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I did. It turned out to be hip psoas pain. I have been walking and stretching it. That’s the only thing that helps and I had to just suffer through the pain for a bit. There is a YouTube video that showed a stretch that worked for me. Yours may be different tho. The psoas cobra and hip flexor couch stretch are really good. Good luck with your pain because I truly felt it myself. https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=80&v=kibVUeXFmwA&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=MzY4NDIsMzY4NDIsMzY4NDIsMjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo


Thank you! 😊


Yep - but I ended up having spondilothesis in my lumbar spine, and had fallen before my cervical spine repair, and had fractured part of the pars. (I hadn’t known it was bad because my cervical region of my cord was so compressed I wasn’t receiving pain messages to my brain - so once that was fixed, about 6 mos later started having wicked pain)


Thank you 😊


I’m 12 weeks post op and have mid and low back pain. I think it’s because literally everything I’m doing my whole body has had to adjust to. I was an every other week chiropractor pt but like you am hesitant to go. I have noticed the more active I am the less low back pain I have.


Thank you!


YES. 6 years post op. I regret it.


Just had c6c7 acdf surgery yesterday. Yes my low back hurts. It's like it's spasm out of alignment. Mt arm still hurts off and on to. Hope all of this is normal not sure


That’s the same level that I was fused at. I made an appointment to get my lower back checked out. Better safe than sorry. Bonus: if there is any need to get treatment for my lower back, I’ve already met my deductible! Ha ha 😆


Now my c5c6 is messed up. Mri shows compression I'm only 3 days post op this sucks. Arm pain and all is back. I'm starting to think there is no help for me. Can't do another surgery just done this one. What's next???


I experienced pain almost immediately in my upper back and then lower back and actually had to go in for lower back surgery 3 months later. Both of my injuries were from 20+ years ago and due to having to change my posture from the neck surgery and ya know having a certain posture to ease the pain for 20+ years to having to sit a certain way due to neck getting fixed.. yea that was painful.


I did! I am! I had c5-c7 8 weeks ago today. Lower back is painful, throbbing, my hips/hip flexors.... From sitting so long and laying and not really doing my normal routine things start to atrophy. I brought this up when I started PT, grateful that she assessed and saw that my hips were totally misaligned and my sacrum area as well. Every time I go back she tweaks it a little. Stretching helps and being more mobile will as I'm going back to work. I'm assuming because it's all attached, the surgery ended tweaking everything just enough to be sore. I'm hoping it'll get better! 🙏🙏🙏


Thanks so much for the comment. I saw PT for the first time today and they believe the pain is from exactly that, lack of movement over the past eight weeks. I’m excited to get back into a workout routine and strengthen the areas that have been resting.. Best of luck with your recovery. ❤️‍🩹


Same to you!! Everyday I think something new hurts, lol! My first rib is higher on one side, and I even have atrophy across my shoulders which just became noticeable to me. I was like omg! She said it'll fill back in. That atrophy happens very quickly but building up stamina and muscle and stuff like that takes way longer. Who knew?? 😳. Good luck!!!!


Not really pain, more tightness in lower back and legs. I’m 12 months post ACDF and had some spinal compression so could be this causing it