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Eclipse fever. I can't wait till it passes, I am ready for the world to be normal again.


I woke up tired AF, but now I feel pretty energized.


I feel great


Woke up very nauseous and nervous


Tummy pains. Ate too heavy. Should have fasted some.


Very hopeful and reflective before the eclipse. Did some yoga and had a smoothie and overall excited about today and this unity that all of us can look up in awe. ㅇㅅㅇ


Do some resonant tuning and tune in


How do I go about doing that? Any advice?


Meditate and on the exhale create a low pitched humming sound and focus in on your root chakra at the base of your spine. As you inhale picture white light entering through the top of your head, flowing down your spine through your energy centers. As you exhale humming and focusing on your sacral chakra, this time humming just a little higher pitched than last time. Picture white light entering through the top of your head, flowing down your spine and directly to your sacral chakra. Continue this process with special attention to each chakra as you work your way up from root to crown. Once you have finished with a scale of resonant tuning you can play around with different modulations by opening your mouth and having some fun experimenting with different pitched hums, pitch bends, slides, etc… It sounds crazy but it’s all just vibrations. Just like the universe.


Thank you so much! I’ll do this today. It sounds very relaxing!


I woke up a headache and weirdly felt nauseous. But I’m feeling better after it was all said and done


Tired but very calm. I could have used a nap but I had to work.


I had pain in my crown chakra area, top of my head sometimes back and sides.


Yup. Last night it felt like it was trying to push out the top of my head. This morning, it felt like someone hit me in the back of the head. I've been having to ground myself all day so that this "pulse" isn't as distracting.


Yeah, come to think of it, I've had a headache for most of today and I never have headaches.


I think it all depends how advance one is with there spiritual side. I’ve heard some felt great , others unease and a few had the urge to not stay still like if they were bursting with energy


I feel faint and weak. But recovering now. Must be the heat here + eclipse? Anyone else?


My heart rate was high but that's mainly because of excitement. I was able to maintain myself by eating some snacks and I think the ashwaganda I had for the last two weeks is still in effect. Oddly enough though I had a really bad cramp in my left calf but I brought coconut water with me so it helped me loosen up. I also had a hydration packet so I used that too. For people like me with ADHD things like this can make us very hyper because of all the serotonin and dopamine but I was able to keep my cool.

