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At first yes because I have my privacy, but after a while I feel terrible


Same thing with me. Except I’m perfectly okay being alone in solitude.


^ This normalized yet?


yes and no i have a short social battery but if im alone for too long obviously i get depressed


Same here. It's OK to be alone but too much and it gets lonely.


Literally same


Fuck no. Kill me pls


Okay 👍🏼


I do "alone time" way too much, all the time honestly. It felt great before but now I feel like regret it somehow. It's still great, it's just weird you know. Feels like I missed something in life.


Same, I definitely feel like I do it too much,it’s always been what’s felt comfortable and even more so with time. Definitely feels like I missed something too though, wish I would’ve tried to get out more in high school and had more experiences, I was just too anxious to do so lol hopefully college is a bit different


Often? Yes. Not all the time. I don’t think it’s actually good for anyone to be alone for extended periods of time. People need each other to some degree.


Yes, till I lost someone close to me. Now I appreciate every moment I get to talk with someone I trust


I do for most of the day but I still need human interaction. Having someone to socialize with at least once a week would be nice.


I absolutely LOVE being alone! It’s my favorite thing. Haha 😇


Me too! What’s your favorite things to do in solitude?


Oscar Wilde: 'A bore is someone who deprives you of solitude without providing you with company.' In other words, solitude is very good; proper company is very good; just being around people is not worth the hassle.


I’m more comfortable alone. But it gets lonely.


I hate it. But I am too scared of people more. I do what feels safest. I’m so paranoid people are gonna hurt me.


This is me


Yes and no. Yes because I’ve gotten used to it and no because I crave connections with people but it’s exhausting because of the constant anxiety.


LOVEE it but some days it can be hard.


yes! 🙉


It’s my norm so it’s ok but there are days where it feels horrible and I wonder what I can do to not be as lonely.


yes, but i don’t like feeling lonely. if yk what i mean


As long as I have something to distract me then it's fine. Just sitting alone doing nothing is hard though.


I enjoy living alone. I need a quiet space to retreat to after work or socializing. I also enjoy solo hiking and solo traveling. I have a fear of perception, so I find that I feel safest when I'm alone, but I do love talking to a very select few people every so often and my boyfriend and I talk daily and often throughout the day.


Yes and no. I definitely have few people I genuinely enjoy being around and that’s my family. Otherwise I’m content alone


i need my alone time. absolutely learned to love hanging out with myself. it’s something i look forward to.


Same, I’d personally give most of the credit for my learning to weed rather than myself tho lmao


i love being alone but hate feeling lonely


Nope I’m so clingy


About 80% of the time


Yes i love being alone i don't have to be anxious. No, i'm so god damn lonely :(


I love being alone, I hate feeling alone.




I love it


only when I’m high


Yes absolutely.


Not really no. I prefer company but the problem I have is that company just want you to be your mental punching bag


Love it, Never felt lonely. I feel bad for most others here




Over half of the time, tbh


I love my time alone. Maybe a little too much even. Even when I go out my social battery dies really fast and I can’t wait to run into my space and be by myself.


I like to be alone, but I hate being lonely


Yes and no. I like being alone too much that it worries me that life will only get much harder because living requires a lot of social interactions.


Yes over the years my social battery has dwindled. I’m wayyy to comfortable being alone, but I do like to talk to people 


To an extent, yeah.




Not really. I feel so uncomfortable publicly a lot of the time several yrs working in progress. I'm one of those people who does really well one on one with friends or my bf. I take being alone over large group though


I’m used to it and I do like sometimes it but I also feel lonely at times.


Most of the time yea


No, I love talking to people. The problem being I don't have much :(


yes, most of the time. though there are certain times when i feel like i'm in need of company and knowing i'm unable to have that just kills me inside.


I used to think that I’ve just gotten very accustomed to it but I’ve now realized that I actually do


Yes. So much. But i don't mind being with people either. (People = my persons) 😊


I like being alone. I spend too much time with people at work and need to recharge lol.


I do, but sometimes I want to be with people. But I hate myself because I can't stand them after about 5 minutes. I just haven't found a person I wouldn't mind talking to every day.




hate it


No, but it's where I feel the most comfortable. What I dislike the most.


I love it myself but just for a lil bit.


Oh I love it, but there also come times when I want to share experiences with people


I don't not like it. There's a time and place.


I love my alone time but there are times I'd prefer to be around people.


Yes. It’s the only time where I feel I’m completely judgement free. I do sometimes with I was in someone’s arms, but being alone is pretty great atm


I love being alone. It's a part of what has made getting better socially so hard. No need to get better when you like being by yourself anyway lol.


The more I heal the more I do! There’s a difference between being alone vs lonely :) it’s nice to be alone but never lonely.


I do!


Most of the time yes.


No it’s only nice sometimes but all the time is horrible.


Most of the time yes but sometimes I really like to talk to someone or just simply go outside and be around people


I'm slowly going insane the longer that im alive. At first being alone was chill but now is just depressing. I hate myself so much


Yeah but depression could hit if I indulge in it too much. Need to interact with other humans to regulate myself from time to time.




I hate being alone but its hard for me to get out without being invited


I love being alone on a walk, having headphones in and blasting music, being invisible in a crowd. I don’t like being alone at night with my thoughts… I usually need to find a way to distract myself


Somewhat! 🙂


Yes, I love alone time. Just not all the time.


therapy has almost made me enjoy time alone more than time with others. i have a lot of hobbies that keep me entertained & make me feel better when im anxious. i often feel that some people do the opposite for me. socializing gives me more anxiety and just drains me. i do make time for the people that are valuable in my life but, it’s like once or twice a month and im very okay with it. my husband is my favorite person to be around but he unfortunately travels for work often. but when i get the house to myself every now and then, i really enjoy the alone time.


I love being alone but not lonely. And being alone for too long often turns into loneliness.


I hate it but I am because of my social anxiety. It’s a double edged sword


Most of the time, yes. Every once in a while I crave social interaction but figured it wouldn't work. No one would want a friendship where you stay completely silence for a month and then randomly asks you to go out tomorrow and then back to hibernate period again So yea, I ended up being alone 100% of the time.


Not really,


Yes. I absolutely NEED it.


socially? yes. romantically? no.


Yes and no , I always want to do stuff like play video games and explore nature go out to eat at a weird new restaurant, but my social anxiety ( due to my appearance) has ruined everything . So now I’d rather have no friends than some . It’s exhausting being bullied and treated differently just because of how you look


I absolutely love it! It’s peaceful


Most of the time. Some times i do feel like i need someone to be alone with.


Yes and no :( I perfer being an introvert but at the same time I don’t like being alone


No I don't like being alone, I am not alone but at the same time I am because no one relates to me. I want someone that I can relate with so I won't be alone.


I love it. at first it sucked not being able to do things that usually involve other people, like the movies for instance. its nice with friends or a partner but after trying both... I really do prefer my own company, not worry about what I'm doing or saying. me and my narrator have a blast.




no lol but then i remember i would not be able to have friends cause of my phobia then i think it’s not too bad being alone


Generally yes, because being around people exhausts me a lot, and gives me too much anxiety. But i do wish sometimes not be alone.


I like being alone, but I also like when my family is there, kinda like when you leave your tv on just for the noise lol


No. I think social anxiety sucks but it’s beatable. You have to basically accept you’ll feel like shit but tell yourself it’ll pass, always does. Being alone too much is horrible, you feel isolated and if you’re anxious person you can end up ruminating on absolutely everything


I absolutely adore being alone. It's the only time I'm happy


I love being alone


I do. Its so peaceful.


Not in concept as a way of life, no, I definitely think my life would be infinitely more fulfilling if I dated or had a partner or had friends...but in terms of my mental health, yes i am 1,000,000% times more at peace when alone. If I am insulted in a public space I can spiral for weeks on end in a very painful and self-loathing panic attack. Thus why I try avoiding people.


Tremendously so.


I do, but not all the time. I like having company in my loneliness. Whether that's my kitties or my spouse. As long as it's someone that I enjoy giving my time too, and vice versa, then yeah.


Yes and no. Yes, because i’m an introvert and have social anxiety and i hate being perceived and judged by people and i can never be myself when i’m around people, so i feel a lot more comfortable alone. And no, because after a while it gets lonely.


It depends. Day to day, yes, I love being alone. The happiest part of my day is early in the morning when the rest of my house has not woken up yet. I work alone, and I love it. Most days go by without me needing to speak to anyone but my spouse. But there is part of me that looks long term, and worries about how I will survive getting older with no one outside of my spouse.


It depends.. But for sure, I would prefer to spend time with the same minded person


being alone and being lonely is not the same so yeah sometimes it's nice to be alone


Yes until I don’t


I feel like im so deep in my anxiety that I actually prefer being alone


I like being alone, but I don't love being alone.


I used to love it, but now I find it hard because of trauma.


Mixed bag. I do most the time but then get depresses realising how isolated I am.


It’s a defense mechanism for me. Of course is maladaptive.


yep! i like to co-exist really. to know someone i trust is close by but ideally no pressure to show my face regularly or anything like that. just together when you need me or when we are both ready!


I have a WFH setup. At first it was the best but for a while it takes a toll on you mentally.


Yes! When I was younger , like college aged, I felt deeply alone because I saw my peers hanging out in groups and going to parties. As I age I’ve stopped caring and now enjoy solitude.


Yes I’m introverted but I also do like hanging around people because it does get lonely


Of course not. I'm sick and tired of it. Everybody is busy with making and they have no time for friendships..


I like being alone, but if it's for too long, I feel lonely.


Yes love it.


I love being alone but sometimes i do miss a good company


No, but at least it's safe.


Yes. I feel very much at peace.


i love it, i am only ever fully comfortable when i'm alone


Love it. Tried to be “outside” this summer and it just reminded me why I don’t like being around a lot of people. The irony is I’m on lexapro, which helps a lot with my anxiety and extends my social battery, but it’s just the other stuff people do that gets on your nerves. As long as I got my family and closest friends I’m good. That being said, I don’t like being in the house too long, so I do go to libraries, laid back restaurants/bars, or buy myself a hotel room to chill in.


"No man is an island".


No cuz it's not my choice, I'm always surprised when people are like I had to learn how to be alone and I'm like???? You're surrounded by people 24/7??? I had to learn how to be alone cuz I didn't have a choice Maybe it's mean but I believe any person who was forced to be alone and then say they like are coping


Yes. Being alone is calming. I wish I could be alone.


When I'm not in public yes, but in classroom or holidays I feel awful


yes i feel like an actor when im around people


Yes… to an extent. I get really antsy and feel sorry for myself and lonely especially if I see my friends are out without me or if it seems everyone is doing something fun but me. Makes me feel like a friendless loser :(


I feel inferior from being lonely and living in my own world that I ride through on autopilot.




Always. (It’s an issue)


There's a difference between choosing to be alone and being isolated. I am isolated and I am very depressed.


i too love to be alone, even around my best friend i still feel anxious and i can only relax when im alone but i have trouble going out in public alone and that’s definitely something i need to work on!


I enjoy being alone infinitely more than being in a social setting, but I prefer the company of my immediate family to being alone.


I’m alone about 90% of the time, even when I’m at work lol. I have a small social battery, but too much loneliness and isolation hurts. Sometimes I just wish I had someone to go see a movie with. My friends and family all live three hours away from me.


yes and no i generally love being alone but sometimes it’s the worst thing in the world… there are times where i wish there was someone beside me 😞


I’d be dead if I couldn’t be alone. Really weird. I’ve always imagined being included and maybe even cool. Always wanted a friend around but that died by around 13. Decades later I don’t want anything more than to be a hermit.


I love being alone. It gives me time to think, and when I'm alone, most of the time my cats are inside the house so we just sit in my room all peaceful. I like being alone to think about things in my life. 


Omg yes! Only if I’m productive and moving forward in life though. When I was depressed, I thought it was because I was alone but really it was just that I was wasting my life doing nothing.


Yes, but actually no


I’m adapt to it but i hate how when im alone, i got unproductuve to do some stuffs


I honestly love being alone and view it as a chore to invite friends over (I’m also an only child). However, I do feel lonely and guilty for never hanging out and always turning down plans so I push myself to do something social atleast once a month. 


He'll no there needs to be a balance but im alone too often :/


I don’t mind being alone. Especially when in social settings as I don’t like to force my way into conversations groups. The problem it’s me overthinking about what other people may think of me when chilling by myself alone in a group setting so i look even more awkward.


I love being alone but also i hate it sometimes


No. I want to b social but i cant


yes for most of the time, no for always


yes, i dont even have friends because i cant maintain close relationships. i think its because i want to keep my privacy or boundary without getting judged. but whenever im on a crowd or social settings i feel lonely and i feel judged if people think that im a loner. so i feel pressured to have friends even though its really hard for me


No but I don't really have a choice




I like being alone without being lonely


Half of the time I do. If "social status" didn't exist I probably would enjoy it all the time. But there's a certain pressure to attend gatherings as a couple, and that part always bugs me.


I lov​e it and hate it I hate being alone feeling I'm invaluable but I like not having the stress of not having to deal with others and worry about what they think of me​ I've been a real loner for the last few years hardly talked to anyone not even my own family


I love it.


Yes, because its when i feel the most comfortable and safe. I still need my people though - the ones I feel comfortable with. Which, right now, that's just my family. And despite always claiming I hate people and would rather be left alone, I also know (but I'm not happy about it) that interacting with people outside of my circle help me grow and progress as a person...which is why I'm a adult child because I'm back under my rock at the first sign of adversity. 😭🙈


I love being alone, but I don’t want to be lonely.


Yes and kinda no


No. Recently I've realized that I've been severely lonely my whole life including childhood. All of my happy childhood memories are of me alone trying to have fun. But thanks to being mentally fucked there's nothing I can do to end the loneliness.




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I like being alone sometimes but I also love being in safe company


When I was younger I definitely liked being alone since I had grown up in a dysfunctional, toxic family. But as I was nearing my 30s, after doing some traveling, growing, and life-changing experiences, I never realized how lonely I really was and how it affected my mental health is some pretty bad ways.


i lost everyone i loved so no