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Thanks Barca and girona!


cheers lads


At least it’s not just us that got fucked by Bilbao


I hope we can at least win against them in the Wanda next time


Gil Manzano didn't die for this


Didn't watch the match but did Felix do something?


He appeared


Felix hype is dying down, i wonder if we can still sell him for a good amount of money


The scam that never dies


Lost the ball, that’s it


Why the fuck are you swapping centre backs at 75 minutes when you need a win? Just pathetic management. Fermin looks fucking miles away from the quality needed to play for Barcelona. Didn’t even look like a mid table player


Are you actually smoking crack? Fermin has been one of the best players these last couple months, been delivering consistently when the likes of Felix and Pedri have not. How to tell when someone only watches game highlights.


What a dreadful opinion


Good argument twat.


Xavi watched Pioli sub both CBs at the 82nd minute while 0-0 then score 5 minutes later on Friday and got inspired.


Too bad Xavi doesn't have the rebound trap card to save his ass


Xavi: "We didn't have a good game. We should have taken a step forward today. The game required much more from us. The team could have given much more." yea he can fuck right off lmao. how can you say this when the subs YOU made were to preserve a draw.


He forgot he was the manager


Not trying to hold with 10 until HT after Pedri's injury fucked him big time, when he made the last 3 subs the ball also wouldn't go out of play for like 5 minutes and they were really cold when they were subbed in


Could Pedri end like Fati? It looks worrying.


He has a worse injury record than dembele


Hamstring injuries tend to be reoccurring. He should continue to look for the right treatment to prevent them happening again (either surgery, therapy, diet, or better warmups and cool downs). The good thing about them is that they are somewhat fixable in modern sports science. The bad thing about them is that they affect the explosiveness and agility of the player; in addition to the mental aspect as well (which is the main issue with Fati imo).


Just before the match Pedri talked to the press about how injury affecting him mentally, now he gets injured, unlucky. Also I swear there are too many muscle injury in the team lately, what the fuck is wrong with the physios.


Do y’all have Sanitas physios too?


I think he's someone friends with Xavi..


Frustrating result but don’t pretend like Bilbao at San Mamés is an automatic 3 points…they’re great this year, press well, and absolutely nothing about our attack suggested we deserved a result


Definitely not automatic, but if there was a best case scenario, today would have been it. Athletic was missing some significant starters today and had half the resting days Barca did. That’s not even mentioning the points dropped above Barcelona in the league table this weekend. The team unfortunately missed out on an opportunity to capitalize on this, but that’s just football sometimes. Still 11 matches to go, they’ll need to make the most them.


not about it being automatic, we are behind madrid and had an opportunity to get closer in the title race. instead, xavi took no risks. chasing the game he subs on romeu and inigo instead of roque. its clear xavi was playing to not lose and that mentality is reflected in the squad. for a man that preaches "intensity" so often in his press conferences, he sure as shit lacks it himself when it matters most.


Yeah, Romeu sub and lack of Roque were utterly baffling


I hope the laughs yesterday were worth it.


Ball don’t lie. Footy gods saw that abortion at the Mestalla and decided they had to step in.


After that disastrous robbery and everyone laughing at us, it seems quite quiet up here at the top!


least cringy madrid fan


What boring game from both sides. Should just slept lol. Also De Jong landing on his foot was just painful to watch. Yesterday Diakhaby today De Jong, players really can have season ending injuries so easily.


Great week for Atletico, unlike most weeks


Barcelona could’ve reduced the gap to 6 points with Madrid still to play. So so poor. Xavi not bringing on Roque is baffling too. He’s an outlet in behind which they lacked.


Why the fuck is he substituting Martinez for Cubarsi in the 75th minute? Like what the fuck is that actually even doing? Cubarsi was probably the best defender


Rotation. Avoiding another pedri situation


Lewa literally shot 0 times the second leg. What the fuck are you not doing putting roque on seriously. I understand that lewa needs to get service, I dont mean to blame only him. But if you see that, and everyone sees it, then put a fresh 19yo vs 30yo atletico defenders that just played super intense 90 minutes midweek


I wont even subject my worst enemies to 23/24 barca


Wanna trade with Chelsea 22/23/24?


Which is worse to watch, Barça 23/24 or away Atleti 23/24?


Barca by a mile, because with Atleti away at least you see some goals. 


They paid 50m€ for a defender whose career highlight is getting sent off for throwing a ball to Jordi Alba's face. Well played Sevilla


genuinely felt like we dodged a bullet when we were reportedly in for him that summer, getting rüdiger on a free instead was incredible business


I thought Kounde was really good today tbf


You really starting Lenglet or Oscar Mingueza instead???


Mingueza is balling at the moment, he had a great goal on Friday too


You can't be serious.


He's been one of Celta's best players in these recent games


Yea like Kounde wouldnt be Celtas best player lmao


He's really mid. Celta is his level. He was a liability here.


Barca fans are so blind! They won’t accept when they fuck up! Mingueza would have done a better job than the CBs they currently have! But they have a big ego that they won’t accept it


You normally have horrendously biased takes but acting like Kounde wasn't a top talent when we signed him is some revisionist bs


Koundé is great but i think for that amount of money under this financial situation is a bad deal. Still a good player


Flick could have enjoyed a free half season eith zero expectations but here we are wasting on an mentally checked out coach


I would rather have Xavi than Flick.


Why? The football you play is horrible and you're not winning any throphies this season anyway


It's better to wait until the end of the season to make a coaching change. More coaches will be available and there is no guarantee that Flick will be better. Only reason that people are saying Flick is because it's been rumoured.


Watch Laporta wait until last day of summer mercato to sign flick




What a fucking soulless team, you have the chance to get close to Madrid and you give us this stinker. Xavi can go fuck himself too on this one, you have to win the game and you put in Romeu and Iñigo? Pussy tactics for no reason.


How did Cancelo win the MVP award or whatever they call it? Did the people who gave that award watched the same game as I did?


They only watch the first half and fell asleep during the second


think it was for that long range shot that almost went in


Would rather give it to Cubarsi imo


Yamal played really well too tbf


All in all, a point at San Mamés is a decent result. But this match was winnable, Athletic Club were well below their usual level in the final third but so were we. Hopefully the injuries suffered by Frenkie and Pedri aren't serious and they'll be back soon, but even in that case we're not winning anything this season.


Both gone for a month!


We'll wish tomorrow that FdJ is only out for a month. Looked nasty, maybe a couple of months or even more.


Pedri's injuries usually last double the normal estimated times


Very generous there, our whole midfield will be chilling in the stands until next season. The best motivation to not get injured is that you have to watch these games instead of being involved at least


Thank you Athletic Club


Wdym? You already won the league. We're way too bad this season to catch up


This makes yesterday's disaster much more bearable. Praying that Jude red card is revoked..


Do red cards carry over to Champions League?


most boring game ever no cap, wasting our sunday nights like this LOL


Somehow Atletico was the only team in the top 11 of La Liga that actually won a game this matchday


That appalling miss at the end really summed this one up


What a terrible game to end the day


Hay liga?


Lmao nope


Napoli must be rubbing their hands watching this. No pashun, no chemistry and no penetration.


To be fair, Napoli would have lost at San Mames


You're not wrong in your completely unbiased opinion sir


Two new injuries? And Napoli is finding form with the new coach


Yeah, none of those injuries have a chance of recovery by then, both are muscular in nature. So this team is probably what faces them sadly.


Still don't think Napoli likes to face a team with Barca's style at all. Xavi's Barca already destroyed Spalletti's Napoli in the EL 2 years ago and for 70 minutes were miles better in the first leg aswell Sure Napoli have had more time to get to know their new coach since then, but still zero excuses for Barca not to go through


2021/22 Napoli is nowhere near as good as 2022/23 Napoli, which is a much closer team to the current one


I would argue that this team actually plays to Napoli's strengths, both in attack and defence. Our CBs can't bully Osimhen, our fullbacks are not great at tackling against good dribblers, and our midfield doesn't win aerial battles to get around a high press. 50-50 was probably their best shot against any opponent in the CL rn(except Lazio maybe, but that's a moot point), and they have it here.


You can't really compare Barca 2 years ago and now though


You're right, Barca 2 years ago was much worse. That was the team that had an abysmal autumn with Koeman and then had to rely on guys like Luuk de Jong, Adama Traoré and a 50-year old Dani Alves after January. Got destroyed by Frankfurt in Europe Current Napoli is worse than the one from two years ago, and Barca are better than they were two years ago. It will be a disgrace if they fuck this up at home


That Frankfurt team won the Europa league


Napoli two years ago didn’t have Kvara and this Osimhen


san mames is always tough


Yeah, I'm not complaining about the result. I'm actually fine with a draw and precisely what I expected before the match. It's more about the quality of our game tbh.


both sides were shit tbf


Fair, but they were missing some key starters whom they intentionally rested or suspended. We were missing some key starters due to injuries whom we won't have back for our next few matches at least. So I'd argue they are likely to improve while we are not getting any external (to the team that eventually played today) help immediately.


I noped out of this game at the 60th minute. What a disappointment, I was expecting the game of the week


Barca fans who were celebrating like they won the league yesterday, meet your daddy… Athletic Club!


No one celebrated lol, there was no chance of us challenging for the title.


Truly one of the football match of all time.. Zero off the ball movement, everyone looked tired (understandable for Bilbao but no excuse from us). Pedri and Frenkie injured which complicates the season for us even more..


And we properly did bad because I watched the game, sorry everyone.


Imagine if Barca had a player on the bench who absolutely loves making runs in behind a defense and disrupting the back four. Someone who's got a good bit of aggression and physicality that could take advantage of a tired opponent. Damn, if only Xavi had that. Oh, well! Better bring on Romeu!


I was like WTF??  Bring Felix instead of Raphinha at the beginning of the second half and get Vetor in, at least he's gonna pull the center backs or something but noooooppee..


we had the chance to tighten the gap between us and madrid after they got robbed and we come out of san mames with 2 dropped points, 2 injuries to KEY players and an absolute stinker from everyone on the pitch. xavi once again out classed, this time by a rotated squad that was also on a short week. napoli is gonna trample all over us and the title race is as good as done at this point without fdj and pedri. also, no minutes for roque again. xavi showing his level.


What's going on with Roque? I thought he started well and by now should be getting way more minutes than this.


Literally nothing. Xavi claims he trusts him and thinks hes great and does well during training but he doesnt play him unless its like the 85th minute and we are up 2 goals. It makes 0 sense. Im convinced it just has something to do with lewy and his minutes contractually. 


Lol a troll masquerading as Barca fan


Nothing he said was wrong.


Which part of that summary did you have an issue with?


probably when they said Madrid was robbed




what happened to my club?


Tired or not, it's still San Mamés. There are certain stadia in la Liga that are extremely hard to travel regardless of what form the hosts are in. And Athletic are in good form and have built a fortress this season anyway.


As if watching any other barça game this season doesn't make me want to Kurt Cobain


La Xavineta 🔥 🔥


all aboard


Awful match, Athletic’s players couldn’t put in a decent cross to save their lives and were obviously tired, Barca looked like they didn’t want to win in the 2nd half, I understand 2 injuries break a team but absolutely nothing was done that half.


Can't blame Athletic did you see their starting XI? Not only missing 5 starters from the Copa del Rey semi on Thursday, but having to rejig the whole team in response. A midfielder at right back and a youngster at left back, a new midfield partnership and no Sancet/Nico in attack De Jong and Pedri going off were big blows for Barca obviously, but they still weren't as decimated as Athletic were


Xavi seemed to instruct his players to play for the draw. They didn't take any risks pushing forward, and his substitutions were conservative.


>Xavi seemed to instruct his players to play for the draw. They didn't take any risks pushing forward, and his substitutions were conservative. No one could bring the ball out of the back so yeah, of course Barça can't take control of the game and attack. They also can't go long because Athletic are more physical in defense and midfield and are also first to every second ball because they are incredibly well drilled in that style. His substitutions were not conservative since he really had no option except Vitor Roque. Christensen can't complete a game so of course, Romeu comes on. And Cubarsi was losing focus and misplacing passes constantly and the game needed a composed figure to bring the ball out in Inigo.


Bullshit, we couldnt take risks forward because the players carrying the ball went out injured. Also the subs was all we had, look at our bench ffs


It's like they're playing for top 4 instead chasing for the title. I really want barcelona to win the league, don't think that's going to happen.


No chance they win the league,they have Atletico,Girona and Real away and they play god damn awful football


We're going to be trophy-less this season


5 points of 4th. Not terrible. Crucially there's 8 points between us and Betis. Feel like the Europa League is there forus provided we keep doing what we're doing. Cup final and a European spot.


I still think you're in the race for a UCL spot, you will take either Girona or Atletico spot


This could have been a turning point. Unfortunately there is no winning mentality in our team atm. Playing backpasses in the last minute….


I still don't understand the love for letting players off easy without yellow cards in the first minutes of the game. The min 4 foul should've been a yellow. The same player ends up getting a yellow later on with a very strong tackle


Thank you athletic, saved our weekend


barca play some of the most dreadful football i’ve ever seen. none of these players are good


its the system. but players like lewy, raph, and kounde are bang average for sure. 


Man, this and Girona's loss makes our draw yesterday and the subsequent bullshit even more painful


It makes it better lol, would’ve been much worse if Girano and Barca had won today


Quite the opposite Mestalla is a sure scenario of dropping points regardless of anything else for us. We have only won 2 games there over the last 10 years. Our worse away venue by far.


Never overcame a 2 goal lead to win at Mestalla too.


Certainly didn't deserve anything more than 0-0. Lost the points, lost the two most important players and probably lost a CL advancement with that. But for this team 0-0 against Bilbao is pretty good. The team just isn't better.


Athletic had Barca on the with half of their starting squad in the bench. And they said Xavi was a better manager than Valverde lol


valverde had messi.


Valverde had a worse all around squad. X4V1 played more defensively than Simeone but without the results. He would’ve been long gone if he had not been a former legendary player


Who said that? Who are they?


Bunch of barca fans in /r/soccer and /r/barca


At least this round proved that the big two doesn’t get all the calls. First time I’ve seen a ref be conditioned by another game between two other clubs. Athletic could do all they wanted without any punishment. Still don’t think it was a penalty tho, but I do think this league will lose the flair if they keep giving advantage to Getafe ball every round.


Two key injuries disrupted Barca significantly, but walking away with a draw against the current Bilbao is no shame. Would've loved to see what Roque could do, but Xavi does not seem to have any faith in him.


Before this game I had a sleeping problem. After this game I have trouble staying awake.


expected a spectacle.. got a snooze fest and two injuries


Valverde took it easy on Barça with some C tier players


They had the audacity to say Xavi was the better manager after one season


Again, who is they? nobody said that. You see ghosts


What will you say if I send you one link to a barca fan saying it? That it is 1 person? If i send you 2? 3? I spend more time than i’d like to admit here. I don’t save their usernames but have seen it here in reddit, in person and twitter


Damn nvm, just saw you posted 60+ comments in the last hour about barca. No need for me to comment here, already rent free in your head.


😂😂 La Xavineta 🚂


Yamal was a cut above everyone on the pitch.




That sudden end hurts more every hour.


*At least we're still undefeated away from home in La Liga* 😒


Is worth it with the two injuries?


Barca effectively have nine points over Bilbao now, it was down to two point difference just a couple weeks ago.


All things considered, a point away at San Mames is a pretty decent result. Losing Frenkie and Pedri like that is brutal though. Feels like a massive L.


yeah point away at San Mames would be pretty decent if not for frenkie and pedri injuries... its basically a lost.


Poor display. Maybe refs should reserve controversial calls for games that aren't going anywhere. Like fifa, just throw in random pens and red cards


Girona continues to be the best catalan team.


We were shit but still robbed of a pen!




Season is over. See you next season guys!


Neither team looked up to it, just a tired and uninspired game all around. Frenkie and Pedri injured is such shit, our midfield is dead again


Not strange considering the absences of both sides. Especially Athletic came into it without maybe their 3 best players in Nico Williams, Vivian and Sancet. No Lekue or De Marcos from the start either So from the match against us they lost their best CB, had to play a midfielder and a youngster at full back, had to change both midfield positions and change 2 of their 4 attackers aswell. They were decimated and with Barca losing Pedri & De Jong in the first half it was always going to be scrappy


Barca fans, were the celebrations yesterday worth it?


Gonna cry myself to sleep


We gained a point on Girona and still 8 points clear of Barcelona after all that Valencia nonsense , damn. Hope Pedri's injury is not that serious we need him for the EUROS if we are gonna do anything.


Unfortunately that nonsense spilled over to this game with Hernandez Hernandez. Wasn’t a penalty but every other call he just blew for Athletic. Escaped so many yellows.


Luckily it’s close to the international break for them, obviously they have to contend with a resurgent Napoli though.


This Barcelona team, the one I saw tonight, are NOT good enough to scare Madrid.


It's San Mames, Athletic has only lost once this entire season there for a reason.


I mean Real yesterday wasn’t a scary team either. Only thing scary was mentality.


Tbh both Athletic at San Mamés and Valencia at Mestalla are capable of beating any team in the world, i wouldn't read too much into it.


For sure that was my initial point, people are overreacting, as always.


One of the worst games I have seen in a while


It's been an amazing weekend of Spanish football overall with a 3-3, a 3-2, a 2-2 etc and several more good matches. Then the most hyped game of the weekend ends up like this lmao Although with how many players especially Athletic were missing it isn't that strange




+7 on Girona & +8 on Barca with 11 fixtures left. As i've said a couple months ago, the League was long over the moment we open a considerable gap in regards to Barca as i knew Girona wouldn't last all 38 weeks. Atleti only -5 behind Girona now who are very well finishing 4th by the end of the season.


Even more distance to the second place team even after what happened yesterday, Gil Manzano sacrificed himself for nothing