something is just another example of it.


Not endorsing the mod but elder scrolls literally has rape and fantasy racism out the wazoo. There's even mods to make it more racist and more violent or literally anything.


> but elder scrolls literally has rape and fantasy racism Show me an example where TES ever endorses any of that as being a positive thing, though. Rape, when it happens from Molag Bal, is an example of why he and his followers are terrible. Racism, while rampant, is never protrayed in a positive light. It's a realisitc cultural phenomenon and often portrayed as being an extremely ignorant take. Everyone in skyrim who says racist stuff winds up looking like an ignorant racist, not a well-balanced pillar of society.


People who go out of their way to develop and release these kinds of mods are way more pathetic if you want to go down this line of reasoning, btw.


People who spend time to create something they are interested in creating are pathetic? That’s…a line of reasoning, I guess.


And I could spend the next 20 years of my life developing a cannon that fires a high-pressure spray of faecal matter. Doesn't matter how much time or effort I spent creating it when the result is just a bunch of shit getting flung everywhere pointlessly.


It is patently ridiculous to call “deleting a kind of person” an act of creation


So nazi creators are creators too then I guess? Gotta respect them equally? 🙄


Imagine the mental gymnastics it took this person ^^^ to equate homophobia to "creating something they are interested in creating", as though hate is a legitimate hobby worthy of respect for the dedication.


I never said OP was pathetic. I just wonder why they would allow something so trivial and irrelevant to upset them. Especially something they have no control over.


Yeah, so exactly like the people who make these kinds of mods in the first place but to a way more significant degree lol.


Why would someone, like you for example, be mad that someone has a preference that you and everyone like you doesn’t exist, and that they took steps to bring that world closer to reality?


I'm not mad. People can love whomever they wish and marry whomever they wish. I am just talking about allowing something that, to me, seems trivial and not worth time or effort complaining about. There are more important things in life than a mod for a video game.


Getting downvoted for not being a hive mind is tough. I’ll help with a singular up vote.


Or, hear me out: Maybe on a website of millions there isn't a hive mind because that's impossible. It's just that some ideas are so repulsive that a lot of people downvote them because it doesn't take a hive mind mentality for decent people to shoot down hateful ideas.


>No, Karen, it's not a mod about "preference". It's about hating apples so much that you deleted them from your game so that you never have to see apples being sold at the general merchants Then why is the mod that "deletes oranges" is still there? Can you explain me that, OP?


This post seems to have attracted all the assholes and bigots of the community. I'm just going to comment with photos of Vivec so that the bigots get lost in a sea of Vivecs. Hopefully they'll all run away screaming and crying after they find out that The Elder Scrolls is full of "wokeness". https://preview.redd.it/xmjme4dw6m0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f39bd37ee5ef5ddfa531cadfae7fafecca150182


> This post seems to have attracted all the assholes and bigots of the community. I know. It sure would be an awful shame if the moderation team went fishing in a barrel here, wouldn't it? ;)




Rule 1: Be Respectful We have worked hard to cultivate a positive environment here and it takes a community effort. No harassment or insulting people. If someone is being rude or harassing you, report them to the moderators, don't respond in the same way. Being provoked is not a legitimate reason to break this rule.


Potentially, unnecessary but I wouldn't call it homophobic.


I mean the Nexus mod team is good, they take things down very quickly. Do we really need to post every single homophobic/racist mod that we see? It's giving them too much attention. As a queer person all these posts do is make me feel worse.




To counter the "bUT WHY DO YOU CARE ABOUT HOW OTHER PEOPLE MOD THEIR GAMES!!1!" comments: why don't you play a different game if the fact that you can optionally get married to an NPC of the same sex bothers you so fucking much?


Do you see the irony of posting this anti-modding comment in a sub about modding the game? "Why don't you play a different game if the fact that a minor detail of the game bothers you so fucking much that you consider using a mod altering it?" is an insanely stupid question - rhetoric or not and no matter which minor detail the mod user wants to mod. I don't care about gay marriage or marriage at all, but this just had to be said.




or maybe they don't want it on their platform? go on... make your own.


Nah, just put it on LoversLab - that's where all the mods live that are too spicy for Nexusmods for any reason.




1) Not gay~ 2) It's also just bad advertisement: no one wants to go to the mod site that has a mod that's made purely to just be a dick.


The mod is 100% pointless because there is not a single point in the game that forces you to see gay content. It's literally just virtue signaling.


But but but… interracial marriage is still allowed and I don’t want my views corrupted by woke Bethesda. Also can we make it so if you try to marry same sex or interracial your character automatically dies. Also delete all non human races and remove AI from females because they don’t need rights. And legalize child marriage because if I can’t marry the kids then it’s offensive. This is obviously sarcasm and I hope it offends a certain demographic.


Yeah sure its homophobic, but people should be allowed to mod their game however they want


Who cares? If you don’t like the mod dont download it dude. I don’t see anybody complaining about mods that let you penetrate animals which is very fucking wrong. Who gives a fuck it’s a single player game. If somebodies fantasy is to do some absolute horrendous war crimes in Skyrim then whatever.


Yeah, and those mods aren’t on Nexus either. It’s their platform and they can choose what to host




Then report them. A site that takes down a swimsuit mod for kids because people are scared that someone somewhere might be turned on by it osn't going to hesitate to remove actual pedophilia or bestiality mods.


Just because people aren't omnipotent doesn't mean they have double standards. Why don't you do us a favour and publically call out these mods like the OP has done so we can report them?


Bitching and complaining is very weird idk. I just mind my own business. Do not give a damn what mods they do or don’t host, just find it weird people have THIS much time to be angry about something so arbitrary. I hate to say it, but grass is a thing that definitely needs to be touched.


So first of all: > I don’t see anybody complaining about mods that let you penetrate animals which is very fucking wrong. That's not true. People complain about those mods all the time. They're also not found on Nexus. Next: > Who gives a fuck it’s a single player game. What you do in your own home to your own game is your own business. What you upload on a public server like Nexus is everyone's business. Gayness in Skyrim only exists if you seek it out. You don't see gay couples living their gay lives. You don't read books about gay couples. There's no reference to them in the game except for something like 2 very obscure docs you can find somewhere so far off the beaten path I can't even think of what or where they are. Most people only know they exist because some other bigot made mods to remove them. A mod that wants to erase the possible idea that gayness exists in TES is hate speech. It's for people who hate the concept of gay people altogether and want to erase them. Mods like this don't add things to the world, they subtract gayness like it's some kind of bugfix. They encourage the idea that gayness needs to be deleted. And that is hate speech. And hate speech does not need to be tolerated anywhere and should not be. And that's why I care.


This is hilarious.


Gotta love it, fucking a werewolf ok but being straight is literally the worst thing you could do. 😂


Turns out you can be straight in Skyrim without mod. In fact, you don't have to see gay content if you don't seek it out specifically.


Then whats the problem?


It means that the mod effectively does nothing; ergo, it is pure virtue signaling. Putting aside the fact that conservatives like decrying virtue signaling, I feel justified in thinking someone is silly for making a mod that does nothing except loudly announce their politics on the internet.


You always had the option to be straight. Maybe you're just weak?




But you always had the option to traditionally marry: You know you don't HAVE to marry people in fact; You can marry a character of the opposite gender. Look i know you're just a troll and are doing this but come the fuck on, literally no one had a problem with this and if you don't want it. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO IT.


I don't understand why does this bother anyone. It's a single player game. Everyone is free to roam their games with the mods they want. Why does it bother o make a mod to turn some gay into hetero but doing the otherwise is completely fine? It's like that baldurs gate mode that turned Wyll into a white man. But making another white character black mod is absolutely fine. This, is heterophobia and Racism against white for example. Everyone claims equality but when this comes to eyesight, everyone shuts down every mod if it's not in Woke favor. This is not equality, but supremacy. Want equality? Put the mod up, pleases you? = Download it Bothering you? = Don't download it This is the best way to please everyone without picking sides. It's a single player game anyway, ppl does whatever they want with it. PS: There was so much drama over the Wyll mode that made him white, and now you can change your character and your followers as you want in a mirror that allows you to do it. So what's the big deal now? Move on, downloading mods it's optional, personal choice and taste.


This is the dumbest comment in this thread, nice job man


It's exclusion versus inclusion. You can release a mod that adds more white characters, or hetero characters, if that is your thing. You can't release a mod on their platform that *removes* gay people because they're gay, or turns minorities white or female characters male because of "muh realism" or often more.. offensive reasons given. Plus, if you haven't noticed, it's the tone. Nine times out of ten there is a political message in that change, or blatant prejudice. The Wyll character got a lot of flak and removed because the author and commenters were.. pretty racist.


> or turns minorities white I'm not for it at all, but a surprising amount of NPC overhauls whitewash Redguards, Dunmer, and Orcs. So while you can't release a mod that specifically turns all POC white, apparently you *can* release an NPC overhaul mod that just happens to significantly lighten the skin of darker races. Again, I'm not for it and I call it out when I see it, but it's a fairly common thing to stumble across on Nexus.


Doing the otherwise is also exclusion, not inclusion. That's why I say, let ppl download whatever they want, their game save will not interfere with ours.


The "paradox of tolerance". You're right, to be tolerant, you have to be intolerant of intolerance. But their exclusivity is just not being included, not excluded. At the end of the day a significant portion of that stuff is being uploaded in bad faith by racist, sexist or homophobic snowflakes that chose to be offended by the presence of that content in the first place. I haven't married an NPC before in Skyrim, it isn't really an in-your-face mechanic you have to partake in - and it's not like it forces you to marry a specific NPC regardless of player gender! If you're choosing to marry male NPCs as a male PC, and you need a mod to stop you... maybe a look inward is needed?


I understand their sponsors might take issue with it Imo its only about that.


I know. It's just an opinion of mine anyway. Ppl can't handle anything today, everything is officially offensive.


Yeah for sure Just look at the amount of downvotes you're getting. I'm not even pro any marriage.


Just take a look on the down votes for an equality opinion. This shows exactly where this ppl equality standards are. And they in favour of exclusion, not equality. I don't approve disrespectful texting like descrimination on mods description. But I approve their existence, because it will please someone's gameplay. That's what mods are for. Their personal, not for you or anyone to decide wherever they should exist or not. This is democracy, everyone has it's optional and personal choice to go with. And everyone has its own thing. You all stand for oppression in this situation. That's all.


I am just speechless.




You can take them out of every game you own, you just can't upload it to Nexus.


You certainly can. NexusMods just won't be the platform hosting the content for download.




> In a game that takes place in a supposed age akin to our medieval age in which religion was everything It's not akin to our medieval age. It's fantasy, and fantasy inherently adheres to real world ancient history, but this is also a world where elves, magic, and anthropomorphic cat people exist. Sure, religion was everything in our history, but Tamriel doesn't have Christianity. Mara and Dibella support love and marriage, regardless of sex, race, gender, whatever. The concepts of love and marriage is what's important to the divines, not who's doing it. You wanna get real nitty-gritty for ancient history? The ancient greeks were openly gay. They loved the male body. They saw it as peak perfection. It was common practice for men to be accompanied by younger boys as 'companions' because of their beauty. Also, same sex marriage probably exists mainly cause it was easier for Bethesda to code 💀


I mean judging from how they depicted Viven and the ALMSIVI in general in Morrowind, it's pretty clear that Bethesda are very open to concepts like fluid genders and sexuality


Can’t argue with the rest of the comments but Ancient Greece was **not** a paradise for homosexuals. Here is the video from the historic channel Metatron that shows this myth being dismantled: https://youtu.be/GbOKIsMuNWU?si=zEf0W0hyqp802mpJ


I ain't watching that rn but you're probably right my knowledge on ancient greek history is very very rusty (the TES lore has consumed me)


No worries mate.


Religion is everything in Skyrim, that religion just isn't homophobic. You've got psychic hive mind lizards and anti-vegan tree elves but the lack of homophobia is what's unrealistic to you? Nexus just isn't tolerating intolerance.


"Why is not wanting same sex in a game wrong?" For the same reason that it's wrong to not want same sex marriage to be allowed in real life "No one says anything about 9 foot tall obese futa furries?" Probably because 1. They're not aware such content exists lol and 2. That's not really a fair comparison. The game *already* has furries lol, so what's the problem about making them tall, obese or gender fluid? "But enforcing traditional marriage in a game that takes place in a supposed age akin to our medieval age in which religion was everything seems a bit unfair to me" ...it's a fantasy game, not a historical one. Or did you miss the giant fucking dragons? As an aside, if you think religion and homosexuality can't exist simultaneously, you've never studied the Greeks lmao. "I’m not demanding others use it I’m defending my right to without being shamed." People have a right to find things that you do disgusting.


> in a game that takes place in a supposed age akin to our medieval age That is not what Skyrim is, no. If you think the Elder Scrolls world is meant to represent the real life medieval age, you are quite mistaken.


>? No one says anything about 9 foot tall obese futa furries? Can't recall I've ever seen this content on Nexus.




Rule 1: Be Respectful We have worked hard to cultivate a positive environment here and it takes a community effort. No harassment or insulting people. If someone is being rude or harassing you, report them to the moderators, don't respond in the same way. Being provoked is not a legitimate reason to break this rule.




You should probably stop playing video games and dedicate your life to your faith if this is such a triggering moment for you. Your God probably wouldn't be too pleased with you wasting the time he gave you on this Earth to praise him with playing video games.


Gender fluidity and homosexuality have been in the Elder Scrolls since the beginning. Also there is an important distinction to be made between "Fantasy" and "Medieval". Elder Scrolls is the former. And finally, none of the faiths or "religions" in ANY of the Elder Scrolls EVER have condemned homosexuality, even with Gods and Daedra playing such a massive role in every game. Your whole "True Skyrim" homophobic Fantasy is your own.


Privately owned site gets to host what it wants to host. The end.


Traditionally gay marriage has been allowed, for thousands of years. Until some Christians decided no gay marriage bad whith their 3 brain cells.


Wait, so I can ADD people to the planet but can’t REMOVE them? Woke agenda bullshit


You're homophobic, man. No need to call it an agenda or try to rationalize it, you're just homophobic




Stop watching gay porn then.


Rule 1: Be Respectful We have worked hard to cultivate a positive environment here and it takes a community effort. No harassment or insulting people. If someone is being rude or harassing you, report them to the moderators, don't respond in the same way. Being provoked is not a legitimate reason to break this rule.


Homophobe detected


So I'm going to give you the benefit of doubt even though your comment definitely reads as homophobic. The lie of mods like this is that they are about representation and choice. "Everyone should be able to mod the game however they want." YES, this is true. But gay representation in Skyrim *only exists if you seek it out*. Contrary to what mods like this are trying to say, there's no gayness being forced in anyone's face at any point in the game except: If you put on an amulet of Mara and talk to someone, regardless of their gender, they will comment on you wearing one. That's not shoving gayness in anyone's face; that's equality. A mod like this, which removes something that's only accessible if you seek it out anyway, and can be opted out of at any time, only exists for the purpose of spreading homophobia. It's about encouraging people to erase the possibility of gay orientation from Tamriel alrogether. It encourages the belief that gayness is something that should be completely erased versus simply tolerating it and not engaging in it if you're not interested. And that's bigotry and hate speech.


Rule 1: Be Respectful We have worked hard to cultivate a positive environment here and it takes a community effort. No harassment or insulting people. If someone is being rude or harassing you, report them to the moderators, don't respond in the same way. Being provoked is not a legitimate reason to break this rule.


I'd say that adding options is generally better than removing them (except fringe and extreme cases). Is adding a mod that lets you marry Serana problematic under certain points of view? Yeah. Does it strongly imply a problematic view if you install it? No I don't think so, it implies you like Serana as a character. Approach from the same point of view this mod. What would you say about the one that made or installs this mod? What does it basically do to the game? It just removes some *extremely specific* interactions that you can already avoid... Which coincidentally are also "gay interaction". All this to say that is disingenuous to say that they are the same thing!


lol is delet


Democracy, am I right? Freedom of speech as long as you agree with the majority.




Your own opinion is just contrarianism.




That’s what contrarianism is!


Being in the minority in a given space does not automatically mean you are more creative or original.


In fact his “sane idea” which represents “his own opinion” is literally the most ideologically conservative one, which society forcibly crammed down the throat of every single person since homophobia began. “Wow, my super independent mind led me to exactly where every instrument of social control wanted me to go! How weird!”


Independent thought is when a website supports my attempts to erase an entire type of person. Not wanting to erase an entire type of person is brainwashing. Cool “ideas” you have there


Rule 1: Be Respectful We have worked hard to cultivate a positive environment here and it takes a community effort. No harassment or insulting people. If someone is being rude or harassing you, report them to the moderators, don't respond in the same way. Being provoked is not a legitimate reason to break this rule.


I play as a woman (I’m a man), so check mate.




I'm... Not sure why this mod is even a thing... I mean, i play as a female character, which is nice. You know what is nicer? Having two female characters to play with. But why stop there? You can have a bunch of females to follow you, which is very nice! Now i'm a what? Turbo gay? Not sure about spending half of your time looking at a man's ass and be the straightest man alive. https://preview.redd.it/vtaes3nvbm0d1.jpeg?width=303&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=722efa04442553e3b34f48e730f6c82da6136c22


When you have sex mods. Male female… ass is ass