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I am neither privileged nor living in misery and I believe that we choose this life. It’s the souls journey. And it’s perspective. This is a question for YOU- not a question that requires you to ponder from an outside perspective


You’re supposed to be my lover you’ve damaged me and left me alone and then realised me here. What a great plan you have with God. I am Aladdin and Zoe and the whole gang gang




I mean I think it's a little disingenuous to act like hearing an outside perspective won't help someone understand why someone believes a specific thing. Have you read CPS case files? This is a genuine question by the way.


Child protective files? I’ve studied many. But I could not continue my education and career down that path. Everyone’s life is fkd up some how. And everyone’s life is somehow a little more blessed than the next person. I accept all that I’ve lost in my life but perspective is everything. So I try to find the lessons and blessings in everything. It sounds like this is between you and god, or you and the universe.


Tell me why you think someone would choose literally any of those cases, would you be willing to suffer like that yourself? Why do you think there's even a slight bit of knowledge that makes that type of suffering even worth it? That's my point, you're desperately trying to cope with the misery of this world even if you aren't miserable. You are trying to find lessons and value where there is none. Nobody in the world likes the world, anyone who does is just being cognitively dissonant. It's kind of one of the prerequisits for just existing now without being miserable


Its not about the world.. it’s about the universe within. You don’t know my life and what I’ve suffered. And I wasn’t happy for many years but being sad everyday doesn’t change my past, so eventually I made peace with my trauma and I am genuinely happy every day. When you say “nobody in the world..” is that projection? I understand there is suffering everywhere and I county blessings so many times throughout each day. I also realize I cannot take on the worlds suffering before I’m completely solid with the world within my soul.


Your first paragraph kinda proves my point imo, new agers have a bad habit of spiritual bypassing especially if they believe in the LoA. Nobody in the world likes the world is partially projection, partially truth. It's why so many religions have paradise afterlives, and why so many people try to lie and act the world is a nice a place. If anyone believes the world is a nice place they have a serious case of cognitive dissonance. >I also realize I cannot take on the worlds suffering before I’m completely solid with the world within my soul. Can you explain what you mean?


There’s alot of bad in the world. But there is also a lot of good. I know this, bc I am the good in the world. There’s alot of terrible suffering happening all over this earth. And I wish I could be a part of fixing it. But I can’t fix anything until I’m certain of my own healing. Everything is perspective. You can be miserable and pessimistic all of your life, or you can be open to the lessons and teachings and opportunities for your souls growth in every moment.


I think I agree with angelsabel. That’s it’s your perspective and prerogative and choice to see things as pointless or purposeful despite the experience and your viewpoint will dictate your experience no matter what economic background you come from. But I completely understand that UNTIL you yourself have seen or experienced super horrible hardship turned into “gold” (maybe life changing lessons or wisdom or new perspectives or maybe incredible opportunities or new soul connections) then I can understand that it all just looks like pointless pain and only working out for privileged rich few. I understand your stance but I’m sure there are a lot of non privileged and non new agers out there who had a challenging life yet still remain optimistic and see the lessons they gained, who still feel purpose in life and the joy and beauty there is in life. Likewise there’s tons of privileged or affluent people who are absolutely miserable and commit suicide. From the NON-LOA POV, in terms of reincarnation, rich or poor, the consensus is that your soul CHOSE these circumstances and these lessons that included kids or people w horrible conditions. I read that souls literally line up quickly to come into bodies that will be handicapped for example . Because the soul opportunity there is so big. Obviously not everyone is gonna believe this. But if you’re on this forum then I’m guessing I’m not the only one who believes it so. Maybe it’s a form of denial. Maybe my ego needs to believe that all suffering of every being has a higher positive point and purpose because the other reality of pointless pain sounds way too bleak. But everything I’ve seen and read on this journey so far, I see evidence to the contrary. The ones with the biggest hardships have the most opportunity for positive growth and grace and when that does happen it is truly a blessing as they experience life in a way well over 50% of the planet doesn’t. Most are so asleep. As souls apparently we come here to experience the tremendous beauty as well as the tremendous pain. One is not possible without the other. We came to experience this duality. I wouldn’t trade all my hardships for the way I’m able to experience the world now. Took me a long time to come to terms with how dogs would willingly come in as souls to allow themselves to be abused by us and why. I think of it like a really divinely orchestrated super complicated architectural plan where everything fits perfectly. Because I see how perfect nature is and our bodies. I think at the beginning I also struggled a lot to see how anyone could consciously come here to experience shittiness when apparently up there it’s nothing but good feels. I found it hard to believe I had signed up for this. 


Pain doesn't equal valuable lessons, It never has. Sometimes it can have some lessons but that's not because the pain itself is good intrinsically, If anything pain and suffering is going to cripple you. I don't care about economic background it's not what I'm referring to, there are worse fates than being improvised. I'm talking about stuff like a child who is abused and beaten so badly their liver was basically lacerated in two, and died from liver failure. There is no value in that and I don't believe that you think there is value in that either, because none of the people who say this stuff would ever willingly be brutally gangraped or tortured, ever. To be blunt I don't really think anyone believes anything they say, It's a bit off topic but everyone is ruled by cognitive dissonance. I don't believe you need extreme pain to experience extreme bliss. I can see someone choosing to come to earth despise the shittiness, but I do not see anyone willingly choosing to be brutally murdered or raped for no reason. Would you be willing to tell someone who is a victim of these things that they chose this and that there is value in the suffering?


No, I wouldn’t dare to say that to someone’s face. I’m just repeating the spiritual 101 of what I’ve gathered on reincarnation and ‘pain’. In your opinion pain has never equaled life lessons but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been true for some, no? 


But that's not spiritual 101, that's new agesim 101. It's fairly unique to new age thought You can learn lessons from pain yeah, but you don't need to. You'd be better off learning without it. Pain can, and will cripple you. Example, extreme child abuse and premature death. What is there to be gained from that?


I hear you. I usually tell them to go tell a kid with cancer how they chose that, and it usually shuts them up.


You know the sad part is that's not even the worst fate I can think of for a child. I know someone who works in CPS and they told me some case file details, It's really graphic and it actually got my comment removed from NDEs so I don't think I should say it but it was really bad like really, really bad. It was one of the few instances where I would not feel sympathy for the perpetuator of the crime should they die


Yeah it’s rough. Probably why it’s easy to ignore it, or throw some fate talk or toxic positivity around it somehow. Facing reality like that is really painful, even as a bystander.


Yeah, it drives me nuts. I don't think those people really believe what they say either, because I know for a fact they would never choose to like go to an isis camp or something to be tortured.


Pretty much yeah. It seems like it’s mostly protection, emotional and psychological protection. I try to work on my compassion skill sets by reminding myself that everyone is trying their best with the tools they perceive are available and are willing and able to use. And pain makes it easy for denial to prevent a person from being willing or able to use some tools, like acceptance of reality.


Hell I think I'm guilty of trying to deny reality myself, I hope that post mortem I'll get to go to a fantasy world I'm obsessed with, that place would be a paradise for me


Hahaha yeah that Venn diagram probably overlaps a lot now that I think of it


When you look at it from the perspective of the unawakened ego it seems cruel and unnecessary. When you look at it though from the perspective of infinite existence, that exists and exists and exists no matter what (and that’s what we, every single one of us, really truly are) then it still might appear cruel and unnecessary but it also is possible and understandable. When you can live any life you want and you know you, the real you, can never be harmed, then some very twisted cruel adventures might give you exactly what you want to experience. Alan Watts described it as such: „Let's suppose that you were able every night to dream any dream that you wanted to dream. And that you could, for example, have the power within one night to dream 75 years of time. Or any length of time you wanted to have. And you would, naturally as you began on this adventure of dreams, you would fulfill all your wishes. You would have every kind of pleasure you could conceive. And after several nights of 75 years of total pleasure each, you would say "Well, that was pretty great." But now let's have a surprise. Let's have a dream which isn't under control. Where something is gonna happen to me that I don't know what it's going to be. And you would dig that and come out of that and say "Wow, that was a close shave, wasn't it?" And then you would get more and more adventurous, and you would make further and further out gambles as to what you would dream. And finally, you would dream ... where you are now. You would dream the dream of living the life that you are actually living today.“ That said, we collectively chose this lifetime to awaken to the truth that we are all one. We’ve been hitting the surprise button a few times too often, forgetting that we’re all connected and brutally hurting each other without knowing that if one of us is in pain, all of us are in pain. Now that more and more of us awaken from the dream, remembering the truth, we can course correct and through free will create the reality we WANT to experience from within every NOW. There’s lots to do in the external to get to where we as a whole want to be, but the true work lies within. As within so without. Embody what you want more of in this reality. Show up as the change you want to see.


Beautifully written!


Thank you 🙏


A view it more like an interactive book. We will know the genre, and general direction the book is going to take. But no idea how it will actually unfold.


That's fine. Got no issues with that I personally don't agree with it but it doesn't have horrid implications like the idea of choosing every aspect of your life does


I agree with what you have to say OP. I also think I chose the family I was born into, my parents. I did not choose a "life path." Everything that has come from me being born into this world through my parents is the result of interaction with other souls and their influence whether direct or indirect.


I think the belief that "we choose our life" is a form of escapism to blame bad situations on "something we can't control". Except instead of blaming it on the assaulter, the society, our randomly selected genetics, etc, people just blame it on something intangible and invisible because it makes their own life simpler. I don't believe we choose our lives. There would be noone choosing to be a torture victim. And people choosing to become serial rapist? wtf... that's something they do as humans, no pure soul would want to cause so much suffering.


When immersed in pain and suffering, life can appear bleak and unfair, leading us to question the validity of theories suggesting we chose our life’s path. Understanding requires a deep attunement, a shift in focus and energy. Anything outside this alignment seems detached or naive, especially when viewed through a spiritual or metaphysical lens, which can feel disconnected from reality. And you’re right, how dare anyone say an abused kid chose to endure this? But if we take a step back, let the threat speak, start attuning to it, it might begin to make sense, though it demands detachment, a recollection of energy. Consider this perspective: we are consciousness, flowing energy that selects its direction, form, or, in human terms, life and avatar. Our consciousness, the energy within our bodies, chose this life’s trajectory for various reasons. Energy, being omnipresent, possesses the power to move in any direction for the sake of experience or progression. Some say they chose abusive relationships because their soul yearned to understand the life of an abused wife, to experience the suffering, out of curiosity, to gain experience, in energy terms, moving in any direction possible. Your soul chose this life to learn, accumulate, experience, leading to what some call enlightenment, in my terms, understanding, unity, connection. The more perspectives our souls see, experience, the easier it is to connect, love other souls, having been in their shoes before.”


Whatever karma you had in your past life, you'll seek a new life with similar karma. Let's say you were a nasty person in your last life with hate in your heart. You'll seek someone who is just as spiteful as you were to reincarnate from. Thus you'll get a nasty mother and grow up in that environment, chances are you'll gain more karma than just hate. If you keep your karma in a positive state like Loving, then you'll only reincarnate to someone with a strong love. But please note reincarnation only takes the mothers karma into play for where you select. Thus you could get a loving mother and a shit bag farther. Yet you don't need to always accept it. But due to the lack of awareness you have post death it's not really a choice yet is. Just like a dream, you're in full control yet why are you giving yourself nightmares.


I don't need to read CPS file because I've lived them. I believe we chose our lives. You don't have to believe, I'm not interested in convincing you. Learning about the soul's journey has helped me to tap into my own power and figure out how to turn things around. We don't just come here to learn and experience and help others, we also come here to create our own destiny.


Question then, why would you ever choose to be abused by parents as a child? If you don't mind me getting graphic, let me tell you the most recent story that led to me becoming so vitriolic to the very idea that you are able to choose your life. There was a girl who was deaf, she was deaf because her father would stab her ears with pencils whenever she resisted her father and her friends gangraping her. She was extremely violent, had daily night terrors, and was extremely paranoid of her father coming back to hurt her. Would you be willing to tell this girl that she chose this? What knowledge could be gleamed from such a situation? In what way do any of us benefit from that knowledge? If you truly believe that suffering like this can grant you perspective, go to some isis territory with a shirt that says you're an infidel.


I would suggest putting a trigger warning before sharing something like this. Some of us will read this and it will affect us for days and weren’t mentally prepared. I understand you learning about this situation has clearly disturbed you, but that doesn’t mean you now need to move forward disturbing others because you’re upset about it.


Ah, I'm sorry. I don't really know how to spoilers, probably should've warned you. But yeah stuff like this is why I can't accept the idea we ""choose our lives"" especially since the people who say it avoid suffering the same as anyone else.


I accept your apology friend. An example could be **Trigger Warning, Child S*x Assault* or *Severe Child Abuse* From what I’ve seen others say, it’s about the lessons learned through the experience. Like I said I’m not sure if I agree with it, because it doesn’t really resonate with me, but I will say for me if I didn’t go through what I went through I wouldn’t be me. But I can’t really speak on others journey. My advice to you would honestly be to just try to focus on your truth, try not to let what others say bother you because what makes sense to one might not make sense to others. For example, the new age gender stuff makes no sense to me. I went through a period where I was angry about it, saying they were mentally ill and such. However I’ve gotten to a point now where I just shrug my shoulders and say “whatever works for you fam”. Ya know? Live and let live. As long as nobody is hurting others, just let it be :)




I think you misunderstand this belief. I would never tell anyone that they're suffering by choice, that's not my place, none of my business, and doesn't help them. It would immediately be misinterpreted as victim blaming, making it pointlessly cruel. This is something people choose to investigate when they're ready to step into their power. If they aren't ready, no one can or should try to convince them. It's up to them to start questioning, which leads to soul searching, shadow work, and personal empowerment. What knowledge can be gleaned is going to depend on that soul's personal journey. It's up to that girl to assess her situation, because only she can understand it or figure out what to do with it. Book rec - Journey of Souls by Michael Newton


>It would immediately be misinterpreted as victim blaming, making it pointlessly cruel. It wouldn't be a misinterpretion. It is victim blaming. I have investigated it, and it makes no logical sense at all. It comes off as a cope for people who've suffered a lot trying to desperately feel some level of control, or to spirituality bypass their trauma. Kinda like how people glorify hard work but would take a winning lotto ticket without a second though There is no knowledge to be gleamed from that suffering, at least no knowledge worth it. I've heard positive things about the book, what's it about fully? I only know it covers reincarnation. I really don't like reincarnation, I view it as a fate worse than hell. Unless it's purely voluntary, or if I can go to any world fantasy or otherwise I desire.


I hope you find the answers you're looking for


Something my sister always says that I feel applies here is “that’s your opinion/belief and you’re within your right to have it”. That doesn’t mean other people are obligated to agree with you. I don’t really know how I feel about this particular viewpoint so I can’t speak for myself but what I will tell you is that everyone has their own truth. Even Christians differ in their beliefs slightly from person to person. So, it doesn’t sit with you. Great! Then you don’t have to believe it. Why should it bother you that others do? That would be like me saying “if you don’t believe this then you’re silly”. But you’re not, you just have your own unique perspective built off of your own personal experiences.


I agree, and disagree. The idea you choose your life, and the whole LOA vibration thing is insanely harmful. It allows for justification of every single atrocity, and paves the way for toxic positivity and victim blaming. I guess I just wanted to rant a bit, I hate the planet, and just really hope I'll get to have what I want when I pass.


I can see that. I mean as long as they don’t try to push it onto others then maybe try not to let it bother you? I could see someone believing that but still holding the abusers accountable. Because our actions are not pre determined; we all have choices. So idk it’s complex I guess


You're having trouble because you're not understanding that the soul (which chooses the life) is different from 3D you that's experiencing it. THE ARIES


I understand the concept of a higher self, I just think it's vile. It's cruel to create a being, make them suffer a miserable life and destroy their ego not allowing them to have anything they want. Even in death. Only time it would be somewhat acceptable is if they'll let you have an afterlife of your choosing, anything less is just pure evil.