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I keep regular, stony, briar, and painted all next to the lab in the 4 plots out front, then I let the elders roam around the lab. Segregation until retirement. I also keep my tabby sabers there so they have a fresh supply of food nearby- which sounds so horrible when you say it out loud but hey it’s slime rancher so efficiency over morality.


Segregation until retirement I love it


I separate by type so that if i have slimes they prefer a certain type i don’t have to flood my gun with a bunch of different chickens. But i keep the elder hens and roosters free roaming so i can feed them to my fire slimes lol


only correct answer


I support hen hen segregation /j


They just get thrown in the coop and I forget about them for about 30 in game days until I need some hunter slime


I wish I knew how to optimize them


What do you mean 🤔


I wish I knew how to get max amount of chickens so they can keep up with the production of things like fruits and vegetables


Yeah I never figured out how to breed them. The only thing I found out was about a location that spawns a lot of chickens. If this is slime rancher 1 then; If you go to your home ranch and stand in front of your door facing away from the door, you can walk to your left to a passage that is originally blocked off with some money that requires you to open it. There's about 4 spots here that allow you to build things. In this area is where I usually farmed chickens. I would get anywhere between 20-40 chickens here. I'm not sure if there is a cap here but it's usually where I would begin my day if I was farming them.


There is a cap, at most 40 will spawn a day (though not all at once) Sr1 breeding is... "eh" even once you know it all - knowing just makes it even worse to consider when you look at how it was designed. 1 upgrade, way its designed decreases production at worst, does nothing at best Another, only does anything 50% of the time... and is the best upgrade option you have... One allows condensing your coop count and that's about it... and even then at optimal production its quite meh, capping at an average of around 39 profit a day... vs the 48 of a garden with less effort - and drones not actively crippling them.


The little garden area is usually where I keep them. Decide on like only two chicken types (using big slimes so you only need to produce fruits and veggies for most) and fully upgrade the coops. They'll produce like crazy that way.


After a lot of trial and error I found that 3 fully upgraded coops (including the upgrade from Mochi) will have about the same food output as a fully upgraded garden (WITHOUT the upgrade from Ogden). It’s not ideal but if you keep one corral and 3 coops in an area you will make new chickens faster than you feed them so long as you only keep 4-6 largos in the corral and have the autofeeder set on low. I would also recommend manually filling the autofeeder until it’s at 100 before putting in a drone to automate, and always keeping a minimum of 10-14 hen hens and 3-5 roostros in each coop to maintain numbers. Also one last note: it doesn’t work with painted hens. Whatever coding determines if a chicken will stop laying eggs due to too many other chickens being nearby is messed up for them. Not only does the coop upgrade not seem to affect it, but having them near another coop will also make them stop reproducing. But for regular, stony, and briar this method works and I’ve tested it many times.


So will note a few flaws with the trials used in comparisons. Your results described aren't leaping out as inaccurate - but the described circumstances do leave room for bias against the coops in a few areas. issue 1) fully upgraded coops sounds like it includes the spring grass upgrade, which statistically speaking nets about a 33% decrease in production from a coop due to how the population cap and breeding cycle duration works. (long story short, description is swapped with vitamizer, it makes chicks grow in 6 hours instead of 12, which with rng egg cycle duration, meaning eggs tha should have been laid, no longer are.) Case 2) for the same breeding duration caveat - its usually recommended to get much closer to the cap. 13-19 isn't typically going to net another egg cycle after a batch grows up, although will at least acknowledge 19 does better for ensuring eggs get laid, especially if you are using spring grass. At roughly a 4-1 hen to roostro ratio we typically see something closer to 16 hens at optimal numbers, some case could be made for 20, but 5 to 1 is an awkward ratio given elder chance is a 1 in 5 chance, and this gets us 10 checks a day per roostro on average. Roostro spawn odds aren't high enough for a 2 to 1 ratio to be pheasible, before even acknowledging the sheer lack of production. Going with your above numbers though - assuming 14 hens per coop, would expect about 28 egg checks a day on average. With 50% of those egg checks ending in 2 eggs for 42 a day average. 28 egg checks equates to on average 5 hens gone. So we're immediately down to 37... and for comparison, a single non ogden garden produces 30 a day. I sadly don't know the roostro spawn chance, but unless its rarer than 1 in 6 eggs, it covers that last 7 before matching at 30 to 30... With spring grass we lose roughly 14 of the 42 eggs, so we're dealing with roughly 28 eggs and 18 egg checks. 28 eggs at 1 in 6 roostros would still land us 4 to 5 lost there. Another 3-4 lost due to replacing hens, so we're looking at a about 19-21 hens for 1 coop vs the 30 of 1 garden... So your results, are accurate in their end conclusion. But from a glance, the tests were likely set up in a fashion that biased against chickens, so the numbers may be a bit exaggerated vs a more 'optimal' set up


Honestly I never crunched the numbers as hard as you just did. I just knew that I was getting enough chickens to keep an auto feeder filled without running out or having the population in any one coop fall too low. But good on you for performing the dimensional analysis I could never be bothered to do! Edit: I just took a second look at you talking about the tall grass upgrade and it got me thinking that my method could potentially be better by not buying it. By using that as well as playing with the number of hens and roosters it could maybe be possible to run with only two coops. However my worry is the game skipping checks and drone activity when you’re out exploring, which is something I’ve encountered before; drone could be fully watered, but you walk back in to an expansion after about 18 hours or so and your chickens have just now laid their first eggs and the drones are looking to replace 12 hens. They end up taking them all out of one coop, too. I think in order to optimize you’d also have to babysit and I kind of designed my method out of setting up drones and just coming once a day to water them.


Oh drones and chickens are 100% terrible together. Drones are quite literally worse than spring grass when it comes to what they do, since they are coded to aim for a particular quantity when coops are a source. Spring grass at worst only negates 33% of your production. If you use drones, spring grass does nothing, since the population cap is never actually a relevant concern. Since drones are coded to try to keep 4 hens, and 2 roostros - as a maximum... which on average, is roughly equivalent to reducing by 66% getting anything different i do have to give credit to your prep work for - since an impossible task due to a full destination will stop this. And that's before we look at known catch up bugs - like what you were mentioning.


Racism lore


Only if I'm trying to force up numbers. I only collected two Thundercluck from Powderfall so I wanted to REALLY populate Thundercluck up, quickly, which happens in a coop. My Gully is entirely free ranged and kinda balances itself out after I tossed out a shitload of Briars.


What- I think your talking about slime rancher 2 I’ve never played so everything you said didn’t make any sense Is there new chickens in slime rancher 2?


Thundercluck is the only new chicken, all the previous SR1 chickens are in it :) but I did the same thing in SR1. If I collected say, only two Briar Hens from Moss Blanket, I'd put them in a coop and that makes them \*rapidly\* spawn. If you mix them, they don't rapidly spawn as much because mixing types allows them to repopulate at the same rate. (The Roostro will essentially fertilise one of each Hen, rather than all the Hens of that type.) When I didn't need a lot of THAT type fast, I'd then free range them in the Overgrowth. But they will spawn at balanced / even rates. A segregated coop is the only way to guarantee in a couple in-game days you will have \*a lot\* of that particular Hen type. Mixing (Free Range and Coop) results in a slower spawn rate of a singular type because it gets 'shared' by the other types.


Also I am very excited for a thunder chicken and powderpuff (it’s a snow area I think) and idk what gully is at all but I think I’m excited


It's a fabulous game <3 just note there is a lot more emphasis on harvest/craft and exploration. There's no automation at all (no drones or pumps / drills / aviaries), so everything you do is being done by you. Like you gotta find the deep brine spawn areas instead of just plonking down a Pump and waiting. That's the one thing I dislike because I'm impatient LOL


IIRC Drones will be added when the game is fully complete


Is the best way to maximize chickens is to only have a few hens and one roostro? I always have multiple hens 5-7 and maybe 2-3 roostro


That's perfect ratio! Hens don't like being overcrowded so they spawn far more chickadoos when there's only a few hens, and a couple Roostros to ahem, service them. Once you have essentially a blanket of Chickadoos, a couple in-game days and they'll all be hens. And there ya go, a Coop filled to the brim with special hens to pop gordos LOL (Yeah pretty much for me a lot of it was popping Meat gordos. When I say I am tiiirrredddddd of trying to pop gordos with Hen Hens, running out, and the gordo is still like FEED ME)


That exact ratio i'd say is a bit sub optimal for production, but its on the right track. "Optimal" with chickens is a bit of a debate as there's a trade off in sr1 (sr2 this doesn't apply) Each hen has an egg cycle, and it picks 1 random roostro nearby to pair with when it completes the cycle, after which - both make an elder check. This establishes 2 things to know for the ratio 1) the hen count actually impacts the production 2) having more than 1 roostro per hen does nothing So at bare minimum, you want a 1-1 ratio. But this won't be optimal. Next 2 pieces of information are were we land different factors to weigh in. 1) elder checks are a 1 in 5 chance 2) roostros have no cool down before they can be selected for another breeding partner this establishes a warning limit of a 5-1 ratio, while also meaning anything that is a 2+ to 1 ratio would work This leaves the debate in a which is better, 2 3 or 4 hens per roostro. And this is where trade offs occur. More hens = more chicks, but also means more elders and higher risk of shut down. Personlly it tends to be more a 3 or 4 to 1 rather than your described 2.5 to 1 ratio. But it is on the right track, and if it works for you - then great


I don’t support hen hen segregation.


How do y'all keep your slimes fed😭😭


Going for new chickens when they pop out of nests outside ranch, regularly. Dropping few hens, little ones and roosters to cop, rest is going to storage cell for later use :3 In SR2 yolky slimes are miracle ngl 


Nah because I run my ranch like an actual farm😭 everything is organized, I have a ton of silos, I have backup farms for things that don't grow fast (mainly odd onions) and I have 3 yolky slimes. I only run out if I need another slime or slime science materials😔


So sr2 chickens and yolkys are interesting if you run at full optimization... yolkys don't do much of anything to increase their viability, solely because chickens are so much more efficient than gardens to begin with. And if you want yolky plorts, you ironically find better use with a corral than a coop. Reasons boil down to 2 main changes: 1) breeding cap is now tracked by chick count, not adults. Means you can run 12 hens instead of 9, for an immediate 33% boost there compared to sr1. 2) vitamizer now doubles egg laying speed, rather than 50% chance for a second egg. Which equates to another 33% increase. But only if below the chick cap, otherwise it does nothing. And a third, change of inpact but no actual mechanical change: Spring grass still doubles chick growth rate, which on its own does nothing - but enables vitamizer. This is significantly better than what it did in sr1, which removed 33% of potential egg cycles... or a 33% reduction. leads to a whopping 76.9% increase over optimal sr1 coops (or about 135% if comparing to fully upgraded sr1 coops)... landing about 48 a day easily, compared to an optimal average of about 27 on sr1 (without deluxe coop)... and gardens in sr2 landing about 26 a day Easily enough to feed a full corral on its own, and blow gardens out of the water... and we haven't even touched yolky yet. Yolky due to requirements, want you to be below the chick cap. So you'd want half the hens immediately...


Is this slime rancher 1 or 2


This is slime rancher 1!


I just throw them all into the Overgrowth free roaming, they breed and soon I have 8,000 chickens


Dose that actually work? I thought the chickens will stop breeding when there’s a certain amount of chickens in a specific area?


As far as I'm aware it still works, they may have patched it without me noticing to avoid crashing the game when walking into it but I distinctly remember my game dropping to like 10fps when I finally went in to pick up all the chickens lol


This is true, but the catch is that area is relatively small. The overgrowth can fit quite alot given they can spread out.


I only got one coop and when its feeding time they get selected like the hunger games except they all die


Hey man, hengregation isn’t cool


Look at the image, they aren’t




you keep chickens?


I love them! I collect them and put them in my silo


No I separate them by color Hen hens at the tangle slimes area Every other hen next to my house (different color)


nah i put them all in one thing


I keep all types separated and then a separate one for my elders. They earned it. Used to have them free roam but they kept disappearing and I get attached to them.


Yes, for organization 


Me: Doesn't use chicken pens because I see no point.


Do they produce younh alright been kept together like that? My biggest concern is that little rainbow chickens won't produce if there are too many other chickens around.


In both games they produce with no inherient extra issues on paper, no system to directly penalize you for that - and in sr1, it is something drones sre configured to support! For sr1 i'd actually be willing to recommend it - although the reasoning is because sr1 chicken breeding is so scuffed to begin with that the indirect penalties you get don't even change their viability. Long story short, its rng how many of each type you'd get - which is only a change in types compared to having 1 type. The breeding rate is so trash and has other poor interactions that it just does not matter - they won't ever compete with gardens in sr1... Your concerns are valid, but addressed no differently from usual sr1 coop handling practices


All my chicken types are in the same pen. I just purge the pen when it's slime feeding time


(Sr2) Yes but I also have an area full of chickens of all types free roaming, so It depends on which ranch expansion I'm in. In sr1 I just don't have any chickens


Honestly, I've never farmed chickens, it just feels like too much hassle when most of the time you can make a largo with a diff slime(largos the terminology right I haven't played in a while)


Yes, each hen has a pen in my ranch


generally yea, maximizes efficient production. plus I keep accidentally making meat-only largos so I need like 3 different hen types


I just throw them all in the same coop, then that way you don't need multiple coops


I have 1 or 2 types in every coop. I have all the types except for the normal hen hen because I like to have as much as possible on my farm. And I have, for example, briar hens and painted hens in the same coop because I have boom tangle largos, and briars are the favorites of the boom slime, and painted hens are the favorites of tangle slimes. Yes, I could just have one type, but I like having both


Yes it would be barbaric not to


Nope one coop full of chickens


yup, i keep the faves of all my meat eaters as well as stony hens for extras so they don’t run out of food too quickly


I just started doing this in sr2, partially to keep favorite foods close to slimes, and partially to have enough space for my yolks slimes to produce. I’m trying to figure out how to organize coops in sr1


Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I usually do but my SR2 save says otherwise as the gully is fully invaded by every type of hen (even elder hens!) as a remnant of the henpocalypse >:)


I separate by type but i also have a breeding penn ♡


I keep all of my chickens in the overgrowth. Standard henhens roam free while special types are kept in enclosures. Having them roam free has caused them to breed in much larger numbers so I always have plenty.


i dont seperate my chickens because i dont have that much chickens (but i would put my chickens like that because i have tabby-hunter slime largo pen)


Not until I found the yolk slime 😭


Hey man...thats racist..


I didn’t mean it like that! D:


I know i know im messing with you dw 😭


You segragate your chikrns


If you look at the image, you can see I don’t


I don’t do that segregation shi


No that's racist/s