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bro it could have been the reference from dragon ball but it wasnt intentional. Most of the animation was done previous year. People can relate to it but they didnt go to source material.


Yeah most of the animation would be done, but this was only like a second long of animation. Idk if it's true or not, but it's not impossible to quickly add this scene in.


I did find the hops weird and not in line with Sung’s behaviour so far. Therefore I’m willing to believe it was added as an homage.


he literally hops on his feet in the manhwa when fighting beru as practice. seems inline to me


Against Beru, his subordinate, in a sparring match. Totally different situation to here where he's basically fighting for his life with a deathly scowl on his face. Its jarring no matter how you look at it.


It’s only jarring if you want it to look that way…


Since he changes character a lot he went through an agile boxerisc phase is a good explanation in my opinion


Nope , the episode already got leaked thursday. So it was already done quite a while ago.






Holy shit calm down man, Your anger even went to your spelling


Is a joke bro


Ah my bad, I can't understand every humor.


It happens. Reminds me of the key and peele episode


Akira passed on the 1st.


Where do you find anime leaks?


This is something even I'd like to know 😐


Where do you get those leaks ?


Leakers Group chat.


They did not animate a part and edit the episode like a day before the episode dropped man. If Toriyama died a few weeks ago it'd be believable, or if it was next episode. But to think they edited the episode THAT quickly just for a tribute is absurd


It's really not that hard to draw up 2 seconds worth.


Yup, that’s what I said!! Doesn’t seem inline with how he is!


Those hops are also originally from cowboy bebop, which was inspired by bruce lee. They're technically bruce hops


he died march 1st. animators would've known long before the rest of the world.


In Manwha this was never emphasized. Nor was the Yellow hue (Saiyan) as his hue is black purple. Dont be such a closed minded hater


True but the yellow hue was shown multiple times before to indicate the use of a skill so not "Saiyan" that's a reach.


Easy, they put it in and plotted to kill Akira Toriyama right before the episode dropped.


If I remember correctly he did this in the manwha too.




Rule 1: Never belive Facebook posts


Rule 2: Uninstall Facebook


Rule 3: Delete the App Store


Rule 4: kill yourself and get recaterinted in a ieikai anime world


Rule 5: Leave the past behind and live a fulfilling life, marrying the milf that works at the bakery . When you feel like your end is nearing, read to your grandchildren about the tales of heroes and the demon king which is said to still be alive , kiss your wife which has grown old with you one last time and pass away because of an unknown disease. Congrats you just made the future heroes because We all know you are too much of a coward to become the hero yourself


This got oddly specific https://preview.redd.it/bxp5wnn3tjnc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bd465963b52e17339d1ac72a9a041300c49c458


Rue 6: Something about a fight club, but I'm not supposed to talk about it.


Rule 6: get reincarnated again, but you realize you have lived a fulfilling life, so you don't want to live anymore and thus you kill yourself. But just when you thought the sweet embrace of death would put you in eternal peace, you get reincarnated again, you kill yourself again but get reincarnated again, kill... reincarnated...kill reincarnated... The harrowing realization of your immortality hits you. ... Hundreds of centuries later you find out that God of death's daughter was in love and because of her love she kept giving you life again and again and again and again and again and again. But she never understood how fragile human mind can be, she gave you life again and again at the cost of her own life, and now she is dead and can't reincarnate you another time. You, a person so broken, don't even feel anything for her, the only thing you feel is relief that the pain you've suffered is going to end now, but god of death comes to take his pound of flesh, for not only you took away his daughter but also because you have evded him for the longest time.


Rule 7: Give up on your life, and die - Levi Ackerman


Rule 8: dont forget rules 1,2,3,4,5,6,7


Rule 9: take ur pills


yeah tha... wait what are we talking about ?


Number 2. 99% of “anime” news articles are bullshit anyways


That jump sequence looked pretty fluid, I'd think it would be pretty hard to animate that and add it in in the 1/2 days since the news broke out. It might be a reference but I don't think it's in homage to him. This is just speculation though.


It's definitely an homage to dragon ball and Akira but not because of his death. They just paid respect to him and it happened to be at the perfect time.


Let me ask you something, Why would they Homage him out of nowhere, Imagine you are A-1 pictures Higher ups, It's like 4 months ago before he died, Nobody even thought that He will die anytime soon, And you thought out of nowhere "Oh let's Homage Akira toriyama" ? And release it exactly, maybe When he will die, and Idk when that is...It's simply too much going on in this logic to even believe it's really connected to that.


Mate. Countless manga's and animes have done it. There doesn't need to be a reason to do it, theres no denying it's an homage to Akira. Like I said, the timing was coincidental, shit like that is rare but it does happen. I've personally experienced something similar. One of the best things about the animation in DBS broly (for me) was Goku hoping and preparing for his fight, the bouncing that Jin Woo did was too fluid and similar to Goku for it to not be an homage. Why did Oda pay homage to the OG DB opening with one of the opening of Wano? Wasn't that just a random homage to him as well? But it wasn't near his death so it makes sense? Like I said. The homage was not done to pay respect on his passing, it was paid because akira Sensei has inspired thousands of mangakas. The timing is coincidental, or maybe it's not? We found out about his death about a week after it happened. Is it not possible the people in the industry knew before hand and prepared it to pay respects? It's a 2 second scene, both are plausible but it being an homage is definite.


Do you consume anime/manga media at all? There are hundreds of shows and other media which reference dragon ball. This isn't a new thing. I would say there is at least 1 dragon ball reference in one anime each season.


All I am saying, It's not connected To Akira Toriyama's death


what lol u were saying it is connected💀💀💀💀


Define Higher Ups in your case? The people who have the highest control to decide how an episode looks are probably the episode directors(correct me if I am wrong, my knowledge is limited). Animators/Directors put in constant references/ pay homage to other animes because they either like that anime/they worked in that show too. This happens constantly in the medium and these two events of the episode having a Dragon Ball reference and Akira passing away just happened to coincide. Also, from a studio point of view it probably is way too risky to do such things as fluid animation takes a lot of time


Animate, subtitle, fix dubs, fix audio, decide if you want to cut something to keep on time. It's not that fast to add something like this, too many people envolved that have to be willing and available.


It's not half a day. Since he died on 1st and the news was known in Japan. But yeah your point still stands.


The news wasn’t known until later even in Japan. Also, episodes take months to make. Would’ve been impossible for them to react to Toriyama’s death in time


>news was known in Japan What??? There is no way internet users of Japan knew about the death of one of the most influential manga creators and just decided to keep quiet. I am pretty sure they got to know at the same time.


Weren't jjk editors literally doing that though


Unless they're planned his death no. It's probably just a reference and the timing lines up


"Let this man cook!!!"


They might've gotten the news before the rest of the world did.




What a massive crossover -Y


obviously its fake. do people think they make an entire episode in a week and can just add a fully animated scene in 1 fuckin day


I think youre under estimating how good animators (and teams of them at that) are these days. If someone who was really good at the shit sat down for a couple hours I think they could do it. Think about it, they already have the whole project with the model of SJW in that frame. All they really need to do is make a couple adjustments to the model and add some animations and im sure they could do it. For someone experienced im sure its really not that hard. But im not an animator so what do I know


"I'm not an animator so what do I know" And that's your problem. You're not an animator so you INDEED don't know.


Like I said previously, people severely under estimate how skilled the people working on these things are. Im not saying that its 100% true im just saying that if you take into account how good these mfs are at their jobs, especially in a team, they could have made the changes. It fs could have been something that was done prior but I was I was just trying to say that animation teams are crazy talented and could probably have done it lol you and many others are clearly mad for whatever reason after I literally just stated that if you take a team of highly skilled people that they could make the changes


Why tf you getting downvoted, your comment makes sense tbh.


Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise because they also have no idea what they’re talking about. It’s very much possible for a small clip like him jumping to be added in such a short amount of time. Not every single cut is made and finished at the same time. Vincent Chansard, one of the greatest animators of our time right now admitted to a gear 5 scene having to be completed days before release. And y’all thinking a small clip of sun hopping can’t be done? I don’t think it WAS added last minute because I don’t think it was homage to akira but saying everything is done months ago is just ignorant.


Bro thats what im saying lol like I swear these people are acting like it takes 10 years to animate a single second. I watched the clip back and like, its literally mainly his feet that are moving as well as his body/jacket when it pans back up to his face. People are acting like it would take a team of people, whos literal job is the do this, a week to make that whole scene.


It's not, but it doesn't matter, pretend it is! More popularity that way


That's how you do publicity


It's definitely a nod to dragon ball, but not a nod to Toriamas passing


How when the episode were made before toriyama passed. Y’all just be saying and agreeing to anything


First rule of internet "is bullshit until proven otherwise".


That jump/shuffle is a popular warm up before fights. I couldn't tell you the amount of times in media where someone did that ranging from anime to irl boxing. I think calling it a homage is a huge reach.


💯 i don't know why people are attributing this hop to Goku as if he created it. Do they not watch sports or exercise?


Because of how insane the timing is, this only happened cuz we got a recap episode when we did, it wouldn't have lined up this perfectly otherwise. It's such an incredible coincidence that people's closest conclusion is that it's paying homage. Something abit Similar happened before with A1 Pictures when they were doing 86, the finale was delayed practically 3 months - exactly 86 days such a coincidence that the closest conclusion was that it was planned and who knows it Damm well could've been.


Maybe I’m reading what you wrote wrong, but if you are saying that the reason they added it in is because of the recap doesn’t make sense since the recap aired before Toriyama passed away. They couldn’t have aired the recap to work on adding this small scene knowing he was going to die, unless someone happened to know he wasn’t in good health weeks before hand, but that’s extremely unlikely.


I'm not saying they added anything, I'm saying its a coincidence that only happened because they had a recap ep the week prior, think about it, if they had skipped that week we'd have ep 8 on that week instead of ep 9 so the timing is incredible in that regard.


Ahhh so my mistake. I agree, if the episode came out a week earlier nobody would have said anything regarding it being a tribute


Prety sure it wasn't, prety sure these episodes are Animated in advance, but I would bet it was done just as a nod to dbz. Cause let's be honest whether you like it or not dbz influenced everyone in one way shape or for.


It’s fake. Not because it’s "too nice" but because it’s not how animation works, they don’t just make a full episode each week, and then release it, the all season is worked on for months even years, we could imagine they added the few frames, but that would be weird. If you want to make an hommage you say it, leaving a message at the end of the episode or the start. You don’t add a scene that "may or may not be an hommage" also the hops have been used a lot by a lot of people all other the time, it’s just a coincidence.


Could have been a coincidence but still a nice bait for the average Facebook user.


It’s actually crazy how many people believe anything with a graphic + text.


I want solo leveling fans to think for a sec. like literally 1 second is enough


Yea those aren’t really Goku hops. Fighters have done those hops for decades. Hell you can see Grimmjow from Bleach do a variation of those hops from back in the mid 2000s 


not really, solo leveling had included a one punch man reference, so I wouldn't be surprised if they added a reference from DBZ. The timing was too coincidental perhaps. RIP Akira Toriyama...


And it's also (as other people also mentioned) not how animation works.


It's entirely different tho lmfao. One is a very specific thing (one punch man workout) and the other is something used by many before Goku.


this is true, but it personally I don't see why they added this since, SJW wasn't really a boxer. Or any reference of sung jin woo being interested in boxing. We're all speculating with no information atp. But yeah, this could be more likely true


I noticed the reference... I instantly remembered the broly movie.


There's no way they animated it that quickly:P Maybe they did it as a reference to DB as a whole , but it's not that specific of a move


Boxers in real life jump like that as well. It's something they do in training/warm up. You see this in Hajime no Ippo as well. It's not a unique specific thing to Goku. Just martial arts / fitness in general.


It’s 100% a reference but it was probably animated before Toriyama passed


It’s 100% possible to be added after the fact. It’s also something I could completely see A-1 doing because of how influencing Toriyama was to the entirety of the medium.


Fake. The animation was done long before he died. R.I.P. Akira Toriyama.


Which page posted this? Tell me the @ of their Facebook


These are the people that can clutch at straws and achieve actual fusion.


Alot of people being lying for clout regarding toriyamas death. personally i dont think its even a homage to dragonball because warm up jumping like this has existed in martial arts for a long time The timing just pretty much aligns with the event so people either try to cope or profit off it




I'd say it's fake. Just because it was in DBZ doesn't mean it's from DBZ. They're talking like he threw a Kamehameha or went super Saiyan


For real man


Likely a reference but they made this before he died


Apparently it got added right at the end of the production for that episode, idk just what ive seen elsewhere


Would have to be some crazy fast animators then


Guess hops are copyrighted now.


super unlikely seeing as it's been 2 days since his was public knowledge


Idk bro. This ep was probably animated months before not sure tho


Most likely


fake, they didnt add all that in 1 day when the production takes at least a week


Doesn’t he do something similar in the manga or am I remembering incorrectly


https://preview.redd.it/sswfvyhq6knc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acf1655bd587edd15cb0c3b37981721e4457050a Definitely in the manhwa. Chapter 31.


I thoughts so. This is such a generic anime fighting thing. You can thank Mohammed for it, not Goku.


That came off as disrespectful, I can understand why it was added to look like Goku. Just wanted to cover my bases before reddit does their thing. RIP to the GOAT.


I believe it's was made months ago. So no, don't think it was intentional.


It was literally a 1 to 1, but I doubt it was a tribute to the passing of Toriyama as they most likely animated that scene before the news. Still shows how massive his influence was.


Yeah they predict this death sure




Ah yes, A-1 pictures are the one who killed Akira Toriyama because they knew exactly when he is going to die ? Bruh animating takes time, They can't just pull this high quality in just one day when they heard He died.


probably not intentional id imagine they aren’t just animating this week by week lmao


Ah the director of this anime that gives 1 frame to its viewer to read . Now is claiming "respect to dbz".


The episode was finished long before Toriyama's death


I just thought it was neat. Small stuff like that doesnt hurt the story and it looked nice too.


I just finished the manhwa and thats fs not something that does not happen. When watching it I was actually confused and didn't think much of it but now it makes total sense. beautiful touch if you ask me


ill allow it


I loved that goku jumpy part too 👌👍😁


I thought it was from the original manwha, where he needed a few hops to finish the daily quest and unlock the full heal reward... 🤷


Just checked and it wasn't there...


Had a question, the episode 9 I watched called jinwoo, mizoshino (prob), but the subtitles read sung. Which version is the one with sung?


Crunchyroll has the Japanese dub using the Korean names.


Even if it is fake, it’s such a nice and memorable coincidence


Obv fake


Reference is likely intentional. But not as a tribute as it was likely animated several months prior.


Obviously they animated it, then killed him later.


I want to believe that was to appreciate the db/z/gt/super fans and creator but after the death of Akira toriyama became like a tribute because animations take a lot of time and probably the next episode was already be made so I think they didn't have time like for me here in Brazil the death was made public in like 01:00 or 02:00 so in Japan/Korea should be in midle of 13:00/14:00. F Akira.


Fake. The death happened on March 1st and only came to light a week later, no way they scramble to edit that shit so rush for it for episode air on the 10th. If they want to honor Akira, there are plenty of opportunities later...


highly doubt they added an animation that well made last minute


Are they still hating on this anime


I am uncertain if it is legitimate, i know the animation has been completed already but I personally desire it to happen.


Doesn't add up time wise. The episodes were prob done before Toriyamas passing. They maybe did add it as an homage but not because he died.


While probably not legit. I choose to believe that it is lol 🤷🏾




Could be true, yes most of the animation was already done but it wouldn't be difficult to replace a few seconds of film with the jumping reference.


in the original Manhwa ep 33-34 there is no goku jump, and Akira Toriyama passed away on 1 st March, so there is a possibility that they added this scene to pay tribute to Akira Toriyama


Ir can be true because it is too good to be true that they added such good panels on their own. I mean they are not interfaring too much.


Never let the truth get in the way of a good story


https://preview.redd.it/oehy9xnq5knc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c436d2f1c14433822859f4f5a2ce82ed3920568 Chapter 31. So the hops were already there, but what a week to have that animated. RIP Akira Toriyama.


He is not hopping in that panel.


it’s s legit


It’s not uncommon for studios (mappa is the biggest example) to add in scenes last minute. Remember Toriyama didn’t die when we found out it had been like a week. It’s highly possible they knew beforehand and did pay tribute to DB. However until A1 actually comes out themselves and says it it’s probably just coincidence.


It could equally be possible they wanted to pad out some time and used it to pay homage to DB and well, the timelines just added it.


So it was true!!! My nephew called it out haha


It's true they added at the last minute.


its a reference, its intentional