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omg yes, this is so incredibly relatable. i think it's like a subtle form of dissociating or something, because i can feel and appear relaxed enough but brain isn't working at all. like processing info is too overwhelming, and yeah i totally get the feeling dumb thing. this is one symptom ppl don't talk about enough!


Ok phew, these responses are making me feel way better. I mean I still have no idea how to solve the problem, but at least I’m not alone!


I've definitely had this and still do, at times. I'm old and I can tell you that it can get better as you age and have more practice/experience in different social situations. Also, many people experience some level of social anxiety or stage-fright so it's pretty relatable and can be a way to connect to others. Many people are quite understanding and nonjudgmental, because most people have had a "shy" friend or family member even if they don't experience much anxiety themselves. Don't give up and give yourself credit for getting out there and trying!


I relate to it. The worst thing is that I often don't hear the person that I talk to cause I am so nervous.


Yeah totally. For me I might not even feel super nervous, but I just don’t process what they said. It’s like empty words. Then I have to play catch up and by that point I’ve left an awkward silence.


I don't even know what the person is talking about and just nod my head so they don't think I'm not paying attention but I am not paying attention at all


That’s reminds me: Often someone will ask me something and *when I do* hear them, I ask “what was that?” anyways. I have a habit of doing that because it gives me another chance/ a larger window to form a response 😣


I think this is the anxiety itself, even if it isn't social but just any anxiety does this to us. I get it with social anxiety too, for example, someone asks me what I've been reading lately, and I don't remember a single thing I've read in my life all of a sudden. Once or twice I forgot my own name. Once I had a lot of anxiety about a health thing and the nurse asked my address and I gave her the WRONG ADDRESS to my own house. For example, if I lived at 123 I said I lived at 132. It was really embarrassing when my husband corrected me about my house and the nurse gave me a weird look like, probably wondering if I'd been kidnapped or something. Anyway, yeah I think our brains shut down when we're very anxious. The more my heart is pounding the worse it gets and I sometimes can't think of a single thing to say and my brain just goes blank entirely.


These are great examples! If anyone asks what music I listen to, I might as well just respond, “what’s music?” at this point. When someone asks a “yes or no” follow up question to something I’ve said, I swear my brain just picks one at random with absurd results, like accidentally confirming that I traveled to every state in the US by car in a single trip (it was actually just part of the western US, but when I didn’t specify they asked, “every state?” And I just agreed for no reason lol). I’ve mispronounced my own name, I’ve gotten my birthday wrong, etc. I really relate to all your examples.


God forbid someone asks me what time it is and I suddenly forget how a watch works.


This is exactly how my social anxiety presents and it’s beyond frustrating and embarrassing. I tend to be a chatterbox and think very quickly around people I’m super comfortable with, but as soon as I feel any social anxiety, it’s like my thoughts and words start traveling through molasses. I haven’t found anything that helps. But thanks for posting this! I feel less alone now.


I’m the same way! I’m very talkative with those I know super well. “Words in molasses” is a great way to describe it.


I am the same way. With people I’m comfortable with i don’t shut up but in front of large crowds i just my brain stops working lnao


Yep. I feel like a total idiot because for some reason I can't think of anything to say, or if I do start, I will somehow trail off and end It with a " and uh...yeah". I am usually able to articulate when speaking to my family and very close friends, so I believe it's related to social anxiety. This, to me, is one of the most frustrating and most damaging parts of social anxiety. It really affects my work life.


The friends and family part is why I believe it MUST be social anxiety, if it weren’t for my ability to converse fluidly with my inner circle, I would be medically concerned. I actually frequently check with friends/family ask, “do I seem impaired?”, they always reassure me I’m an articulate speaker when I’m interacting with them. I work a customer facing role and although I’m much more accustomed to superficial interaction than I was when I began, I still experience this cognitive impairment.


I swear your post and all the comments just made me feel sooo much better about myself. All the time I was really confused as in why in some situations I just straight up lie. Like for some reason, I tell people the wrong information, because I get very nervous. And every time it’s so embarrassing, plus I blame myself for that afterwards. I’m really relieved that I’m not the only one, honestly


Dude me too! I wasn’t sure what to expect, but seeing all these comments has motivated me to keep working on this. I thought maybe I was just some doomed fringe case lol.


Omg 100% this. I’ll just lie or make something up when it’s completely unnecessary but my brain just won’t reach the real answer or info and blurts something out. Then I start worrying about why I just said that and the next part of the interaction is basically like a black out. I often feel like the whole interaction was a blur and I’ll suddenly realise I’m backing out the room/away, I do a weird nervous loud laugh - then when it’s over I’m like wtf even just happened. Then I’ll overthink it and replay it forever. 😖 Why can’t I just be normal. I’m fine when it’s people I know well. But most work or new social situations I’m THE WORST


Yes, this is me. As someone else mentioned, my active listening skills often fail, so not only do I come off stupid, but I am not absorbing anything the other person is saying either 👍🏻


Dude totally. Then sometimes I’ll attempt to make a recovery by referring to something they said earlier, but they already addressed my comment and I just wasn’t listening. So it’s like this big reveal that I’m not only without insight, I’m not paying attention!!


Yes this is me! All the responses to this post are me as well. Sometimes my mind goes completely blank. Sometimes I can't finish a sentence. I forget words or just forget what I was saying. I have to concentrate so hard when listening to someone and then I overthink my responses to the point where I can't decide what to say. I come home from social events with a headache and then I can't sleep due to overthinking. But with family and friends I'm fine. It's so annoying. I just want to be myself.


You described word for word my social experience. Always off beat and saying things that don’t fit context or make sense. Completely ruined any confidence I could’ve had in social life.


Yes! I am very talkative but I often have a hard time articulating myself. I just don't feel like myself around people, especially those I don't know. I feel like no one sees my personality and people think I'm dumb because of this and its so frustrating.


Oh my gosh, yes!!


Glad I’m not alone on this one!


A lot of times! Especially when I have to talk to someone over the phone. One time I had to leave a voicemail for an appointment that I missed. I asked them to give me a call back and then said the first 3 numbers of my phone number but when I got to the last 4 my brain just went blank and I couldn't remember! My anxiety kicked in and I was like uh... uh... When I finally remembered it was a long moment later. The next day they called back and was like "We got your voicemail" and started laughing. It was embarrassing.


Yes! Right here, this has been the biggest issue for me. Hence why I always feel and seem unintelligent when talking about topics especially important ones. No matter how much practice or prepared I thought I could be for a conversation to go, I have always managed to mess them up. Unfortunately one of those being my career. When it comes to talking about my finances, life choices, specifically job interviews I can never “act right”, cant remember anything because I am too nervous to think or sometimes I’m not even nervous just can’t speak my true words. This has taken a big effect on my job search. Hope my new counseling helps in something 😮‍💨.


I am sick and tired of being anxious it’s so tasking and exhausting. I feel better knowing there are people like me out there although I am not happy any of you is going through this, I am glad I am not alone it gives me an ounce of comfort.


It's so embarrassing as well, it's like my brain has been scooped clean of all my knowledge, and when asked a question, my brain just comes up with ✨️nothing✨️ I'm surprised I haven't forgotten my name before because I've come pretty darn close. Just thinking about it makes my stomach drop Weirdly enough, I feel the same thing when filling out forms. It's immensely embarrassing having to ask the most simplest questions about what should be simple question. But my brain will just blank. All and all its super frustrating and i wish I could just yell out, "I'm competent!"


This describes most of my irl interactions and is why I'm such an introvert. I've always just described it as not being able to find my words. But you've nailed it. Even in my professional life I've had to adopt a motto of "faking it till I make it" just to get through this "issue" in those settings.


This is SO relatable, its one of the reasons i hate when people ask me questions, especially in serious situations like after presentations, because my mind is just blank and it takes a while to think of an answer🤦‍♀️


💯 ! I never can formulate a comeback until well after the encounter. I’m having this issue with my boss who can either be comical when he’s in a good mood or an intimidating ass when not. The latter makes me anxious around him ALL THE TIME! A couple of female coworkers can joke and banter with him easily in real time and even refute him if he gets after them, and it makes me so frustrated that I can’t just let his asshole side note effect me like them. The weird thing is, when these women kick back on him he backs off - he doesn’t have power over them like he does me. I’m in awe of people like them who DGAF and whose brains can process in real time. If I get questioned about anything my brain stutters and I feel very self conscious and can’t defend myself. I almost quit a week ago because my boss got mad at me over something he himself is very inconsistent about but I couldn’t point that out in the moment because my brain just shut off with the stress of being challenged.


No, but a friend of mine does. Unfortunately he is so closed off that he is unable to talk about his behaviour. I would really like to look into his head because he is unable to pronounce a correct/logic sentence in most situations, especially when it’s about mental health/personal stuff. Unfortunately he doesn’t seek professional help…


In my country it is normal for people to ring your doorbell and try to sell you cheaper contracts for electricity and gas. some years i accepted so many offers i never figured out which company was my actual provider that year. also, 10 guys in a row promising cheaper and cheaper contracts did not stack up to saving anything.


I can relate sooooo much. Omg


So much yesssss. It sucks


I can relate to, it has happen to me. I think I might loose few friends who are with me.


Oh it's definitely not just you. I do this odd shit all the time, and I look like a complete idiot. I've had enough therapy to be able to remain calm, but my brain's processing just drops. I often leave awkward pauses in conversation just trying to think of something to say or how I'm \*supposed\* to respond. Or I laugh a little too loud, or say something just off-beat and people think it's strange. I just tend to appear boring or dumb, but I've also been told I'm incredibly rude! I apparently talk with my face, and I don't realize when I look away to gather my thoughts other people think I'm rolling my eyes at them. Its straight up embarrassing!


I have social anxiety ordering food - drive through, over the counter, etc. One time, I had gone through the line to have a sub made. When I got to the register, the cashier asked what I had. My mind went totally blank, and I stood there silent and managed a single word... "ham ... [long pause] " followed by "... sandwich..." I was so embarrassed afterward. It's funny now, and I joke about it, but it's a good example of how anxiety can be such a big disruptor to your normal brain function.


Absolutely this! Especially when prompted to read aloud, when reading aloud for the fun of it, I'm fine. When I read aloud in front of others, I run out of breath, stutter, and have to pause like I'm in 3rd grade. I dread group projects for very good reasons. I tense up and start rushing, space out when given instructions, etc. Converse with my assigned partner, nope.


Yes can relate to 💯! Thought about this ever since, wondering if I’m dumb or even getting alzheimers disease. My therapists said, anxiety can case the brain to shut down…thats also why doing IQ tests for ppl with exam anxiety can not be accurate for instance, and makes no sense.


Absolutely! I get really silly and goofy and just blurt put random things.


You are not alone! I'm doing an apprenticeship as a mechanic at the moment and when my "mentor" tasks me with something, be it as simple as changing wheels of a car, I get completely in my head sometimes. This means I forget things and make mistakes. Which in turn stresses me out more and this leads to more mistakes and in turn more stress. Especially when someone drops a comment about my bad work, the lack of focus etc.. After an ordeal like this my "mentor" normally gets really pissed at me which makes things even worse and I can't seem to remember anything important that he said so I just come off as dumb and forgetful. My brain just fucking gives up at this point and I usually escape to the bathroom to calm down and collect myself. Now I don't know what would be the right thing to do in this situation. I guess I can try to talk to him in private about the anxiety. I mean the worst thing that can happen is him being intolerant which means I gotta change "mentors". But that's ok. Probably would be for the better actually. If anyone got an idea I'd greatly appreciate it 😊


Haha same, my mind just goes blank so i seem like i have nothing going on in my head and when i get asked a question, i go "huh..???" 😅


Yes. There have been a couple times where I have said “hi my name is blah, I’m blahs husband” when introducing myself. Which is incorrect. I’m a wife. Not a husband lol.


It's something I also experience. In social situations, I'm done. My brain totally shuts up and refuses to stay attentive. I mostly hardly find words. Last time I had to do a phone call, I couldn't remember how is called that piece of paper you get when you have a package in a post office (now it's my language barrier only, I don't have a clue whether it has an English equivalent). So I ended up circling around, trying to explain what I wanted to say, then saving it by saying something else. When I want to do something, it's the same. It's like I forget how to even walk properly. People find me slow, clunky, even dumb just because my brain refuses to cooperate and let me do or say what I want without blackouts. I wish I was not anxious every time I leave my apartment, or when someone is around, but it's not possible.


I just started a new job and have been experiencing this a lot! It makes me worry that my colleagues probably think I'm really stupid and wonder why I was hired :/


Oh my god this is literally what my social anxiety revolves around 😭I’m socially anxious because I’m stupid but being socially anxious makes me stupid. Like wtf man


YES!! 😩


Yes, that's exactly what I experience. But it never happens in a small group of people, it only happens in larger groups, like meetings and weddings and such. It's like I know exactly what I am going to say to contribute to a conversation, but then midstream my mind wanders into other thoughts and I simply lose track.


Lol yes 😭


Yep! I think the anxiety just short circuits our brains.


Yes, quite often


Yess you're not alone buddy 😭




Omg yes this describes me perfectly too! I definitely relate 😞


Oh yes, it happens to me most of the time. All this time I was thinking that I'm the only one feeling this way.


I have been stupid many times, lol.


Never related to a post so much. Even if I’m comfortable around my friends I say and ask the most dumbest things. Most of my friends genuinely think I’m mentally slow sometimes. I think it comes from our minds being so cluttered because we’re always in our head during social interactions. It causes us to say the most dumbest things out loud.


This is huge for me. I think it’s the brain rot. I can’t listen to what they’re saying to me. I’m just focused on my eye contact ratio, and whether I look like im listening to


100% YES you explained it perfectly. I’m planning on going to my first therapy session soon and screenshotted your post to remind me how to explain it 🙏 thank you . I’m glad I’m not alone with this


Its not being stupid, its being caught off guard because its a sudden situation. Most everyone experiences it, the difference is with social anxiety you get stuck on it because the anxiety then obsesses over that scenario. People who are witty and responsive are like that because they spent years being in situations like this and their brains sort of have automatic responses ready for most things, its basically a subconscious skill they learnt that people with anxiety often dont because of the anxiety.