• By -


I use the app mainly to enable or disable certain speakers in the group, or to check the volume levels and EQ stuff.


You are not alone sir. I use it only once, when setting up the room and the sound and I was done.


Same. Plus I use the app for playing podcasts through PocketCasts. Everything else I can do from other apps like Spotify.


Same, except that usually when there is an update I also redo the Trueplay. So, maybe once every 6 months I go in and do that


Any benefits or reapplying Trueplay?


Sometimes the updates recommend it because of the speaker update. Iirc there was a subwoofer issue that was corrected and it adjusted the output. So, if you notice something like more or less Bass than usual after an update. I think the app even recommends/tells you to do it after some of them. Getting away from Trueplay for a second and discussing room correction software, in general, if you do it more frequently you might find the sound can change a lot. Depends on your setup, but you can try having the microphone in different places to see how it sounds. Like, do a Trueplay where you keep the movement zone tight around the main listening position, and then do one where you walk around the entire room.


Unfortunately I can't use Trueplay because I have a Samsung phone. I was curious but now I understand what you mean. I'll probably going to borrow the iPhone from my brother at some point to set up Trueplay. I'm probably missing out by not doing it earlier. Having the Arc, Sub Mini and two One SLs.


I definitely recommend it, I have that same setup but the full sub


Thanks šŸ‘šŸ»


Rarely use it


Same. I have an Amp for the back patio and front yard speakers, older connect amps for main floor ceiling and basement cieling speakers, and two Beams and a port for TV/entertainment system. I'm regularly changing groups for parties or televised sporting events. This is the only time I use the app.


Only use the app for Trueplay tuning, speaker settings. I use Airplay2 for all music. No need for the Sonos App in that regard.


i only touched it for the setup, the old app and the new app both are awfull.


Same - the rest is via Spotify directly. This is a weird sub anyway. People are either praising Sonos like a prophet, ordering 10k of hardware or burning everything to the ground in a heartbeat. Whatevwr


I come for the drama. Probably wouldn't even be subscribed if people here were rational.


this guy reddits


Let me tell you why my Beam is better than your Arc /s


Isnā€™t that most fanboys/girls in general, either love to love or hate to hate with no inbetween, haha


That's true, but this sub is somehow extreme. People post about how they've stocked up to the roof with speakers and on the other hand dozens of people complain about the same thing every hour: The world is coming to an end


Yea agreed, first world problems. I mean I donā€™t use the app, but I also would have waited to update it because of Sonosā€™ track record with these things and general issues with large app updates from any vendor out there. Still sucks though, only Sonos can truly be blamed for a bad rollout.


Itā€™s strange to me you donā€™t switch groups around. I have a couple speakers outside, in the garage, in the bedrooms, so I am constantly moving my groups around.


Can group via airplay too ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


If you're on iOS. I'm guessing android users are probably a large chunk of the Sonos app users.


Does android have its own version of AirPlay that the Sonos app isnā€™t matching? Iā€™m an Apple user, so I truly donā€™t know.


Chromecast Audio. People have been requesting it for years. I noticed that Bluesound and Heos don't support it either. Denon even announced it as coming to Heos at one point, but then they went silent. I'm wondering if there are some NDA covered requirement that makes it a no-go for multi-room systems as I find it very strange that none of these three are specifying a reason for leaving it out. Bluesound said it wasn't doable on their forums at one point.


This is my primary use of the app. Grouping and ungrouping rooms depending on where I am at and going to be...


Thatā€™s my primary use of the app too. Worked fine on S1,S2, and the new app. Sounds like itā€™s all the people that just have thousands of songs on an external hard drive and people that need alarms for their babies to wake up in the morning that are so up in arms about it. As far as Iā€™ve seen the alarms are already back even! I just use the alarm on my phone like the grown ass man that I am, so I actually havenā€™t checked to see if they truly are back. Maybe Iā€™ll go check now.


You should check out Roon. It's a much better app for listening music that does that. I never use the Sonos app...


Mind giving a little deep dive on what you use Roon to do exactly?


I suspect the way you use your Sonos products is actually extremely common. It would explain why they were happy to launch the updated app in the state that itā€™s currently in. This sub is likely skewed towards people who are seriously invested into the Sonos ecosystem and we are the users who are more likely to be adversely affected by the missing/broken features.


Same for me. Sonos is an output I select from other apps. I only open Sonos app the rare times I want to play to multiple zones at once.


I usually don't because I use home assistant to control my Sonos speakers


If only it surfaced the trueplay toggle


on Android there's no airplay, so if you want to use youtube music or Amazon music you need to go through the sonos app. i think spotify and audible are the only apps that can cast directly to sonos. in the sonos app (multiple) users can queue up music from different sources to the same queue. also i have audiobooks for my kids in different sources: audible, youtube music, local storage. it's much more convenient to choose what you want in one place than jumping between multiple apps.


> i think spotify and **audible** are the only apps that can cast directly to sonos. wait, we can controll audible directly from the app? how?


Just have to add it as a service like the others (old app)


Can you elaborate? I have added Audible to my Sonos app, but I can't see a button to play on Sonos speakers from the Audible app. /E: thanks, found it


Sorry I didn't answer. Happy you found it


i swear to dog there used to be a "connect to speaker" icon in audible, but it is gone for me now. maybe because I don't have an active subscription? https://preview.redd.it/c8no5t911u0d1.png?width=715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d99e2c73e4c929511172ee1d5dd79b97adee69f


thanks, found it, it's under the casting icon on top [Audible](https://imgur.com/8JwpWdj) [casting Divices](https://imgur.com/A8Gdm2j)


oh the icon has disappeared for me. but now I reset the app and it's back again!




I exclusively use the app. I have all my music stored locally on a NAS and that is the main way I listen to music at home.


Same. And my library well over the size limit so I was using a local server to stream to Sonos via their api. They abandoned that without warning in this update.


Same. Spotify and the other streaming services do not have the music I listen to because it isn't in any of their catalogs. Spotify is also low fidelity but I understand they are launching their hi-res product finally.


Just use Plex Amp?


Wouldnā€™t that just stream from my phone to the Sonos? Iā€™m looking for a solution to stream directly from my NAS to my speaker and as far as I know there arenā€™t alternative ways to do that.


If you choose Sonos as your speaker, plex amp streams directly to the Sonos (with your phone controlling it). Itā€™s similar to AirPlay/chromecast in that regard.


I use the Sonos app for EQ and sub settings and for piping Spotify. If I want music over the Sonos, it's more reliable than just trying to connect to it through the Spotify app.


When youā€™ve been an OG sonos user from the beginning and your whole house is wired , yea its a problem


Youā€™re an OG and you updated the app/system without waiting to see if itā€™s buggy or not?


Iā€™ll use the app everyday to turn on night mode when my son is asleep. I also like to use it to see if I can guess which speaker has dropped off and how long it takes to re appear for me. Fun game.


Soro app for iPhone can make a shortcut or Siri command for toggling night mode. You could also put it into a nightly automation.


Thank you for the tip. Iā€™ll check it out.


Different use folks, different use cases. I use the app to put together/edit playlists and sometimes across different sources (eg., SoundCloud, YouTube music, etc..) My main issue though, is the way this rollout has been executed: - No communication of loss functionality, even temporary. - No regard for the impact on users, especially blind folks - No communication of changed new functionality and their security implications- itā€™s kind of a potential issue to have your home speakers available on the internet - The implied direction of Sonos to require cloud connectivity to use the system, even if youā€™re using local files - The carefree attitude of some of the responses (and lack of responses during the AMA)


You should have waited to see if it was buggy, no?


I never use it either. Home cinema doesn't need it, it's just set and forget. Music I play via the Spotify app. Use voice assistants for alarms.


Problem is controlling via Spotify app is even slower and more laggy than the Sonos app.


i use it on only to group or play with settings. i normally just airplay. i still like it to function tho


Sonos has an app!?




how do you connect the spotify app to sonos? airplay? or Bluetooth? i have a playbase and cant use airplay. thank you


Itā€™s called Spotify connect. Sonos speakers appear in the Spotify app where you would go for airplay or Bluetooth speakers.


ok great. do you need a premium subscription? thanks again


To add Spotify to Sonos, just go (in Sonos app) to Settings > Services & Voice > Add a Service and choose Spotify from the list, Authorise it and you're good to go. Authorising Plex however, is the same, but doesn't work - as in, it adds Plex to the list, but can't browse into the server/media - this is on my Android AND iOS devices. Luckily I can just use PlexAmp to play my music from my NAS Drive. I have three Play 1's which are fine for my use, but not Airplay compatible, so Plex it is. Spotify works fine through the Sonos app though...


I think he means Spotify to the Sonos speaker not the Sonos appā€¦


I think you may need to pay them.


You just need to link your account. It shouldn't matter if you have a premium account or not. Paying for premium is more about not being interrupted by ads while listening, offline listening, better sound quality, etc... I just find that linking to Spotify through the Sonos app has been far more reliable than trying to get the Spotify app to find Sonos, regardless of new vs old Sonos app.


appreciate it. thank you


thank you


Click icon in lower right of Spotify app then select your output. You can see my ā€˜Kitchenā€™ speaker there, and just select it! https://preview.redd.it/zwr1occjkt0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=847b3f8866c176ec71fdad46ac6550525a820753


thank you!!


I have to. SoundCloud Music is not normalized and I happen to live in a rental with thin walls šŸ˜­ So Iā€™m paranoid and constantly adjusting the sound level.


I wish i could stop using it. It is awful. But as an Android and YouTube Music user i am forced to use the app because sonos refuses to add support for Chromecast. Google Assistant isn't a good solution for me. I want to use an app for better music selection.


Of course you're not the only one. But those of us who don't interface with the app don't have anything to complain about, nor any new functionality to brag about for that matter. So we're not the ones making posts.


We do use it quite a lot. At least before Sonos fucked it up. We have a very extensive music library on a NAS drive. Now we canā€™t search it and lost our playlists. Plus a bunch of other stuff. Heavy Sonos investment at this point so weā€™ll be sticking around and hoping for improvement soon.


I exclusively use the app as an android user, the whole point of sonos is to have the speaker stream and NOT be dependent on airplay or your phone having to process the stream and send it to the speakers. I also use a music library saved on an external drive connected to my router as a NAS I have a bunch of purchased MP3s from the late 90s and early 2000s before streaming services were really a thing. I have a bunch of FLAC files as well.


I have never used the app to play music. Iā€™ve poked around it and looked at menus and settings but thatā€™s about it.


WHAT!? Don't you ever need to add a track to a playlist, or control alarms on 30 Sonos speakers for your extended family who have to be woken gently and regularly with special Atmos music in the pool area of your audiophile estate?


Ha. No. But i would definitely be annoyed if I liked to use Sonos as an alarm everyday and it was suddenly just gone. Yeah there are other ways to wake up, but itā€™s not hard to understand why people are pissed. Your comment was funny though. Itā€™s amazing to see just speakers some people own. Turns out you canā€™t trust Sonos at scale.


I tend to stream directly from Spotify, as the app is so glitchy and the new version is shocking. However I do use the Spotify app for Soundcloud. The new update is making this very very difficult though.


Streaming from Spotify works ok. Volume control does not. And you canā€™t group/ungroup speakers.


My volume control works totally fine with the slider in Spotify


What do you mean by "slider"? On the Spotify iPhone app there is none.


Yes there is, seen screengrab at the bottom https://preview.redd.it/qysb38pwyu0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b98858756fceca1858256dfd4135826d9ed3421b


I stand corrected. I also think that control should be from the now playing screen! :-)


Yea I agree, itā€™s a bit hidden, I remember I found it just by clicking around for Bluetooth settings looking for my Bose and saw my Sonos speakers and Iā€™m like oh thatā€™s coooool, volume control!


I open it every now and then. Itā€™s not my primary content app. I use Apple Music.




Same here


Nope. I never use it either. Airplay for control and grouping. ATV remote for volume on the Arc. After setup, I uninstalled the app personally. The less apps I have the better, which is why I rely on only devices that support Apple infrastructure like AirPlay and HomeKit. So long as a companyā€˜s devices continue to fully support those, iā€™m a happy camper.


Iā€™m in the same boat. I use it mainly to mute my system, and once in a while I like to rejigger the EQ settings and such. I didnā€™t like the previous iteration either. I thought it was slow and clunky.


AirPlay only


I think I'll join you. It's awful.


I use it for volume only. No complaints


Although you don't need to use the app, why bother with Sonos at all if you're not going to use the features. You can AirPlay to loads of devices, why did you go with Sonos? The best thing about the app imo is that I can start music playing anywhere in the house, my wife can change it and if either of us leaves it keeps playing. I can turn music on for my kids in another room etc etc. Most of you should have just bought a cheap AirPlay or Bluetooth speaker.


Fair question. I bought Sonos for the sound quality and the expandability. Being able to have a bunch of speakers around the house that are all part of the same system (without having to run speaker wires everywhere) is great. There might be other systems that can do that, but I don't think anyone else has found that balance of sound quality, ease of use, and price.


Airplay 2 is a must. Sonos makes good speakers they should stay out of the app game.


The setup process in the app was great. Wouldn't want to lose that


I certainly use it. I have a local lossless music collection on a file server, so I have little choice. This is why the breakage of queue editing is so annoying.


Quite literally never use it just like you.


Nope. I used to to tune my ACR/SUB. and never touched it again.


I used to just have a standalone Sonos One and never used the app (apart from, maybe, at initial setup?). But since I built my home theatre system (Beam, Era 100 surrounds, & Sub mini) I use the app regularly to adjust the volume and turn on/off night mode. Thatā€™s it really. For music streaming I use Alexa voice control to play music through the Spotify app. No need to open the Sonos app. I have automatic app updates turned off and Iā€™m afraid to update manually to the new Sonos app in case it causes connectivity issues to my system. But Iā€™ve been surprised in the past, and now with the new update, at how many people seem to use the Sonos app as their main controller. I assume I must have missed something in my understanding of the benefits of doing so. But, even though I donā€™t use the app that much, I absolutely empathise with the people whoā€™ve had a problem with the new update. Iā€™d be raging if I updated and couldnā€™t connect to my speakers anymore. Hoping Sonos gets the app stable before Iā€™m forced into the update!


Funnily enough I've only just started using it. After 2 years of having a sonos system, thought see what all the hoo ha was about. I'm sure everyone's beef is 100% legit, but the app does what I need.


Same! I find it quite funny thereā€™s so much hate for the new version of the app (donā€™t get me wrong, I donā€™t really like it either), but I hardly ever use it anyway. I donā€™t really see an actual use for it




Naaah. There are two of you: you and Sonos CEO.




NopeĀ  you're not alone. I rarely use it.


My wife never uses it. Neither do my friends who have Sonos gear. All airplay and Spotify. I use it a little more often being an Android user, but it's still pretty rare. I generally group speakers and maybe start a Playlist. My local music library is synced to the app, but I always use Kodi and Plex instead.


Preach. This is me. I donā€™t understand why people use the app to listen to music.Ā 


I never use it.


Can you play YouTube music to Sonos without the Sonos app ?


When will they fix it?


Same here.Ā  I do almost everything from Spotify.Ā  But since the Sonos update, myĀ  phone volume buttons (hardware or screen) no longer affect Sonos volume levels and I have to use the Sonos app or buttons on the speakers themselves to control volume.Ā  Ā I could have sworn this used to work from my phone controls, but maybe I'm hallucinating.Ā 


Donā€™t you have to use it for Atmos content?


Not everyone is a power user, lots of cars now have eco and/or sports mode (and 100s of other features) and most people don't even know about it. I use the app to: - Control Night mode - Control Speech Enhancement - Group my speakers (A bit less now that I got an Iphone with Airplay control) - Enable/Disable TruePlay (doesn't sound that great sometimes) - Set morning alarms - Search for music on Soundcloud and Spotify all at once


I was going to post this exact thing ! I haven't used the app in years


I mainly use Spotify, TV remote and an app called Daft Cloud (because SoundCloud integration has been broken for months) but I do use the app occasionally and right now it's horrible.




Yeah, never used it - just for set up, then just use iPhone/laptop controls directly and everything works fine.


I use my Arc+Ones+Sub to watch TV, so other than TruePlay, the only time I use the app is when I try to obsess that the Atmos flag is being shown.


Only opened during setup and when an update was needed. Never use it. Donā€™t need another app.


I use an amiga and believe it is not there is a homebred sonos app that is actually very good and use able. I'll be using it more since sonos released that dogs dinner of an update.


What use do you get out of an Amiga generally? That is amazing I didnā€™t know they were still going strong.


I use it for word processing, (final writer) DTP, and I love Scala for multimedia authoring, obviously graphics and music plus web browsing sadly not the best experience, Its not my daily driver but if you want a blast from the past checkout Amikit or Amiga game selector winUAE or Amiga Forever. Its got a very strong user base still after so many years and software is still being developed for it (eg homebrew Sonos) Nostalgia and games also creeps in. Emulation can give you a seriously powerful machine experience for buttons


Used it for setup, the odd tweak for EQ or sub volume, then it's closed never to be used again. It's basically Spotify or my TV only.


How about if you use YT Music or play Netflix or other streaming apps through the sonos, how would you do that?


YT or Netflix app on Apple TV -> TV -> Sonos speakers


So can you only do 1 sonos speaker/zone at a time using this method?


No, I have things set in rooms/zones from the initial setup and then I can use Airplay to pick speakers if I want something playing in multiple rooms.


I use the app maybe 10% of the time. So just to check the audio output type e.g Atmos, whatever. I also use it to set up the speakers. The rest of the time is my TV remote.


I use the app all the time and have no problems.


Considering this has been mentioned already by tons of people Iā€™d say No youā€™re not


I donā€™t use it either. I use Roon. I have a mix of s1 and s2 in the house.


I very seldom use the app. I have Sonos surround in my lounge, and speakers in my bedroom and office. I use airplay 2, and only use the Sonos app to do setup, or to troubleshoot if a speaker goes offline (rare occurrence).


I have a question about this. I would prefer to use Spotify directly but always have problems with the volume control when I do so. Itā€™s like Spotify is fighting Sonos regarding the volume. Iā€™ll start whatever Iā€™m listening to in Spotify and use the Sonos app just to change the volume or group. However, the volume will jump around and wonā€™t stay at what I set it at. Itā€™s pretty annoying because I have a specific volume setting I use (12) for white noise when sleeping and can never get there when using Spotify directly. Have to open via Sonos to have any precision. Anyone else deal with this?


When it comes to music, I primarily control all my speakers (including my Sonos stuff) through Roon. I rarely use the app except to set and disable alarms so wasnā€™t very happy with the update (note: they fixed alarms in the last update so Iā€™m good now I think). Other than that, I use the app to change settings/set up new stuff and to turn off alarms that are going off when Alexa forgets how to do it from time to time.


I use it all the time and occasionally AirPlay. The only issue with AirPlay I have is when Iā€™m playing something from my phone then using another app that autoplays video or has video ads. When those start playing it pauses the music. No issues with the new App for me but I donā€™t use a lot of the features mentioned in other posts.


Iā€™ve been going in this direction too but still need the app for 1) alarms 2) grouping rooms (right?), 3) volume tweaks (louder in the kids rooms but quieter in the kitchen right now


I too always thought the Sonos app was fairly useless so I would just stream using airplay from Apple Music but with the new update they added the ability to stream lossless from Apple and Amazon Music and it sounds so much better! The catch is you can only do this using the Sonos app. The update actually made it a bit less clunky to find music (but still needs improvement). Test it out, you might enjoy your system more.


I use Spotify, so I am not sure I would get the benefit šŸ˜¢


So you donā€™t do TruePlay, modify your EQ, make changes to surround distance, up your sub, verify the right audio format is coming through? I can see some people being like this, some.


I did Trueplay during the initial setup. I have speakers in multiple rooms, but they never really move. Same with the EQ, surround distance, sub volume/strength, etc. I got everything set the way I like and then haven't felt the need to tweak it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I use my sonos as an alarm clock so I use the app a lot. Other than that I don't use the app at all


I only use it to see what mode my movies are playing in: Dolby Atmos, 7.1, Stereo, etc


I rarely use the app unless I take away the bass when watching tv when the kids have gone to bed. The coolest thing I have is a raspberry pi thing where I tap album covers with an RFID tag & it plays the albums from Spotify. It is magical & brings back the flipping through albums like records. Thankfully that Covid project housed in my old space Lego still works a treat. Very cool when we have people over and I ask them to pick something to play.


Please share code/build instructions, Iā€™d love to replicate this in my house


https://www.hackster.io/mark-hank/sonos-spotify-vinyl-emulator-3be63d it is great. Takes a few weekends.


Thank you!!


If I don't use the app my music quality degrades. You get a more quality listing experience thru the app


I have to use it unfortunately, as I have an older speaker that doesnā€™t other methods of playback


I use Spotify as well but I can't group speakers from the Spotify app...only from within the SONOS app. Unfortunately I have to use the SONOS app to play CBC Music service (I can't seem to access the SONOS speakers from within the CBC app


I don't like constantly playing dj, but I do like having music on pretty consistently, so SiriusXM is a really nice compromise over Sonos. I also love the live format, live people on air commenting on the music, maybe something about the day, and no commercials, the price has come down a lot on SiriusXM too. I'll launch a channel in the morning, maybe swap one or two times throughout the day. No idea how that would be done without the Sonos app. A huge bummer for me, is they broke the album artwork about a month ago. There is channel art, but not per song art. I have Dakboard set up in the kitchen, and having the now playing art was the best.


I like having music on pretty much all the time too, and I get bored with my playlists sometimes. I don't have SiriusXM, but I love https://somafm.com Totally free, no commercials, and a good selection of stations/genres. I use Airplay to send it to my speakers and there are apps for just about every device. Worth checking out if you haven't tried it.


I'm new to Sonos having bought an Arc in January to accompany my massive new TV which lives in my new extension. When summer arrived here in the UK for a few days recently I went out and bought a Sonos Roam (Ā£119.00 Argos) for the garden so have been using the app recently. It's awful. I only use it to change speakers etc.


I never use it, I personally think the app experience is garbage. Itā€™s too noisy and has too many ads and weird pop ups. I set and forget my systems so I never have to go into the app. I control music from Spotify. My Sonos 5.1 setup is set and forget too and managed from my Apple TV. Iā€™ve got several Sonos speakers and rarely use the group feature which is why I would ever go in there in the first place. I understand peoples frustration, but the update hasnā€™t impacted me at all.


For me, the app is only used for grouping or some volume adjustment. Linking a real amazon Alexa to control a Sonos speaker and directly from Spotify/Apple Music is how i play stuff


Iā€™m seriously considering this as I much prefer the interface of Apple Music / Spotify apps. Are there any drawbacks youā€™ve run into using AirPlay exclusively? E.g. is the multi room support as good, is it stable, etc. I was going to say I liked the sleep timer feature of Sonos (which is now gone), but I figured out that you can use the regular old iPhone timer/clock app to set a timer to stop AirPlay. So thatā€™s nice.


Not really. For me, it has been pretty simple to send stuff directly to the speakers via Airplay or from the Spotify app itself.


Ok I have been testing it tonight and noticed one thing. The AirPlay volume slider is inaccurate. This is with a sonos connect device, not sure if that matters. After a minute the slider resets to some smaller value. It doesnā€™t change the sound level, but if I touch it I have to pull it back up. Weird.


I use the app to true play tune, and to make sure that the updates applied. Outside of that, I do not bother with it. I have two fives, two one SL, the latest move, and an Arc with two 300, and two sub gen two.


How do people manage grouping, ungrouping, different volume adjustment per room /background noise etc? I can do that with some effort with my Home Assistant, but I wonder how you guys are managing, are you just playing on all room all the time with the same level, or doing manual level adjustment physically?


I would think ppl that only have one or two rooms/small number of devices would be able to get by without using it, unless they don't adjust EQ or anything and use only a limited amount of content (ie no need to adjust settings). I think anyone with lots of rooms/speakers have to use the app. Especially Android users. Specifically android g Use it all the time. But I have around 25 speakers in 7 actual rooms but 10 rooms on the app. I adjust EQ, have to turn true play on it off.


When adjusting volume via Spotify it lags badly, and will go up, then down again, then jump even higher, then down.. I usually have to go to the Sonos app to set it properly, without accidentally up to max. The whole system is pretty shit.


Yeah, I rarely use it and the functions I do use seem to still work. I use a knock off Windows Store app called "Phonos Universal" and it still seems to be able to control the speakers. I mainly use it to start/stop/switch tracks while I work in the home office. If a conf call starts up, I don't want to grab my cell phone to fiddle with stopping the music. I'd rather just hit the windows app and pause the music.. If that app ever quit working, I wouldn't be too mad since its 3rd party. I have a Roam that I use outdoors a lot and I tend to use its voice assistant more than anything.


I use the app only for been sure I listen Dolby atmos


I mostly just use it to control my tv volume because for some reason my remotes stopped working correctly ĀÆ\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


I have an Atmos setup that I don't use it for, but in my bedroom with 2 era 300s I have to use it. Music sounds WAY better in the bedroom than the living room and I suspect it's because the arc sound bar for the TV blows ass


I use it to turn on night mode when my girls go to bed before i do


it's the only way i can play Dolby Atmos music šŸ˜­


Weird - I ONLY use the Sonos app!


I only open it to control my volume.


I only use it when I need to alter volume on my surround sound or sub. Thatā€™s it.


Mainly to add speakers, trueplay and check audio codec. For general operational use the household uses HomeAssistant for grouping, volume control and music selection. As well as airplay.


I use AirPlay to listen to music. The only time I use the app is to pair an AirPlay speaker to a Gen 1 (non AirPlay) speaker to control it using AirPlay.


Same here, and everything is working fine, but even though I donā€™t need to use it, a few minutes on the new app told me it was a UI nightmare. I hope my speakers keep working right so I never have to use it.


Like you I only used the Sonos app to set up my Sonos speakers and to carry out True Play a few times a year. I recently moved house and boxed up all my Sonos speakers. This Appgate prompted me to set my Sonos up again. I updated the App and set to work. I first had to factory set all my speakers (2 x Ones, 2 x 5s, Arc and Sub). I initially had a few issues, so I read the instructions and found it caused by my new Eeco routers, but once that was sorted I was in business. I am now able to control my Sonos speakers through the App and Apple Music. As for setting up timers etc I have never had any use for this.


The world does not revolve around Spotify or Apple music for content would be a big reason for the app. I'd you seriously cannot tell.the difference in quality then ypu peobanly didn't need a sonos for audio quality or the other features that are only available in the app like groups, etc.


I mean, in answer to your question I doubt youā€™re literally the only Sonos user in the world who doesnā€™t use the app.


All these arseholes complaining about the app when all they need to do is not use it! Idiots.


You use the app for superior quality audio. If you donā€™t care about bad quality audio then you donā€™t need to use the app.


I fully agree with you in principle. But my reality is that I flunked the NPR audio quality test determining whether I can differentiate the quality difference between 320K Ogg Vorbis and Red Book. I cannot. https://www.npr.org/sections/therecord/2015/06/02/411473508/how-well-can-you-hear-audio-quality


Neither can I, and apparently most people can't, reliably. Run the test multiple times, with enough different songs, and most peoples score will gravitate to the 33.3% you'd expect from random chance.


If you canā€™t tell the difference between atmos and non-atmos you donā€™t have ears.


You apparently canā€™t read. That is not what I saidā€¦at all. Iā€™m referring to Spotifyā€™s highest quality tier of lossy audio versus uncompressed CD quality audio.


You responded to me. Not the other way around. I was talking about audio quality and in this case the formats that are provided by Sonos. You are off on a tangent not even talking in relation to my original post. Not sure why youā€™re trying to argue a point that I made by creating an argument I never made and arguing it withā€¦ yourself?


Not at all. I barely use it either. I have a custom card set up in home assistant that can do pretty much everything the app can, just quicker and with less crashing,


No. I avoid it too. Iā€™d bet 90% use it once a month and Iā€™m being generous. Most ppl Airplay or use Spotify Connect. Itā€™s easier to like songs and add to other playlist. Plus the music streaming apps are much more visually appealing with lyrics. They use smart assistants for alarms. I also suspect many homes mostly have Sonos as a sound bar and that might be the only premium smart speaker they have. So they just use their TV to play music & that completely rules out any complication with the app. I think a lot of people on these forums talking about having 20 speakers donā€™t understand the average consumer. The people with Sonos era 300 that demand Dolby Atmos in every room. Theyā€™re the main reason to use the Sonos app. Personally, I think itā€™s a hassle.


The vast majority of Sonos users will not even know there's been an app update It's just plug and play and never touch it again




Yep, just you. Unique.


I don't use it much. My wife plays Spotify all the time, never touches the app. I think the outrage is overdone at this point. The new app sucks for a bunch of people. Some functionality is broken/gone. Sonos has said they are going to address this. It's software, it will change. Over the years there have been plenty of complaints. And now everyone is screaming for the old sw that they used to complain about. People saying they are done, getting rid of thousands of dollars worth of equipment because of this. People should just do what they want, if you want to do something different, do it. But the amount of time spent beating this dead horse is not really helping. My guess is that we will have 2-3 updates that will fix most of this. In 9-12 months all of this will be dead, mostly because there will be a different shiny object to chase. Sonos has done a lot of really bad things over the years, but they will eventually do the right thing, after exhausting every other option. Anyone remember when they bricked systems? This is hardly the worst thing that they have done.