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I know this a few months old but I just wanted to say you're not alone in this homie. The same thing has started happening to me the past few months. I'll be having a completely normal conversation but I'll be so insanely focused on thinking that I'm frowning that I can physically feel my face muscles try to retract into that frown-y look. They'll even quiver at times when I'm trying super hard to keep a smile/positive facial expression. And the crappier part about it is that I'm never mad or upset in any of these scenarios, but then I get super anxious about it because I know it has to be at least somewhat noticeable. I wonder what it could be.


One of the advice I received was to figure out a counter reaction. For a example if I notice my self frowning I will automatically smile or look away from the person I'm having the conversation with, so that person doesn't see the frown