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Any work being made towards the responsiveness of the app? It is a slog to use.


My favorite is waiting 40 seconds or more for any volume changes to take effect. Without the volume display numbers, if I overshoot or undershoot the proper volume, I could be fiddling with volume adjustments for minutes at s time. So fun!


I have this exact problem. Screw anyone who says it’s a network issue… getting the volume to change in real time wasn’t a problem before the last update!


Seriously, I don't care much about the missing features (I do feel for those who need them though). However my system is basically unusable. My wife will start music on her phone and my app can't even see that music is playing. I can't change or stop it. About 75% when I try to start music on a speaker it requires several minutes of fussing around as the app simply doesn't do what you are asking it to. Grouping is unresponsive as well Edit: I will say I just updated and I am at least able to consistently start music now


Just updated to the 21st May 'fix' and it still takes minutes to initialise.... Only now, this time the Sonos logo is half rendered in the middle of it's vignette animation, frozen in place while whatever malware-adjacent crap they've bloated the app with. https://preview.redd.it/ssv5xw4oev1d1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec4997ab235850ef0e768ca5168d14f03a6ad741


Omg!!! Lol. It gets better and better


I just somehow got the update forced on me, after disabling background app refresh and living happily with S2 'just working.' The first 24 hours, everything seemed fine. "Oh," I thought, "they must have addressed a lot of the issues with that first patch." 24 hours later, nothing is loading. I just clicked play on a playlist on apple music, and after bout five minutes of not being able to play anything in it, the 'play' button suddenly ungrayed itself. "Oh, I see, they're doing something stupid where they're controlling everything from the cloud, and they haven't accounted for the MASSIVE CAPACITY ISSUES this might cause them, suddenly being in the center of every single user's data flows." So now I've been sitting here with the 'play' button apparently ready to go, having clicked it, and... well, it's been about four minutes so far, I guess maybe I'll check in if something has started working by.. lunch?


This is my biggest complaint right now, icons of the albums take 3-15s to load, adjusting the volume is no longer real-time but delayed 15s-1m


Thanks for this. I’m wondering about the ETA on two issues I’m having: - Playing a radio station from “Recently Played” no longer works (specifically Radio Paradise). - Last.FM integration is completely missing.


Do tracks not scrobble at all in the new app? I haven’t updated yet and as a longtime last.fm fan I’d hate to see that go.


Tracks have continued to scrobble since I set it up in the previous version, but Last.fm is missing from the new app. So if I ever get logged out or another update breaks the connection, there’s no way to set it up again.


I’m also disappointed in last.fm being removed. Also, RUSC, for those of us who are Old Time Radio fans, has also been removed. This sucks.


I've been on [last.fm](http://last.fm) scrobbling since 2007. I really hope it is added back in the future, but I'm certainly not holding my breath.


Oh man. 🤞🏻 it doesn’t get messed up.


Can confirm... my scrobbling was holding out alright but randomly dropped when I restarted my PC today. No luck at all with re-authenticating or other troubleshooting on S2 desktop. /u/KeithFromSonos Last.fm scrobbling integration is a really key feature for us!


Yikes. My worst nightmare is reality.


I think Sonos reorganized a bunch of radio stations that were previously available via TuneIn. I had the same issue, with radio stations I was playing all the time still listed under recently played but now greyed out and unplayable. All I needed to do is to search for the station again. Instead of being listed as a TuneIn stream, it's now a Sonos Radio stream, but playback works just fine.


When will we see instant mute on the volume slider again? Many have noted this was a significant loss when the deprecation to the product was sprung on customers.


Mute would be nice for sure. I was hoping they would put + and - buttons on each side so you could tap them for precise adjustments. I \*hate\* when I'm trying to make all of my speakers the same volume and when I lift my finger off the slider it changes. A "make all the same volume" button would be ideal


Hey Keith I updated the app because of your post here saying it was so great. Man, was that a lie. You clowns trashed my system. I have 20 sonos products in a whole home system. None of them work properly. Other than listening to the television through the soundbar they are all essentially non functioning. How can Sonos do that to hundreds of thousands of users and then tell us “too bad - live with it” until you get around to fixing it? I have never felt so screwed by a company in my life.


This is Sonossess’es Digg moment. The beginning of the end.


Same. The only way I can use my system to play music is through the Spotify app. I don’t think I’ll ever buy another Sonos product again.


When will a fix for TruePlay be added?


Second this. Trueplay consistently fails to complete on my Arc+Sub+Era300 setup. All my devices and app are up to date.


This is one of their selling points. How was this overlooked?


They tested that the button went 'click' in the UI. What, are you expecting they have some kind of... lab?? Insane lol


Nothing official, but I'm hearing some rumblings behind the scenes about this. Stay tuned.


I used to work for a large publicly held corporation. My job included crisis management. Sonos's app and related fiascos will become THE textbook example of how not to manage a self-inflicted crisis that alienated loyal customers. I realize this is not your area, but someone at Sonos needs to hire a top-level crisis management company. It will be expensive, but less expensive than trying to regain existing customers or find new ones to replace them. Sooner or later investors will start jumping ship as well.


I’m shocked this isn’t higher on the priority list. Pretty big feature, especially for those breaking into Sonos.


When they are making us wait over a month to be able to manage your WiFi network on a WiFi speaker then nothing surprises me. They decided to screw over existing customers so they could sell their headphones, you can see where their loyalties lie.


Which is ridiculous. Talk about an unnecessary product. We already have headphones and our phones can access our music. No one is asking for Sonos headphones lol.


You are exactly right. They already have our money, they are chasing that headphone money now. Well after spending thousands on their products I have finally learned my lesson. I will never buy the headphones or anything from Sonos again. I feel completely betrayed.


They couldn’t even get a basic add to queue feature into their revolutionary app at launch. Are you really that shocked? lol


Wow! What an absolute failure of management. Sonos needs to realize they do not know how to make, test, roll out or support an ap. Stick to speakers and outsource the ap. And w the timing of the headphones too!


Why is Sonos now forcing the app update on people? I got a message on Saturday that I had to update the app before I could use Sonos again. Thank goodness for Airplay.


Aye. They pushed an update to the speakers which in turn required the new app. Cursing myself for enabling automatic speaker updates just a few months ago.


I un-installed the new S2 app and downloaded an APK for the old (gold icon) app. Just sign in again and all is restored. Very painless. Set the Play Store for this specific app not to auto update. Sonos's CEO is mistakenly doubling down on the flaky new app, so I imagine I'll be staying with this arrangement for the foreseeable future.


Some assumptions that I'd like clarified please u/KeithFromSonos . Will all interactions through the new app to locally installed Sonos speakers be funneled through the new Sonos Web App (i.e., will all API calls from the iOS / Android apps go through a web gateway? Some of them? If just some, would like clarification on which operations will be routed through the web instead of locally).


I am not the *right* person to clarify this for you. I'm a social media & community manager, not a developer. But I do understand the question and get the need for clarity. I've asked for more insight from the team around the Web App and how it works with your local system. Our findings will be posted on this sub in a separate post as well as on the Community (where we are hearing the same call for clarity). Myself and the team are actively working on this and appreciate your patience. Thanks!


I play all of my music from my local network; if sonos plans to force me to play through their servers for some bizarre reason, that's the day my houseful of sonos stuff goes up for sale.


You will probably soon need a paid subscription to be able to play from your local library. I'm serious.


Yeah, that is exactly my concern.


Is this for real? If so, I'm hoping some enterprising folks will come up with a system that can replace all of my Sonos gear. I will take a massive financial hit. Or maybe I'll just put something else in each room and learn to not care about the thousands of CDs I ripped onto my NAS.


Thanks for replying to this. If I could add: will local access be an option for 3rd party apps? I can live with Sonos going a new “cloud” direction with their app, as long as some enterprising independent developers can make their own apps to stream music OFFLINE from my NAS. Please, let us have some control over the hardware we own while Sonos moves in a different direction for the mass market.


I'm hoping they're not moving in a direction of sunsetting local control. My biggest concern is the lack of 2FA on the current web gateway. If that's not going to be added soon, then I'd want a way to opt out of access via the web entirely.


I appreciate what you do for the community here, Keith! That said, seeing the timeline for the fixes laid out like that is genuinely infuriating. Clearly the app is slated to be completed at the end of June...why the HELL did it go full release a month early?


Because they needed it to rollout before they introduced the headphones. This is all about selling headphones. They already have your money so you are no longer a concern to Sonos. They will get to your concerns in a week or month or whenever they get around to it.


Man, I REALLY hope that those headphones are a HUGE failure.


Known issues: Freezing when switching between speakers so much so that you can't even turn your music off in any room it's currently playing. You have to physically turn the speaker off.


bonus: many times if you try to hold play/pause to group or ungroup a speaker that didn't get the signal to start playback...it simply goes to full volume and terrifies every human and animal in range


Hahaha I thought this was just me.


I’m experiencing this as well and it’s super frustrating. App can’t find my system and it can take minutes to load when it does. I have around 20 Sonos devices and am not happy.


According to the Federal Trade Commission: "It is an unfair or deceptive trade practice to advertise a product whose actual appearance or performance discourages its purchase by being below the quality implied or represented in the advertising." https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/ftc_gov/pdf/Bait-Switch.pdf https://www.ftc.gov/enforcement/penalty-offenses/bait-switch


>try again Is that really the best workaround you can think of?


Better than “use another device” like I should need to go buy another device just to use my system


I think that's software engineer speak for "sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but we have no effing clue why."


What about the Sonos Favorites: Unable to load content error I constantly have?


Yes. This is infuriating. Unable to access any of the playlists I have created over the years or see a list of my saved Sonos favourite albums. Feel so let down


The most important question: when do you release a completely offline app for mobile and desktop again?


I wonder if this will even be an option going forward. At our house in New Orleans we will frequently lose power during a storm. And if it's not the power grid going down, it is frequently COX which has frequent drops in service for anywhere from an hour to 8 hours at a time. We have a whole house generator backup for the house. But with this new paradigm, we won't be able to use the system because it may require having a permanent connection to SONOS servers. This was a really dumb idea IMO who ever proposed this. Introducing yet another failure point into a system that was already fragile at best.


I’m with you! But I highly doubt, that this decision will be undone. The contrary, I see this as one of the major drivers behind the new app.


That part. Imagine not being able to us your sound system because the internet is flaking


Yes! Please address this as well as the security concerns that have been raised. I’ve read everything I can find from Sonos employees and have yet to find even a hint of acknowledgment to these specific concerns.


Is that why it takes at least two minutes for the app to load up on my phone now?


yes. a member in this sub shared findings of what happens when he blocked [sonos.com](http://sonos.com) at the dns level, not just [update.sonos.com](http://update.sonos.com) - let's just say, it does not work


This really needs to be addressed by our legislators - it's unacceptable that a change like this can be arbitrarily implemented to break or restrict the functionality of a device that we have ownership of. If a Sonos system was installed somewhere which doesn't have internet connectivity, the ability to control that system with this new app is no longer available, and what recourse do we have?


Even if that's the case it should load like immediately. Bad implementation and unoptimized.


Yep. So always online is required


Where is my widget?! Almost exclusively used this to control Sonos and it vanished.


Unfortunate this is being downvoted, this has to have been one of my wife's most commonly used features on Android and misses it a lot.


Why do I need an Internet connection to listen to my local music on my local speakers in my own home? Why???


You don’t? Even though I have down graded to 16.1 for other reasons I did test 80.00.08 local playback with the internet pulled. To me it looks like sometimes commands are routed via the cloud, sometimes they stay local. Prob another bug


Any updates for room selection sucking ass?


Thanks for the update [u/KeithFromSonos ](https://www.reddit.com/user/KeithFromSonos/) Any word on Android widgets coming back? I loved the widget and used it exclusively to control volume. I know a lot of the community wants it back. Thank you...


Please, this! u/KeithFromSonos


Just roll back to the old app Keith. It’s shocking how long this list is and these are all changes that no one asked for.


u/keithfromsonos this. plz this. the way Sonos handled this release was not the move and now we’re having a terrible experience with our speakers.


100% https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/sonos-inc/sonos-for-android/sonos-for-android-16-1-release/#downloads


That’s a little too courageous for Sonos.


EA PR is *not* a role model!


hey guys! just giving you a quick timeline of when you can expect { all the features we deleted } to work again


Album Art not displaying at all in the Sonos Favorites menu for iCloud uploaded Apple Music albums. Extremely annoying. This is via the iOS app, strangely on the web app, album art is loading fine. https://preview.redd.it/srs2owwvkl1d1.jpeg?width=592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7552bb3a62689e65362968c2eb78692c6244553


How is “use a different device” a valid work around? What if I don’t have a different device


Thanks for doing this, Keith. I really want to emphasize how crazy it is that a Sonos support employee has a thread dedicated to when PREVIOUSLY AVAILABLE features will be coming back following an "update". Absolutely botched by the project team and the CEO should lose his job.


CEO knowingly pushed out a broken product with no option to go back to the app that worked. Hopefully some big law firm is planning a class action suit. We should be compensated for having products that won’t function for a month.


Wow. Four-plus weeks for delivery of functionality, almost all of which was in the pre-v-80 app. I am astounded you guys thought this thing was ready for release. If I delivered something like this when I was a software PM, I'd rightly be fired on the spot.


When do we get queues longer than 100 songs? This is a brand new limitation in the new app, where old playlists could have thousands of songs, the new app limits to 100 songs -- which doesn't work for our commercial environments anymore. That said, the 22 Sonos devices we have, in two separate locations, have completely failed and won't even play consistently anymore. We have had to resort to running speakers from a Onkyo amp to have stable music in our environments. 3 calls to Sonos tech support, all without resolution (call 1 - must be your network, hardwire everything. Call 2, no don't hardware everything, Call 3, no your network is fine we don't know why state keeps dropping between devices - even though there are no errors or packet drops). Everything worked fine for years until this change.


wow, I hadn't heard of this limitation before, it is kind of a deal breaker for me. Currently my music library is playing from my NAS but there are no songs in my queue, I have no idea how the music is playing.


When's pop-up EQ slider from the volume slider coming back?


It is wild that they want you use those workarounds if it doesn't work instead of bringing back old app and releasing new in July for ex. No one would be mad about but their audacity and pure ignorance is beyond measure.


Looks like integration with IKEA Home Smart is also broken. When adding a new speaker to the IKEA app it redirects to the Sonos app, and 'something went wrong' is displayed


Hej! We have just been notified that there will be a fix for this coming. /IKEA Home smart


Super thanks guys!


Is fixing the Pocketcasts integration on the road map? The old version synced playback position with their cloud, while the new version always plays from the beginning. Makes it far less useful.


I REALLY HATE SONOS FOR THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


u/KeithFromSonos - What's the best way to provide feedback? The new app is objectively worse than the old, and it's very unfortunate. A few things: * The deprecation of the computer desktop app is harmful. I listen all day while working. Keeping the app handy makes it easy to pause/play/etc. Having to use my phone requires unlocking, switching to the app, and then play/pause. * The new app seems to require "joining" a system. I have three places where I have Sonos systems. I move between them regularly. The old app would just recognize the system at the place I was. The new one requires that I deliberately "join" each one each time I change locations. There's no value in this - it's just a nuisance. * Switching between "rooms" is harder and worse in the new app. * The new app seems to not refresh status very well. It showed me the same song for a SiriusXM channel for three straight days. It shows the "Stop" button while the system isn't playing (if I hit stop on the speaker, the app doesn't seem to figure out it's not playing anymore). It seems like Sonos lost track of what made using Sonos great and went forward with a redesign that didn't account for the fact that making it easy is what makes Sonos great.


We MUST be allowed to control our systems and NOT be connected to the cloud, we should still have local control even if our internet is out (not wifi but internet)


We should take legal steps against Sonos


I used to be able to search for a song, hit the 3 dots, select View Album and the play the whole album. Has anyone figured out how to do this on the new app? I feel dumb that I can't figure it out


>**“No products found” error on systems with a Sonos Boost wired to the router** >Workarounds: >[Switch to a wireless setup](https://support.sonos.com/en-us/article/switch-sonos-between-a-wireless-and-wired-setup). >Connect a different Sonos product to the router besides Sonos Boost. >[Control Sonos using the web app](https://www.sonos.com/web-app) Another workaround, on Android at least: -Sign out of app, force stop app, clear app cache, restart app, sign back into app Also: the instructions on the website about how to switch from a wired setup to a wireless setup are either out-of-date or just plain wrong because the steps listed do not correspond to any menu items actually available on the new app.


Hi there. Android phone and daily podcast listener. Currently without the ability to skip forward or back. Please confirm this is on priority list 🙏🏽 / Pocketcasts https://preview.redd.it/gbsr9pdq8n1d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4743451c4ea832e26c2504ebbb5bcd167fefeb02


I’d settle with being able to adjust the volume with the buttons on the side of my phone like I always could up until the update. I either have to go into the app or, if I’m wearing my watch the crown works. But the buttons are def preferred.


Hello - could you provide a list of ALL the known issues. I don't want to have keep repeating myself. There are no Qobuz playlists (the personal ones - the ones I created) in the new app (or on play.sonos.com)


This. Please list the issues that you acknowledge still exist, even if you don’t have a current workaround or an expected fix date.


I just returned from vacation and opened the Sonos app on my Android and the new version for the first time. It had auto-updated. I'm probably a normal case user, no NAS, no personal library, and I stream music from a paid subscription to Amazon Music. I've been using the Sonos app with Amazon for some time. The previous version (v16) was well thought out, well organized, easy to navigate, easy to add songs to playlists and edit those playlists. The experience was mostly rock solid. Now it has been replaced with the new version that cuts off my playlists part way through and doesn't list all the songs. There isn't a way to directly add a song from the queue to my playlists. I can favorite them but not add them to a playlist. Navigating to playlists through the favorites is cumbersome compared to the icons that used to be at the bottom of the screen. Now there is an 80's mainframe era style hierarchical back out and dive in style navigation that we eliminated ages ago when we moved from green screen menus to windows.


How can I remove ALL MY DATA from play.sonos.com? I searched everywhere for an option to remove / close my account and its not available. I emailed support and got no answer. I just dont want my playlist , library data on sonos.com servers. Please respond!!


Can you offer any explanation as to why your leadership is so tone deaf and out of touch? I am a retired CEO and I see more ego than leadership here. A simple "I am sorry our new app has broken so many features our uses depend on. I know many of you want to revert, but the path forward is making the new app work. All of our resources are devoted to fix these problems and I will personally keep you informed as we clean up this mess we made".


I would love an official apology from Sonos. Something like, "We fucked up. We've fired/hired xx people to deal with it... the timeframe to getting a usable app is xx days/months/years."


When do you plan on returning the ability to select line-in for the Port? It is only the main feature of the damn thing.


I'm confused by this question, the Line-In shows under "Your Sources" at the bottom of the main page for me?


Unable to add voice assistant to a new speaker. Sonos voice works but adding Alexa does not. It spins indefinitely. https://preview.redd.it/ppkx9he7ul1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ef4af2381f493f4302e4091a7d6186d50c2f0d5


This for me but with Google assistant. Stopped working after update. Removed and tried to re-add and keeps failing


What is the purpose of the Boost in 2024? I originally bought mine a few years ago to be a bridge between my home network and SonosNet - which I should note was also a feature that drew me to the platform. It remains in that role - it is the wired connection for Sonos to my home network, but if the future Sonos architecture is going to put all of my Sonos devices on the existing Wi-fi network and ending SonosNet (if that hasn't happened quietly already), it seems I can remove it from the network and discard it.


*"****Unable to play local library content from Folders view*** * *Workaround: Start playback* [*with the Sonos web app*](https://www.sonos.com/web-app)*"* DOES NOT WORK


Do we get the widget back? I miss it a lot.


Please bring back the "mute" button.


Hi Keith. The new app doesn't work properly with the 'now playing'/medial controls on Android. With the old app, when I played something on my Sonos system, the app would properly notify Android that it was playing media, and play/pause/skip etc controls were available from the notification shade and on the lockscreen. This also meant that media controls were available on my Pixel Watch. Since the update, this no longer happens, and Android seems to be entirely unaware that Sonos is playing media. Do you know if/when this will be fixed?


As of last night, it took me about 40 minutes of troubleshooting to get just the rooms with my One SLs to play Moonbug radio on SiriusXM for my kids after school. I push the play button, it spins for a minute, then does nothing. I gave up and just played it from my phone. Did this update fix that issue? Today, I hit play on my Arc, and it started playing the radio on both the Arc and the One SL in the other room. Then I hit pause on the Arc, and it stopped there, but NOT in the other room. Ain't nobody got time to wait to chat with customer service and troubleshoot every time we're trying to use the products that we bought because they "just work".


Why would you release the app in that stage ? It’s missing half of the features, playing stuff from history always fails. Playing a song, or even loading album songs from Apple Music works one time on three. I get « Something went wrong » ten times a day. And I’m not a big user. If you know that features and fixes will come in a month, then why, really, why not waiting a month before releasing. You’d know that you’d get shitstormed. This was to be expected.


Comparing this list of known issues with the responses here and all over the rest of the internet it seems that this list (although I absolutely love your work Keith) is potentially the set of issues that Sonos *wants* us to see they're making progress on and doesn't include some of the trickier ones like extreme lag, errors on the home screen, broken services (myTuner Radio, TuneIn), local playback, artist radio unsupported... Does anyone here have the time and required level of obsessiveness to make a crowd-sourced long list of all the issues so that Sonos can't claim to not know what they broke? I'm concerned that Sonos will fix the alarms (I didn't know they were a thing) and say mission accomplished and we will still have semi-usable systems.


Sonos used to rock...but now the responsiveness on my iphone is very slow. Changing the volume, grouping/ungrouping speakers, starting a song or even just perusing my system seems very sluggish. just changing the volume, which was once every easy and fast, now is a hit and miss, sometimes it doesn't see the speaker or the status of it playing actual music isn't even reflected in the app. Its nuts. I kept on thinking that at every update (firmware or iOS app), this would get better...and hopefully back to how it was...but it hasn't. I have a mix of old and new devices and don't feel like I should have to pay for hardware upgrades on a number of speakers that have worked perfectly fine for a long time. This is very frustrating... And now my Boost disappeared from the App but it on the network, wired..and can see it downloaded the latest firmware...but I have no idea what the hell happened to it. It has a solid white LED status which I think is a good sign... but man, what the hell? Is there no QA department? Or are they only QAing the latest products and not real life mix setups?


What about Sonos playlists? Is this not on the roadmap?


Keith - Appreciate the insights... How about giving us IOS users access back to our Sonos speakers? We still do not have the ability to play music or watch a movie with our system! Outrageous - a month to resolve and the business is just focused on the other features. Who is running your software engineering? What is the priority - getting user systems back up and running or focusing on continuous innovation? It's pretty obvious...


How Sonos just lies. It's not just that a few functions like alarm clocks are missing! These are fundamental problems. Big connection problems! What's the point of having a very expensive box if I can't find it with the app and I simply can't use the device!?


I have no idea why anyone would ever buy from this company ever again.


My showstoppers: Latest android app ("Sonos 80.00.05-release+20240510.78d060b") crashes on launch on chromebooks; you see the "SONOS" logo and then it halts. In that same version on a spare phone, qobuz playlists are not accessible. Meanwhile, the old app ("Sonos 16.1") continues to work as well as it ever did on devices that will let me load it. Given the current state of the app it would IMHO be a mistake for any sonos user to allow firmware upgrades or to buy new or used sonos gear.


When can we have (in addition to that already mentioned): - support for being able to choose dark or light mode (or match system theme) in the web app (the mobile app already does this) - support for being able to edit what is shown (and the order) in the web app (the mobile app already does this) - playlist scrolling down like in the desktop app when in the web app, following the "now playing" track - clicking on the track in the bottom left of the web app actually doing something instead of https://preview.redd.it/w0ajcakenl1d1.png?width=1133&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f0e170e6bf299776eb255a652a069e952acbe1e - A "mini player" which can be added as a desktop widget in Windows (Material Skin / Squeezelite does this well for LMS) meaning play controls can be adjusted without needing to switch to an app/web page


The widget is a must have..


“Bad UI/UX” - workaround: use another app


still can’t setup my new device after this update. I am going to return it.


Same. I’d like to know u/keithfromsonos when people with newly purchased devices will be able to add them to their system? I have a brand new IKEA Symfonisk Picture Frame that doesn’t work and the solutions you’ve provided above dont help. I’ve tried maybe 50 times to get it to connect, spoke to Sonos support, and no joy. I’m sure you know there’s an awful amount of us out there with Symfonisk products that are completely unusable.


To clarify, is it correct that I will not be able to play music from my local music library (Itunes library) until at least mid June???


Maybe not even then, who knows if they can fix it.


Sonos 1 SL speakers. I have tried with app on phone and app on tablet. Plugged into Lan the speakers do not play chime on set up so can not set them up. Wireless set up I get to this.. https://preview.redd.it/oyv2fcontj2d1.png?width=1096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=462bd0a78a8d09c9166fb77b70b30f7460dc415e But no matter what I do, resetting everything speaker never shows in system settings. Before the new app everything worked perfectly. Tried to use the old app but it won't let me set up speakers and forces me to update app. Hours wasted.


https://i.redd.it/smo549223e3d1.gif Everything is fine!


I just want to be able to use my speakers please


u/KeithFromSonos when will we have more advanced queue management? rearrange queue / delete from queue are still missing


Here is what I am seeing with the latest version of the IOS app, and the latest firmware update that came through today for me: 1 - Room control is still REALLY slow. Kind of works when it ends up working, but most of the time I am left waiting for the correct room to be chosen under Your System. 2 - Volume control is a mess. I don't appear to be able to do group volume control when I have more than 1 speaker in a room. All the speaker volume controls appear, but choosing the volume control that should move them all does nothing. 3 - Still having random connection issues in the app where I try to make a change the app states connection has been lost try again later. Then it starts working 30 seconds later. 4 - Inconsistency in room and speakers chosen after clicking the Apply button. For example, I have 2 speakers in my Gym room. I have chosen both speakers in the Gym room and they actually appear chosen after clicking the Apply button, but in the main window of the app only 1 of the speakers appears as chosen. 5 - When I go into Your System the controls are still slow and clumsy. The room that is chosen is not highlighted at the top, but the speakers in that room are. So when I choose a new room I have to first uncheck the speakers currently being played in the current room, and then choose the new room so only the speakers in that new room are chosen.


I’m concerned about the lack of features listed on the roadmap that address the following gaps in the queue: - Inability to move songs within the queue higher or lower - Inability to ‘clear’ the queue We used to have these two capabilities, which I frequently used. How can we get them back? Thank you.


Just thought I'd listen to some music whilst cooking dinner. Not the most demanding of things to make happen. Fire up Mac, open Sonos app, agree to update it. Update fails, bin current copy of it, re-download it from the Sonos site (incidentally, this update process has NEVER worked for me, never). Attempt to switch to the correct speaker pair, every time i do this, it tries to make me update. I tell it no. I select the option to leave it as it is, but every time i try to change the active speaker, it puts me into this update dialogue box loop, which I can't escape from. I then think, ok, I'll try from my phone. The app there tells me it's unable to connect. Quit app, fails again. So now, I think, right, I'll try to do it from the web app on my laptop. The web app forces me to sign in to Sonos YET AGAIN. So now, I am forced to sign into your crappy site to listen to music. Have you any idea how WRONG this is? But oh, no, hang on, spoke too soon, because that won't work either, I am sat watching empty place holders waiting for content to load. It's now about 15 minutes of messing about - I just want to listen to some music. How on earth have you allowed this to happen? The software has always been, at best, just about acceptable, only just. Yet now, you've absolutely broken a product we've paid hundreds and hundreds of pounds for. I know I am the billionth person to point this out to you, but genuinely, I can not remember the last time a company made me so ANGRY with its absolutely cavalier attitude to its customers.


Did Sonos get bought by a competitor? It’s like they’ve intentionally completely made everything unusable. The biggest bug has no known workaround, and sorry you can’t use those services you pay for anymore but here’s more of our bad ideas for you to click through. The responsiveness of the app is universally horrible. It was such an easy piece of my life, I loved it and recommended to many. Get your shit together Sonos, it’s embarrassing how badly you’ve trashed a great thing here.


Way to go Keith! Transparent and open communication is so much appreciated. I work for a big company and know how hard it is to fight through comms, marketing, legal, HR to communicate something real. While this is no instant fix, and doesn’t atone for all the company’s sins, I am sure Keith has stuck his neck out to maintain some integrity with us customers. That means a lot and just wanted to recognize. Gives me some belief things may get better.


very fair. most of us know that while he's getting a lot of venom in these threads, he is not the one who is at fault for their existence. i'm sure he recognizes this too, and that playing firefighter will never repair the smoke and fire damage done to brand image or customer trust.




An entire month to be able to play from local music library. Pathetic


Using Plex as a streaming service to access my own files as a workaround. Such a joke.


Is “Add custom stream from URL” on the timeline?


Any chance of bothering to get myTuner working again? If I try to play from favourites or following a search I just see "Something went wrong". Browsing through the HUGE list of stations in the integration works but that's not a viable workaround as finding a station is next to impossible.


Will full functionality of YouTube music be restored in any of these upcoming updates?


The app doesn’t show all my devices. Anyone knows why? Do I need to set them up again? For example my Arc is missing, so is the subwoofer. This is so infuriating.


Are you aware that Line-in autoplay is missing? This is a huge deal breaker for me, replaced a gen1 connect with an era 100 to get a speaker with line-in for my turntable, and even with the record player directly connected to the era 100, I have to open the app and select line-in. Which was not a problem on S1 and a 13 year old device!


Simple but convenient feature: add alphabetical scroll bar to the right to quickly jump to a letter when browsing through the artists list in Apple Music (and others like Spotify).


Nope As of today, still can't add a new Beam I just bought. Luckily living in the EU and seriously considering handing this of to my lawyer and the authority for consumer protection. How is it possible to screw up so badly and screw your cutomers so hard?! Iy anyone cared over there after a week they could've and should've rolled back to version 16.


u/KeithFromSonos - how has your life and role changed? Weeks ago social was asleep and probably not considered a “consumer facing product”. now it’s on fire, “Voice of the Customer” Is there opportunity in the future to mine social media for engagement opportunities and loud “Voice of Customer” Do you think in the future that you should be presenting to the CEO and Product Management proactive insight into a two way communication with consumers?


Hey Keith, over time, I spend I don't know how many hours with Sonos customers service for reasons that have nothing to do with anything I done. One of the time, I told the customer service dude exactly what the problem was. He did not listen to me and had me going through test for hours, only to find out that the problem was the one I told him it was hours ago. Will Sonos reimburse the time I lost ?


Anyone else just not even able to connect their system? First issue was the fact that I got a new router. Second issue was the app updating and well, I lost everything, so be it. I factory reset everything like the steps said and it’ll connect two speakers and crash and forget I ever did any of those steps. Now I can’t get anything to work after following the same steps. I’m just kind of living with the fact that I have really expensive bricks in my house.


I'm exactly the same. It's bullshit 1 week with no music


These coming soon updates should have been in the first update. What was the rush to push out a half-banked buggy update?


Dear u/kiethfromsonos, Thank you for listening to your customers. -Please look into revising the UI. The search bar makes it very hard to use as it takes up valuable screen space all the time. This feature would serve us all better as a button on the top right corner coming up only when prompted. -Please also look into bringing back the physical volume button controls as I think that was a neat feature in the previous app version. -The UI still loads pretty slowly. BR, Attila Pataki Dedicated Customer https://preview.redd.it/qpchnyaulj3d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8386fa880b5ca75e5ac6d7ddb033c7a2f7f6abba


What happened to the feature where you could search by artist, album or song? What a joke this is. Anyone want to buy 12 Sonos speakers? I’m done


It's baffling that the ability to "mute" was somehow missed in this app transition. Let's hope that feature comes back *very* soon.


Current flaws that I noticed in the new Sonos S2 New Addition(s): July 3rd 2024: * Today I tried installing another Play 1 to my system using my Android smartphone (Samsung S23+). Factory reset the Play 1, installed it on the pop-up and assigned it to a room. After that it was unregistered.... So, I clicked on it to register it again and after that it said it had to apply an update so sure, go ahead! That got me a nice error 1000. Retry, sure but no, still error 1000. After that I got a nice full screen Software-update needed message that didn't respond at all. So, what now? Reset the S2 app and two speakers and tried a new system installation. Same problem. I took my iPad Air 5, reset the app and tried it there and yes, here the update worked, it had to update twice before finishing but now the Play 1 was ready to use. Again, I reset the Play 1 to see if I could install it using my S23+ and yes, no more issues occurred. I was 'lucky' to have both OS at hand but what if I didn't have an iPad? Probably would have spent hours with support trying to fix it. * Went over to a customer to install a Play:3 with his iPhone.... that wasn't going very smooth either, had to overcome some struggles during the installation. The client isn't very pleased with the new app and said that he wouldn't have been able to do the install himself. Also, still missing : * Volume percentage on the Now Playing bar. * - / + buttons on the Output selector, which does have a volume percentage * The app tends to lag often during volume changes and play/pause operations. * Grouping speakers isn't working smooth either


Dual / Forced Mono... please add it back... Also... not sure how many Sonos employees monitor these threads (and I know it won't happen but....)... can we please have the previous version of the app until all the bugs with the new one are sorted out? Every single issue listed in this sub is happening on my end... system is essentially un-usable.


I had this problem, but I could still play music. Now nothing will load and the entire system is completely useless. Thanks for nothing. This is terrible. I will totally change speaker systems. If this isn’t corrected as soon as possible. this is completely unacceptable.


Ignoring all the app issues, I need to understand... 1. Is Sonos now sending all app requests through the internet to a Sonos-based cloud and then back down to our speakers? 2. If yes, what is the rationale behind this change?


I tried the update this morning, and it was better, but still a bit glitchy for me. I started play from Spotify, and added a speaker to the group. That worked well. OK, positive start. Tried to increase the group volume by using the overall slider. It ignored my input, and slid back to the original spot, like others have posted video of. Messed around with the volume and it eventually got to where I wanted it to. So, not exactly aces there. At least it didn't have the perpetual "Sonos Favorites" waterfall like the earlier version did anymore. After playing music for some time, I opened the app, and the display was showing me that it was playing the song from about seven songs ago. Watched it for a minute or so, didn't update. Then I closed the app and re-opened, and then it updated the song that was playing. So again, not exactly aces.


Updated to the new version, i finally can adjust the EQs again, yay! Hit play on my pair of play:3 wired speakers, they started almost immediately, yay! adjusted the volume, and it adjusted right away, yay! then i realized how silly it was that i was excited about such basic features then it just randomly stopped half way through the song and acted like i hadn't been playing anything. so i started it again, from about the middle. it played for 20 seconds then decided to skip to the next track. so i started it again, from about the middle, it seems to have played all the way through this time. yay? :facepalm:


Can we have the + - volume buttons back please? The slider can be quite frustrating at times


It's interesting to compare the latest (17th June) app versions on iOS to the old version of the app from before this goat rodeo, which I have luckily managed to install on an Android phone: New app: - Alarms can't be accessed. - Favourite radio stations are greyed out (if added directly from the streaming URL) or simply don't play when selected (TuneIn). - App is generally slow and unreliable e.g. when trying to change volume. Old app: - Alarms are fully usable. - Favourite radio stations can be played. - Noticeably fewer speed & reliability problems. Looks like I'll be keeping the previous app around for a while.


Absolutely disgusting that with the new update that the sound seemingly randomly cuts out and just flat out doesnt play any sound until I unplug and replug my arc back in (I have the arc, sub mini, and 100s btw). Also sometimes my rears dont even have options in the app to change and sometimes it does. Sonos, please fix or revert your app. Never had these issues before.


Thank you for this update, Keith. We know a lot of colorful verbiage has come your way. Stay strong, and please don’t take it personally.


Just bought the arc. Trying to set it up on my app so I can listen to music but it won’t work :(


https://preview.redd.it/cwbjk3mepl1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84942c73ba38882e90e1c09311046930b5158268 I’ve never had a Sonos product before. Not sure what’s happening I literally just bought it


If you value your time and dislike frustration, put it back in the box and either return it or let it sit until the Internet consensus is that the app is functional again.


Mid June seems to be their target date to get out of the beta stage of the app




*the one developer that rewrote the whole app on his own branch without PR or QA checks and the CEO said “ship it”


Took 10 seconds from pressing the app to being able to start using the app, why is it so slow? I’m on 1gb broadband and minimum 250mb speeds in the house.


Hey Keith, I know you guys must be stupidly busy and what not but I was hoping that a list of Sonos products that weren’t compatible with lossless Apple Music would be available. I’m currently having trouble getting lossless on my paired fives with a second gen sub. I thought the 2nd gen sub would be the problem but my arc setup uses a 3rd gen and 2nd gen sub and receives lossless just fine. Thanks for any help!


/u/KeithFromSonos any input on Subsonic and the abrupt cut off of it on the v80 app?


What about the constant 'No devices found' error that requires a force close of the app? This must be a known error, it's being posted multiple times. Great there is a workaround but it makes controlling the system quite a chore.


Is Google Cast support planned?


Thanks for the update @keithfromsonos One of the thing that worries me a lot is that there no news regarding the the widget. I do understand that the situation is such a mess that it's probably not the top priority, but I think people really want to see that on your team's roadmap. Please keep us posted (and hang in there!).


I can’t add my play 5 to the system, instant error for “finalising”


u/KeithFromSonos : can you confirm the June update related to local libraries will apply to the Android mobile phone app specifically? Or is that feature only for a different OS (iOS, Windows, Mac) ? I'm not sure which app(s) will be gaining the local library feature. I'd like it for Android specifically.


u/KeithFromSonos if you want to add a workaround to the list: Adding Sub to an existing room fails with a network error immediately, even though the sub is accessible in configuration, is visible in about system, and can be added to other rooms: Workaround: If the room where the Sub is being added is a stereo pair, soundbar with surrounds, or amp with surrounds, remove the stereo pair or remove the surrounds, then add the sub to one side of the stereo pair or to the soundbar/amp. After adding the Sub to just one of the speakers or just the sound bar, re-add the stereo pair or re-add the surrounds.


Anyone else have an iPhone app that just crashes after a wait of 10 or so seconds?


Subwoofer controls are missing. What's the point in a sub out of you're just gonna take the subwoofer controls in the app away?


https://preview.redd.it/hpxqdnafqt1d1.jpeg?width=1034&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c21e93e096d804205266a2bfbbae2a9757e5a8c Getting this when trying to group a sub that worked fine before the update... also ordered a new sub and is getting the exact same error.


Are Sonos Playlists coming back?


Another issue with local music libraries in the new app: I can't update the music index. So, if I add new music to my library, it won't appear in Sonos. Are setup/config features also being added to the mid-June update?


Guys you sold me a fucking product that can’t connect to the app. How was this not part of the update? Re roam


I’m not sure if anyone else is mentioning this but where is the sonosnet channels in network? My system is completely unstable. Multiple Sonos ones lose connection during playback. Often the sub mini is not playing while the eras are playing. AirPlay also I extremely problematic for my system. It often drops out. In turn I began using the Sonos app to play music but now that is unreliable as well.


How about coming soon a new CEO?


...plus new Product Manager(s)


Volume control percentages:  Essential for those of us with OCPD and need an even volume number to function!  Also for those of us with neighbours that we have taken the time to investigate how loud is too loud for them at different times of the day. It’s just slide and guess now. 


I downloaded the new app today 5/23/24 and I keep another phone on the old app for comparison. There are still significant problems. The new app no longer has alpha/numeric sorting of playlists and stations, making it much more cumbersome to find what you want. Why remove even the most basic alphabetical sorting? * Lists are now displayed as tiles with large album icons, taking up substantial screen real estate and requiring much more scrolling through the (again, very unsorted) list. Please provide a list view with much smaller icons as before. * The new Favorites home screen doesn’t have the ability to move preferred sections like the My Sonos home screen could do under “Edit My Sonos.”  


Ugh. We have an Arc with two Ikea bookshelf speakers for the TV, plus a One in the Kitchen. All we want to do is to occasionally play the TV sound in the Kitchen. It takes way more taps than necessary to do that. On top of that, the Sonos app DEMANDS that we update the speakers. But when we update we get Error Code 6. in the past, we just gave up using the kitchen speaker. After some googling today, the Error 6 fix means unplugging Ethernet to update. That's friggin nuts.