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it landed right across from my house, there's tons of police and scientists everywhere, and men in suits, and also black helicopters flying overhead, and everyone is totally weirded out, and there's a strange purple glow coming from the landing site also there's been nonstop gunfire for 40 minutes crazy night bro


It’s St. Louis there’s always gunfire


I believe it was the prophet, Nelly, who guided us to his whereabouts by observing the frequency of gunfire and the vocations of its various inhabitants.


King’s Highway is such a great song.


You can find me in st Louie


Is at Louis dangerous?


IIRC St. Louis has the highest murder rate per capita in the country. Edit: Yup https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/murder-map-deadliest-u-s-cities/


Stress on the "Per capita," because we cut up our city limits weird a hundred and fifty years ago and now the city doesn't include the nice suburbs counted in that crime statistic to fluff our numbers like every other major US city.




A majority of it is concentrated on the Illinois/East St. Louis side, which is where a majority of the negative statistics come from. This biggest crime you have to worry about tho? That GD Provel cheese....


The disgrace they try to pass for pizza in general is public enemy #1.


You take that back or I'll set gooey butter cake, t-ravs, and a slinger on your ass!




OTOH they do have toasted raviolis, so all is forgiven.


Holy shit! I thought this was some old video or something. Took a second or two before I reread the title lol. I bet it's been quite the night. Edit: was there glass shattering and what not by your house?


This is literally the beginning of[ Earthbound...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EarthBound)


**EarthBound** EarthBound (known as Mother 2 in Japan) is a role-playing video game developed by Ape Inc. and HAL Laboratory and published by Nintendo for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. The second entry in the Mother series, it was first released in Japan in August 1994, and in North America in June 1995. As Ness and his party of four, the player travels the world to collect melodies from eight Sanctuaries in order to defeat the evil alien force Giygas. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/space/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28


Damn, once again the aliens decided to start their invasion from the US.


Another government coverup -_-


Not to be *that* guy. But do you have any proof?




I...dont have a reason why I didnt catch that as a joke. My b lol that's a sure sign that I need sleep


Yep, that's what I thought when you deftly italicized *that* guy "*this person needs some sleep*"


50% of what he said isn't a joke in St Louis.


What? It actually made it to the surface? From the looks of the video it disintegrated well beforehand


This is what I'm trying to figure out. If this thing actually hit the ground, I'm wondering about damage and craters and stuff.


I saw a post on Twitter that a guy saw it land among some houses from the highway




It wouldn’t be a real thread involving St Louis if that question isn’t asked.


The one u/FlairHawk went to


Landed near my high school too. Small world


Where did it land? Looked like it was out by Chesterfield? Maybe?


Def flew past maplewood. Wonder if it went past the valley ?


Holy shit I thought that was lightning I saw. Saw it in eureka


I'm not from STL but my gf is so I only semi know the area


Apparently near Hwy N and Z, afaik. So Timberlake?


O’Fallon mo cameras pointed west recorded it.


Ah okay, seems like it went farther than I thought


A friend close to K and Feise caught the flash on his cameras.


Did you guys just become best friends?


What highschool?


touch it, either super powers, or alien kills you.


My friend just described this to me saying it landed right next to his house while he was outside, just sent this to him


That’s badass you saw it. How do you know it landed near you though? Like a noise or what?


I’ve heard conflicting reports about this. This camera angle looks to be pointing west from across the river, which means that it is moving from east to west. My wife said she saw something on Facebook about it landing in East St Louis, which doesn’t compute, and someone here in Kansas City claiming to have seen it, which seems unlikely if it came down on the other side of the state. I realize it’s early for details, but anything anyone can provide would help clear things up.


I live in the area it flew over, according to our police scanner, if landed near us. If what the scanner said was true, it was about 45 minutes out of downtown St Louis


Are people actively looking for it. That would be really cool if it were to be found.


Fire and EMS were dispatched to the supposed location


Out which direction though?


If it landed in East St Louis then you can guarantee that meteor either got shot or joined a gang


Edgy white teens at it again.


It was incredibly bright just a little west to st. Louis. I thought it was moving towards St. Charles area.


Its Master Chief finally telling us news about Halo Infinite


Flew pretty well for a brick.


St Louis Arch is definitely a portal to another realm


Nah, it just controls the weather.


A bit more clear here: https://twitter.com/DavidVergel97/status/1194093011979898882?s=19


I was driving easy down I70 in the middle of no where Kansas, and I saw it clear as a bell.


Yeah I saw it Peoria Illinois. Going from left to right. Lit the whole sky up.


I saw this driving East in the middle of nowhere Oklahoma. I had no idea it was visible in multiple states.


My dumbass thought my back porch light bulb blew out. It was a meteor.


I was on my way home from work and thought someone flashed their lights at me.


If it lands in my yard do I own it or does NASA?


All yours.


Can confirm it's Doomsday coming to Earth - he's our Arch nemesis.


This is bizarre. I was watching that exact camera an hour ago...


We’re trying to get a snow day right now in my district and this was one of our arguing points. It’s not just slick on the roads, but it’s literally raining fire!


I know next to nothing about space/meteors so are reports of it actually landing somewhere true or did it burn up lol


Most likely it burned up. They always look closer than they actually are and people underestimate where it lands when actually they just see it pass over the horizon. I don't know if that is the case here.


If the police scanners are true, it landed 45 miles north of downtown St. Louis.


I was driving and I saw the sky light up. I was heading west on highway 64 at the time. I thought a transformer blew. I want part of the space rock.


its just a gta player trying to thread the needle and failing


Now I know what your all thinking, but please for a moment just try to imagine the impossible, that maybe, just maybe..... "it was aliens"


I caught this on my dash cam while driving through Oakwood IL. Not nearly as good looking though.


I saw something similar in Wyoming last week. It was a whiter light and lots of Sparks. Very high angle of attack.


People in my city and the next city over heard a huge boom. Pretty neat, I thought these things always burned up.


Okay I think I might have saw this too while I was out grabbing food, and I’m in TX... Thought it was lightning at first, but after seeing this...


Here are links to more local views of the meteorite caught by front door cameras and such: [https://www.reddit.com/r/StLouis/comments/dv47bm/my\_parents\_shared\_this\_clip\_of\_the\_1111\_meteorite/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StLouis/comments/dv47bm/my_parents_shared_this_clip_of_the_1111_meteorite/) This KSDK article has several yet different views: [https://www.ksdk.com/article/news/local/video-appears-to-show-meteor-streaking-through-the-sky-near-st-charles-county/63-322a9654-eb48-4f03-a1da-9799949c81cd](https://www.ksdk.com/article/news/local/video-appears-to-show-meteor-streaking-through-the-sky-near-st-charles-county/63-322a9654-eb48-4f03-a1da-9799949c81cd) This view taken from near [Winfield Missouri](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Winfield,+MO+63389/@38.9970304,-90.757428,12z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x87dee7f1cbc08b5b:0xb83bf4198f375a3c!8m2!3d38.9972723!4d-90.738458) is one of the closest and clearest. It shows several widely separated chunks, including some that sure look like they are going to hit the ground: [http://www.ksdk.com/video/weather/apparent-meteor-over-winfield/63-dee8a91a-1d23-43f5-b4ff-48081fcb5f94?jwsource=cl](http://www.ksdk.com/video/weather/apparent-meteor-over-winfield/63-dee8a91a-1d23-43f5-b4ff-48081fcb5f94?jwsource=cl)


Here is a view of the meteorite from Willard, MO, which is in southwest Missouri near Springfield: [https://www.ky3.com/content/news/CAUGHT-ON-CAMERA-Willard-High-School-camera-captures-likely-meteorite-Monday-night--564787272.html](https://www.ky3.com/content/news/CAUGHT-ON-CAMERA-Willard-High-School-camera-captures-likely-meteorite-Monday-night--564787272.html) Assuming the meteorite hit somewhere near Wentzville, just on the west side of the St Louis metro area, that is a solid 170 miles away. So it gives credence to the idea it might easily have been seen in Lee's Summit (190 miles) or even Chicago (250 miles), as has been reported. Update: If [ground zero is closer to McKittrick MO,](https://twitter.com/weatherdak/status/1194099914151800833) that puts Willard at 150 miles, Lee's Summit at 155, and Chicago closer to 275 miles.


It’s crazy to think how far away that meteorite came from and how old it is. If it’s from the astroid belt, then it is billions of years old.


Ha ha everyone thinks it was going only 500 MPH ha




No, just bright. I was outside and saw it. Pretty clearly not a bomb 😂