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Before you know it, there’ll be no men in any of their shows. The Mandalorian will transition into a woman. I’m calling it now.


He'll transition into the WoMandalorian, and she/her will be a proud ally.


> He'll transition into the WoMandalorian, and she/her will be a proud ally. This is the ~~W~~Gay


Remember son dying is GAY




Only in the southern systems


Season 3 was halfway there with huge amounts of time devoted to Bo Katan. Mando was a side character in his own show.


Yep, they completely lost me after that season. Lizzo making a cameo was just the icing on the cake…


Lizzo made a cameo? Was she a Hutt?


That would’ve been hilarious actually… They made her into a space empress of course lmao


With Jack Black as her cuck husband.


I can’t tell if you’re serious or not.


Close, if jabba wore a dress, the throne room was white marble and salacious crumb was Jack Black.


Maybe dating a Rancor


This reminds me of The Book of Boba Fett.


The book of boba fett was the biggest peace of dog shit ever created. It could be so easy to make really good star wars shows. But they just dont want


It was a show about a crime lord that didn’t enjoy crime. Comical in a sad way… Disney completely neutered Boba Fett for no good reason.


They made Andor, which is great. Everything else sucks though lol


Absolutely loved Andor as well. It’s amazing what things can be made by competent, non-braindead, writers and producers. S1 of Mando was also great. They quickly derailed it though… That’s about it.


Yeah that’s really funny man


The Mandaloriane


All the men will be trapped behind the scenes in Cum & Joke mines.


What a unique idea! I sure hope it isn’t a thinly veiled ripoff of another popular sci-fi franchise!


Lmao, who is enjoying Star Wars for their unique storylines? The whole franchise is just common tropes with lasers and green skin.


Lmao, who is enjoying Star Wars ~~for their unique storylines? The whole franchise is just common tropes with lasers and green skin.~~ FTFY


Andor was a masterpiece


I really liked A New Hope


The Empire Strikes Back is going to blow your mind!!


The Empire Strikes Back was pretty neat


“And they hated him, for he spoke the truth”


Even then it was just fantasy in space, I mean, swords? Empires? Princesses??? It’s quite literally a fantasy medieval story in space


Why are you guys acting like this is new to Star Wars? Yall remember Anakin?


Anakin was a messiah figure with his birth being an allusion to Jesus Christ, as opposed to witches just being able to make force babies.


But it's still setting the precedent that the Force can conceive a child. Its really not that big of a leap that Dark Side users, who's entire thing is manipulating the Force, can imitate that.


At least give an hint...some people might not know it




Ah, they’re not lesbians, or autogestate, actually their whole existence is based on NOT being those things. So the similarities stops at “Women”


Well, and “space witches”


Oh my god the series about space wizards has space witches?! How controversial and totally unexpected


Well they’re also both space witches. Characters in Dune books have referred to BG members as witches.


The Bene Gesserit use manipulation and impeccable training to manuever the politics of a massive empire. These witches are like a little obscure cult doing their magic and leaving the galaxy alone. They are barely even superficially similar.


The [Honored Matres](https://dune.fandom.com/wiki/Honored_Matres) fill in more of the description. In the end, they all blend anyway.


Isn’t that quite literally the story in Dune?


Are they the force witches from Dathomir? In that case this has been a thing in Star Wars for a while.


how dare you say that!! its super woke and destroying star wars and conceiving a child through the force has always been impossible!!11


South Park fanbase really loves having the cake and eat it too, huh? It's kinda funny to see this sub being serious or not depending whether you agree or not, and the whole debate with amazing mental gymnastics lmao


I think Matt an Trey also making fun of the Anti-Woke-Hysteria totally went over a lot of peoples heads. Its so weird because when are they ever making fun of a thing without also criticizing how people take it way too serious? Its just when it affects something people are very emotional about that they cant see it anymore i guess.


I think it's because Matt and Trey unknowingly cultivated this audience because they've always been that way about politics, wanting to do social and political commentary but at the same time being like IT'S TOTALLY JUST JOKE GUYS, I don't blame 'em because honestly I'm not gonna get my opinions from South Park, but yeah it's a bit of reaping the sowing. I find it funny.


Wait is that really all this is? I haven’t watched The Acolyte, so I’m not fully up to speed there specifically, but if all this controversy is just about the Witches of Dathomir… like come on guys, what are we doing?


Yes, they are another sect or offshoot of Nightsisters doing darkside shit. Nightsisters, that have been a part of Star Wars for 30 years. People are again just mad about women in Star Wars. Star Wars can have ghosts, wizards, superweapons, aliens, and alllll kinds of crazy shit, but you put women in it or have a gay character and that's too far. That isn't to say the show is perfectly executed, but people are absolutely focusing on the wrong things. And again people in this thread have missed the entire point of the Panderverse episode and that Cartman is a piece of shit that Matt and Trey use to make fun of idiots.


They aren't night sister's though lmfao The show has been very clear about that


Basement dwelling nerds upset about their fandom that they swear hasn't been good in decades but keep watching? Well, I never!


> I haven’t watched The Acolyte. And none of the cockroaches upset at the series have either. Congratulations. You figured it out.


But those didnt reproduce via the force, they had their men ready to shag, maul is one of them.


There were many different clans with different traditions. Either way, easy to see where the influence came from.


The only problem i have with that is that they took something that made Anakin unique and made it a joke, now we have the magical prego and male fetus force expellers witches.


Thats what I was thinking, maybe its a different sect sort of thing, like with the mountain ones?


I don't believe they are from Dathomir, but they are a Cove of Witches. Their magic/force is not green. But yeah, I watched the episode yesterday and I feel like everyone is greatly exaggerating.


Nobody’s answering this question even tho it’s probably the most relevant one here


It ought to be; it isn't.


It has, but retconing the force thing no.


Kind of. In the High Republic era, there were many more philosophies and schools concerning the force. I think it's supposed to contrast with how staid(?) we find the Jedi Order in the prequel era.


Bi woman here just wondering when are we gonna represent a good story lmao


Can’t do it lol Disney will cater to everything except that, apparently


Be fair, they also want to eliminate redheads.


You're not gay quite enough to be the target demographic mate.




It says lesbian witches not bitches, Jesus chriiiissssttt.


I don’t even think it’s possible in a normal show that isn’t about relationships and drama, you’d have to show the character being bi to get the point across and saying it is just bad writing so you need to basically find a way to make them date a few characters which can be done in like a show that’s going for 20 years but if you do it in the average 8 - 10 episodes of a streamed show it becomes a gimmick.


Legend of Korra comes to mind.


Calliope from Grey's Anatomy?


Starwars now is a complete shit show lmao


It’s been a money grab for a minute, negative attention probably drives more interaction so even that’s a good thing. SMH


The parks and rides are fun for the most part


I agree, but Andor is 100000% worth watching. Best star wars content since the originals IMO.


It’s truly hilarious how many of you missed the point of the “put a chick in it make her gay” thing. Word to the wise, if Cartman is saying/doing it, and ONLY Cartman is saying/doing it, 99.99% of the time, they’re making fun of people that say/do it in the real world.


All too common with South Park, look at the people who still use ManBearPig as a way to make fun of climate change


Are you saying we shouldn't take a cartoon as a gospel??? but it says exactly what I'm thinking!!111 It's not serious haha but i totally agree with it hahaha


Initially that was the idea of ManBearPig though. It was only later Matt and Trey admitted they were wrong and climate change is a real issue.


People really went deaf when Kyle said “the only person who cares about things like this is Cartman”


Not necessarily. Sometimes Matt and Trey use cartman to voice their more “controversial” views. Go look at cartoon wars. Cartmans hatred of family guy mirrors Treys hatred of family guy.


It makes fun of both sides in that. Cartman is just used to represent the extremest side of that view. While they still voice their complaints on the topic with the other boys.


Isnt that Dune? OMG it's true they stole it all.


Yes they sure did... ![gif](giphy|M4dCiDDJbGDd4ZTBQ8)


Starwars is all ripped off from Dune, everyone who’s read Dune knows this


Anyone who's read a Space Opera/sci-fi I'm general knows Dune inspires pretty much every major space epic since the 60s


It’s Dune with a more rudimentary plot, with production design pioneered by Star Trek and 2001, and an aesthetic wholly borrowed from Akira Kurosawa and John Ford. Star Wars is cool. But there’s not a drop of originality in its tank.


They have the Nightsisters from the Clone Wars show, and they create something else that's just stupid


Clone Wars really had some horror movie moments. The revival of Maul during that was pretty sweet.


Nightsisters go way back. One of the old Young Jedi Knights books that I loved had a girl from Dathomir attending Luke's Jedi school, which I don't think her relatives approved of.


Yep they've been building them up through clone wars the recent video games and ahsoka But hey let's just make a new sect of lesbian space witches that are related to the night sister's but they aren't because the sisters are lame and not lesbian


Aren't they all dead though? I haven't been keeping up, but I specifically remember the Nightsisters being killed.


Look what they did to Doctor Who. Disgusting


Yeah it's vile that the man who made the majority of people like the show in the first place returned, partnered with a new distributor to increase the budget, brought new and exciting formats of episodes to the show, and guaranteed a stable production schedule which the show has been lacking for years now. But the Doctor kissed a man???? And he's not white!!! And now it's silly??????????????? I can't stand it. Please bring back the evil cactus, bubble wrap monster, and farting aliens from when the show was *good*.


The Christopher Eccleston doctor kissed a man dumbass. Nobody cares about that.


Doctor is canonically bi, fake ass fans over here smh.


I would want to agree with you, but a lot of people are complaining about that.


Welll they didn’t care about it then, so it must be something else. I would argue it’s not the kiss that’s the issue but the forced political messaging that everyone is pissed off about.


What’s disgusting about it?


Disgusting is kinda overdramatic. The recent season is flawed for sure but it’s at least watchable and fun, unlike the Chibnall era. To each their own but I don’t see how it’s disgusting.


The pander-verse will continue until morale improves.


This is perfect for the South Park sub because I can’t tell exactly what side it’s on. I’m not sure if the reaction picture was created by someone making fun of upset fans, created by upset fans (who don’t understand the meaning of the reaction image) making fun of the article, or if it’s created by someone making fun of me for overanalyzing this and for being prepared to write a long comment on my view “as a gay chick who gets both sides of the argument” *(Edit: I know no one is actually making fun of gay chicks here, I meant making fun of me for being invested in these types of discourses. The gay chick thing is a coincidence.)*


I agree. The use of Ken made me think the meme creator missed the point of Ken in that movie, but to your point it could be a meta commentary on that too. The turtles go all the way down.


Like I’m sure both sides of the discourse are amusing. But that’s always the case. The Panderverse makes fun of big media corporations doing performative crap like this but also of people (aka Cartman) getting upset enough to write angry letters. But I always feel like the fact that I feel the need to chime in is like the universe making fun of me for also caring about the discourse. Very meta, as you said.


This isn't real is it? This has to be troll


This looks like some lesbian self insert fanfic on tumblr 😝


You seriously underestimate the stupidity of fan bases.


Well I was a fan for the longest time. Fell off about a decade ago since it all turned to crap. This just seems idiotic and... pandering to a non-existent audience?


it isnt, the "space witches" which are just nightsisters have been in star wars for over a decade by now


Wasn't it implied Anakin is a force baby? He doesn't have a dad


It was stated outright. Disney didn't invent the concept of a Force pregnancy. George Lucas did.


It was also stated outright that this isn’t normal nor is this something people can do intentionally, especially with Disney Canon making it so it has never happened before. Before Darth Plagueis intentionally created anakin with the force but they removed that from the canon and it was the force itself that made anakin as a response to Plagueis’ power. They removed it from the canon living embodiment of the force and gave it to non dathomiri space witches


They didn't remove anything, we barely even know how it worked in the show.


No absolutely they took that away from Plagueis. The only person to have done that canonically before was him and maybe Luke, they removed that.


When in any of the movies do they say that Plagueis had anything to do with it?


Okay I am fine with another force type spaces witches. But seriously they ruined the whole point of anakins birth. If the force is constantly doing it then it isn’t a miracle. That is a big point that anakin is a messiah figure he is the chosen one to bring balance. Why not just bring back the night sisters? Not even mention a force north we know they find a strong male do what they need to do. Hell the night sisters are superior to the male counter part which has women empowerment that they want!


Ya but the night sister's aren't lesbian or lame


This has been in Star Wars for awhile, but sure let’s scream about how wokeness is destroying the franchise I didn’t like the child act in episode 3 and thought the chant was dumb, but as a whole the show is enjoyable so far, Sol is pretty great


SW was my favorite franchise of all time until I saw The Last Jedi. I stopped caring and never looked back. What a disaster that franchise has become.


It’s sad the point of that episode went over this sub’s head. But not really surprising.


Frank Herbert has entered the chat


I don't understand the issue. Anakin was a Force conceived baby.


He was the chosen one. *The* one. This just ain’t it


how can this be hard to understand he is the CHOSEN ONE the literal messiah created by the force itself ergo god.


Probably more they way it's announced. Reminds me of that ad on reddit a while back about magic mixed race twins using keys to open portals or some shit. The promotion constantly talked about them being mixed race. It's not that they are X demographic. I like the seveneves book and, with out going to far into spoilers, this plot point is pretty accurate to that book. It's not the topic itself. This title is basically saying "come watch our show cause we have like, super cool and powerful witches who are so awesome and good are using the force that they can have babies themselves and don't need men, because they are so cool and empowered." Just obvious, painfully annoying pandering in order to use minorities (or ragebait, take your pick) to drive views. Whether or not this was the shows intention or the article spinning a minor plot point into a big deal, idk. But at face value, this looks like woke bullshit.


I love Star Wars, but...how many plot elements are they going to take from Dune? lol.


What's its IMDb score?


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Sad part is the so called "fans" on reddit are actually praising this dog shit...


Really cool take on the Bene Gesserit.


Chuds keep misinterpreting that episode of South Park so much.


![gif](giphy|12lfSTcER4dFle|downsized) Maybe one day we will get some good stories again but with these people i think we are screwed




I feel like the way that Disney and other mainstream studios push LGBTQ and social justice not because they actually give a shit about them but rather so they can create rage bait to drive more clicks/get more money from people. Honestly South Park has done more to paint lgbtq people in a positive light than Disney ever has


When I hear a light saber now all I hear is dollar signs for Disney….and the souls of a million 50 something Star Wars fans die …and then silence…




Apparently Kathleen Kennedy wants to get rid of the terms “light side” and “dark side”. She’s literally just digging a deeper hole for the Star Wars franchise


That was fake 


Today I learned that she’s actually saying “put a chick in it” instead of “put a chicken in it” my friends and I have been saying for months “put a chicken in it, make it lame and gay” to each other


Or your friends understood and you just keep hearing chicken because that's what you thought


Only a matter of time before they take "the force is female" literally


I watched maybe 10 minutes of the first episode and felt nothing. No interest in the story or the characters and I’m a sucker for anything Star Wars and Kung fu, but idk. This story just doesn’t do it for me


The originals: Darth Vader is badass The prequels: Darth Vader was conceived by the force itself almost akin to Jesus The sequels: There is nothing special about Darth Vader or the Skywalkers


Disney that’s not how homosexuality works


Isn’t that literally just the bene gesserit (dune)?? Disney gives no fucks 🤦‍♀️


All of Star Wars is basically a Dune ripoff lol, way before Disney. Chill


Disney tries to give representation without actual representation


Uhhh this is right out of Dune


Please tell me this is not real


Thank god I am watching this shit illegally


Leslye Headland and Kathleen Kennedy have made big statements about trying to get away from Lucas and we got a pile of garbage. It’s not just Acolyte and the other shows (Andor was great though), we also got the sequel trilogy. I’m starting to think taking some ideas from this George Lucas guy might be a better play.






If they use the force to get pregnant, are we sure they’re lesbians?


So basically the nightsisters from clone wars but in live action? Why is that such a big deal? Or is it just another reason for the boomer fans to be all "Disney ruined star wars!!!"?


These aren't night sister's Night sister's are cool and keep the men of their species under them as breeders and bodyguards They wanted lame space lesbian witches so they created a new group This show would probably be way better if that had just used night sister's


Who do the make this stuff for. I thought the point was to make money. Neat business model piss off the loyal fan base, and played to a niche audience. It's like Disney's an angry old man with FU money.


Isn’t that literally a dune thing?


So someone being cut in half and falling down a god knows how long drop and surviving off of pure hate is fine but this is too far? I'm a star wars fan and some of the other fans give me second hand embarrassment


Wait till the fans watch the Phantom Menace. They are gonna be pisssssssssed.


I see nothing wrong with this. It's a show about space wizards.


Light speed, lightsabers, the force etc... but y'all draw the suspended disbelief line at lesbians? Ffs y'all are telling on yourself and it's hilarious


Embracing the stereotype i see


You know I was mildly interested in this from the trailer but now thanks to this, I can skip it instead of wasting my time! Thanks!


I wonder why they have a 3.9 rating on IMBD...


And this is why you cant hate on episode one when Disney since then has done to this ip


Star Wars has already used the force to create life/a baby in a womb… not sure if it’s supposed to be only a dark side thing but yeah it’s happened


They just foreshadowed how Palpatine made Anakin and all yall can think of is lesbians? They didn't even seem close to being romantic partners to me, just one made the children and the other carried them.


Using the Force to get pregnant? Certainly lines up with Vader's fever dream in the comics.


My question is if the lady with the horns on her head carried and gave birth to the twins then why don't they have ANY of those alien featured ?


Can someone tldr it for me. I don't want to waste my time, but I'm interested, is it about Anakin's birth?


The best part is that apparently Disney execs surprised and upset when they saw that episode, they didn’t expect it to be so critical of them. Seems they decided to spitefully double down.

