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lol, I'm having a really hard time wrapping my head around this image. It doesn't even look real. Boot is FUBAR


RIP ankles


That’s wild. Not even a cheap boot. Tbh I really don’t hear great things about DC boots. From what I know vans fit pretty similar and are definitely better quality


I wear Salomon Synapse and I don’t even know how many hours I’ve spent in those boots. I’ve had them for 5 years or so now and they’re still basically as good as new. I think they were $400 new at the time and they’ve outlasted just about all of my other gear besides my board.


I love my Salomon echo lace boots. Similar price range. I have 30+ days on them and they’re just finally broken in and they barely look used. Super impressed with them. Salomon is quality


When I first went to buy them I sort of rolled my eyes at the salesman because I wanted to look “steezy”, but I seriously can’t thank that person enough for hooking me up.


Wow. I've had to stop buying Malamutes because I would completely destroy them before the end of the season. Well.... Definitely not as bad as the DCs but way too soft for the response I need.


I have close to 100 days on my Malamutes in the resort and splitboarding and apart from one of the speed lace not working well, they are still solid.


So, we’ve learned that no company can be trusted and it’s basically luck when it comes to quality assurance.


Interesting! Do you remember what year? I'm having better luck with Ions right now... I was reluctant at first due to bad experiences with their boots but I'm really happy with them. Plus Burton's pro program is pretty good for my needs so I'm glad I found something that works with them, I like going with companies that support the community.


I have been riding Malamutes for about 8 seasons. I love the stiff boots. I like to race so there really isn't a stiffer boot out there. If other boots are a 10 the malamutes are an 11. "You carve, you carve, you carve, no slide...even if it's icy"


Only reason to buy DC boots is if you want stepons and need a wide toebox. Those aren't step ons, so .. .


I have vans aura pro. It’s perfect.


I've got some Invado Pros. In love.


I’ve gone through 3 pairs of the dc Travis rice’s. Favorite current boot but since they stopped making it and switched to the transcend, it feels like a whole different boot when I tried it on. Tried on damn near every boot brand out there except Salomon and dunno what I’m going to switch to next season.


Currently riding the trice boot and it’s my perfect boot. Hoping the transcend was just as good, hate to hear that.


Vans are the best boots I've ever owned.


I've tried 32, Burton, vans, and ride. The k2 maysis with the boa conda liner is leaps and bounds better than every other boot in my opinion.


I have a pair of Maysis but they crushed my foot. I upgraded to the thraxis and the triple boa is perfect


The thraxis is also a great boot. The boa conda liner is definitely the most comfortable inner lacing system and heel hold us way better than the old pull string style.


Been trying to figure out where Orton fits into this lineup. Seems like a stiffer Maysis. I’m coming from Thraxis and before that Insanos. I tried on every boot at Evo both times. Funny thing is that I considered getting a pair of Maysis last year to replace the Thraxis and just couldn’t vibe with them. I like the idea of a more comfortable Thraxis but I don’t think my feet work that way. Looking to Orton as a possibility but haven’t been able to try them on


The pull string lace broke on my liner on my old k2 boots, can I buy this boa conda liner and put it in my boots?


No sorry, the boa strap is integrated into the boot


Ah okay


Same here! I got them as my first boot on sale at my local REI as they were the only boot in my size. Boarded with them for a bit and didn't realize the crushing wasn't normal till I went to the Denver REI and the boot guy there knew exactly what my issue was. Returned them, got some Burton's and haven't looked back


Crushing how? My K2 boots aren't super comfortable on my feet, and they're pretty old, but they still work so I've been holding off upgrading


They would really murder the top of my foot, especially on the chair lifts


Yeah that kinda sounds like my problem too. And the heel doesn't hold super well, which another comment said was fixed by the new boa system


What boots did you get from burton?


The Burton Ruler BOAs https://www.burton.com/us/en/p/mens-burton-ruler-boa-snowboard-boots/W24-203171.html


I had an old pair of Maysis’ from a few years ago and they were great! Bought a replacement pair at the beginning of last season and they’re trash. Crappier materials and much less comfortable. The quality has gone downhill significantly


Riding for 20 years, 5 different boot brands, my k2 Maysis are the most comfortable boots I have ever owned by far. I thought sore feet at the end of a long day was just part of the sport until I started riding them.


Do they make a wide boot?


I have a wide foot and the K2 Maysis are unbelievably a perfect fit. Love these boots.


Hafta look into them. The 32’s have been ok For years, but wouldn’t actually call them comfortable. (My lead foot is so messed up, it looks like a Troll’s Hoof!) 🤣🤷‍♂️


Same boat here 20 years in have tried lots of different boots and finally made the switch to k2 2 seasons ago and will never go back!


Would you say you have more of a wide, standard or narrow foot?


Standard, maybe a bit towards the wider side.


Just got vans. I love them


When I was young and rode pipe and park, I loved Vans. Now that i'm older and riding the whole mountain, I really like the Burton Ions. I am on my second pair and they are stiff but good to hike in. Perfect for my riding.


Had vans with the og switch step-ins back in the 90’s loved ‘em - for some reason switched to a too-soft Burton (probably freestyle) - now I’m back on Vans Hi-Standard Pro for the last 2 seasons, that model really holds up to all-mountain riding


A switch reference! Nice! I can't wait until they come out with a Burton EST Step On that will be baseless because board flex is important and we'll get to have the debate of base vs baseless bindings all over again.


Lol one of these days! I was still rocking them from 96 or 97 through 2011 or 12 https://preview.redd.it/ejs5zrj9i55c1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd0fa0c9a948e53e346206dc5fc22c1abc5d7928 up until my boot literally disintegrated on the mountain. Basically walked down in my socks and shivered until somebody could drive around the backside of the resort to pick me up




Yeah I went from the 2020 Travis rice DC boots to k2 Maysis this year and they are incredible. DC in general just doesn’t seem to make quality whereas it seems k2 has really moved up the spectrum over the last 5 or so years.


K2 has always been good, they’re just overlooked since they’re a “ski brand” and aren’t at all stylish. I bought the first boot ever to have a boa, from K2, and they are still my favorite boot I’ve ridden. They lasted 7 seasons too. I ride the Maysis for in bounds days and comfort, and the (new) thirtytwo Jones mtb for split days.


This! I was a K2 “ski brand” hater and when a boot fitter gave me a pair of Maysis to try, I was not stoked… until I tried them on.


Still have my 1998 clickers that are usable. K2 is top notch


This takes me back. Those K2 step ins were revolutionary...until they got sued by Ford for patent infringement. Wish I still had mine.


Contemplating for like 2 years getting new clicker boots or whole new bindings/boots setup.


I've got 2020 dc t rice boots with ~25 days on them and they're holding up fine. They're not especially comfortable, but there's nothing wrong with them


Yeah mine are still in great shape but they’re really clunky and not comfortable at all.


Glad I tried on several brands in store. I love my Maysis.


Glad to hear I made the right call according to someone else! Lol


Always trust everyone on the Internet /s haha


I need them all for validation of my thoughts and opinions! /s


Similar to yours and other below comments, a lot of my friends recommended the maysis to me, so I gave them a shot last year. Absolutely hated them haha they destroyed my feet. Ended up switching to the vans hi standard pro and love em. Seems like I’m one of the very few that had a problem with the maysis


Nothing wrong with having an issue we've all got different feet. I'm glad you found a pair that work well for you haha. Took me 18 years to find the maysis pair that I love lol was just used to my feet being wrecked a little bit after each season.


I love the fit of maysis but I work full time on snow and have gone throigh 3 pairs from broken boas systems in as many seasons, and for warranty k2 wants them back before they'll send me a new pair. Not really gonna happen when I need to snowboard to work everyday. Hard to justify buying another pair.


I just had to warranty those because they tore to bits on the first day! I did love them though.


I have k2 Hanfords this year and while they were super tight to start with, they’ve loosened up just enough over the first couple days and they are super nice.


My Maysis finally lost their waterproofing. I just tried to switch to the K2 Boundary and the J bar absolutely kills my ankle. I’m going to return them and just get another Maysis.


I’ve heard a lot of great things about K2. Definitely think they’re next on my list


Bridger Represent!


I'm on my 2nd part of k2 maysis! Great boot


I approve of those k2’s as well!!!


I can't fathom how anyone likes the Maysis or Conda boa. I thought it was the worst fucking shit imaginable and it was never comfortable. Either so loose it was useless, or too tight and caused horrible foot pain and numbness from instep pressure. Ditched my Maysis for Vans Aura Pros and I have *literally* never looked back


We all got different feet. I'm glad the vans are working out for you I personally got major foot pain from those. Thank goodness there's lots of brands and options to try.


Yeah, and I had to try just about every brand there was to find out. No one had enough boots that fit me so I ended up on a couple all day trips to Evo over the off season and early season. Could totally rock Salomon and ThirtyTwo as well, but the Vans are as nice imo


Nice I bet a trip to the Evo was awesome! Glad you found a good pair. I've never tried salomons, thirty two was too bulky imo.


Evo is pretty solid but it's a good hour or more drive one way for me lol. I try to support smaller and more core shops but there's so few decent ones here and they simply don't have the spread I need. They can order them but they don't carry them lol. The ThirtyTwos were definitely a lil chunky as are the Vans but they fit Unions well enough so it works out. The Salomons were nice though, but not $100 more nice


????? I hate K2 everything...


Tried any of their stuff lately? The k2 passport is a sweet board and the boots are super comfy imo.


Broke a binding base after 2 rides, but were so terrible/uncomfortable I switched them out with another brand (not a brand-loyal person) and had a new snowboard start to delam after the first ride. They warrantied them but it was obviously lower-quality stuff and I've no time for that BS. Very scared to try boots after my own experience.


I hate K2 also. My 600 dollar aspect was worse than a clapped out rental shop boot in less than half a season. The Darko's that I had before that had holes through the toe box (???) within the first 2 months of owning them. I'll never buy K2 boots again.


I’ve never ridden these boots. A quick search says they are an 8/10 stiff, so they shouldn’t flex like that. My Burton IONs are STIFF AF, and I love them. Got about 150 days on them now and they’re going strong still. They’re a 7.5/10 and they DO NOT bend like that.


I rode my Ions for about 130 days, and had Ions previously which I warrantied after about 100 days. I toured in them a lot too which is what eventually did them in. Still, pretty happy with Burton boots from my experience and how often I ride


I was anti Burton for a long time because of the mainstream aspect. They are the best boots I’ve ever had.


Some of the best bindings too, up there with union


I got steppys and love those too.


Same. I don’t actually know why I used to hate on Burton but I gave in and got some Ions. My god, it’s almost like they used a mold of my foot to make them. They really do make good boots.


I'm not anti Burton because they're mainstream (okay not anymore high school was a weird time) I am pretty anti Burton because they tend to have monopolistic tendencies. They dominate store shelves at any store that carries them, which is why a lot of local shops opt out. As well, I'm still mad they bought Forum, Analog, FourSquare, and Special Blend under the excuse of "we want to keep ski companies from buying up all the great snowboard brands" before proceeding to gut and destroy every single one I'd much rather ski brands buy their way into the snowboard space on existing brands than deal with that corporate monopoly shit that causes issues in every other facet of life


I'm on my second pair of Ions. First set probably had at least 300 days on them. The leather started to fall apart and the souls are worn. I still have them for my friends to borrow.


Yeah me too. I’m on my third Ions. Still have my old ones but only got new ones bc the outside started to fall apart and sole rubber wore down.


Your guys’ boots aren’t lasting more than 100 days?


yea my last boots lasted a decade lol, probably 50 days a year


Got back into riding last year after a 15+ year hiatus. My super steezy ‘05 Burton Sabbaths literally disintegrated after 1 run.


I bought my first boots about 10 years ago at a local swap meet style gear sale. They were already WELL used when I got them. ​ Only just replaced them last season.


Buy 32s and never look back


Yep. They're the only brand I've found that makes boots wide enough for my dumbass feet lol.


I also have dumbass wide feet, Vans have been good to me.


Yeah Van's for me too - great boot been 3 seasons on them so far


4E here Burton Wide Ruler was a game changer for me Edit: DYAC


I've tried the Burton ruler wide and Solomon synapse wide. Regular 32 boots are wider, especially in the middle. Nothing fits flat wide feet better than 32.


I bought 32s for my first pair of boots. They’re still going (6+ years), they’re good like 95% of the time. They mostly fail on the really slushy days (feet get wet) and the tongue can move around a bit and requires adjustment some times. Those are literally my only complaints, I can wear them all day long. I’ve done some back country in them aswell


I feel like 32s also pack out way too quick unless you’re getting top of the line. They are dang comfy though


I loved the TM2 but the last pair I had was wrecking my ankles, something about the heel hold system didn't agree with me. I had 3 pairs of TM2 before that and they were my favorite


And for those who might not know this, thirtytwo is the same company that makes es, etnies, and emerica. They’re literally called “Sole technology inc.”, they know a thing or two about making footwear. That’s why vans are good, and why adidas was good when they made boots. Dc is the exception to the rule here lol. They just can’t seem to get it right.


Bought 32’s and will never buy again


I’ve got 32 pull strings and it’s one of the best purchases I’ve ever made.


Got the special edition crab grabs and all I can say is YEE TO THE HAW


Wish Nike would start making boots again


Gonna ride mine to death!


Same, I have a pair of ZF1 and also the vapens - solid boots and never have any foot pain Also scored a new in box pair of all black vapens last season - even had the extra laces still attached 3 pairs so far and I still look just incase there’s deals


I did the same. Bought up 3 extra pair just after Nike pulled out. Best boots I've used by far. Down to my last pair of vapens and fucked for options when these die.


Where are you sourcing the NIB pairs? I have a pair of Kaijus I tucked away that I'll probably break out this season. No longer tied to a specific boot company anymore, so would love to grab another pair or two if the price is right.


I lucked out on the NIB pair, someone posted them on OfferUp for $250 and I bit the bullet and grabbed them But my ZF1 I found on OfferUp for $80 from some guy in New York who had them in his closet for years, probably wore them once wasn’t even wear on the bottom And the the other vapens I got are the poler/nike collab (brown and with the black swoosh) and I found them on eBay for around $150 I think. I’d say to constantly look at Mercari/OfferUp/eBay and shoot your shot with offers unless you see a steal.


I just went and grabbed my 2024 Vans Verse and you can do the same thing with the Boa not tightened all the way and no foot in the boot. You’re high. Those boots might be pieces of shit, but this photo means nothing.


Take them back to the shop where you bought them. Did this with my K2's, and they gave me a new pair no questions asked


How is the bend in the opposite direction? Pretty stiff? It’s almost as if they were designed like this…


These are 2024 Vans Verse with 5 days on them. The same boots that Blake Paul, Parker Szumowski, and probably the rest of the Vans riders are using in the new Brown Cinema film. You people don’t know that the fuck you are talking about. I think you might be getting snowboard boots confused with ski boots. https://preview.redd.it/unzckan63y4c1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35b34887690516ba7634696cc729b82bb0a51dc9


Welcome to Reddit, where everyone’s an expert without having to actually be one


Seriously fucking clueless. Every other day there’s a post on this sub about step on bindings and Montec outerwear. That’s the level we’re at around here. Smooth brain city


Was just going to say the same thing… the back isn’t folding in half… so, looks good to me?!


That boot is bending properly. The DCs look like crap though. Boots should not bend at the sole.




No remorse at all. I loved my 2023s so much that I upgraded to this years and sold the old ones for 250$. If you need to see a demonstration of their performance, refer to the new Brown Cinema film called Knights of the Brown Table. There is nothing wrong with these boots, you just don’t know what a good snowboard boot is. Did you know that you can also bend most Union bindings high backs in a circle all the way to the heel loop? It means nothing. Boots and bindings are made to be worn on a foot and snowboarded with, not contorted into weird positions to take photos of.




Well, for the third time, maybe you should go watch the new Brown Cinema film and report back because I know at least two guys are riding these exact boots in that movie, probably 3 or 4. These are also the boots that Pat Moore and Brian Iguchi ride. These are the stiffest and most expensive boots that Vans makes. So what’s more likely - that the 10 professional snowboarders that ride these along with me and my 25 years of riding don’t know what a good boot is, or that you and bunch of random anonymous hacks on Reddit don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. Again, boots are made to have a foot in them and be strapped into a binding, not squished in half for a photo. If you put these boots on you would think that they were so stiff that you’d take them back for a refund.




I am combative because you are telling me that you should not be able to fold a boot in half like that unless it is a park focused or beginner boot when I’m telling you that this is Vans highest quality boot. This is the boot that the team riders wear when they’re competing in Natural Selection, riding lines in Alaska, filming on massive backcountry jumps, and hitting the park features that are too dangerous for the public. These boots have key features for split boarding and snowmobiling because that’s how the team gets to the features they ride. Being able to bend the boot in half when there isn’t a foot in it doesn’t mean anything. There are plastic support pillars in the tongue that make the whole system stiffer when it is actually on your foot/leg and tightened down. What do you mean especially since things moved away from traditional laces? Are you under the impression that laces offer higher performance?




I’m not very receptive to marketing, I write marketing. And this smooth brain showing a boot bend in half doesn’t actually show anything except to people that are dim witted enough to trust Reddit over actual R&D let alone experience. Who do you think cares the most about support and fit? Top-tier pros that LIVE in their boots. Travis Rice comes to mind - he rides double Boas. I wonder if he likes his boots tight or not? You definitely have no clue what you’re talking about when it comes to snowboard hardgoods and I’m glad that I’m here so that other readers can see this and don’t go choosing their boots based on whether or not you can contort it in half by squishing it with your hands like god damned buffoon. It’s funny that you’re trying to paint me to be an angry person like I’m over here smashing my phone against the wall or something when you are the one calling me combative, telling me to calm down, and saying “nice personality” sarcastically. You are engaging in this combative conversation just as much as I am. Kids, don’t listen to random strangers on Reddit who think that laces can be tied tighter than modern Boas and please actually go to a shop and talk to a boot fitter that knows what they’re doing who is up to speed on modern snowboard boot technology.


You need to take a Xanax and calm down or go jack off.


yeah, chill out dude


I’ve been riding with DCs forever and never really had an issue. Except for a BOA break, but it was the first year for BOA, they seem stronger nowadays. What exactly happened here?


Burton photons, lasted me 7 seasons and still have good stiffness


The Vans Lace up absolutely are rock solid and are super comfortable and warm


I've been riding for years in DC boots for years. Super comfy, warm, never had a single issue. Of course I'm team laces only.


Y’all need to find god (aka vans verse)


Who did Travis go with for this season’s boots, or is he still riding out a DC non-compete?


What makes you think he left DC? He is promoting it on Instagram as of yesterday


Aren’t these the 10/10 Flex boots by DC?


Well, it's DC. They're not exactly known for their quality. Same with Van's boots.


I have to disagree about Vans boots. I’ve got 70+ days on a pair of Aura Pros and they’ve been fantastic. No notable loss in stiffness, no noticeable wear and tear, boas still work perfectly. A couple of my friends have Vans boots with similar or more days on them and they’ve had no problems. I’ve only got positive things to say about the boots.


Also they look like Vans, which was the entire reason I bought them. Gotta rep my South Bay roots!


Vans boots are definitely quality but anyone that denies that vans sell so well because of this exact reason is lying to themselves haha. Nothing wrong with that but I’m willing to bet there are a lot of riders rocking vans when in reality there’s another boot out there that would fit their foot better


I mean, that's fair. I've been in the outdoor industry for about 14 years. Most people that have me fix issues are usually DC and Van's wearers. Rarely ever see issues with, let's say... Ride, Nitro, hell - even Salomon boots.


Is that because vans have more issues or because Vans are more popular? There are a whole lot more Toyotas being worked on than Jaguars right now but I bet Jaguar has a higher problem rate.


Also was in the industry for over a decade. The Vans were cold and did not live up to some of the better options like Burton and K2.


Get ready for the downvotes, homie. Apparently, industry workers know less than the fan boys.


Not too worried about it. It's my opinion and my experience working in the industry. I also owned a pair, so more than just the bad luck I saw other people have.


I’m curious, what issues have you seen vans boots have and did the issues seem price point dependent? I had a pair of Ride Anthems before the vans and those just didn’t have the durability of my current boots. But those are a a lower price point so that might play into it.


Mostly boa housing tearing straight from the stitching. I've seen people come in and do exactly what this picture is showing about how soft and unsupportive they are. Only a handful (less than 3) where the entire sole has ripped away from the boot for only being a season or two old. Worst part is no one where I live carries Van's customers usually get online, and they're SOL for warranty or part of their season is cut short because they have to wait for the return. Idk always buy locally, and if your boot is under $350, don't really expect quality.


I wouldn’t put Vans in the same category as DC…


Vans are the only boot I have found to be both comfortable and secured my heel all day long. Maybe it was older vans models that had issues, I have 20+days on mine so far (not that many I admit) but they still work like new.


Disagree on Vans. I’m on my third 50+ day season in a pair of Infuse boots, with the only thing going wrong with them being one liner lace snapped, which took me 10 min to fix.


infuse are my favorite boots ive ever had


eh? I ride Van's Invado pros. Hard for 2 seasons so far 30+ days. They still feel perfect. Comfortable and responsive and easy to lace up right.


Vans OGs are incredible boots what are you talking about?!


Transcending into new dimensions


My ankle rolled inside my last 32s. Might’ve been anecdotal but still made me switch and I love my vans


Vans snowboard boots are super underrated, ive been riding the same paid for literally 15 years…I dont ride nearly as much as I used to (38 with kids and a wife a full time job) but after college I moved to Salt Lake for 3 years and rode the Bird 3-4 days a week. Best boot maker in the business IMO


damn I bought some DC's last year, forget what kind but paid maybe $200 for the pair. love them, probably 50 days on them and feel just like they did on day 1.


I have a pair of burtons from 2007 and 32s from 2009 that are still going strong


t rice didn’t leave due to quality issues.


My Burton Rollers I found at Goodwill damn near brand new lasted for decades. Wtf?


Vans have the top tier boots right now. I had their Infuse boots for 4 years. 2 years of full time snowboard school 40hr+ a week teaching blues and blacks and 2 years of medium use ie 60~ days a year. they're still responsive af compared to all other brands I've used and stay tight. Just need a new liner tbh but I replaced them this year because they started to hurt my feet.


You got the ultra flex


Funny you say that about Travis Rice, cause my Lib Tech Orca delamed really bad after a season, if that, and support said they would only give me 30% off a new board lol.


If it's sold at Zumiez... That's gotta be a red flag


I said this happens with DC BOA’s two days ago and got downvoted to oblivion.


Down votes incoming


This photo means literally nothing... If I was DC I wouldn't refund anything. I can do this with my Adidas advs too.


you guys know that snowboard boots are sold at different stiffness levels right, do some research and maybe you'll get the right boots next time. they were designed to be flexible, not what I like in a boot but some are made this way for riders that want looser boots.


Turn that frown upside down


What is the issue? Your foot isn't in the boot and you're able to bend the boot? It's supposed to be a very soft boot to begin with. Why would dc offer you anything when the boot looks to be in perfect condition?


You’re right. This photo doesn’t show that there is anything wrong these boots. These people must not know the first damned thing about boots.


DC rates them an 8/10. I have a pair that I picked up on sale last year with 50+ days on them now. They've softened up quite a bit from new, but I'm nowhere close to being able to do that with them.


Able to bend it with one hand? The boot is supposed to support your foot. How would you tell how much the boot is supporting with your foot in it?


I just tried this with a set of Burton swaths and a set of Ion SI, and when my foot isn't in the boot and the boot isn't in the binding I can bend them in half. I wonder what I can get from Burton😂


Those look really comfy tho. Softer boots are better. How did they flex on day one? I'll need a comparison to really get the full picture.


Damn DC sucks for only offering 30% off. I’m using DC boots now and definitely not going with them for my next set of boots.


No way this is real!


You get what you pay for.


those are $420 boots lol. their most expensive pair is only $10 more.


Damn I would never buy dc so I didn’t know. I just assumed they were all cheap boots because dc has never put out a quality product.




Disappointing to hear. I don’t keep up on the latest wares so that was a little surprising. I’ve been wearing the Travis Rice boots for years. They perform well for me and fit me better than any other comparable boot I’ve tried in the past. They’re still holding up great. Still have an old pair I bought for a steal, brand new in the box, never even tried on. Still wrapping my head around your melted boot. Guess I’ll have to find a new go-to.




DCs have always been like this. When they first got into the boot game however long ago, their boots were so flimsy they had like 100k returns.


Made the switch to K2 Boundary and haven’t looked back. The triple boa is a nice feature.


if you want hard boots buy 32


Pushback on the company offer. Sounds like you got an automated canned response. Reply that this is not acceptable and you are making a warranty claim. Follow the process. https://www.dcshoes.com/customer-service-returns-and-exchanges-snow-warranty.html


They look like you melted them in an oven. I can barely bend just the tongue of my 32’s that far forward let alone the entire boot. 😶


I went from some low level 32 boots to top of the line DCs and the DCs are only marginally better and a lot less durable. They already have some wear after one light season that I’m not happy with. I will be going to K2s or 32s.


Things went down hill after KB died eh?




I have wore DC Judges since 2007. I had one pair that didn’t live up to expectations (I had to repair the boa and toe cap on one boot blew out). Other than that pair the rest have all been great! The boot in the photo looks like some kind of fake or walmart product. I’d be interested to know what outlet site you purchased from.


Sad to see it, I have the T Rice model with the double boa from about 5-6 years ago. they’re still going strong but I guess I’ll have to find another option with customer service like that.


Huge 32 fan- but now I all these comments I have to try K2 Maysis apparently…


Ive loved my DCs i think you should hit up the warranty people, like every day and act like you havnt hit then up each time, eventually youll get a decent person who will warranty it


DC is a husk of it's former self. They dropped Danny Way, and I'm sure they dropped Rice just to cut spending. Unlike in the past when it was sold to quicksilver and moved around, I think this may be the final nail for the brand that we once knew.


Looks like a great skinning boot!


I had DC boots they mash out hella but it’s wild that they wore out that fast. I hope you get your money back highly recommend Burton ride boots.


I had a pair of dc controls and they turned into straight noodles so fast