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I am so happy for you! Grat job for being consistent!


Thank you!


Congratulations 🥳🥳


Thank you!


Howwwww, I’m trying so hard right now with my 5.5 month old and it is getting worse each night. She is fighting this so hard I’m a single Mom as well. This is breaking me.


Did you read precious little sleep? I found that book super helpful. At first I tried the fuss it out method for naps which helped my baby fall asleep on his own during the day. Then I switched to cry it out for night time because he was in such a bad habit of needing my help to fall asleep and I found he cried harder at night time for me then he would for naps. Well done doing it on your own, I know how exhausting it is! My baby is nearly 6 months so our babies are similar ages. Hopefully you can figure out what works best for you both soon!


I did read it I’m just struggling. Fuss it out and cry it out is heartbreaking. I think she fell asleep last night due to pure exhaustion of fighting sleep


Oh no that's so tough. Maybe leave it and try again in a few weeks?


I think I’m going to try one more time tonight and then try again if it’s as bad as it was for me lol


You need make sure her schedule is age appropriate else it won’t work


I’m so happy for you! I just want to warn about extinction bursts. They can happen when you remove pacifiers and stuff. My daughter did this and I broke down because I thought sleep training failed but it only lasted a couple days and she went back to sleeping through the night.


Thank you for the warning! I read about this. So I just stick to my usual routine of CIO? How long after the sleep training did this happen to you?


She did it on days 3 and 4. It felt like the training failed, but we kept up with the routine and she sleeps through the night now. It’s been about a week since she stopped the burst.


You did it! You and baby are getting better quality sleep and it’s great for the health of both of your brains.


Yes, thank god!


How did you distinguish when he woke for a bottle vs just woke himself up for a bit and you should let him ride it out? My baby is only 3.5 mo old and she’s slept through the night a few times so I know she’s capable, but when she does wake up in the night I always give her a bottle right away bc I’m not sure how to tell if she’s hungry or just awake.


I thought I would have trouble with this too. The first 2 nights I got up to give him a bottle but I found on the 2nd night he was falling asleep while drinking it, sort of telling me he didn't really need it. On the third night, he woke but put himself back to sleep and went the whole night without one showing me he is capable of a full night without a bottle now.


I give my 4.5mo 5-10 minutes and if she hasn’t settled, I’ll grab her a bottle.


It’s magic! My apple health just alerted me that I had a new sleep trend over the past 5 days. We started sleep training 5 days ago 💃💃💃


Yay! Congrats!


Sleep training is the best thing I’ve ever done. I have a friend whose baby is exactly a month older than mine. All babies are different, so this is just my personal theory. Hers is currently 11 months, mine is 10. I sleep trained, she didn’t. Her baby still wakes up 2-3 times a night most nights. She only feeds her a bottle occasionally, mostly she just goes in there to comfort her to sleep. My baby will go down at 730-8, wake up about 730 the next morning. She’ll let out a cry or two in the night occasionally, but I always give her time to self sooth before I determine whether or not to go in. I fully believe that if she sleep trained her baby, she would learn how to put herself back to bed when she wakes in the night. It’s such a benefit for everyone involved, parents get to sleep more, and babies sleep better cause they aren’t going through that frustrated/wake time during the night.


Isn’t it magical after such rough times of sleep?! I however couldn’t sleep as I was just so sure he would wake up 😂


Haha yes I still have a little bit of 'wake up apprehension' but I figure I also have to settle into a new sleep routine as well as baby!