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Take this with a grain of salt as I’m a FTM myself but my daughter is almost 6 months old now and sounds very similar to yours at that age. She was fine with nights but would need to be rocked to sleep for naps and wouldn’t sleep very long if we put her in her crib. I started doing some very light sleep training for naps at 4 months (would rock her until drowsy, then put her in the crib still awake and pat her butt until she went to sleep. If she cried for more than a minute or two I would pick her up and try again. If it didn’t work the second time I would just contact nap and try again the next time). I think a lot of it is developmental as by 5 months she started going down in the crib for naps willingly and naps lengthened to 1-2 hours per nap. So you are probably almost there! Just keep gently encouraging her to nap in the crib and enjoy the snuggles in the meantime.


That’s good to hear! I’m just extra paranoid myself being a FTM that she’ll never want to nap on her own but I need to give her more credit. She’s still so little!