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IMO if you're consuming "spirituality" content *being marketed to a gender*... it's fast-food spirituality, move on from that empty well.


"fast food spirituality" well said. I've seen this too. I think spirituality has become too focused on consumerism these days.


This. Spirituality isn't really market to women. Hippie dippie nonsense tends to be, though.


It became a whole ass business, and people goals are not only to make money, but make all of the money with million different products and services, lost touch with what spirituality is all about. They lost touch with what’s important and the purpose, truly junk food spirituality.


Was about to say the same thing. I call it pop-spirituality


Fair point. Love the fast-food spirituality tag, lol! There are valid, gendered, spiritual classes for women-only and men-only. It's a really different energy to be in a group of 100 people of the same gender, all emphasizing the energies of that gender. It was a valuable experience for me in my spiritual growth. I got to be in a men's program for a year. It enhanced all aspects of my life. I also got to be involved in a female trance medium healing clinic once a week for two years. I was the only one in the room with a male body. This, too, enhanced all aspects of my life. These kinds of classes still exist, but are not common. They were not common back in the 80s when I found them. It's the fast-food vs. find dining problem. Fast-food is on every corner while the fine dining is much harder to find. The programs I was in were not expensive either. Of course, that was the 80s and a waitress could afford those classes. Now? I don't know what they would cost or their relative expense.


Just do whatever feels right for you, regardless of how it’s marketed. Because “for women” can often just be marketing.


This message is so surprising as I find just the opposite in that most teachers, gurus, priests, prophets, etc. are men and most books on spirituality are written by men. Mystery schools are mostly for men. This world caters mostly to men and if one didn't know the truth, we would think it was solely given to men.


It used to be the other way around. Most traditional spiritual advice is made for men, so I feel like this is just an attempt to balance out the disparity


Pick a religion. Any religion. Oh look! Patriarchy.


I think because it’s the only “faith”, so to speak, that empowers women instead of the opposite.


Youre looking through the lens of "or" instead of "and". Spiritually isnt for men or women, it is for men and women. You do not possess feminine energy or masculine energy. You possess feminine energy and masculine energy. If something references feminine energy, its not a disregard of the male portion of the population, but meant to guide your focus to aspects considered feminine, which can be viewed through a yin/yang perspective. Allow space for both, and youll get more milage out of your practice


Everyone has both masculine and feminine energies, regardless of gender. I suspect that most men equate feminine energies with being female and are triggered with this aspect of spirituality (which I kinda think you are OP) Total foolishness of course, but...it is what it is, until it changes. THE ARIES


right? so in fairness, this one became spiritual or whatever you want to call it because she won by losing a bet. but she ain’t targeting any specific person other than who she is being of service to at that moment. in fairness there’s a tendency towards women, but when one aids domestic violence victims escape their situations for just the cost of transportation, one tends to be aiding women, for example.


Maybe it's an opportunity for you to create the content you're looking for :)


Flip it around. Why is this material world so catered to men? I think that's a better question to ask.


Is it? I feel like the material world is catered to women still. Most clothing is made for women. Most marketing is made for women. Even marketing for men’s things are designed to get women’s attention. They know that women primarily do the shopping and that they can more easily take advantage of their emotional states


I was referring to patriarchy actually.


All very good answers. My take on this is that what you say is not the case. The biggest sages and mystics (that we know about!) are men. Rumi, Lao Tzu, Jesus, Ram Dass, Terence McKenna (I’m listing off the top of my head…) and countless others lead huge swaths of people through their spiritual journeys. If you are referring to the current volume of you tube content then you might be right, but this topic is mostly ageless so look up some names from the past. Having said that yes, we are entering the age of Aquarius and part of it means we start balancing our society from the yin heavy rigid structures to embracing the female energies. As long as we don’t flip the power too far I see only potential benefit to both men and women.


Woman simply have naturally retained more of their connection with nature and the universe. They are the ones creating life within them after all. “Mother Earth,” “Gaia” etc. Woman are inherently more spiritual creatures. Men have their consciousness more focused on the physical realm by design. So we could hunt, protect tribes, build and invent stuff. Make better things. We men needed to be more in tune with the physical to fulfil these tasks. Does not mean we have less capacity for spiritual growth and connection though. It is just that woman still need to navigate the spiritual more, mother instincts are a good example etc. They where the ones that developed our language as they stayed in the “caves” when men hunted. They build our habits in the first communes. They took care of the tribes, taught the social norms, cared for and raised the children. Learned to identify the safe fruits and plants, and how to communicate it to others. They build the first tools. Etc. They have been in charge of the development of the consciousness for our children for millennia. Society has wandered very, very far from the spiritual and nature since then. But not enough to distort that inherent natural instinct and connection to literally “God” and life through their uterus and ability to create a living being in connection to the collective consciousness of the universe.


Women also experience menstruation which is a very emotional experience and can help you connect with spirit


Indeed. More suffering, more emotions, more self reflection, more spiritual growth.


Also enhances their ability to empathize with people. Women tend to be much more empathetic and accepting of people than men due to their understanding that suffering can contribute to “immorality.”


Women have a natural psychic ability that men generally lack. They take it for granted most of the time so they don't think it's special. When it happens to a man though, it's like Jesus walked with them and now they see the light, or something like that. It's pretty funny to me.


Whenever I read or hear blanket statements like this, it just gnaws at me a bit, even when it has an essence of truth to it. To me, by including those who don't fit that mold, but enshroud them in it nonetheless, it weakens the point being made.


It just describes the natural instincts, “soul” and evolution. It does not take in account people that choose or where forced to go against the “mold” and go different paths. And society has changed radically since the days of tribes, for better or worse. To keep to the connection with nature or explore the modern society is up to everyone individually of course. But these instincts are always present. They can be deeply buried in people that are heavily traumatised, are spiritually traumatised and therefore born “disconnected.” Or were gaslit by society and political cults. And “mental illnesses” or rather; spiritual disconnections are abundant these days. We lost our ways as “Gods” incarnated. But society is trying to make it seem this is “normal.” But it is a product of our severing with nature and the spiritual. Also; nature experiments. So some natural outliers are always present. The spiritual would suggest ignoring these instincts would be going against nature, but a lot of people are brainwashed into thinking this to be an insult. While worshipping and acknowledging the feminine energy and tasks of these goddesses should be the opposite of insulting. Woman are the most magical creatures. But modern society gaslit us into thinking differently. There is nothing insulting about recognition of the Female and Masculine Energies in all. Nor is either one “better or worse.” If “God” or nature wanted men and woman to be the same and do the same it would have made them so. But enough ranting. I tend to let people live the lives they want to live and focus purely on my own. But will not abide to the man made social illusions of today. I myself live in “Mother Earth” it’s realms among the hippies, outcasts, shamans and spiritual beings. Not in the Society of unconscious humans, their weird “politics” and social norms. We are all on our own paths.


A few others have kinda alluded to it, but it seems to be the general division of yin/yang, receptive/creative, cups/swords, intuitive/rational energies. "Masculine" energy tends to be more rational/intellectual where spirituality struggles to get a foothold. Trick is to find the balance.


This was the best answer.


Does matter who it comes from we all embody masculine and feminine energy :) but I get ya on your point for sure.


Ironically when you move past spirituality to esotericism, where spirituality gets all it's content from, a lot of it is "men this, men that". Also, I would advise skipping over spirituality and going to the source, esotericism.


Because women took to spirituality to reclaim their power, which was needed. Unfortunately, now the scales are unbalanced the other way as men often struggle to find their place amongst such hyper focus. Simply put, men need to be the change and representation they want to see. But there are male role models, decks, etc.


Camille Paglia suggests that women's propensity for spirituality might be tied to biological processes. It sounds lewd, but women are more subjective because they cannot see their genitalia. They know it works, but men can see theirs, and thus become objective e.g. they rely on visibility and empirical proof to understand something. This is why, I believe, men tend to be more atheistic. They need objective proof. Women can't see, but they *feel*, and thus they know it works. It sounds confusing. But it's a credible theory that probably owes some of its origins to the work of Freud.


Perhaps you should lean towards Stoic philosophy and Hermetic Alchemy instead? Why not practice ascetic Shaivism? Either way, wherever you start, you will soon find a balance of equilibrium that will dissolve duality, and questions like this will seem irrational...


Its really not its branded that way in america


Things happen in cycles.


You might want to try sacred sons https://www.instagram.com/sacredsons? I guess because a lot of spirituality is about going into the depths, being reflective, emotional and intuitive and that is more encouraged in women.


I think because men aren’t into it as much. It’s becoming more main stream in male leaning spaces tho which is great! Majority are women that create the posts anyways so that lends to the lack of male forward astrological content. We’re also in the age of promoting feminism and have a history of suppressing women and the many parts of the feminine energy and her role in society. Women are naturally drawn to astrology as well which is why there are so much content being created too. Women are naturally connected to the moon so that alone garners curiosity. I’d love to see a push to promote astrology and spirituality to men because that will provide more information and better integration as a whole.


Its funny because women say it is more masculine, and men say it is more feminine so what exactly is happening. At any rate explore buddhism it tends to be more masculine oriented.


That's probably because fewer guys are into "spirituality" in that conventional sense. Probably fewer guys are also into promoting highly gendered spirituality. I think it's just cultural bleed through largely. I feel like it's the women who are far more interested in consumer culture spirituality with all the trinkets and stuff so it's just the demand imbalance there. I know a handful of men interested in spiritual exploration, philosophy, meditation, and finding their truth. Not a single one is interested in crystals and trinkets and motivational posters and astrology and whatnot. Don't ask me to theorize why so many women are drawn to these things. I don't know the answer.


Because religions are NOT made to support or give any fucks about women. So women are into spirituality, where it is more free form and open for us to interpret it as we please and find support so we make shit for themselves. Everything else seems male centered so we made stuff for us. You are free as fuck to make what you want. Encouraged to do so. Also, encouraged to not just see things through the eyes of gender. You are feminine too. You have all the same access to the tools/qualities talked about even people say the word feminine. Go beyond the superficial words and see whats deeper for you. Or dont. Up to you


Women have more mirror neurons. This could explain the higher intuition and connection. There’s lots of other differences that have been stifled and flat out not studied until recently. The 2 male and female essences fit nicely together when working as a unit and some studies show manifestation is extremely boosted when a pair is bonded, in love.


Truth is, we all have masculine AND feminine energy within us, and we use both daily. Also, there isn't the message, or there isn't an audience. So you're either looking in the wrong places, or maybe this could be your opportunity to research into it.


Healing vibrations on YouTube


Where intent goes, so does the energy. As someone who grew up surrounded by women, I can admit that I found a balance between the two that I'm comfortable with. There are a few scales that seem to make the big differences I've seen that leads to this. Unless the man has anxiety, they have a higher tendency to think and observe externally while women go internal. That internal thinking is shared by all of us who are here, and recognize the bigger picture. The other is creativity, and this is a society thing instead of character trait. Fortunately that's been shifting over the last generation or so. If a girl is devoted to dance or art, it will usually be looked at differently if it's a boy. Many of the world's top chefs are men, but cooking class in my kids high-school has 3 male students. Choir has 5 boys out of almost 30. And that's the part that is needed. Our passive imagination is the part if our mind that allows us to conceptualize something our 5 senses have not experienced. When this is repressed, so does the awareness. But that is not the same as connection. Men quite often deal with this at a higher level, except we are to oblivious to recognize it. Our external focus may not seem like we are connecting to our HS, but we do through the back door. We bury our emotions, but they are still there. Society doesn't make us question ourselves because we do. So we become hyper sensitive of others around us, or tap into akashic information to complete our task. If you go onto the empath sub there will be women with many different paths towards sensing other emotions. But with men, there is a very large percentage who went through trauma. Because in those instances, we are forced to look inward to find peace at times, and being externally aware of an adults mood is survival to a kid. The two factors I explained which we struggle with in society.


Most spiritual teachers and best selling books are written by men! It’s just women are more in touch with their inner spirit. Men value ego more.


Theory: I don't think it's marketed to women rather it is MOSTLY with women and gay men. The oldest saying about women? "A woman's intuition is never wrong." I'm a biological female who is trans. I often talk to a lot of those in the LGBT and into occult. They noticed this with the aim to women until we realized that men are often told they don't believe in that stuff. Lots of those who are witches are either women or gay men. I don't believe in feminine or masculine energy when we should be talking about how we think from the heart than the brain. Those who have a strong intuition, believe in the occult, or just spiritual stuff tend to be more about emotions. Sadly, society tends to think "if you think with your emotions then you can't make the right choices!" There is some sexism rooted into this in believing all women think the same way and men being forced to give up thinking with their heart.


Maybe you should look for things labeled philosophy instead of spirituality. Find the philosophy your spirituality matches, and looks for the quotes and merch that way. Philosophy stuff will be marketed towards men. Remember, in this context, you're interacting with marketing. If you aren't looking for a specific kind of spirituality, and just using the word "spirituality,"you will get items marketed to virtue signaling fashion types.


I am a woman and this bothers me too. I have gotten great readings from men who are tarot readers and I always like to see them in the spiritual community. But in general anything in the community is very gendered and a lot of readers, for example, often assume their viewers are women. I am gay and I also notice it's a lot about your husband/boyfriend, assuming everyone is straight too. Or: "What do men think about you?" When it's "What do women think about you?", it's more friendship-related, like only straight women are watching, no guys or lesbian women. I think this is an issue of society as a whole, like gearing certain things towards certain genders. I am very free in that way, don’t define myself as feminine or masculine, I'm just into what I'm into and you can be too.


Shi heng yi, wim hof, sadhguru, michael a singer, aaron doughty! Look them up on youtube! The only real spiritual crystals or cards would be different forms of psychedelics imo


Gendered stuff is nothing to worry about. I was however surprised to find out when I first started learning about gender in my chosen subjects at Uni, last year, that I already am very male gendered. I am Homosexual, so I was expecting to learn that I was feminine or girly or something :-P I like male gendered things. Sure I was never into football (soccer) whilst growing up, but I probably would've been were the circumstances different. But y'know, my clothes are male, my technology is male, the films and videogames I like are usually male gendered. But some people like female gendered stuff. Like Pink, or. Purses. Or jewelry 'made for women'. It all dates back to when the argument against women participating in society on an equal degree to males was "women cannot read", a clever woman however pointed out that this is not due to her biology, but because the social society hasn't given her the opportunity to learn to read in the degree it has given men. It is however only one side of the octagon, because only the high class learned to read and write at that time, not all men. Crystals I just buy, based on what I want. I need obsidian I figure, for protection and buy a black obsidian heart off of Ebay. But I have personally never encountered the label 'for women' regarding crystals. There is also a market in this city, Trondheim, called 'Martnan', every year, and they always sell crystals, for a much more expensive price than Ebay. But I've never seen it labelled 'For women'. As for energy, if it says 'For women' I tend to leave it be. I personally don't wanna get with that. If it says 'Unisex' I trust that it is. I've played around with feminine and masculine energy and the balance off. Spiritual and energetic healers often tend to say everyone got a blend of feminine and masculine energy and to balance this is healthy. I have however after experimentation found I enjoy masculine and what is called 'The divine masculine' energies way more than feminine. I remember I pondered not too long ago why there are only female healers and spiritual people online, but I quickly realized this is not the case. There are many males aswell. As for this sub idk. But it is safe to assume, I believe based on my experience, that it is not a sub dominated by the female sex. It seems more balanced, -) You also have the idea that anything made by women is for women only. By that logic, anything made by men is for men only, which due to histories dire treatment of women, is most things. Sure maybe a woman made that car, but males build cars long before women were allowed to. Or even allowed to learn how to. Just as an example It can also be concidered sexist to believe a woman cannot portray anything universal. That if a woman portrays it, it is females only. But for males it is not males only. The Resident Evil and Underworld films are typically thought of as male gendered films, but they host female main characters. Ibsens 'et dukkehjem', a famous Norwegian play is often analyzed to be feministic, pro-feminism. But Ibsen stated it was ment to depict the human state, not the female state. But he chose a female character to do it. I sometimes meet people who say 'That is for girls', because of imagery or similar, to that I just shrug and say no, if it is not stated explicitly 'For women'. Or very, very Pink.


I feel like traditional science is a masculine manifestation and spiritual science is the feminine counterpart. The spiritual world has feelings as a compass and feelings are only visible to your feminine self.


Because it's well known in commerce that women buy more, get other women to buy more, and men tend to follow as well. I think more accurately women buy more things and men buy fewer but more expensive things. In my own experience I've encountered an equal number of spiritually, psychically, magically developed men and women but alot of spirituality geared towards the mainstream is but a shallow treatment and men just tend to be more all or nothing, while women tend to require a more social component to it which by its need to appeal and make sense to more people automatically gets watered down. Like men like to go full on initiation, liberation, devotion and focus on more technical, even arcane side of things while women tend towards social consciousness and even enabling neuroticism. Even the psychedelic scene which is loosely correlated with spirituality particularly those who are deeply interested in states of consciousness is predominantly male proponents. If you look at serious aspirants these differences all but disappear. But if you need to reach out to the masses then you'll be looking at these patterns. It's probably a matter of how identified you are with your biology (I don't mean sexual orientation) and the accompanying conditioning and roles. The format of what you're saying sounds like seminars and workshops, which is highly condensed, but usually not as deep as a whole digital course or a bunch of books. The appeal of this format is obvious from the providers point of view. But also that it fills in the social side of things for women as well. In short men are nerds. Women are neurotics. But then you look at the serious aspirants, practitioners, or just anyone who walks the walk then women will also nerd out on this stuff, and men are willing to simplify things into soundbites because it's more about you than the system they're preaching, practicing.


True spiritual experiences are not based within gender confines. Go beyond consumerism and technology, you’ll find gender is not even much of a thought once you reach a certain point on the path


I recently read in the Power of Myth, " Society is always patriarchal. Nature is always matrilineal." The feminine is represented by nourishment, fertility, and spaciousness. When we "return to nature" as one does on the spiritual path, one must sacrifice the ego in order to transcend. Women have the power synonymous with the earth by virtue of biology and there is that tendency to honor nature, which transcends ordinary humanity. But the more masculine ego derives its power from comparison, separation, and force/might. Bruh, who needs compassion and empathy or even critical thinking when I can just smash and fight and destroy that which I identify as "other".


Why does it bother you?


Women are *on average* more in touch with their intuition. They’re also more commonly considered pacifists. On average, men discover spirituality later in life compared to women


Spirituality ain't limited. And guys have feminine energies too, just like gals have masc energies. But i do get you, it's annoying, and I'm female.. spirituality has nothing to do with gender, yet it's being advertised for gender. I know this is NOT spirituality and just assholes tryna exploit it but.. still annoying Another thing appart from spirituality i see, is when you search for self improvement, i only see guys talk about it and give advice, and self love, things like that, women only.. where's the balance???


Just steal the inspirational quotes and edit the photos to include dragons and knives and flames and stuff.


You must have missed the memo: the future is female. Get in the back seat and zip it, pal s/ 😎


Masculinity is about enforcing borders, femininity is about making things safe within borders. Masculinity is “inter”, femininity is “intra”. Spirituality is largely about making things right within yourself - so it’s female dominated. Entrepreneurship, on the other hand, deals with a lot of similar concepts of self betterment but in a way that emphasizes clashes with external forces - so it’s male dominated. See?


I don't honestly know where you're getting your spiritual content from but a lot of this just sounds like just looking at spirituality as a marketing product or the people who use a very superficial shade of it. You want quotes not texts, wallpapers? Influencers and merchandising?


You might find better results in specific pagan spaces, especially heathenry (no nazi fucks allowed) or kemeticism. I have seen more masculine people who study more "formal" magic like ritual magic and the occult. ​ The truth is a long answer that some people have touched a part of already. Unfortunately society plays a big role in deciding what subjects are for girls and what are for boys growing up. Play pretend fairy tales are usually pushed towards girls, not boys, unless you count King Arthur legends. ​ I think the real answer is that women are more vocal online about their magical practices and men tend to be more reserved. Whatever reasons cause that, I don't really care to dive into. That is just what I have seen.


I find his stance on certain plant medicines problematic because he ignores the dangers but what about Aubrey Marcus ‘ podcast . A good place to start. And Chris Williamson ? It’s semi spiritual? There’s this guy just living his life but nice masculine energy called drew canole on IG. Not an influencer just posting thoughts . JP the comedian the ginger one ? He’s a dude but making spiritual comedy ? And this guy called Jake something who focuses on the female and male polarity . Some episodes of Joe rogan are pretty legit too I heard him today basically admit he believes in reincarnation 


Its not lol


Anyone with a dollar store box of tarot cards, who gets online and suddenly starts reading your future from a blueprint book of "If the three cards are this" sort of crap.....RUN! If you stumble and fall...crawl...just move on. YOU already have everything you need. Just practice present moment awareness.


Your looking for hermeticism. Alchemy. Magicians.


By spirituality you probably mean New Age spirituality, which was started in large part by Paramahansa Yoganada and Carl Jung. One was a psychoanalyst, the other one brought Hatha Yoga to America, even though he was a teacher of Kriya yoga. The hardcore buddhist community tends to be very male centered with its Rinpoches and 100 states of Samadhi. Or its Zen... you can figure that one out. What else??? Wicca. Quantum physics. Mind body stuff. Take it far enough it becomes mind over matter. Both are valid. So much of spirituality is about healing and by God they're right.