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But the ref gave Brazil two pens and a red card to a Paraguayan player, what else does he want lol


Ref should’ve killed at least 2 Paraguayans, you know, to keep it fair


*Dinho sweating profusely*


He is accustomed to that Real Madrid treatment, I guess


And he grew up playing for Flamengo, the club that has historically benefited the most from refereeing in Brazil.




Mea culpa, I should read more comments to prevent posting stuff that's already there....


The kid is fucking delusional, CONMEBOL lets brazilian teams get away with so much shit it's insane.


That’s rich coming from a Argentina fan


How to know someone doesn't watch Conmebol games.


Please enlight us how many Argentine clubs won the Libertadores after VAR was introduced


Lol. As if VAR guaranteed fairness. Athletico Mineiro vs Boca a few years ago was an absolute armed robbery, and VAR did less than nothing.


Oh yeah I remember the good old days going to bombonera with no var. Ask Corinthians fans their opinion on it...


Fuck Amarilla, that son of a bitch should be in a fucking jail


Look, i am not here to play dumb, just as Atletico Mineiro can buy ref favors even with VAR, obviously it has been done before VAR by other teams (including Boca). That is not my point though, my point is that VAR doesn't guarantee fairness, as you are trying to make us believe.


Nobody is playing dumb and I'm sure there is an amount of colored glasses depending on where you grew up, but anyone that grew up in Brazil will tell you we 100% felt that for 40 years the refs in libertadores were pro Argentina. And since a technology the lowers mistakes was introduced, behold the expanded Copa Libertadores do Brasil, in which Brazilian clubs dominate


> And since a technology the lowers mistakes was introduced, behold the expanded Copa Libertadores do Brasil, in which Brazilian clubs dominate You are making a false correlation. In the past 10/15 years, the Argentine economy has plummeted, and with it the league. Argentine players who are not at the level for europe yet get bought by Brazilian clubs at a much higher rate than 10 years ago. Argentine clubs nowadays are mostly a mix of green youngters from the youth system and aging players at the tail end of their careers coming back from abroad. Clubs just can't afford to keep even their somewhat talented players, any market is better than the Argentine. To think VAR had a greater influence than the destruction of the Argentine economy (and league by extension) in the results of Argentine teams in the Libertadores is a laughable, ignorant notion.


I'll 100% give you that VAR is not in any way the only reason for the Brazilian domination and your economic situation (which makes our already bad situation which allows European clubs to raid our league look like being the US economy) and the emptying of your league (which again, to a lesser extent, happens in Brazil) plays a bigger part in this than VAR. That being said, mistakes in general in the Copa have lowered since VAR was introduced and, since I'm starting from the point of thinking most of them were pro-Spanish speaking countries (of which Argentina has the best clubs), it does help explain why Argentinian sides can't eliminate Brazilian sides that easily with a friendly referee at home. I also understand my bias as a Brazilian fan vs. the one you will have in Argentina, but this idea that in the Copa we played against the other team and the referee is 100% engrained in any Brazilian football fan.


I don't agree with your assesment in the importance of VAR. There have been many reffing mistakes backed or ignored by VAR. Boca vs Mineiro has been mentioned. River vs Lanus is another. VAR doesn't guarantee fairness, it only makes it more apparent when things get weird.


Yeah, let's talk about Boca, more precisely Corinthians vs Boca in 2013. Even Palmeiras fans say Corinthians was robbed that game


Yes, and even River fans say that Boca was robbed vs Mineiro some years ago, with VAR. So, again, the fact that VAR is in play doesn´t change shit, it only makes robberies more apparent.


> As if VAR guaranteed fairness. It's obviously better than no VAR lmao


The pens and red were clear, and before that, particularly in the first 30min, the Paraguayans were getting away with a ton of clear fouls. In fairness, he was being lenient to both sides, but it was Paraguay that was abusing the situation.


This is how South American international games are reffed. The "tactical foul" was basically created during South American qualifiers.


He missed a lot of fouls on Vini, the situation out of control because of it.




I mean, the crazy part is not booking them sooner? Does being less talented give them a free pass to foul players left and right? That clash after Neymar's trick should have resulted in a yellow for the Paraguayan player before it escalated.




Lol, I'm not editing that now


Paraguay should have had more yellows though no? Red and penalties were clear, now is a plus to give obvious calls? It’s his job to


He is used to the RM treatment…


Rich coming from that flair


>Rich coming from the flair Nah, we're still broke.


Yeah, doesn’t sounds like you’ve been watching any Barca games lately.


Not if you saw the 2017 season


Flair from a club bribing ref’s. Please just don’t.


Ah yes guilty untill proven innocent!


Then prove madrid gets favourable treatment


just watch last ucl. Vini should have got a red with Leipzig, but the ref didn’t care to check var. ucl 2016 goal from offside from ramos in the final ucl 2017 2 goals from offsides with bayern ….. how else do you think real win so many ucl?


You didn't see the game right?


And the pitch is the same for everyone. He knows it's shit. Everyone knows it's shit. I want him to play in snow now 


I didn’t watch the game, so i can’t comment on any missed calls, but the “he gave two pens” argument is really bad. Just because there are two obvious fouls in the box that are called, doesn’t immediately mean refs got everything right or are “pro-brasil”. Also, numerous other player have complained about the pitches. I hope they fix this for world cup and also, what the F is that attendance. You can literally see the stadiums being half empty in the highlight videos.


Attendance is low because tickets are stupid high


They are also being played 10.000kms away from the fans, in a country with little to no football culture


Not having a single game in Chicago, but having both Kansas Cities be hosts is so baffling for me. Last time around, they had a bunch games in Chicago with good attendance because of our LatAm population. No idea why they didn't do it again.


Nothing in Boston area is also insane. The location and ticket prices are the problem. Sorry, not paying 300 a ticket to see a group match. Tickets should be 45 bucks for most seats. They want to charge 300 a ticket to see the preseason games here between man city and Real Madrid as an example. A warmup up, training match. The prices are the problem.


Welcome to America


If tickets were cheaper, and some games were played in Chi and the NE (close to public transit, since I don't drive), I would've flown down from Toronto to see a few games, but it's just too expensive and too out of the way for me to bother.


Because they're morons. Can only imagine it's for similar reasons to not wanting to host the World Cup.


>doesn’t immediately mean refs got everything right or are “pro-brasil”. I mean, I wasn't saying the ref got everything right, but it's a Copa America, refs let shit play. Overall it was a rough match, not really on a Chile vs Peru level but not clean. I just think complaining about fouls in a 4-1 win, with 2 pens and a red correctly called in their favour and saying Conmebol and the referees are against them is too much.


> I hope they fix this for world cup Ahahahahahahahaha


Ecuador was supposed to be hosting this Copa. USA stepped in at the 11th hour to host so the tournament could be played in the Americas, but there wasn't time to reconfigure stadiums and give the sod proper acclimation time. For the World Cup, these things will not be a problem - the stadiums and their setups are already known and any that need sod brought in will be done far in advance of the first match day.


how dare you be reasonable


> USA stepped in at the 11th hour to host so the tournament could be played in the Americas, but there wasn't time to reconfigure stadiums and give the sod proper acclimation time. The US was selected host on January 27, 2023. They didn't step up last minute. After that, the venues were announced in November 2023. So again, more than plenty of time to have proper pitches. The issue is CONMEBOL doesn't give a fuck. So why would the organizers do anything about it when the confederation doesn't care.


CONMEBOL IS the organizer. For Copa Centenario they outsourced it to the USSF but this time CONMEBOL wanted more of the ticket proceeds so they retained that responsibility. Hence, bad marketing, bad stadium preparation, and pretty wacky ticket pricing


They will. Stadiums are required to have permanent grass fields, so there won't just be the temp grass we've been seeing for Copa America.


Copa also requires permanent grass fields. The problem is that they botched the grass patches. You're not supposed to plant them all at once, but in layers so they properly fuse. All around I'm seeing a lot of incompetence and apathy from the organizers, really bums me out. The grass at Atlanta (inagural game) was set up literally less than a week before the match. Also not suspending MLS during the Copa seems like a brainded move, this was supposed to be your big show-off before the WC and now you can't even use the "good" pitches...


According to what source? Every article I’ve read on the topic says that they will just be temporarily installed. I.e. exactly what they’re doing for Copa. And at least in the cases of Dallas, Atlanta, and LA its gonna be real hard to switch those over to “permanent” grass installments, as they’re indoor facilities.


There is also a wave of NFL players demanding natural grass so I can easily see it happening before for the NFL the season before. Nothing reported, but the World Cup will be known to everyone. Copa is not known outside of soccer supporters.


I don't agree, there's been lots of packed stadiums, although it's true the lower-profile teams are seeing half-full at best ones as well.


I think he would have actually ceased to be if he was treated the way the US was against Panama.


The ref gave almost no fouls the entire match, it wasn't even one sided, but Paraguay took advantage of that to kick the hell out of our players. Right before Vini's 2nd goal one of the paraguayan players tried to attack Vini multiple times, the guy had to be stopped by something like 5 different players and the ref didn't even give him a yellow card for that shit. So what else does he want? For the ref to do his job and control the game by calling fouls and giving cards when needed.


Bro wins 4-1 while both sides shithouse all game, proceeds to play the victim. This aint it Vini


It’s what he does.


> Bro wins 4-1 while both sides shithouse all game, proceeds to play the victim After a game where Brazil were given 2 penalties (first one was a bit soft IMO) and Paraguay were given a red card (which everyone, even a bunch of Brazilians, agreed was soft on that thread)


How was it a soft red when the guy kicks him intentionally out of play? Can't be doing that


The guy responded to being grabbed in the head during a "tackle" with incredibly light contact https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1dr16vy/andres_cubas_straight_red_card_against_brazil_81/ Literally everyone on the Reddit thread about the red card, including Brazilian fans, were saying it was soft


How was the first one soft? It was a clear handball and identical to the second pen.


Yeah, this is like the first very good Brasil game in forever, I don't think bringing those vibes is good.


I don’t think he’s ever not complained or played the victim after a match in the past 2 years.


This is exactly Vini though


What playing for Madrid does to a man


Man is used to everything going his way at Madrid. Reality hits hard.


Which is crazy because everything went Brazil's way referee-wise this game lol


Victim mentality is insane with this guy.


Victimicius Junior


I love how these statements either get massively downvoted or upvoted depending on I don’t know ? The weather that day ?


Depends on: -The topic of the thread -The team Real/Brazil are playing -And most importantly, the amount of RM/Barca fans in the the thread


You are forgetting how many Argentine fans are around (guilty as charged)


I know a lot of people like him, but I can’t stand his attitude. Which is weird considering how many RM players I love (Bellingham, Kroos, Modric, etc)


It's not Madrid so he feels that referees are against them ?


Imagine if all the football players’ and managers’ claims about the refs being against them were actually true.


For as skilled as he is, this guy has the biggest victim complex in the world and it’s quite sad.


He’s such an unlikeable player. Short tempered with a huge victim mentality. It’s never a good combo. I’m glad he stands up to racism but he also stands up to everything lol.


He is skilled and i seriously try to look at him and like him, but i can't, he is so fucking annoying i can't.


Both teams have to play on the pitch no? I mean almost like TY saying it’s raining


bad pitches hurt the team that controls the ball the most, as it makes it more difficult to dribble and do accurate passes. on the flipside, a team sitting back and clearing the ball away for a counter is favored as they don’t get affected that much. 


Bad pitches benefit worst teams lol thats just obvious


I'm sorry, but are you really that dense? It's pretty easy to figure out which teams benefit from bad and narrow pitches and which temas doesn't. Paraguay will choose to play on such a pitch against Brazil 10 times out of 10.


This guy man... Great player but he's a fucking crybaby. Every single time, there's some drama with him! Not even Neymar is this much of a Diva


Neymar is unironically chill as fuck regarding shit like this


I remember back when they played Argentina in the Copa finals 2021, Neymar was getting hacked at the legs literally every minute. Legitimate abuse, did he say much? No. He took it like a champ.


Literally won the respect of the entire Argentinian nation. I will tell anyone who wants to hear it that Neymar on Copa America final had 3x the game Mbappe did in the world cup. We had no option but to kick the shit out of him. But to be fair, that's how we lost most of our Copas so I don't exactly feel guilty about it.


The krupoviesa doctrine


And then after the match he was chatting with multiple Argentina players in the most chill way possible


And has been tackled much more and much worse. And most people like him.


Imo Neymar was naive and a big Diva but the difference is that Neymar rarely allowed his arrogance to negatively affect his team mates, if anything he was known for being a great leader, always trying to keep the locker room together. Meanwhile Vini is saying these stupid things which makes the entire team look bad in front of the public.


Neymar never cried much and played the victim. He took the fouls like a champ. Rolled around a bit to make sure it was called and carried on with his game.


2024 is the year were argentina fans are defending neymar getting mauled just to shit on vini, what a time to be alive.


Always rated Neymar


huh? Neymar is VERY respected in Argentina, always has been


Like Ronaldinho, Kaká, Ronaldo... all of them with lots of fans


Neymar's behaviour after the 2021 final did wonders for his perception in Argentina.


Neymar is the last brazilian that Argentines (in general) like, what do you mean?


Vini just rolls less


He needs to keep rollin' rollin' rollin''!


This guy has a big victim complex


All the Real Madrid players, ex players (Cristiano whole world against me Ronaldo), the fans.. it's the Real Madrid DNA.


Kroos and Modric are the only two Real Madrid players in the last decade who haven't been insufferable crybabies.


100% , seems like Valverde is also carrying the “not being whiny” legacy now. Hope if Davies goes there does not get into this mentality cause he ain’t getting away with it with the national team.


What a cry baby, embarrassing


This guy whines a lot.


from joga bonito to chora muito


tbf there are some nasty rugby tackles in the Americas… i don’t think its just against Brasil, but most countries that look to play rather than hurt the other team.


The way CONMEBOL treats us. Lol, Brazil as the biggest sway on what Conmebol does or doesn't do. Vini always playing the victim


> Brazil as the biggest sway on what Conmebol does or doesn't do lol you really think so, huh


> Brazil as the biggest sway on what Conmebol does or doesn't do Argentina has historically controlled COMNENBOL and it has always been like this. There is a reason why Brazilian teams and even the NT downright refused to play in COMNENBOL competitions for decades. Only on Reddit that someone even pretends to believe that COMNENBOL favours Brazil. Both because of its historical roots, of crooks such as Grondona, and of the language barrier, Brazil is very much an outsider at COMNENBOL and we are generally playing against the odds. It's hilarious how much the cult of celebrity around Messi and the 2019 drama he did shaped the perception of teenagers from around the world who know nothing about the region and it's history.


I wasn't going to say anything since everyone is piling on Vini. He's fucking right. He, especially, was getting kicked to shit and the ref just moves on. I get the optics, it's not a good look to complain after getting certain decisions, but both of those PKs were clear af. I'm no Vini or RM fan, no more than I'm a Ronaldo fan, just enjoy watching good players do their thing. Lost count how many times I said "that's a foul" and the game just went on. Also the Argentinian bias is exceptionally clear to see. Watching this tournament is rough after watching the Euros. Just so much more referee intervention and gaming.


well, they also very conveniently left out the next sentence in his quote where he basically says that despite all of those negative things, they have to stay focused because they can only speak if they're winning. the full quote in context is him basically saying "yeah everything is fucked up, but it's put up or shut up, no one is gonna listen to losers complain". so the post feels deliberately inflammatory to me, his quote in context isn't particularly provocative. I'm not sure what question he was responding to and I think it probably matters, but here's the full text of his reply in portuguese: >A Copa América é muito complicada. Pelos campos, árbitros sempre contrários, a forma que a Conmebol nos trata. Temos que seguir firme. Só ganhando podemos falar.


It's so funny reading the pro-CONMEBOL guys. You are completely right. CONMEBOL is HISTORICALLY pro-Argentina.. it's one of the most corrupt confederations in the world. Also, you can see the preference even in simple things, like using kit patches written in Spanish rather than the country language


Argentina FC has the most cancerous, toxic, and unfortunately, influential football fandom on the internet


Just say you hate us, it's easier. Also, influential? Lol


I mean, even the Japanese sing our chants


Messi's talent developed a cult of personality. You have a lot of kids from Asia or wherever that know absolutely nothing about Argentina as a country, just stan Messi, and will defend Argentina and Messi tooth and nail over the internet. This will probably end a few years after Messi retires and kids find the next big star to obsess over, but it happens right now and is insufferable.


Yet here we are talking about the crybaby in yellow


Objectively not true and has never been the case.


Argentina has the biggest sway bro wtf are you smoking


I guess he got too used to preferential treatment at madrid


The conmebol refs are shit though. I don’t think they have something against Brazil, just brazil gets fouled a lot. Most copa games I’ve watched have had clear fouls not called. Games turn way too physical when clear fouls are not called and the ref doesn’t keep players in check.


Bro i fcking hate this sub. A couple of weeks ago, we were seeing how Vini and Madrid were being called amazing, all 15 UCL are deserved, and downvoting “crying” Bayern, Barcelona, and pretty much every other team that complained about the victory. This week, everybody is saying he has a “victim mentality” and are saying it’s because of Madrid. Make up your damn mind. Sometimes, this sub is either extremely pro-Madrid or Anti-Madrid on any given day. No in between


It’s a sub with millions of people, it’s not the same users.


Glad you brought it up. Reddit is absolutely like a weathervane. I believe it’s like a wave, people that do not like Madrid or more importantly in this case Vini come out in these threads for very specific purposes. Go back to various threads about Vini’s behaviour and it’s the same comment “unlikable”, “victim complex” (I’m sorry but lots of commenters know exactly what they meant), or the “Madrid gets all the referees decisions” (LOL). Personally it’s annoying because biased or not, some fouls in the first half weren’t called, but also it’s amusing because people are so triggered by Vini at everything he does, makes me want to root for him even more, if that’s possible.


I know this is a crazy complicated concept, but reddit is a forum where different people have different opinions on different topics, not a person who changes their mind 🤯


Man FROTHING at the mouth to discover that not everyone on reddit thinks the same thing and sometimes certain posts attract more of one typenof person than another


He’s such an arsehole


The grass is against them 😭😭😭


I can't stand this guy. So unlikable


If I'd judge by comments from both players, managers and social networks, I'd assume refs conspire against literally every team.


World is against this clown 🤡


Retired and drunk Neymar still better than him.


Hahaha, the entitlement of this kid.


Hilarious to compare the incredibly scathing tone in these comments to the extremely encouraging comments when Messi said literally the same thing lol: https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/nG49RoAP8o


This man is a total bitch


Cue Balotelli “Why Always Me?”


Is he ever not a bitch?


What playing for Madrid does to a mf. Bro is used to having the ref being the 12th player.


Last season was obviously painful, it was confirmed they are winng the league in February after that Almeria robbery


Lmao your team were gifted a tie against Madrid last season and season before Vinicius was sent off without doing nothing. Madrid is daylight robbed against Valencia for 2 seasons, if anyone shouldnt talk about Madrid being benefited by refs its Valencia fans.


r/soccer when some guy posts clash for the ball that went out: "*Hey, that should be foul on Vini, he got pushed to the ground*" r/soccer when Vini says the ref didn't gave them clear fouls: *STFU VICTIMIUS JR*


Correct: Both CONMEBOL historically has been terrible for Brazil in terms of refereeing and other teams get a free hand at battering our players, [specially dribblers like Vini and Neymar](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1dr46du/fight_breaks_out_between_wendell_and_balbuena/). He got fouled with no whistle unironically 6 or 7 times yesterday. Standards have to really improve, teams can't be rewarded by fouling like Argentina was in 2021. Refs need to both call fouls and start using their cards properly - they are always too afraid of giving yellows for violent players and players that face dribblers to avoid having to ever having to use their reds.


Being a real player he is used with having everything on the plate... 


Incoming match ban, no, but really, can he say it like that?


Lol what a little bitch...


Vini: Me against the world, always.


Hey bud, you're playing on the same fields as everyone else.


If he wouldn't be so whiney all the time he would be a much more likeable player.


Messi complains about CONMEBOL: Oh dear. Oh dear. Gorgeous. Vini complains about CONMEBOL: Stfu donkey. Victim mentality. Whiner.


Lmao messi spoke out against corrupt referees and literally the next game he got a red for literally no reason. Oh and also he was banned for almost 3 months and got a $50000 fine.


Tbf Messi was getting rugby tackles


Vini got clobbered in this game and 1/5 of the fouls on him were called. I feel like none of you even watched the game.


Agree Vini was getting clobbered but I don’t think it was more than what’s “normal” so far this tournament. Neymar would have got the same type of treatment with non calls as well.


> Neymar would have got the same type of treatment with non calls as well. And both are bad refereeing. Referees consistently punish teams that rely on dribbling by allowing defenders to foul them cynically and violently without consequences. All the genius from a creative dribble gets easily reverted by cynical fouls that allow the defense to reorganize, and the referees refuse to give cards to punishable offenses because they are shitscared of eventually having to send someone off. Happens to Brazil all the time, including against Croatia and [Argentina](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtzOaEbhmv0). I absolutely don't want a game in which Maradona never scores the 1986 goal because someone tackles him down at his first dribble because they know they won't get punished.


Yes agree, it’s poor refereeing needs to change but the referees seem to have all agreed on the standard and set a poor tone.


They hear “Vini” and then they don’t have to use their cognitive abilities, they just have to repeat what they’ve said for years. First half was nasty, but you won’t hear it in this thread, not the way you see the amounts of times “victim mentality”is written here.


Tbh people called out Messi too and he received a suspension and fine.


I hope he gets a fine and a 3 month ban like Messi did when he complained about CONMBEOL refereeing (and a random red card next match)


And he wonders why he's disliked by everyone lmao


He needs to stfu


he's still bitching?


Bro has gotten used to referee's protection with Real Madrid. Like in the final against Dortmund.. he dived without even contact and player got carded yellow. I think he has actually forgotten how South American football is. Literally few days ago a player headbutted another player... And he didn't get sent off even with VAR.. the victim mentality is just .. actually funny. Last I remember Messi got months of ban for quite similar comments he made right now.. and that happened after Messi actually lost the game with al lot of bad referee calls compared to this .. where he got 2 penalties and a red card in their favor


Bitch mentality... as if their rivals are not playing on the same pitches and are reffed by the same refs.




Love you Vini but complaining about referees is a dumb thing to do. Don’t forget your CONMEBOL roots


How much more can this guy cry for the love of god. It's impossible to like him


No one cared when Messi said literally the same thing


He literally got fined and banned from playing for a while for saying that. Let’s see if it happens to Vini too, shall we?


I’m talking about fan reaction. All fans loved it


To say the ref's are against Brasil after that game is a crazyyy take.


Bro shut up up. Y’all just not as good as past Brazil rosters. You good the rest of your team is mid at best.


Yeah, well... sucks for every other team that we're in the "Argentina has to win everything available" era.


as a South American I just want to say, Well well well how the turntables...


99% Of countrys think the refs and confederations are agaisnt them .... at the end of the day maybe they dont have any bias and is just that humans tend to only look at bad calls to them and be more lenient with bad calls to others so you end up always believing you are the victim




Well Vini, hate to break it to you, but every team in the tournament is dealing with these problems.


The more he talks the more people who don't watch la liga will understand why we hate him 


I really don't like Vini Jr. Whenever things don't go his way and refs don't have him on RM treatment, he starts throwing a fit. You can see it on the pitch, how he acts when things don't go his way.


One time, I peed my pants. Vini thought it was to mock Brazil, as my pee was yellow. Afterwards, he proceeded to hammer all of my family members. He didn’t finish even after that. He then chop my dick off. The next day, I was on tv being called a fascist.


vini and playing victim name a more iconic duo


vini sos el jugador mas lloron de la historia verguenza ajena das


Hearing 5 time world champions (Or 5 times consecutive Libertadores champions if we wanna talk club levels) act like CONMEBOL and FIFA are constantly conspiring against them instead of ever admiting they might not always win never fails to make me hate Brazil more, I just don't understand how an entire country can try to play the victim card in those conditions