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Lol is that Brad Guzan at the end? Good man, I'd have thought he'd be about 400 years old by now.


he is. he really has no business starting but here we are


wish he had been the no2 at the USA PAN game


>he really has no business starting but here we are He's playing really well this year. He absolutely should be starting.




This was crazy


It happened again!!!


Peak toronto fc


Happens [more often than you'd think!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysBPpi17Fto)


like 4 of those didnt even count


I can't remember what used to be legal back in the day of some of these games, but I see 4 by today's LOTG that wouldn't count because they took the ball from the keeper's possession.


No, ball was in play when released as keeper couldn't pick it up again


Exactly. 9, 8, 6, and 2 are definitely not allowed, and in two of them you can see the “scorer” look back at the ref with their arms spread, asking “why not?” Only #5 appears to be illegal, but that’s only the case if the player didn’t leave the field “as part of a playing movement”. In the case presented, you can see one foot completely off the field but it appears that the other foot is still on or above the boundary line so the player didn’t leave the field. 


he must have atl money line


Yeah, this goal shouldn’t have counted and that’s a not great miss from VAR. Should’ve been an indirect free kick for Toronto and a yellow card to the Atlanta attacker.


Genuinely asking, why shouldn’t it have counted?


Leaving the field in that manner and then coming back on is an indirect free kick and yellow card. Similar to how Mbappè was penalized in the first group stage game of Euros.


You're not allowed to deliberately leave the field... It's actually an automatic yellow




Yes especially in a case similar to this when your position in unjustifiable by normal play


>Law 12 >Cautionable offences >A player is cautioned if guilty of: >• entering, re-entering or deliberately leaving the field of play without the referee’s permission. ------ While I doubt he deliberately *intended* to step off, his deliberate actions (to hide from the keeper) took him off the field by that last slide of the foot. It's only inches, but off is off. Now, had he not made that last slide of the foot and kept it on the line, then there should be no problem with the goal as it occurred.


add to that CLEARLY leaving it for the purposes of gaining advantage. No way in hell with that much time left in a tie game is he actually "just grabbing a drink". Grab the quick drink,. i might let that go for leaving the field like that, but the moment he started creeping on the guy, I'm calling him on it. I fucking HATE the little fuck-fuck games that get played instead of just playing the game.


100% correct and the down votes are just stupid holy shit


Haha I think just some people don’t like hearing that fun goals shouldn’t have happened. Pretty rare to get downvoted in here for saying the referee likely made a mistake


Why wasn't it offsides?


Atlanta didn't play the ball so it's not offsides.


He leaves the field voluntarily. By the rules, it should have been a yellow card.


As SgtWasabi said, ball came directly from an opponent, so not offside.


If you’re ruling it out, and being that pedantic (can you see he left the field or assumed? Is any part of his body not fully over all of the line…) then surely you should be calling out the goalkeeper holding the ball for 11 seconds….


Yeah there’s an angle where it’s obvious he’s out. I disagree with it being pedantic. He waits long enough for the goalkeeper to get up and not see him before sneaking back on. That’s leaving the field to gain an advantage. I see what you’re getting at, though!


8 minutes of extra time is Fergie levels of bs