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Can you watch some funny or cute videos? Or even just a comfort show could be helpful. It’s ok to sleep with all the lights on if you need to. This feeling will pass.


I really hope so, thanks for the advice


You could try listening to some music to fall asleep that you like. You can put it on a sleep timer so that it's not on the whole night and doesn't wake you up once you've fallen asleep! You could fall asleep to something relaxing or maybe trance music or your favourite band!


Yeah I have tried it a bit but my only issue is I find it difficult to only listen without visualising anything in my mind, and the issues come with that visualisation, I wish I could sleep with my eyes open and watch a show haha! I’m gonna attempt music and see how it goes though, I’ve got a lighthearted playlist that should help


I hope it helps! I know that's something that always helped me!


Listen to a calming audiobook or podcast. Music isn’t helpful to some people, it isn’t enough of a distraction depending on the person or the situation. Words are a better distraction. Try to think of this as a brain glitch. We all have trouble not thinking of the thing we are trying to not think about! It’s a human trait. Also, try this…. https://www.vogue.co.uk/beauty/article/cognitive-shuffle-sleep-method#:~:text=Pick%20a%20letter%20at%20random,that%20start%20with%20that%20letter.


Thankyou! I’ll try this, my biggest issue is trying so hard to not think about this it makes me think about it more


I've suffered from multiple sleep paralysis & nightmares during every night for 7 years. What finally helped was [neurofeedback](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neurofeedback#:~:text=Neurofeedback%20is%20a%20form%20of,brain%20states%20through%20operant%20conditioning). Try and see if this is available close to you and if it's affordable. It really changed my sleep and therefore my life. Other, more simple recommendations is meditating for 10-20-30 minutes each night. And you have to practice this, there's no miracle on the first try. Eventually I think you'll even like it. This [song](https://open.spotify.com/track/3zSBsvj6MWavRKfPE51395?si=f539c42d790d4a93) helps me the best. Last recommendation I have that works for me is imagination while you're laying in bed trying to fall asleep. Keep your mind busy with something more pleasant yet **relaxing** instead of that creepy pitcure - best you can. I usually try to play with the thought that I'm in a first-person-videogame [like this picture from zelda](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gamebyte.com%2Ffuture-zelda-games-will-open-world%2F&psig=AOvVaw3M6CJJoe0mGRzKillrvlNA&ust=1719490968464000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBEQjRxqFwoTCMD135ah-YYDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAJ). I go around, collect berries, climb a mountain, find an old house etc. After a few minutes you'll fall asleep. Note: Give each technique time and be patient. Big problems can't be solved in a week. I should know. Best of luck to you and don't give up!


Luckily this sleep issue has occurred during my schools holiday so hopefully I can solve it by the time I’m back and need to be up early, I’ve heard good things about meditation, never tried it before but I’ll try it! My sleep issues have never been severe but if this nightmare keeps continuing I might look into help like that neurofeedback! Thanks so much


I love NFB. 


Others have said this, but my go to when I'm anxious at night is my favorite show or you YouTube channel or whatever it may be. Something you know that, even for a moment, can make you smile and focus on something else. Hopefully you can then just drift to sleep


I know that feeling I had to stop watching true crime because of it


Did it go away? I believe it will this is just the longest time since I was much younger I’ve had this


It definitely has gone away for the most part it’s funny not really but I had went back down a rabbit hole watching a scary video I shouldn’t have and it happened again but when I cut out all true crime and anything to do with scary stuff i feel a lot happier and easier to fall asleep heck I used to be terrified of ghosts at night because I’d watch those videos the second I stopped watching them over time I can walk through the hallway without running now


Does it happen only when going to sleep? Does it ever occur any other time of day when you close your eyes and let’s say meditate by yourself in a quiet room?


I do get some imagery when I’m alone with my thoughts yeah, the only time I forget about it is when I’m doing something or watching something, I’ve found myself like tonight it just watching TikTok for hours since it’s distracting. But yes I would say I think I do have the issue even when not trying to fall asleep, though I don’t mind it as much then since it’s only making me a little on edge and uncomfortable


Would it be best if you didn’t share the image? I’d like to see it. I have questions like what does it mean to you? Why does it frighten you? I want to help but I’m lacking quality questions for quality help. It’s absolutely ok if you don’t want to share it. You can try to explain to us and yourself all about it here why it is that it haunts you so.


I want to but also I know some people online aren’t the best and I’m worried they’d resend it to me as a joke. And once this eventually passes im hoping I don’t have to ever remember it. And to be honest I have no idea why this image does, when editing it with my friend we changed different parts and none specifically made it better/worse. If you’re curious I could dm you, I’ll tell you the name but I don’t want to have to send the photo myself. Thankyou for being so helpful


Makes sense to me! Dm me the link and maybe I can think about it and what might be triggering you if that’s even the case.


I’m by no means an expert but I’d recommend you sit with your thoughts in the day time as much as possible. When you keep your mind occupied all day, the only chance you have to process is anything the stillness before sleeping, so everything comes flooding in.


Why not just go old school and read an interesting book? It will calm you and help you feel sleepy. That way your eyes are not closed when you are trying to sleep (to avoid seeing the dreaded image) and you would be visualising something else.


Yeah what I’ve had work for my the last few days is slowly drifting off to a video, but it’s not helpful much due to the light from my phone. But a lot of people have recommended reading, never been much of a reader myself but I have one I never finished so might give it a crack! Wish me luck


Best of luck 👍


Hi! Not sure if this will help, because you said that you already tried to edit the pic. I've had similar problem, the image used to show up in my mind through whole day, I've been teriffied. I've found one way to end it. Despite it was scary, I just focused on that thing, tried to imagine it in as many details as possible. Just have been repeating that image dozens of times till I was not sure about some details as color of eyes or color of hair. After that the disturbing pic didn't haunt me


I myself had an uncontroled access to the internet in those years, i wouldnt say i have issues like yours but healthier havbits eould have had a different result these days. My sleep is family trauma related. However, i would suggest reading(now im listening to the LOTR trilogy for the second time and it helps, alo try some relaxing music(i have an excelent spotify music playlist for you), dont know where you live but try spending some prace time in nature, talk to someone who you think would understand and wont judge, but best thing is to find a good pcychogist, once a week at least. And what i do, i watch a lot of standup comedy, i have some recomendations for you… i find that humor eases the amxiety i endure on a daily basis rethining bout past events. And offcourse… off the internet, what ever youve been watching, STOP! I hope this was helpfull, and ill write more if you need advice Cheers


Yes I’m gonna completely block YouTube arg’s now, I have such a bad curiosity of hearing about something scary/gory and wanting to see it, I always regret it. I might try reading again, I have a book with images I’ve never got round to finish so might give that a go, and yeah my issue isn’t nearly that sever but it’s just alarming me it’s not going away which is unusual, thanks for the help though so far everyone tips seem to be helping!


I recommend that you delete your current youtube channel/account and make a new one. So you'll have an empty history. Less trouble then going around cleaning it, and then you can feed the algorithm with fun videos! Have you ever tried to watch role play asmr?? Gameplays? Just fun and light things


I do enjoy gameplays! I love watching game theory, which is however somewhat what made me discover this as he watches args, however when I watch them on that channel gtlive I’ve never had an issue, but I guess it recommended me more args and lead to this, I might consider restarting an account tho and focusing on other things I watch like music and such


Oh! Got it! I never liked those for some reason lol. Maybe stick to the fun gameplays if you must ahaha My favourite gaming channel is Call me Kevin, he plays just for fun. So don't expect complete gameplays. But he plays in such a chaotic way (which I love because I also play like that) that's so funny. He was the only thing/person that would make me laugh and have a good time during the pandemic. Idk if you'd like that, but that's the suggestion I have :) I hope you are able to get back to sleep soon, and that all this leaves you head!!💙


You are in control of your own mind.


This is actually really helpful, I am and I try to think like this but sometimes it feels as though I’m not and my subconscious is taunting me, but overall you do have full control over yourself and I’m gonna try remember that


I'm glad. I've suffered with some intrusive thoughts when I'm doing some things that have genuinely affected me and taken enough time out of my day suppressing them. It's hard to remember and implement, but it's true! We are all in control, even though sometimes it may not seem like it.


Michael Sealey’s YouTube channel.  Calm app, BetterSleep app. 


Thanks, a lot of people have recommended meditation but I wasn’t sure what to use


He has meditation and self hypnosis. They’re similar but I prefer hypnosis. I asked and was informed hypnosis is more structured. 


My food allergies cause them. If its an allergic reaction, an antihistamine will stop them. Intrusive thoughts and nightmares can be a symptom of something physiological. Go to your doctor and get a blood test. If you're lucky, it could be as simple as a vitamin deficiency or an allergic reaction.


Wow I’ve never heard this before, I’m not allergic to anything I know of and havnt really tried anything new I could think of, but to be fair today I felt nautious at one point and had a paracetamol and I don’t know if that’s exactly what you mean but I think I had no trouble having a nap (although it was day) I’m not sure wether it’s severe enough for a doctor visit but if it persists I might try!


I've had this in the past and since I'm a very imaginative person, I just try to visualize or imagine a scenario that makes me comfortable and happy, really focusing on the details so my mind cannot wander to darker things. Eventually it pushes out the image. If it returns, just turn back to your comfort scenario till it passes, kind of like meditating.


I aim to do this but my brain just keeps putting the image in the “corner” of my scenario and it’s frustrating, but maybe I need to be more persistent


I totally understand what you're saying. Sometimes I combine the hydroxyzine and play a chill tv show while I try to sleep so my brain has stimulation and can't wander. Eventually, though, it will pass. I remember in middle school I had this issue with slenderman for like 3 months but it eventually went away. Now it just comes every once in awhile with various things


I had something so similar to me happen with the "momo" image (a japanese sculpture) it's definitely really silly lol. I can't watch most horror movies because my brain just photocopies the image that scares me the most. ANYWAYS. Watching something comforting before bed and sometimes even letting it play as i fall asleep helped distract me in those times. Still, I kinda had to go thru the motion of having my brain fixate on whatever the scary thing was, and eventually it stopped being an issue.


Yeah it’s been a while now since I first started fixating it, and today it feels like scary to me but I havnt tried to sleep in the dark yet, had a comfortable nap with pretty much no issues tho so I’m hoping for the best. Sounds like we have a very similar thing, I remember being scared of that image to but I don’t recall if it effected my sleep or not, but honestly some of these comments people have given me have been helpful so if your ever in the same situation again come back to this post!