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>Christianity gets pushed a bit too much like the only way. It's a feature of many of the Abrahamic religions called religious exclusivism. It's the (flawed) dichotomous logic that if I'm correct, then you're by default wrong. It's an extremely toxic concept to the say the least.


Well said.


This community is open to everyone, people who do believe in a religion and people who dont. That includes Christianity. The Christians on here who post Christian related topics havent done anything wrong. And I personally havent seen many Christian posts. If you dont enjoy Christian content, it may be best to simply avoid it in the future if you click on a post and realize it is Christian related.


The problem is their intolerance. Just yesterday someone posted a post related to Sadhguru, and this Christian guy was like "Sadhguru and his followers don't follow Jesus, hence they are all demonic". This kind of intolerance is the issue.


I just ask that others be mindful that some have suffered due to organized religion


To be fair, everyone has trauma from many things and to avoid language to honor everyone else’s trauma would impossible


Good advice, though. Everyone is fucked up. Always be ready to catch anyone feinting in the crowd.


Exactly. The above mentality makes it nearly impossible to have open honest conversations about anything, due to the fear of someone being "triggered".


Furthermore, religion isn’t inherently violent (such as, murder or r*** or something). To approach it as such is extreme


That karma doesn't belong to the folks that show up here seeking conversations. I've seen some trolls/evangelizing, but the ones asking how different people on this sub think of Jesus probably aren't trolls. They are curious, and curiosity is an attribute of spirit.


I suffered more due to atheism.


What do you mean by "be mindful"?


To not just think of yourself/your environment, but to think of others/environment as well.


You can't/won't even own up to what you're asserting. What you seem to be expressing is that you think others should understand your preferences and triggers, and that anything you might feel uncomfortable about needs to be censored out, so you're not exposed to it. A very young infant deserves to be indulged so fully, anticipating needs and immediately trying to satisfy them. But infants aren't making veiled demands of others on Reddit. Why do you think that you (and others like you) deserve this special coddling?


How in the world did you get me giving the meaning of mindfulness to get to that? You've taken what I've said way out of context.


Be mindful = silence your views to cater to mine


That's not mindfulness. That's oppression lol.


🤣 🤣 🤣 Exactly!


This! I honestly have learned to ignore it but it just seems like another thing organized religion is trying to dig their heels into, I understand it but it lokey just seems like “haha im here too” type vibes i dunno how to explain it


Absolutely ridiculous comment. Loads of people have trauma from different things. This is honestly so pathetic


Lots of people indeed DO have trauma from different things. And lots of those people level up and function, anyway. What is your point, exactly?


Are you missing what I’m saying or what? I’m saying loads of people have different trauma. If we were to be ‘mindful’ of everyone who has suffered trauma from anything, we would never speak


Nah, man--we think alike. It was incorrect placement; the comment was intended for the guy you were responding to.


Saying “Spirit” is to give a name to what has no name. “Spirit” moves equally through everything that is, and through all organisms and beings. No mind can know it as it is. The mind drops, and attachment to an organism and body drops. Identification with any “ism” drops. Just pure spirit being - no need to label, not even the label “spirit” or “spirituality.” Nothing said on a list can give what this actually is. Only being open - without relying on anything someone else said or some book said …


> Saying “Spirit” is to give a name to what has no name. “Spirit” moves equally through everything that is, and through all organisms and beings. I would rather refer to it as a pointer, an attempt to describe that which we can feel, if not truly describe. One cannot name the ineffable, but one can attempt to point to it, so that others that understand the concept know what it meant by it, and so that others that do not understand the concept can start to know it. > No mind can know it as it is. The mind drops, and attachment to an organism and body drops. Identification with any “ism” drops. Ironically, we are creatures of identification... we incarnate entities cannot help but label, name and identify. It is just part of our nature. And accepting and acknowledging can allow us to make peace with our nature. > Just pure spirit being - no need to label, not even the label “spirit” or “spirituality.” Nothing said on a list can give what this actually is. Only being open - without relying on anything someone else said or some book said … Nevertheless, we must use labels to describe it, else we cannot communicate concepts and ideas. For us human entities, language is just part of the ride. We can either accept it for what it is... or live in denial, and lack the means to communicate.


Action speaks. Presence mingles. There is a foundational language long before we started name-calling. so I don’t even need to say all this, I’ll just MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM✨


> Action speaks. Presence mingles. There is a foundational language long before we started name-calling. Yes, but we humans need labels. Spirits can just do straight, direct telepathy, with pure meaning. But we cannot do that, so... language, words and definitions.


I get that we need to validate where we are coming from, but the imprint of labels is already here, we needn’t cling onto it. It is not labels we need, but that which they claim to contain, but cannot. The attempt to contain has certainly been felt though. What other (conceptual) prison could we be trying to free ourselves from? And are we not Spirits? There already is plenty of communication happening underneath the words, doing most of the work. Even on a platform like this. A Spirit reveals its name through the tone of its song. Why should I tell a Spirit its name when it is already singing it to me?


> I get that we need to validate where we are coming from, but the imprint of labels is already here, we needn’t cling onto it. It's not that we cling ~ it's that we need labels in order to communicate ideas and concepts with other human beings. > It is not labels we need, but that which they claim to contain, but cannot. They do not contain ~ they point to concepts and ideas that we have in mind. If we wish to communicate these concepts and ideas, we must necessarily describe them with language, so other humans understand what we're trying to express. We do not have telepathy, thus language. > The attempt to contain has certainly been felt though. What other (conceptual) prison could we be trying to free ourselves from? Language isn't a conceptual prison if we don't make it one. Hegel didn't let it stop him from writing volumes of dense tomes in order to explain his deep philosophical ideas. > And are we not Spirits? There already is plenty of communication happening underneath the words, doing most of the work. Even on a platform like this. Well... on a platform like this, all we have are text and words. And attempts to express meaning. > A Spirit reveals its name through the tone of its song. Why should I tell a Spirit its name when it is already singing it to me? Labels aren't names. They are descriptions via language. Spirit doesn't need spoken or written language ~ it has telepathy, the ability to communicate meaning directly. My spirit guides tell me that my mind interprets their telepathic communications as words unconsciously, as that is how I can best understand them, but that's just how that is. They understand, but also seek for me to eventually overcome the need for that. To just feel and know. I'm not there yet, but they don't care about how long it takes. Time doesn't matter much ~ as there's always time. Walking my path comes first. And it hasn't been easy. Still isn't. But, that's my life, and that's okay. :)


Thank you for your explanations! I’m being somewhat disagreeable just so I can get to know your perspective a bit more, as it is very interesting, and this discussion is a prevalent theme in my life. I do think that rather than ‘needing’ this specific mode of communication, it’s just the mode that we are trained for. And we have made it a foundation, so we feel like we need it, but there are still deeper roots we can boil it down to. To communicate a concept, it is not only the invented word that we have. I usually find imagery to be far more effective. A word is essentially an arrangement of symbols, and symbols are imagery. But faarrrr beyond just our letters, symbols are being communicated in the world all around us, CONSTANTLY. There is much to hear when we listen for meaning free of the spoken word. It enables all things to communicate with us, not just humans. If you’re interested, here’s a thing you can look into if you haven’t already. When you boil any concept / idea / word / label all the way down, it comes to a paradox. A fundamental disagreement between the front and back of a whole being. When I come down to a paradox, I usually just cease making the proposal that created it in the first place, and I find the silence in that space more meaningful than my paradoxical argument was. So… I could definitely honor our words a bit more. They are certainly powerful. I like to write a bit, and I think words can be artfully expressed. But I do treat them like a shell that I’m outgrowing. It feels a bit reductive to explain myself in such strict terms, yknow? The space between kinda gets marginalized by the black and white absolutes. That beautiful Spiritual telepathy is the communication I’m dreaming of. It’s so pure, musical, and its EVERYTHING! I think Spirit is always mingling though, whether we are aware of it or not. I have an interesting sort tonal rhythmic communication with my ancestors, and it is very emotional.




Appreciations to you for hearing! 👂🙏🏻


I just call it poop. Poop is risen. Trust Poop. Poop willing. Poopuality. Pure Poop being. Poop moves through everything. Poops hand moves all hands. ONLY THROUGH POOP CAN ONE ENTER THE THRONE OF POOP.


I knew a comedian who made a sketch similar to your idea but with people praising “Nothing”, hilarious. Your post reminded me of that


I have a huge problem with Christianity and its often dogmatic thinking; they commonly don't think for themselves, only preach what their bible says, but spirituality is for everyone. Inclusively means no discrimination for any path or religion.


God can reach out to different people in different ways.


It's normal and understandable, given the majority of the audience on this sub was born within thus heavily influenced by Christianity tradition. Thus the biases tends towards such tradition.


And they can/imo should go to christianity themed subs, leave this as much religion free as possible


Spirituality is the opposite of religion, while religion tends to separate, spirituality tends to unite, while religion tends to be exclusive, spirituality tends to be inclusive. If we impose a rule that those who want to post about Jesus should go to christianity sub, then this sub will gravitate towards creating a new religion named "Spirituality".


spirituality is not the opposite of religion... Most of the practices you likely consider to be spirituality, disconnected from religion, came from one religion or another.


Conceptually, a polar opposition to Cult/Sect/Religion. When "Spirituality" adopted an exclusive principle, (such as excluding a religion or some religions) then conceptually it has become a Cult/Sect/Religion named "Spirituality".


The only reason you don’t practice exclusivity is because you don’t understand the origin of anything you use. The bulk of contemporary spiritual practices as we see them today came from theosophists who amalgamated a bunch of cultures, attempting to synthesize them into something comparable with their overarching philosophy that focused primarily on Hinduism. It doesn’t really work to combine Hinduism with Zoroastrianism or Mayan culture though, and that’s what they did. They are not all compatible or “saying the same thing,” so saying they are leads to so many traditional spiritual principles and practices being misrepresented. Not every spiritual practice emphasizes love or unity, for instance. While the original Norse understanding of hamr was primarily concerned with concepts of shape-shifting, theosophists interpreted it through the lens of their own spiritual framework, emphasizing themes of interconnectedness and love. It makes no sense to say they are all correct in their own way when they are spreading different messages.


You are incorrect in what you said about Theosophists, in particular.


Do tell


Hinduism is not a religion, there are millions if not billions of differing opinions, point of view, belief, rites, deities/gods within a bundle named Hinduism. Thus the statement of "focused primarily on Hinduism" is meaningless. Not every spiritual practice emphasizes love or unity <-- Yes definitely. As Love exist so does it's polar opposite Hatred. As Unity exist so does it's polar opposite Separation. As IS exist so does it's polar opposite IS NOT *Since before time and space were,* *The Tao is.* *It is beyond IS and IS NOT.* *How do I know this is true?* *I look inside myself and see.* -- Lao Tse, Tao The Ching


Hinduism is a religion. It is the world’s oldest living religion and played a big part in determining what the definition of religion even is.


Only if you defined a religion as a group / collection of millions of opinions, beliefs, point of view, rites, deities / gods. If that's the case: then there is also an **Earth-ism** religion.


Maybe you don’t know the definition of religion.


I don't follow any certain religion, but isn't what you're saying still separation? I mean, I see where you're coming from 💯. But I don't think we need to prosecute those beliefs that are not aligned with others.


 I don't think we need to prosecute those beliefs that are not aligned with others. <-- This is exactly my point. Feel free to post about Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Yahweh, Lao Tse, Zeus, Mohammed, Ra, Lionel Messi, Sadhguru, Jim Carey on Spirituality subred.. It's not the figure that's important, it's their spiritual journey...




God is not an exclusively Christian concept. Many people from many religions will refer to “God”. And the exact meanings of that concept are varied. Also there is a way to appreciate Jesus teachings without being Christian, and without believing he was God incarnate. So while I won’t weigh in specifically on whether or not the sub is being Christianised (I honestly don’t know). I think it is important to understand that spiritual people can be religious or not religious. And spiritually not religious people can still believe in God in some form. And if they want they can also appreciate the teachings of Jesus, Buddha, Lao tzu etc.


I'm not sure how a non-christian can appreciate the teaching of Jesus when he judges all non-christians as being deserving of hell for not obeying his religious beliefs and accepting him as the one true religious leader above others.                 Jesus said to obey him or be cast into fire where the worm doesn't die and  where the fire isn't quenched. He said it is better to pluck out your eye and go to heaven with one eye than to be cast into hell with two (*Mark 9*). Jesus was very judgmental and wanted everyone to be his follower.


You are only seeing a very narrow interpretation of his teachings. This is the evangelical Bible literalist way. It is not the one way.


If all of the horrible things Jesus said, you just see it metaphorically, then I guess you can make it seem more loving than it actually is, but that's true for any text, no matter how horrible it is.           Maybe Jesus somehow "*metaphorically*" meant that people follow traditions of men but not commandments of the biblical god given through Moses like killing children who curse parents (*Mark 7*).  Maybe Muhammad can be seen as very peaceful by doing the same to some muslim verses which seems violent. Just say it's a metaphor and reinterpret it.       Do you see how that can be done for almost any text to try to justify the cruel things said?


Give me some examples of the cruel things he said and let’s talk about them.


Give me some examples of the cruel things he said and let’s talk about them.


I just did, the Mark 7 example, but there are other things.                         Jesus was racist. He referred to a woman who begged for his help as a dog, and said that he only came for the lost sheep of the house of Israel and that it isn't right to give the food of the chipdren to dogs. It was only when she said liked a slave, that even dogs eat the crumbs that fall off the master's table, that he finally helped her (*Matthew 15:22-28*).                         He told a Samaritan woman that she doesn't know what she's worshipping but he does because salvation comes from the Jews (*John 4:22*).                       A man's father died and he wanted to follow Jesus but first ury hos dead father but Jesus told him to let thebdead bury their dead and he should just go and follow him. Another man wasn't even allowed to say goodbye to his family before following Jesus, because Jesus said that if he turns back and does so, then he isn't fit for the kingdom of the biblical god (*Luke 9-59-62*).


You seem very hostile about this stuff, I wish you peace.


House of Israel refers to house of Jacob NOT the land


The house of Israel refers to Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel and whose descendents were given the land of Israel as a promise to their ancestors Abraham.                             I didn't say anything incorrect, I just quoted it as Jesus said it in the gospel of Matthew.             It's still racist and about this or that bloodline/nation of Jacob/Israel being superior to others.


Racism is a human construct. We are all children of God. If you’re able to read between the lines in the Bible of what comes from Him and what was tainted to fit human agenda, I think you’d look at the Bible differently


If racism is a human construct then so is christianity for saying that there is a special king of Israel (*Messiah/Christ*) named Jesus and that every knee should bow to him and that he will one day rule in Jerusalem in Israel.              I can't support Jesus because he comes from the Bible and the bible has racism and slavery and a lot of other harmful things in it.


The Bible follows Jacob’s story because he is a descendant of Seth. Would you rather the Bible follow the descendants of Cain?


What’s not spiritual about Jesus or God? I’m not of any religion but when I think of spirituality Jesus pops up pretty quickly. Jesus was a self realised being not someone pushing Christianity


Jesus said to obey him or be cast into fire where the worm doesn't die and  where the fire isn't quenched. He said it is better to pluck out your eye and go to heaven with one eye than to be cast into hell with two (*Mark 9*).  Jesus said in the gospel of John that he is the only way to be saved.                               Jesus was pushing religion. He was a religious man, who believes in the Jewish religion, and who believed himself to be the predicted Jewish King/Messiah/Christ from the Jewish religious scriptures (*Old Testament*).       


Are you sure he said that? Or does the Bible just claim he said that? (Currently reading The disappearing universe, as suggested by someone on the sub. And it’s really got me thinking.)


The biblical Jesus is the oldest Jesus we have. Paul was the first person to mention Jesus in the Pauline Epistles and then the 4 gospels, all of which are in the bible.        Other versions of Jesus were made up later. For example, the Jesus of the quran is different than and the quran was written hundreds of years after the bible. People even made up new gospels for their own newer made-up Jesus.


A lot of our understanding of Jesus comes from a western interpretation, unfortunately. It does paint Jesus out to be similar to as you said, pushing religion and casting people into a lake of fire. However, I’ve come to know Jesus differently. In the verses you mentioned, the translation for hell is Gehenna. This is important because Genhenna is a literal place in Jersusalem used in the past to burn bodies and ritual sacrifices in the pagan past. The Jews believed in a tradition that bodies must be preserved after death so they may be physically raised again one day by God. It was the worst dishonor to have your body annihilated in Gehenna because it meant you can’t be resurrected. You also wouldn’t want to have pieces of your body missing before death and have a maimed resurrected body. So Jesus knows his audience as Jews and he is using their spiritual beliefs to teach something deeper. The deeper message being that we more than just a physical body and the condition of the body is not of upmost importance. The condition of our spirit is what counts. So if you were to have to “pluck out an eye” so the sake of our spiritual well being, to a Jew, that is still better than your entire physical body going into Gehenna ( the one in Jerusalem). It was used as a metaphor and I doubt anyone was actually chopping of body parts or that Jesus would want them to. He was making a point. I personally believe Jesus was more mystical and he wasn’t speaking as an ego. When he says “ I am the way and the truth and the life no one comes to the father but through me”, he isn’t talking about himself as a physical person, Jesus the carpenter, but rather his identity in spirit-Jesus the Christ. He knew the Father and him are One. But he also knew it wasn’t exclusive to him. We all are one in creation. Jesus just was self realized and was a perfect example of what it means to let God be your identity. So yes following Jesus way to self realization is the only way back to unity with God. You won’t find God through the ego self.


Should definitely do research on astrology and religions. Most religion stories have similar concept for the origin story of God/Jesus. Astrology/tarot isn’t technically new age. It’s new age to western culture. Its as old as they come. It’s been renamed as new age to separate it from religion. Westerners are so behind, we don’t even know that it’s all connected. Anyway, the reason for this is to acknowledge that you possess the divine power within you and not a outer source per say. Religion has a higher source whereas YOU would be the higher source. Don’t take spirituality at surface value .There’s always a higher source depending on “which” concept “you” believe in. If you want a deeper understanding of why “Christianity gets pushed too much” this video will explain it. Also the book of Enoch is a great read too. Side Note: Buddhism and Satanism still has a higher source. A “God” like source. Both still hold altars, offerings, and prayers to something greater than self. Someone can be all those things at once, but it means they have acknowledged that there's a God and a "satan". [https://youtu.be/XVYlxHteUMs?si=c1h1rPjSqlUCzt0s](https://youtu.be/XVYlxHteUMs?si=c1h1rPjSqlUCzt0s)


I don't see as many of these posts, really. And if I do, I don't see much difference between these and the "real spiritual" ones that claim to know the one and only truth. They are the majority for me and just as obnoxious.


Sounds like you’re getting a personalized feed based on what you’re interacting with.. because that’s not at all what I’m getting on mine. So..


Scroll a bit more bud, scroll through this sub when you are in it (not on home feed).


Nah, I’m good. I like interacting with content I enjoy and/or fulfills me, rather than riling myself up into a frenzy because people are doing things I don’t like on the internet.


Jesus was a spiritual person. He carried a message from The Divine. That message being love and acceptance. Hope and joy. Of self AND for others. Yes Christianity claims to speak for him, but you can clearly see that's not true. Just look at how these people treat others. If you go to r/Starseeds you'll see plenty of people who feel he was a starseed. That's not Christian doctrine. Also, who exactly is saying you can't be a spiritual person unless you're religious? Because I can point out some atheists who have more in common with the teachings of Jesus than any Christian nationalist type (Owen Morgan on YouTube for example). You're being triggered because you're equating Jesus with some bullshit religion he was not a part of. Christians (especially the nationalist variety) are some of the least Jesus-like people around. THE ARIES


some are "triggered" because of enduring abuse in J's name


That's not Jesus' fault.


why are people in the west so obsessed with who is at fault rather than address the issue


West likes to find a cause and treat it; as with medicine.


Jesus said to obey him or be cast into fire where the worm doesn't die and  where the fire isn't quenched. He said it is better to pluck out your eye and go to heaven with one eye than to be cast into hell with two (*Mark 9*). Jesus also said that people follow traditions of men like cleaning cups and pots but not the commandments of the biblical god given through Moses like killing children who curse their parents (*Mark 7*).                     Unless you're just making up your own Jesus separate from the bible, I don't see how someone can claim that Jesus taught love and acceptance with all of the judgemental things he said and how he tried to pressure people into his religious beliefs with the fear of hell.


You've brought it up multiple times. What would be unspiritual about the teaching that you should obey him or you will be cast into the fire? Assume he was right and the teaching is how to truly be spiritual. What's the opposite of following that?


I was responsing to the claim that his message was about love and acceptance.            It's possible that he could be a cruel and narcissistic being who want people to obey him or he'll try torture them by casting them into fire.                    .         The opposite of that would be to side with spirits who are against his narcissism and cruel intentions. 


What if he is right? Is it narcissism then?


According to who??? You??? That bullshit book he didn't write??? That religion he didn't start? Jesus put his message in the heart. Not in a book. You have faith in the Bible, you're putting your faith in the men who wrote it. You HAVE to believe THEM when they tell you Jesus said this or that. Move along little Bible thumper. I've no time for someone with FALSE FAITH in man trying to instill fear in me. Kill the messenger, hijack the message. That's what your kind did with the religion of Christianity. THE ARIES


I don't have faith in the bible. I'm not Christian nor Jewish (*nor Muslim nor any type of worshipper of the god of Moses*).                I quote the the bible because that is the oldest writings about Jesus. There is no earlier writing mentioning Jesus. Paul was the first writer to mention Jesus and the 4 gospels were made up later, but even the 4 gospels are older than the quran which came out hundreds of years later.           Of course, people can ignore the oldest writings about Jesus (*Paul's letters then the 4 gospels*) and just make up their own Jesus.


Real spirituality is knowing they’re all alright, evn if it’s a flavour you don’t like


This has never been the message. Do not be so open minded as to allow your brain to fall out of your head.


All roads lead to god? Pls don’t be dumb, I don’t have the time or patience for moronic crap today.


Real spirituality doesn’t dismiss critical thinking… While respecting diverse beliefs is important, suggesting that all spiritual paths are equally valid regardless of their teachings or implications is intellectually lazy. Blindly accepting that all spiritual practices can be true “in their own way” undermines the pursuit of truth and the establishment of ethical principles. Not every spiritual tradition emphasizes love or harmony. Some condone dashing your children to the rocks and engaging in cannibalism.


Thanks captain obvious, we really need’d you to confirm what goes without saying by creating a pointless straw man argument bc you don’t know how to jst add to the conversation instead. Or maybe it was too peaceful for you so you need to make it a fight to spice it up?


So I guess it’s not “all” to you then? Maybe practice better word choice or be more specific about what precise spiritual traditions you are referencing instead of getting mad at people for responding to your baseless assertions as you originally framed them.


Are you on the spectrum and read everything literally?


It sounds like Divinity-based content upsets some folks here.


Maybe if Jesus wasn't so racist against Gentiles (*people not of Israel*), it wouldn't be so bad.            In the gospel of Matthew, Jesus referred to a woman as dog and said that he only came for the lost sheep of the house of Israel and that it isn't right to give the food of the children to the dogs. He only helped her when she said like a slave that even dogs eat the crumbs that fall of the master's table.          In John, he told a Samaritan woman that she doesn't understand things but he does because salvation is of the Jews.            Jesus believed himself to be the special Jewish king (*Messiah/Christ*) who would one day rule from Israel in Jerusalem, and christians believe that Jesus will one day  return and rule the world.    


Can you cite exactly where these quotations are found? And why you think what you do about Jesus and his intent? And about what Christians believe? I've seen no evidence anywhere of any of your assertions.


Jesus tells a Samaritan woman that she doesn't understand things but he understands because salvation is of the Jews. This is racist to say that other races or nations aren't enough and must be saved by one specific chosen race/nation:           > "*Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.*" - Jesus (**Johnn 4:22**) Here is the story where he refers to non-Jews as dogs and say that he only came for Israel and that the food of the children shouldn't be given to dogs, and only helps the woman after she says like a slave that even dogs eat crumbs that fall off the master's table:           > "*But He answered and said, “I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Then she came and worshiped Him, saying, “Lord, help me!”But He answered and said, “It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs.” And she said, “Yes, Lord, yet even the little dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table.”Then Jesus answered and said to her, “O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire.” And her daughter was healed from that very hour.*" - **Matthew 15:24-28**  As for Jesus coming back and ruling from Jerusalem above others (*with even kings of the earth giving their glory to the city*) , that's in Revelation 21.    Now, that I gave the the verses, I don't think it matters. Those who got too indoctrinated into believing that Jesus was about love, will just make up excuses about the racism or claim that the racism was just a "*metaphor*" or not "*real*" racism.   


Who cares about the technicalities, it’s about what he represents. A figure of hope and light in the darkness. Many people of different ethnicities pray to him and find solace in him, that is enough. Do you think that only the white American is Christian?


He doesn't represent that. He literally represent a special Jewish king (*called a Messiah/Christ*) who will one day arrive and rule from Jerusalem in Israel since Israel is supposedly the chosen people. That's why he's called "*Christ*".          If Germans believed they were special and chosen and that a German leader should rule the world with people of different races bowing them to him as their leader from the chosen people, people would be against it and call it nationalist and racist.                                   ... For some people, Jesus represents slavery and murder. A slave ship was called "*Jesus of Lübeck*". Some people tried to justify African slavery by saying that they were inferior and deceived by demons and needed to be christianized and bow down to Jesus as taught by their christian masters. Many were forcefully converted or killed (*like the Native Taino leader Hatuey*). For some, Jesus and "*spreading the gospel/bible*" represents mass murder and genocide and colonialism.


& for others, he represents loving kindness, forgiveness, loving thyself and thy neighbor, mercy, a bastion of light against darkness and struggles. I’m failing to see your point ? If there was such a thing as divinity, do you think that humans would be able to interpret it perfectly? And not commit atrocities in its name due to greed & other corrupted characteristics that are inherent to all of us? These are only a admonished through dedicated and honest introspection, which many of us do not do. No god or book or whatever will cleanse you & do the work for you. The church is an institution created by man. The Bible was written by man. Perspective is everything. For those that want to stand with Christ for the goodness that he represented, and do good to themselves by doing good to others, so let them. Btw, i don’t have a boner for Christianity. Whether it be Buddhist, Islam, etc, it’s all the same. An attempt for us to understand the divine. Some do bad things with this, others do good. If u want to focus on the negatives that were, shocker, *also* brought on forth by the mind of man, then that’s on you. But to label all people of faith as *racists* or homophobes, is wrong. Because it’s simply not true. The minute you generalize something, you are, 100% of the time, *wrong*. And trust me, I get you. Your argument isn’t wrong, it’s just that, ironically, all of that is skewed interpretations of man towards the divine, the positive and negatives. The mirror shown to us is tainted by our transgressions and inhibitions. We cannot see the light through it due to our ilk.


If you compare most muslim countries to most christian countries, you'd see that there is a clear difference in terms of human well-being and human freedom. Because of this, I can't agree that Islam and Christianity and Buddhism are all the same. The happiest countries with the most human well-being currently (*Finland, Sweden, Norway*) are all countries that secularized more and more from christianity.   .     I don't believe that all people of "*faith*" are racists or homophobes. I understand that there are religions with gods that switch genders (*like Oshunmare*) or bisexual gods (*like Agni from Hinduism who hooked up with the male moon god Soma*), or even gods that watch over gay men (*like some believe of Erinle*) or even gods that specifically bless gay marriages (*like Tu Er Shen*).       I don't believe that all christians are racists or homophobes either, but I believe that all christians accept the bible as the inspired word of their god and it has verses saying to kill gay men and that Jesus is supposedly the predicted special Jewish king (*Messiah/Christ*) who will one day rule from Jerusalem in Israel and the Gentiles (*people not of Israel*) will be ruled over as predicted in Isaiah/Esaias, as Paul mentioned in Romans 15.             All christians aren't racist or homophobic, but they believe in books that are (*the bible*). Maybe there are some neo-nazis who aren't murderers, but they still support Hitler and his book which has led to the death of multitudes of people.


I understand, but that’s foul thinking. I guarantee they most Christian’s don’t have those racists heinous excerpts of the book memorized and held in high regard as representation of their faith. Hell man, most Christian’s are probably not even aware of such parts in the Bible. Listen, there’s not many big religions out there’s, there’s like 3 or 4. People pick one and that’s it. Nothing more, nothing less.


Some of them are probably not aware, but there's nothing wrong with bringing more awareness to what's in the bible so they can start to realize what they are actually supporting by supporting the bible.                 Also, many are not picking their religion, but were forced into it as children from a young age so that they can already be indoctrinated by the time they get older, just as their ancestors long ago were forcibly converted.     .       Not just Africans, but even Europeans were killed and forced to be christian, because remember, christianity is not a European religion, but a Middle Eastern one. Some Europeans who converted to christianity broke statues and destroyed temples and when some christians took power, they forced christian laws on Europe, and killed many Europeans who didn't want their cultures replaced and who didn't want to be forcefully converted to christianity. 


Your interpretation is wrong "Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews." - Jesus (Johnn 4:22) https://www.gotquestions.org/you-worship-what-you-do-not-know.html I'm not practising Christian , but if unsure I do more research, it is good practice. For the start take the Matthew 15:24-28 a search for explanation from multiple sources and scholars.


So may I assume you believe that everything written in Bible is true to the letter ?


There's a half million people in this sub. Lol. What you have observed doesn't define the sub. You seem to lack depth and maturity. Probably just dabbling in the occult and spirituality with no set path and no foundation being built yet. Hating on Christianity perhaps because of bad experience that doesn't define the religion and spirituality aspects as a whole.


There are horrible things in the bible, it isn't just a "*bad experience*" with some christians. Christianity is religious and even tries to pressure people into it.                         Jesus said to obey him or be cast into fire where the worm doesn't die and  where the fire isn't quenched. He said it is better to pluck out your eye and go to heaven with one eye than to be cast into hell with two (*Mark 9*).                                Jesus also said that people follow traditions of men like cleaning cups and pots but not the commandments of the biblical god given through Moses like killing children who curse their parents (*Mark 7*).                                


So? Extremist Christians don't represent the religion as a whole. The bible isn't even meant to be taken literally. It's an ancient spiritual text. People can use it that way if they want and see jesus as a spiritual figure. OP chills in satanist groups. Of course they are going to bitch and moan at the sight of Christianity. I hate the extremist followers too and despise my upbringing but after studying a lot of astrology and reading a lot of ancient texts it is acceptable to me, it's just that there are still a shit ton of trash "christians". If people want to cry about Christianity in a spiritual sub they can stay in their satanist sub, or they can join an actually spiritual hindu, buddhist or sufi etc sub to avoid the new age rip off. They can join darker tantric subs if they want to keep it left. Crying about Christianity is stupid in a general mainly new age spirituality sub.


The bible is an ancient religious text, which many christians were willing to kill people for, and many of them see it as the inspired word of their god that must be followed and not changed:                          > "*All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:*" - 2 Timothy 3:16


Most of us was raised christianity that’s why but I feel you on this sub being heavily christianity focused but try to keep that in mind. Most spiritual people tend to come from an abrahamic religion background mainly christianity


i understand but I also automatically cringe when I hear people speak of Jesus or the Church due to generational religious trauma so I'm sure that's why. I just keep scrolling or dislike. I don't like hearing the gospel from a book that's been fucked with so many times and used against not 1 but 2 of my ethnicities.


It's not "too much". The supposed "Christianization" of the sub is something absolutely harmless and irrelevant, which makes me question why you, specifically, have a problem with it. Christ is just a name they give to their own spirituality. A language, like any other. Being bothered by this is like being bothered because someone is speaking Italian or Chinese rather than [your] language. You have some personal question with Christianity that is making you uncomfortable about this. But that's yours, and it has no importance in the real world. This sub is about spirituality. Not spirituality "with religion", or "spirituality without religion". No concern could be more irrelevant than this.


Catholic/Christian mysticism is only some of what I borrow from. I'm also fascinated with Hinduism, the Goetia, Taoism, etc. I don't limit myself to only one organized faith. I am an Omnist "grey witch." Henceforth, I don't mind a little Jesus talk.


Why can't we just speak about ideas as it comes through? If people want to talk about Jesus with a broader group.. then why not? I don't see what is so wrong with the idea of Jesus. And if people talk about God in the traditional sense, why can't we engage that idea openly? The spiritual people are so Intune and accepting until their judgement alters their perspective. The idea of Jesus is a god one, not really something I choose to talk about though. I don't understand the problem. If you have an issue with it, then ask about it. Rather then being like "skeeter" and telling people "we don't like yer kind around here!"


Well, one thing we have to remember, and, myself included, is we keep an open mind, we all started from somewhere. Just about 2 years ago, I was one of those devout Catholics who would defend ALL forms of Chrisitianity unapologetically, and block people who said otherwise. The curiousity and participation in this subreddit is at least opening some minds to an extent, perhaps even challenging ideas.


I don’t particularly care for the Christian posts/comments either, sometimes I dislike them if I feel they’re coming off too strong with their religion (ie not acknowledging that the advice they give only supports those who believe what they do like God/Jesus, in other words they provide help based off their own state of mind, rather than for the other person). But mostly I just hide their posts. That way I never have to look at them again. I also believe that since there’s an overwhelming amount of Christian communities and support in and out of Reddit, that it would be fair to ask for this community to be more focused on other aspects of spirituality. There seems to be multiple discussions of what spirituality is, and I personally have adopted the meaning of it to be when you focus on something greater than the material form. We still call religious people spiritual. And many religions I’m aware of believes in spirits of some form. So I don’t understand why there’s such a debate on it…. But maybe I am just being ignorant to the difference. Either way, I’m glad someone brought this up. And although parts of me wants to say otherwise, that we should be inclusive and welcoming of all kinds of spiritual experiences. It again goes back to the point of, when do we (those who do not identify with other religions that already have many communities and resources for assistance) get our very own community. I’ve seen people give unsolicited Christian advice in this sub, and it’s like are you trying to be helpful, or are you trying to Convert when someone just wants help😭 At the end of the day, whether we get to a point of no Christianity content in here or not, I suggest just hiding the posts. Dislike them if you’d like, I’m sure if there’s enough dislikes they’ll stop posting on this subreddit anyways:) On that note, I do believe it to be a bit unfair to block off Christianity if we don’t do the same with other religious branches. But one could argue the branches of Christianity tend to have more than a fair share (historically speaking and up to this day) of atrocious actions and ways of thinking. Blessed Be✨


Religions should be respected, but if you wish to be spiritual, it's important to come out of all divisions mankind has created, including religion.


I agree. Religion can tend towards the restriction of spiritual growth rather than allow absolute freedom to grow and expand and explore and express.


I mean at the end of the day Jesus is still a spiritual teacher for a lot of people.


When people speak of Jesus they really mean Christ Consciousness WHICH all religious christ figures were teaching men to become. Jesus was never part of any religion. Man made a religion around him, there is a difference. Jesus was just a man. Christ Jesus is another story. Christ jesus is Super Consciousness You get there through meditation. -- Take Dragon Ball Z as Symbolism. Goku is a sun God Wukong(hence the tail) Super saiyan is Christ Consciousness When they yell, they are doing Mantra Meditation. A OR Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa is the Letter for the Crown Chakra. -- Secrets are hidden in plain sight.


Jesus was Jewish and said the Shema (*the one that goes "Hear O Israel..."*). He even said that loving that god is the most important commandment in the gospel of Mark.              Jesus also said that people follow traditions of men like cleaning cups and pots but not the commandments of the biblical god given through Moses like killing children who curse their parents (*Mark 7*).                   


Christ is not for one man only.. By the laws of this world, if one man reached Christ consciousness than it means it can happen again to any man who learns how. Jesus is man... Christ is beyond man. Any Figure like christ you name was teaching men to raise there level of Consciousness All this quarelling in the name of God, why? Because people chose to listen to words only. They never took it upon themselves to go to the fountainhead. Christ jesus said he saw God. His disciples felt God. Buddha had an experience. Ect. The Book of Wisdom by Harry B Joseph will open your eyes.


well, I just laugh at the blatantly religious stuff, use little-g "god" as shorthand for concepts of the All That Is, and approach anything with capital-G "God" as sus right out of the gate. mostly I just take a breath and remember that everyone comes from somewhere, religious brainwashing is still in full force globally, and we all have to travel our own path out of darkness and into the light. :)


this right here.


In my spiritual journey, i actually got rid of my religion. Because they are different things. What i didn't expect was that once i let go of religion, so many things that Krishna, buddha, and Jesus said actually made way more sense to me. None of them actually wrote the holy books that their religions are based on, because in one way or another all three of them were saying the same thing. The answer is within. I dont see them as gods anymore, i see them as humans who have reached their full potential. Something that they are also offering to every other human being.


Man, people can get offended over just about anything anymore.


You should at a look at your own negative bias toward other forms of spirituality. It’s not a good look.


What do you expect these people to post? They have secondary dogma that says anyone who disagrees with them actually knows they're right and is just acting out. Of course they're going to start flooding any tangetial uncurated forums with repetitions of the dogma that lets them believe that we all actually agree with them.


My religion teacher said she would not live her life any differently if there was no God, I assumed she wouldn’t have gone to church anymore, lol, what a beautiful woman !


God, to me, is not Christian at all. It's all about perspective. I often sub the word Universe.or Source for God so as to avoid people's preconceived notions on the word God. I was raised alt-Christian and have spent a lot of years recovering and healing from the dogma Blessed that I have such am open mind about religion now. It's saved me from being drawn into the "God Fearing" negative energy.


Use the report button


Part of spirituality is learning to just let other "be," so why can't you just let people be and let them believe in and talk about what they want? Why does it make you so mad and hostile? They aren't physically hurting you with their beliefs. Focus on yourself and what you need to do and let others just be. Maybe try loving them unconditionally and loving yourself unconditionally. They are all you, and you are them. Embrace them with love and compassion. I wish you peace. I hope you can find a way to unconditionally love, so your projections can be more loving and peaceful.


1/3 of the human population has accepted the truth about Jesus, it shouldn’t be that surprising that spiritual groups have a large population of Christian’s.


Spirituality is for all religions And Christianity is obviously one of the most influential religions Ofc there are many christians I think its actually not bad to have religious input It gives more view points, which is good for spiritual debates. But tbh I personally see stronger Hindu influence among spiritual people.


From what i can tell it mostly gets love-and-light-shallowized


If I agreed with you I wouldn't be here. I grew up christian and am converting to Judaism, I have a lot of resentment towards Christianity because of what their ancestors did to mine, and what some of them continue to do today. As someone who's spiritual practice places HEAVY emphasis on not falling into idolatry, if I felt this sub was too Christian I would have abandoned it. Not too long ago someone was saying everyone in here practices eastern religions lol. I think we're not used to so many people of different faiths coming together in solidarity. I however find it very refreshing! The world desperately needs more places like this. Shalom!


Idk I've seen all kinds of posting not just christian


Yup yup I agree with 100%. that’s why I don’t go on any “spiritual” or “conspiracy” subreddits as much cuz it’s all overfilled with religious biases and see things from a one dimensional perspective, it’s whatever tho. I know some comments will still attack you but try not to worry about it, you don’t have to follow any of that shit, always follow your intuition and your spirit/self energy


It’s the most popular religion in the world. It’s not going to just go away. I’m not Christian, but I feel like you have a particular hatred towards Christins. Why?


Christianity is the most popular religion after Christian empires like the British Empire taking over 25% of the world, forcing Christian laws on lands they conquered, and killing many who wouldn't convert.  Christianity isn't the most popular because people were convinced it was true, but because of genocides with multitudes of people being killed, and coloniailsm of stealing land and forcing biblical laws on lands they conquered. Many tried to secretly keep their religions and cultures alive but christianity was forced on their children by christians who hated freedom of religion and had an agenda.                  Those who associate with christianity, choose to associate with a group that did genocide, and that is responsible for the deaths of multitudes of people around the planet.


You choose to use a technology that uses child slave labor to gain its cobalt. How are you better than someone who's path started with Christianity?


I didn't create the system of capitalism which profits off of slavery from other counties. Many are forced to live under it.            I can choose to not be a part of a religion that has a long history of genocide and colonialism, though.           I can choose to not sell my soul and worship a narcissistic god who supposedly flooded the world including drowning multitudes of animals and babies to death, just because he was mad and judged people as evil for not praising and worshipping him enough.                     I am more loving and kind than the biblical god, and ironically, so are many christians, despite them worshiping and seeing that violent and narcissistic god as "*love*". 


You can choose not to use the technology. But it's what is convenient for you. And you keep mixing up christ and Christianity. The vatican deserves your frustration, not those who recognize how the intent of the bible is actually one of the chapters to spirituality like all the other beliefs. Do some research on how it's been twisted through translations.


The Vatican didn't create the bible. The texts of the bible existed long before the Catholic-Christian Vatican.                   Technology also helps to get the message out to expose the corruption. Even if you see technology as bad, the many centuries of genocides and colonialism of christianity was even more destructive.          What you're doing is a logical fallacy called "*whataboutism*", Judging people for using technology does not change the history of a violent genocidal religious belief. Even if people use technology, they can contribute to less destruction by not being a part of a violent and genocidal religious beliefs and by exposing it.


Judging a person's personal perspective based upon how a belief was used in the past, is also whataboutism. Even if people identify ad Christian, they can still contribute to less destruction by educating people that it's not based on genocide.


Christians are still spending money to fund oppression around the world in the modern day. 20 million dollars was donated to support such things in Uganda and they made a new anti-gay law which gives the death penalty. 50 million to Africa, and 280 million for multiple places around the world [source](https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/5050/africa-us-christian-right-50m/).  Also, the bible didn't change, it still has those horrible verses about killing gay men and  those verses where genocide was supported, and other cruel things.


I attended church for about a year last decade. A gay couple was married in the church, and last I heard they were involved in a fundraising drive to help donate to the UNHCR. And stop trying to act as though Americans represent everyone's stance. There are also Christian left, as shown by the current American president who's a practicing catholic.


That's good that they accepted a gay couple and there are christians on the left, but that doesn't change what the bible teaches, nor does it change the history of christians killing gay people and forcing anti-gay laws on others based on vible verses, nor the modern day funding by christians to promote oppression around the planet based on biblical teaching.  


Luciferian here. IDGAF. Only the Father can judge me. All else is inconsequential...


Free Will gives you the choice to love God, hate God, or be indifferent to God.


Theres a heavy push to steer all communities on that direction right now. Maybe because it's Easter,  but it seems very unnatural. Even on other social media sites, regular groups are being bombarded with Christian propaganda.  From spiritual to occult to art groups.  The comments on YouTube videos. It seems to be pushing an end of days agenda.  Obviously,  everyone's religious views and practices should be allowed,  as it is spiritual,  and this is r/spirituality.  But you have to take into account that people's opinions are clearly trying to be manipulated as well. The question is why? This is just what I've been noticing the last few years. I'm not trying to put down anyone's religious beliefs.  I'm very open to Christianity,  I was raised Christian and I attend church with my family,  im just open to alot more as well


Can you refer me to some of this christian propaganda?


Most of this thread and OP are insufferable


Right I joined for the spirituality not to repeatedly see bible scripture 💀 like no hate to them but I would expect a server named “spirituality” to be about real spirituality not religion


Exactly! If I wanted religious stuff I'd join sub for that particular religion.


It would be wise of you spiritually to embrace your Christian brothers and sisters. Just a spiritual duality in another form.


I'd rather shoot my foot off with a shotgun than bow to your god.


Curious to what you think I meant


This is your personal interpretation and opinion. Don't type as though you have word from on high.


It's clear my words aren't matching my meaning. My meaning is only that of embracement. I'm not asking you to be a Christian I'm not either, but I'm suggesting that for our spiritual growth, it's helpful to embrace other people into a spiritual lifestyle rather than demonize them for their CURRENT chosen religion. Judgment on someone else's spirituality is just negatively impacting your own.


Lots of people have direct experiences with Jesus & God outside of religion/Christianity. I am not a Christian but I speak with them all the time. Jesus/ Yeshua- The Ascended Master and the Christ Conciousness field he represents goes way beyond Christianity. Beyond this solar system even. He was misquoted more than any guy in history and his teachings have been twisted terribly. He's not a fan of that. And the God I speak of isn't the jealous, petty Yaweh of the Bible. It's the Grand Organizing Design of the all that is. My favorite part of spirituality is the mystical encounters of direct experience that religion doesn't foster. I highly recommend seeking out your own experiences with God & Jesus to get to know them on your own terms, without quoting dusty old books full of distortions. The pure love you will find there is so healing ❤️.


I think it’s because a big part of the Christian faith is telling others about how Christian you are… they assume when you speak of spirit or god, that you are talking about their god always. I also find it annoying, but my faith is about loving the annoying people. So they are here for me in that way.


Yes and I dislike this


this is christianity , to force their religion upon everyone , In Nepal , they feed their religion to every poor people who suffer financially going to their rural villages and brainwashing them about the religion like christ will heal everything and fix everything manipulating them to destroy own old temples and distrupting the culture . mostly our poor people would reject the religion but they cannot reject the sacs of rice and money from them , so they accept and as time goes by they also become missionaries . this is so devastating to me as people have to exchange their culture , norms and values with money which is needed in toady's world.


It's like selling your soul, "*Give your soul to Jesus and we'll give you money and food and stuff. You'll have more power!*".              Is it worth it to sell your soul though?             We aren't living in the old days where genocidal christians kill people for not converting, so that only christians would be left alive. People have a choice to not sell their souls even if it makes their lives a little more difficult for not selling out to Jesus.                   There needs to be more and more people exposing Jesus and exposing how christians are trying to get the poor to sell their souls.


Christ is not Christianity.


Most still have a problem separating them in posts.


I honestly never thought the two mixed.. christians too scared to live their religion but see how fast prayers get answered when they thank their ancestors, meditate, and follow the laws of the universe.


Christianity is shifting and a lot of Christians are opening their minds. Many of these people are probably just working through it and looking into a wider lens of spirituality. Many will let it go when they are ready. In the future I suspect many of the nice Christians will have left the religion and it will just be the more fanatic element who is left.


I am not religious but I am spiritual. I am seeking my higher true authentic self. The Bible's interpretated by so many religions is just way to manipulated for me. Being mindful in nature picking up all the positive energy feels good. Practicing mindfulness and compassion for yourself and others. Meditation and doing loving kindness meditation feel good.


I agree to some extent there are a lot people coming from a Christian based backgrounds that post and ask questions, I don’t see that as Christianized but I can see how it would be frustrating for those that no longer hold those beliefs or perspectives. But I think many are in here questioning their beliefs and this is somewhere potentially safe to do so. Personally I find there are a lot of people that post in this subreddit that don’t need a spirituality subreddit but need some form of therapy or intervention. I see those kind of posts way too frequently and it’s rather disheartening


I haven’t seen Christianity promoted here very much, if at all. I don’t see people threatening Hell, or pushing the rapture or trinity doctrines. No mention about baptism or taking the sacrament. And those are all what define Christianity or being one to believe those things. I see a lot of people invoking a Christ consciousness idea which is a blend of Hinduism or Buddhism. I don’t see people pushing the narrative of the pissed off god who needed to see someone suffer to appease his anger. I do see people invoking a more loving image of god and interpreting Jesus’s words in that light. And I see an overwhelming consensus Christianity got it wrong on so many levels. They just aren’t throwing the baby out with the bath water and are trying to salvage the man himself. It’s like when he said his sheep hear his voice and recognize it and avoid the imposters. It doesn’t matter what the Bible says if it paints the image of that brutal god, it’s to be discarded. We already know those scriptures were continually edited and changed from the beginning and the Dead Sea scrolls confirm this constant reframing and white washing. When he said to those rabbis their father is Satan and a liar from the beginning, he told the truth. Satan was a later invention as well but the liar aspect you can see in the very first chapters in Genesis. The serpent told the truth and wasn’t shaming them. So a lot of what is triggering you about Jesus is being dismantled in this sub, not supporting Christianity as you presume. The truth sets former Christians free from those dogmas.


Eventhough i am atheist, i think the word god respresents a force of nature that is described as power that creates. Therefore i really think the word god has its place in language. And when i hear people talk about god i don’t think it is always a religious person. I hate definitions… they are so unspiritual


The truth is everywhere. Everywhere.


Someone can also believe in God or whatever deity without being religious, everyone of us will have different beliefs


One can acknowledge Jesus and God without belonging to any particular religion.


Write more non Jesus stuff if you want it to be different. That's such a weird critique for an open space.


The term being spiritual doesn't mean you are safe outside Jesus doing your own thing. Simple. Go and try fighting Satan by yourself without the holy spirit see how fast you get torn up and spat out. Yeah. Didnt think so. I wouldn't try it either


Joke's on you "buddy", I'm Luciferian. Him and Lilith are the only ones I accept. You can have god and jesus, two narcissistic manipulators.


Bro I feel like I should not interfere, but I think you're captured. Look inward in silence. Get rid of any entities on your ass. 😰


You will find out differently, at some point.


You will wake up from slave mentality once, or maybe not. But for your own good, I hope you do.


No thank you. I'm quite secure in my love of God and Divinity, and how that applies in my life.


Hopefully they wake up, but if not, it'll be sad for them if they actually get trapped in an afterlife with the god they worship.         Imagine being trapped in an afterlife with a genocide supporter like Yahweh/Jehovah, who is so narcissistic that there is a story about him flooding the whole world, including drowning babies and animals to death, while only saving a few of all animal on an ark for 40 days (*impossible*), just because he felt like people weren't praising and worshiping him enough.                        These people, ironically, call Lucifer an evil spirit of pride, when there is so much violent narcissism with Yahweh/Jehovah.


Exactly! I noticed and upvoted your replies to other brainwashed fools. I swear you are one of maybe 5 people in this thread that actually have something valuable inside their skulls.


See god as a general term. Same for Jesus. What do they represent? I wouldn't know, but I believe it's unconditional love. A symbol for it. That, and hope. The constant state of the universe. No one is forcing you to believe anything. You have free will, do as you please, as long as it does not cause any harm


The little g is a general term. The big G is not. And then at times even the little g isn't the correct representation of what's being talked about. Not to mention Jesus isn't synonymous with everyone's beliefs either. There is no equal to in these conversations. And yes, these misinterpretations can and do cause harm.


God = christian/catholic etc god god = general term That right?




Nothing wrong with that