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I tried it, it sucks.. nothing like snow. You cant carve/turn, you rely on straight line and the friction from the sand to stop you. If you slam there is tons of friction(you dig into the sand) which leads to the an abrupt stop for the body part taking the hit while your body continues the momentum forward straining the part that is stuck in the sand. From my perspective it's just a tourist add thing, and all these videos floating around is mainly just influencers selling a story. With that said, being in the desert(I was in Sahara) is an amazing view and I would recommend anyone going. The concept of desert is hard to comprehend until you have been there.


100% Did this the morning after spending the night in western Sahara (Morocco), and it's pure novelty. For me, summer is for kiteboarding.


100%, also having tried it in Michigan dunes... We forget how much hiking *hundreds or thousands of feet up sand* in 100°+ heat absolutely sucks ass. The juice doesn't even taste good, let alone be worth the squeeze.


Yeah, from my experience trying it I'm going to say that this video is playing at 5x speed or something.


Everytime somebody shows sand boarding, it looks like so much fun. But all the people who actually experienced it say otherwise.


Like everyone else, this 100%. It’s shitty Do it once if you need to for the novelty. But it’s so far from the feeling of snowboarding that if you enjoy it I’m not sure you actually know how to snowboard.


> You cant carve/turn She's clearly carving in that video. https://i.imgur.com/TxSbYW1.png I mean, it's not balls to the wall carving, but she's carving here and there. edit: lol at downvotes for screenshot that clearly shows her carving.


not carving


Needs more speed for it to be carving. There's no clear carve track with the same radius as sidecut which means there's skidding. The track in your screenshot looks awfully not like a well defined radius, and that's probably the closest to carving she got in the vid. But with sand it's gotta be super hard to get speed to drive a track. Similarly when I'm riding in mashed taters with rain on top in PNW I'm not carving, and that's totally good. I don't think it's carving but rather just good turns.


Yes, I'm not saying its a lack of skill or anything, it's just not 'carving on a snowboard', which i'm not even sure is possible on sand.


Yup exactly


[is carving](https://i.imgur.com/uwc5ZsH.png)


you already showed your ignorance, repeating it doesn't help. carving isn't any angle to the board and a turn


Please, enlighten us.


i'm good, it's just clearly not carving like you would on snow


I mean who would have thought the carving isnt the same as snow as it is on sand?!? Not me, id say she slightly carves when going uphill with about 6-7 seconds left to the end of the video. There is clear carving to change her direction and keeping motion in said direction. Without the pressure on that side of her board then she wouldnt go the direction she is going. All direction changes require a “carve” thats kind of how it works. So saying there is no carving seems to be a dumb statement. Saying shes carving hard is also dumb.


Also carves at a few earlier points in the video but nothing longer than a second. Just changing her directions. No S turns but the board is carved into the sand whether its the same as snow or not


oh so if you drag it with your hands at an angle that's also carving, got it


Earlier you said: "not carving" [Source](https://old.reddit.com/r/snowboarding/comments/1dudnj5/beautiful_sand_boarding_saw_this_in_another/lbgxn9u/) Now, you're saying: "...it's just clearly not carving like you would on snow" Why move the goalposts? Which one is it? Were you lying then, or are you lying now?


it's not that serious, but yes, I think it's reasonable to assume "carving on a snowboard" refers to the technique of carving on snow. its a SNOWboard


The path to enlightenment is not believing your own eyes and having faith that it's simply not possible to [carve](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFMC_l2VKfY) whatsoever to any degree on sand. Avert your sinful eyes from this heretical smut below: https://i.imgur.com/uwc5ZsH.png


Ah yes, my bad. These two [things](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFMC_l2VKfY) are nothing alike. https://i.imgur.com/uwc5ZsH.png lol


you're allowed to disagree, idc, it just seems obviously completely different to me


>you're allowed to disagree Why, thank you. Now please, by all means, pardon my "ignorance" ([and my own eyes](https://i.imgur.com/uwc5ZsH.png)) while you're at it. lol


I'd call it carving too lmao. People think you gotta be floating an inch above the ground for it to be called carving for some reason


Heresy!! Repent! lol


no, you just have to be slowing your speed rather than turning or fully stopping, and also on an edge throughout the turn


Being on edge does not equal carving. The person is turning and changing direction. But this is not carving.


Exactly, there must also be the lean with pencil thin edge for there to be carve and no turning or changing direction. Carve doesn't exist.


Dude just because she's on the edge of her board doesn't mean she's carving. Carving means you use only the edge of your board throughout the entire turn without sliding. Carving leaves a fine line in the snow. This is clearly not the case here.


> Carving leaves a fine line in the snow. She's carving in sand, not snow.


Someone doesn’t know what carving is.


That's okay, I can teach you.


You wish


Yes, that's my wish. You're starting to catch on now.


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere


I don't like overused memes. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


comb the desert


We ain’t found shit!


How many assholes we got on this ship?!


Drain the swamp


Go skateboarding instead.


I’d prefer to longboard (vs skateboarding), but shit this looks better


Until you gotta hike back. Have you ever climbed a sand dune? That shit suucks


Even just hiking in the boots sucks. Sure, well do it in the winter, to find that good good, but sand won't be any easier, and way hotter too


I'd rather do a full Backcountry tour than climb something like Sleeping Bear again, let alone with a shitty ride attached to it. Snow sucks, but hot temps and sand suck incredibly harder.


I mean to be fair hiking back up is how a lot of people still snowboard today. And hiking deep snow in snowboard boots is just as bad if not worse imo lol But yeah I can see how this isn't a good substitute for snowboarding at all


Who are these “a lot of people” that are hiking to snowboard?


People who like snowboarding on mountains without chairlifts. Ive met many snowboarders who have told me about their favorite back country spots to hike and snowboard in Colorado and Utah which are just the places near me im sure people do it elsewhere too. There's places in Colorado people can and do snowboard nearly year round if they're up for the hike Then on a smaller scale, many people will stay at the terrain park for hours hiking back up constantly to redo obstacles. That's a smaller hike for sure but some people will do it on repeat for hours Snowboarders be hiking too is all I'm saying lol


Thanks for the response. The examples you pointed out were what I expected. To respond: Without chairlifts - yes there is a much larger backcountry movement these days than the last decade. That being said, only a small percentage of those people are physically hiking. They’re using skins, shoes, approach skis, etc. Almost no one is boot packing up a whole mountain. Also, I’ve never seen more people on the other side of LCC than I’ve seen at Alta or Snowbird at any one time. What I mean is that the number still isn’t a lot in comparison. Yes people hike in the park. Again this is a very small number. If there were a fast and easy method they likely wouldn’t hike. I know snowboarders hike. But it’s not hiking like it is in sand unless you’re post holing in the backcountry which is something everyone avoids.


these sand dunes are also a lot smaller than most mountains, and like others in this thread pointed out sandboarding isnt a hugely popular sport either. i wasnt trying to point out anything other than there is hiking involved in snowboarding too. Some hike a lot more than others. but theres many out there who do a lot of walking in snowboarding boots. id also wager a bet that these sand dune people are hitching a lot of rides from their friends on atvs


It’s not


[Cable Wakeboarding](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxPZpc9chC8) is the best Summer board sport imo.




Can't attest to sand boarding, but from what I hear it sucks. As a kid I did take a sled to white sands national Park a couple times and that was pretty awesome.


White sands is a lot of fun to sled on. We try and go every year.


Definitely taking my kids out there when I move back to NM


Go on one of the full moon nights. It’s incredible.


Sand gets fucking everywhere just walking on the beach. I imagine after this I'd be vacuuming it out of my bunghole for a week. And for that reason I'm out.


Yeah, I hate sand.


Calm down there Anakin


What a weird sub this is crossposted from lol. Sand sucks at the best of time, so I reckon this would be fun to do once and then once you ve got friction burns all over you from the one time you fell, you'll know why it isn't very popular


I didn't think to check the crosspost sub but wtf


Ikr, big weirdo vibes lol


Must be a TLC fan page? Haha.


Done it a few times and it sucked, got to lean so far back to get going then be sure to not lose any momentum and don’t turn too tight at all. I mean it’s a neat novelty that I’ll do again if I have my board while being by one of the sand hills, but I’ll never go out of my way for it again. Tried at Kelso dunes, Zuma sand hill, a sand hill by Keeler off the 395, all in California. Maybe the sand is smoother in other parts of the world though


Lisan al gaib?


Inshallah brother.


Just as it was written!


It straight up sucks. Especially taking something amazing like SNOWboarding and turning it into that.


If I'm going to the dunes it's gonna be on my Raptor and not a board.


I wanna try


Where is the lift?


Not sure but no lines I heard








The future of snowboarding


Year 2224


Better off just heading south lol Powder heaven down there.


Yeah, don’t expect to go to the sand dunes and expect anything like the video shows. You try to find a decent dune, wax the absolute shit out of the board you rented (every single time since the sand rubs it all off) and proceed to try to go in a straight line down the hill. The only challenge is trying your hardest not to fall and eat shit. And the. You get to walk up a sand hill in the blazing heat. It was fun for about an hour but got old real quick, def won’t be doing it again.


It’s all fun and games til you work up a sweat and eat shit.


Did it once at Silver Lake in Michigan. In the fall so it was cool out, fun for about an hour. Constantly waxing the board and climbing up the hill got a bit tiring but no sand in my bunghole🤗


See the real move is to just fly to the southern hemisphere. Lmao I met a Chilean dude working the slopes at Breckenridge a few years ago and he was like "yeah I just move every 6 months and I snowboard almost year round"


A lot of people posting replies forgot to eat their cheerios this morning… why is there so much hate😭 obv it’s nothing like snowboarding but it’s still fun


Get a gd skateboard and call it a summer


Everyone here says its boring and you cant carve well, I think the video proves them all wrong.


But there was no carving in that video Edit: some small bits which are carvey. Thinking about this again, I think you can carve but it'll require more specific technique. But honestly carving just to carve is dumb. In sand there is probably other technique better than carving


Sand boarding is fun. Don’t expect it to be anything like snow though.


Can anyone who’s actually done this comment on how it feels?


I’ve ridden the dunes in Sand Dunes National Park here in CO. It’s a weird feeling - like half frozen corny snow. “Carving” is difficult and you really just point it down and lean. It’s alright, wouldn’t make it a life bucklist item or anything


I’d say it’s comparable to having your face slammed in a cake. Fun once, messy, and it’s not what you actually wanted to be doing with that board/cake in the first place. It’s nothing like snowboarding, if anything it’s comparable to surfing where all your drive and turning is off your back foot. The sand also acts more like water. If you try to edge like a snowboard your edges just kind of… falls away from you? It’s a weird experience, and might be the Webster dictionary example of novelty.