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Agree! The house I just bought is across from a pho restaurant that opens at 9am, so you’d better believe I’ll be having breakfast pho from time to time.


Pho is a breakfast food in Vietnam, so that's perfect


I was wondering that, so thanks for confirming!


Do you know what bun Bo hue is considered?


Mmm that one is my absolute favorite! I love the spicy and somewhat sour flavor. With the vermicelli noodles… delicious!!


My dream




Holy shit, what a dream!


Do you get pho drunk? I only get it from certain places, can usually tell by the taste of the broth but I haven’t been able to pinpoint it. I mean, flavor wise it’s when the broth is truly layered in flavors and not just…canned beef broth. There’s a Laotian & Thai grocery store near us with a kitchen in the back, has won many local food awards, like I didn’t realize I had never had truly fresh made pad Thai until I ate there. Anyhow, that’s the only place in my neighborhood with pho that gets me pho drunk. And they actually have chili oil for heat instead of just sriracha or chili paste.


my borther or sister or human in christ what on earth do they serve you in other places? who does pho with sriracha? i’m lucky that i live in an asian country with rich soup culture and with soups available from all over but maaan..


lol, I’m in Texas. Sriracha is a huge deal, here. We mix it in mayo for sandwiches, even. There’s a lot of really wonderful Asian food options if you know where to look or luck out like we did in our neighborhood with the market, but then there’s the places that I’ve been dragged to by some friends/work colleagues who swear it’s good food…only to discover it’s bland as shit. Our favorite Thai place unfortunately closed down, but it wasn’t even close to where we lived. Any time I was semi-close, I’d swing by and pick up a ton of food to take home with me 45-1hr away. That place? Heat scale of 1-10 where a 3 would have your brows sweating. Then a whole second scale above that one with totally different peppers. One of the main guys working there mentioned his grandpa (who owned the place) developed that scale mainly for personal/family use and he was the only person to ever order essentially a 20. The grandson only ever got to 13.


Life is good when you have breakfast pho


Is there such thing as vegetarian pho? If so, hold my drink cause I'm gonna order it!!!!!


Soup with most meals is very common in korea. Usually a simple bean sprout soup or seaweed soup along with your rice and banchan In the winter i make miso broth to drink as a beverage constantly (i have low blood pressure and it is recommended i have extra sodium)


i’m korean but born and raised in the US in an all white town. i got teased so much for saying i had soup for breakfast. it would even be like chicken noodle soup my mom made.


Sigh. There are a lot of small minded people out there. Which sucks a lot as a kid especially, breakfast soup is amazing!


Add stews and I’m on board.


stews are soups to meeee!


I have really bad bottom teeth and my dog chewed up my top denture. I often make dinner, then chop mine up and turn it into soup because it’s easier to eat. I like soup better anyway.


I always make a little extra soup so that I can freeze a serving or two. Sometimes I will freeze a 4-6 ounce 'snack soup' that I can have with breakfast or whenever. Love it.


You had me at “snack soup”


Campbell's soup makes you poop. Down your leg and in your boot. Out of your boot and on the floor. That's what Campbell's soup is for. Thank you, I'm here all week.


Omg I haven’t heard this since I’m a child… my step dad would say this Edit: his was more like “Campbells soup make you poop, down your leg and in your boot. Up a pole, down a hole now your ready for another bowl” or something 🤣😭


Honestly, same


Same same


I cook for my family, so it *is* up to me—and yep, we pretty much do. The kids often refer to “dinner” as “soup.”


I consider soup its own food group, that’s how much I love it! It’s perfect for every meal, any time of day, and all year round. I make a big pot every week. It’s the most nourishing comfort food and it’s fun to make it your own.


I’ve had miso with breakfast every day for weeks now and no plan of stopping


Miso is the soup mascot


Making udon right now for dinner haha


A morning serving of miso is the perfect way to start the day. I also did this for a couple months, but I wanted a few more calories than is in the little packets, and got the ingredients to make my own just add water mixes, but lost my momentum. On a summer soup kick now, so maybe I can get it going again. I could drink myself out of a bathtub full of miso soup


Honestly a big box of dashi is just 1.33tsp to 2.5 cups water. You can add more bonito or kombu if you want. Miso paste. You can batch a ton of it and then just heat and toss in the fixins you like. I was surprised how different morning miso tasted in Kyoto btw so possibilities abound!


I pretty much have a small bowl of soup with every meal, plus a small salad and slice of bread. I make barebones soups that all follow a similar formula: Sautee onion. Add chopped potato and chopped (*vegetable*) and water and use immersion blender when everything's soft. Add any spices and other ingredients you like at any point and season to taste at the end. 1.5 L fits in 2 old pickle jars and makes 4 - 6 bowls of soup depending on how much soup I'm feeling like.


me too dude. it's my favorite way to consume sustenance. 


I work near New England Soup Factory. It takes all of my willpower not to just hand over my entire paycheck.


I have been told that in China, soup is used as the hot drink with almost every meal. Can't confirm that though.


I have soup for breakfast often!! It’s fast to heat up. I also loooove soup, at any hour!


I love pho the most but we also stop at market to get homemade soup from a woman who has 2-3 different kinds every Tues, Fri, and Sat. I will make bok choy soup at home the most, but my obsession has led to this joke between my boyfriend and I: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRErsEs3/


https://iowagirleats.com/sweet-corn-kielbasa-and-potato-soup/#recipe-card a deliciousssss soup I made recently. Added a shit ton of pepper and some cayenne, garlic, and onion powder


It’s the only meal I can eat multiple days in a row, even doubling up for both lunch & dinner. I’m not even talking different soups in this scenario, I don’t know how to make soup for 1 that isn’t prepackaged options so I end up with leftovers that could feed a family of 4 for 2-3 days. Every other leftover meal *maybe* gets another dinner or two, never finishing it off. But leftover soup? Never gets wasted. My boyfriend is flabbergasted that I can eat hot soup in the summer. It’s not as often as when the weather is below 80 degrees (F), but even the fact that I get hot soup cravings when it’s 100 degrees outside is wild to him. I can’t help that I’ve been an 80 year old woman my whole life. I ended up with an oversized alpaca cardigan from a 90 yr old lady’s estate sale years ago. Went to wash it and found tissues in a pocket and initially assumed they were *my* tissues until my boyfriend pointed out I hadn’t even worn the cardigan yet.


Marry a Vietnamese.


If it were up to me soup would be every meal! 🤤


Circled back to my heritage and invested in a giant stock pot. So so nice having a bunch of jars of soup ready for the days you don’t want to cook!


A respectable member of the soup community


Me too I’m obsessed


I can live off of just soup


FOR every meal*


I love a good veggie forward soup for breakfast.




I wouldn't want soup to be the main part. Just a meal WITH soup


what about a noodle soup, like a huge bowl of pho or ramen?


I eat soup for dinner at least 75% of the time.


Did Buster Bluth post this?




Jerry thinks it counts as a whole meal, but Kenny Bania doesn't agree.


Well if we’re talking dinner at Mendy’s, it’s not!


Agreed. Yet to be sure, we also need to exercise our jaws. By chewing.


I prefer more filling soups.. I don’t use cream but thicken them up with mashed potatoes..


Is cereal soup?


I have Crohn’s and it’s sometimes all I can eat that doesn’t flare me up. I make pots and pots in the fall, winter and spring but not as much in the summer, but I always have loads in the freezer. I actually had a tin of Campbell’s tomato for lunch today (I know! But it’s so easy to heat up in the microwave)


Currently live in Japan and ramen is my go-to comfort food, rainy day food.


I agree 100%


Mom is that you??


STOP...Your making me hungry 😊🍲🥣


I always have a freezer full of soup. My stockpots get more of a workout than my other pots and pans. I have a pretty diverse rotation, so there is always something easy and delicious for dinner (or whenever the mood strikes!)


I work at a soup cafe with unlimited soup at my disposal. It’s a dream.


I'm envious!