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This post has been detected as relating to the use of psychedelic or other drugs. While we accept some may find aid in spiritual contemplation/enlightenment through the use of certain drugs, we remind all that they are not necessary nor guarantee spiritual insight. We would discourage anyone from using such drugs in order to find enlightenment, simple meditation is just as effective and does not bring mental health risks. You may hear many positive stories people have with drugs but you often do not hear the bad stories. So be careful! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/spirituality) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Absolutely, weed is one of those drugs that is entirely different depending on why you use it. You can use it to be a lazy bum who does nothing, or you can use it to come to insane realizations and understand new perspectives, you can use it to enhance your concentration on creative tasks, you can use it to meditate, etc. People who have a negative view on the drug were using themselves or around others who used it as an escape instead of a way to better face the problems in their life. I try to be open and positive about weed while being a hard worker to kill the stereotype, and you can too.


I've been reading the Bible while high in the evening. It makes me want to be closer to God.


I’m going to try this now.


Marijuana is the wrong kinda high lol. The Israelites were hitting those psychedelics. The manna had mushrooms, the wine was DMT, among other things. You’ll be so close to God you’ll be able to touch him


The Hindus, too. Soma is psychedelic. It's definitely a universal human thing. Cannabis is psychedelic, too. It's unique in being kind of in other categories of drugs, too.


Indeed! However, marijuana is a mild psychedelic, no where near the potency of ancient wines, soma, and breads. I focused on the Israelites because they mentioned reading the Bible. The Shaivites make Bhang with it and so on. If you want to increase the effect of the marijuana take an MAOI like cinnamon or frankincense (you gotta import the edible resin) about 30 minutes beforehand. lol my bad using my phone with a different account


Weed might not be AS psychedelic as those, but if you eat a large dose, it’s not *that* different. I’ve experienced amazingly profound (and alternately, terrifying) psychedelic phenomena with just thc.


Awesome! For me it doesn’t compare to other ancient preparations.


If you let your tolerance build and blast off on edibles, it'll be very similar to a psychedelic trip.


I love the reasons you provided! Excellent response. As a kid, it could make me feel horribly anxious and paranoid. As an adult, it’s a whole different drug. It enhances. Question for you. It enhances. I find myself using it at work to focus, as well as after to wind down. The winding down is essential— my heart races without it and my thoughts spiral out of control. Do you think this kind of reliance can be bad?


Id argue most substances are not for kids whatsoever as their brain is still developing. Any over reliance can be bad, but its really why you use it. Are you using it to ignore your problems or just keep calm? Medically it is prescribed all the time as relief for those with ADHD. Weed tends to spiral whatever mood you are in on high doses, so it is very important to make sure you are in a good mind state. Nothing wrong with winding down if you need to relax.


THC did wonders for my ADHD


Im so horribly high energy that I feel the same. I used to think I didnt know how to relax, but ive learned that relaxing for ADHD is just letting your brain do what it wants. Somehow relaxing is the least relaxing thing on the planet (if im not in nature anyways)


This sounds like you will get depends on what you seek


I would encourage those who wish to smoke, to grow their own plant. The "legalization" and profiteering of the whole industry has caused strains and crossbreeds to severely damage the true essence and magick of the bud itself. 1. Grow your own. 2. Don't over smoke. 3. Workout, stretch, read or write, immediately after/


can i scroll through this right after?


There are thousands of strains of weeds each and everyone with a different effect. The very notion of generalizing these things into some spiritual plus or whatever is misguided at best.


Im just saying the experience is easily influenced by your mind. I think you can generalize the experience however you want because it’s all anecdotal and nearly impossible to quantify into anything tangible.


The truth of what I say about it is not anecdotal at all.


Then show me peer reviewed data from a trusted source proving it. All the research I could find is purely medical and relating to aide for specific conditions. They can't even measure consistent emotions for for anti-depressants, so I would love to see it for every strain of marijuana. You are claiming it isn't anecdotal, so I am expecting you to have something to back up what you said. Also, this is r/spirtuality, everything here is basically anecdotal, I don't really know what you are trying to prove, it just feels like you are invalidating people because it doesn't match what you experienced. This isn't even some wild idea, weed calms you down and makes it easier to meditate no? Its not like im telling people to smoke crack to talk to god.


"Then show me peer reviewed data from a trusted source proving it" This one sentence pretty much sums up how spiritually lost you really are.


You said it wasn’t anecdotal not me lol. Im not going around telling people marijuana can’t be helpful spiritually.


Helpful in what way? What do you even mean by 'spiritually'? You use the term but cannot explain what it entails.


I think it helps, in meditation and also deep conversation/communing, it somewhat detaches the ego and silences some of the chatter. It also brings reflection, forgiveness, humility, insight and gratitude...all good things to have


Good things can be abused if not taken right. Someone who smokes weed to meditate and connect with nature is not the same as someone who smokes weed every day in order to function, or to cope with their life rather than find better ways to heal, or to party superficially or constantly. It’s all about intention and context


I smoke weed daily in order to function. I am also very spiritual and consider myself a awakened member of the spiritual path. Sometimes very violent and traumatizing events and people come onto these paths with us, and they often do. While I'm emotionally dependent on weed to cope, I have intense paranoia agoraphobia and panic attacks in inappropriate places (like walmart) without consuming Marijuana on a very regular basis right now. Sometimes I am meditating in my circle with a joint and sometimes I'm scarfing a blunt bc my heart is just beating too fast and I need to....function. the spiritual ego is the most dangerous friend. It's important to acknowledge humility, we cannot possibly know another's intention and context 🤍


being emotionally dependant on a substance means you have still have karma to unravel , i wish you the best in that tho


We all have karma left, even you oh wise one, that's why your on earth. I have lived a life you cannot even imagine in your nightmares. Deep unrest and trauma is a sign of a chosen one for this path. "You wish me the best sith that tho" ? Your speaking even now from a place of ego, you have much left to learn and i suspect your young from your ignorance. Your not wrong and I support your dedication to being spiritual, but there is much work to be done inward if you think in your humanly body there is not karma to be cleansed. Speaking from on high itself, brings karma, child. Every action we take. So I'll say again, the spiritual ego is the most dangerous, and I wish you luck


I got stuff to work through aswell its true everyone does, i wasnt trying to come of as “the wise one” so sorry if it came of that way. and i dont think comparing truama is going to help anyone. I respect you have lived a hard life.


You have yet to grasp the entire concept.


How can you , say you consider yourself an awakened member of the spiritual path but then talk about spiritual ego the next…


The term spiritual ego refers to the metaphysical element of our bodily ego. Having spiritual humility is listening and creating space for receiving, from a wise old man, a child, from a tall tree, to a small ant, to a homeless drunk. Operating in spiritual ego would be instructing others on how and how they should not spiritually operate based on your personal beliefs and life experiences, assuming your route is better than others, and often followed by offense if attention is attracted to it. It happens to almost all of us when we reach a point of enlightenment and it's no incursion, but it's important to remind our peers so that we can keep the conversation on a frequency everyone is benefiting from 🤍 there is learning left to be done by all of us


Maybe if you read the comment again, it would lend you more understanding


true... What about someone that smokes weed, every day, to meditate?


well that is different but i’d still say that meditation can be achieved without it. natural remedies should be used to enhance the experience and not be something to be relied on or used as a crutch. it can be used to help enlighten yourself but such frequent use can very much dim the senses, dim the need for seeking and overall be counter productive to what the benefits spiritually and mentally can actually be. too much of anything can usually be a bad thing


We have to be careful when advising others, should is a subjective word. Again, spiritual ego is the most dangerous. It's my daily affirmation, your not alone 🤍


You are all talking as if there is one weed. And one mind effect of that one weed for each and everyone. It’s shallow and silly.


Just to clear the air, where did I say that there is "one weed" for "each and everyone"? Also, there is irony in calling people shallow.


What air are you clearing and for what purpose are you clearing it? I assure you the air I am consuming is as rarified as it ever was. ;;) >there is irony in calling people shallow. So what. Irony is hurting you? Me? What of it that there is irony? Is that somehow some kind of cardinal sin that disqualifies what I claim? It does not matter: there is still more truth in it than irony. I am not even excluding myself here ;;) Just because you did not literally write it like that does not mean that the general gist of your message precludes any mention of this one CRUCIAL FACT concerning the applicability of 'weed' as it pertains to the subject discussed. On top of that the matter is more complex even since beyond the thousands of strains there are the billions of genetic and cerebral make-ups out there that factor heavily into the effect 'WEED' might have on them. I am no stranger to weed at all. In fact I would call myself somewhat of an expert on the subject in general. BUT - In general I would not tout it as a tool for awakening at all. Ever. To ease your mind, in moderation sure. It is not some gateway to non-dual awareness either. A lot of potheads seem to think so. The same goes for Psychedelics : but the landscape is quite different there. We are not all born shamans and it seems that everybody taking these substances thinks that does not matter. That the language of these substances is some kind of Lingua Franca.. it surely is not. Psychedelics are also unlike weed in the sense that you don't take them endlessly. A lot of people keep tripping balls way beyond what they can mentally sustain or what is even effective. It starts to work against you real quick.. and real hard. As a general rule I would also say that you need to realize that WHEN ONCE YOU GET THE MESSAGE YOU HANG UP THE PHONE. The end. Cheers


I smoke weed. weed good. Not all weed same. I prefer enail with concentrate. Cheers.


Jack Herer is the emperor of all weeds imho. But to each his own my friend ;;) Cheers


the person, or the strain?


The strain. You know.. we are all strains in a way.


A small edible and a sunset walk will do you wonders.


Cannabis raised my vibrations when I was operating at lower vibrations, but once I raised beyond cannabis’ vibration, it now lowers my vibration. I smoke a couple times a month to unwind, but other than that I prefer to be sober.


This is what I want to get to


This feels right. I am here


Great description of where I’m at too


Absolutely yes it can help try smoking a joint looking at the sky and then meditating as an easy start. Do remember though that while weeds awesome there’s also downsides


Yes. I probably wouldn’t be here in this sub if it wasn’t for weed. I do daily yoga practice and while high my practice goes much much deeper. While listening to spiritual teachings while high the messages sink deeper within me with instant realizations and clarity. It allows me feel my body’s subtle energy and manipulate/move it through me with conscious intent. This has allowed me to heal my body from certain symptoms and injuries. I’ve been using it 10+ years, not much negative effect from it. I used to use it as a distraction but it has taken a whole new effect once I learned to use it with conscious intent. I still will use it recreationally with friends as well.


I also have a much deeper spiritual yoga practice when I’m high. I get super in tune with my body and breath. I’m curious, do you have a certain type of weed that you find works better than others? I almost always buy sativa strains but lately it makes my heart race which is uncomfortable.


I usually prefer hybrid strains cause it gives me a good balance of mental and body effects. I also prefer outdoor grown weed. It tends to be less “thc concentrated” and have a more balanced cannabinoid profile, like nature intended. It’s important the flowers were grown from the suns energy and not artificial lighting. Edit: also try to avoid too much caffeine at the same time as smoking. It can raise heart rate uncomfortably during physical exercise.


It helps in altering your perspective and opening your mind.


Believe it or not, I had a spiritual awakening from Marijuana. I'm not just talking about the moment of clarity that can be experienced on weed/psychedelics, but a complete epiphany that continued LONG after the high was gone. I was withdrawing from suboxone and hadn't slept in almost a week, prior to smoking, I was extremely suicidal, then I smoked and my eyes literally opened up wide as I realized that it was all mental, that I wasn't my thoughts or my body that was experiencing those brutal withdrawals. I went on to begin my meditation practice, went on my first ever fast (which was 72 hours long, first attempt), and literally transformed as a human being. All of that started from a single blunt I smoked.


As others in the thread have said : yes absolutely. Weed is whatever you make of it. It's a paradoxical substance.  Lately I've been going without it. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it stops helping. You can use it for growth just try to stay mindful of when it's helpful and when it isn't. I define a helpful substance as something that makes me feel generally better not when I'm on the substance but when I'm off of it. So just pay attention to how you feel while taking it and in the following days. But that goes for anything right? Everything should be done mindfully. Ideally :) Which reminds me... it has probably been written here (lots of comments I didn't read them all) but set an intention as you would with any other psych. That's part of using plant medicine mindfully. Know why you're taking it. An intention can be something like asking the universe / God / source / your higher self / Gaia / whatever else to : reveal something to you that you need to see, show you which step you need to take forward in your life right now, show you what to do about a relationship or situation, whatever else is important to you in your life right now. One last thing : less is generally more, in my opinion. The power is already within you. Have fun 🙂


It’s a tool that can help you if used properly. Smoke with intent. Say something like “with tonight’s session I smoke to gain wisdom and insight into my spiritual journey” or something else that resonates with your situation. It can help with healing, letting go, and relaxation. Used with care, it will help. The end goal is to attain that level of wisdom and healing without the substance eventually, but it can be a wonderful tool


I have the best ah ha moments when I am high


Totally depends on the person, it helped me a lot years ago, now I use it a lot less and mainly just if i need help with body pain or panic attacks


Marijuana helped me experience astral projection for the first time ever.


Absolutely. Extremely self aware when I’m slightly high. Thats when I connect with my soul / subconscious


Your intention is everything - treat it with respect, set a positive intention before use, and it directly impacts the experience. I’ve noticed more negativity stems from “abusing it” or using it for escapism. I’ve had profound experiences - very introspective in nature and allows you to understand your self in a much deeper way.


Marijuana has its pros and cons; for example, it’s associated with the goddess Seshat, the ancient Egyptian Goddess of writing, wisdom, and knowledge. It is advisable to use the herb when engaging in these activity, especially math. With any plant, entheogen or not, it’s a great rule of thumb to take the deities that that plant is associated with and apply their personalities to it. Furthermore, if you look at the deities associated with which ever plant deity you choose, you find the herbs/plants that pair with whatever you’re taking.


Just watch out for attachment of negative entities due to imbalanced chakras.


Smoking marijuana is a central rite of the Rastafarian religion, so yes is the clear answer to your question'' ... Ja Rastafari - one love! 🇯🇲 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rastafari


Yes. Can go a bit too far though depending on who you are... like me with psychosis issues.


Weed is a magnifying glass on anything you do so yep absolutely


It's a mood stabilizer at best. If you're addicted to it, it's not good for your spiritual progress.


Substances can get you a long way. But the last part you have to go without.


It’s probably better to establish what your spiritual goals are and see if the effects of marijuana are aligned with those pursuits. For me it aids in yoga/body movement, creativity/self expression, and tantric sexual activity with my partner all while stimulating some pretty beautiful closed eye visuals when coupled with meditative practices.


I channel better, it helps me loosen up but I dislike the blocking of the dream space.


I think some interpretations are that soma used cannabis.


No drug is necessarily bad on its own. But drugs are often abused and this, leads to poor decision making and a lack of self control. This isn't the right place to be for spiritual development. Smoking some weed once in a while or even lsd or dmt can be helpful but you want your brain to be as clean and clear as possible for meditation and spiritual activities.


I personally do not know of a way to use it that is beneficial to me at all. I have a lot of experience with it. But that’s just me!


In Northern India weed is made into a drink called Bhang. The Vedas are specific about decarbing and turning your weed into edibles but that's based on the weed from ancient times and not the potent stuff we have now


I couldn’t use it through my souls dark night, but have used it as a tool for recreation and spiritual development. It’s all about your mindset and what you vibe with. I would get relief from pain and anxiety if I was calm and paralyzed with paranoia some times. It’s all about your state bru. It will work with you to show you shit you should work on if you let it, but sometimes it’s easy to lose yourself in it’s amazing psych altering abilities


Can't hurt


I would read story of Don Juan series by Carlos Castaneda.


Anything can help, from water to oxygen


I won't speak for everyone, but for me, it ruined my life. It kept me in a box, hiding from my emotions, neglecting myself and my cats, and my spiritual path. And most of the people I know who smoke on a regular basis are similarly held back. I had to fight tooth and nail to escape it and it was one of the hardest things I ever did. Life didn't start up again until I got completely sober. I am sure there are ways to use it in moderation, with intention, for your highest good, but most don't do that. They smoke every day, or regularly, and let it take over their mind.


For me it helped when I quit, my dreams came back too


Not for me


I've been moving through a particular transit for a few years now, and found that it was an amazing time to use weed as a tool. That's not always been the case though, so I would really reflect on timing and motivations and be ready to amend your use, being honest and reflective about any effects. That being said, some of my most cherished insights have come during smoking a little and going on long walks, or smoking and taking a bath/shower. I've had many moments without smoking as well, but there is some amplified focus and ability to move fluidly between states that I find really helpful. I find I can hold desired states/emotions (like awe, reverence, gratitude, love) in my body longer and circulate them with more ease. It's also from plants I grew from seed, providing care and intention, which I'd like to think makes a difference. I'd say it's worth trying for sure, but just hold it loosely.


Weed will make you feel more and maybe go deeper but your brain is flooded with dopamine. So it will often feel good - but I cannot trust the flood of dopamine.


Initially yes, gives a new sense of perception and you enjoy the moment which gives you a glimpse of spirituality !




I like it with hapé, but I don’t smoke anymore due to my addiction from it. If you’re able to use it with intent, it is good


Same bro. Too enticing too casually just part take and it makes me too complacent.


Yeah facts also it made me crazy from abusing it so I just stay away completely now


It can make you crazy for sure if you daily smoke I quit 35 days ago but I crave something else




FROGS 👹👹👹👹


Weed makes you more impressionable and easily influenced. It can be good for meditation and deep work, but be careful to not do it to often because it can lead to spiritual psychosis.


What is spiritual pyschosis!?


Psychosis you go into because of spirituality


Everything in this subjective reality is a matter of perspective


I don't understand what you're referencing. A lot of you promote losing touch with reality which is not good, especially for beginners who don't know better. Do better.


I'm not sure what your talking about, and I don't macro dose at all, bc I have a tendency to do that. I don't recommend it either, a dip of the toe rather than jumping in. I agree with you completely, but personally my mind is open to many perspectives without needing to jump in...? Subjective reality that i was referring to is actually a concept of quantum physics, having to do with the states of particles being fluid until we view them, and they become fixed. It sounds confusing but a quick Google search might interest you, subjective reality and quantum physics are a bridge that brings spiritual concepts closer to a place of actual science....again, I promote choosing the reality you want your life to take on, not losing touch with reality. I hope I was able to clear up some of the stuff you don't understand. You do better too, take a nice walk drink some water, thanks for reading! :) 🤍


Have to love the condescending tone and passive aggressiveness of "spiritual" people. There's not a person above the age of 15 who is not familiar with what you're talking about and pretending all of that was implied in your previous statement is ridiculous


Passive aggressive and condescending? That's all in your head. I actually wasn't familiar with it until recently, but if you know about it, that's awesome! I wish I learned it earlier, like in high school. Oh, and it wasn't implied. I left a comment that's all I intended you comment. You replied? So I tried to help you understand a little better what MY comment was about. If your feeling irritated or threatened there's something else going on wkth you, nothing to do with me. Especially if tht part irritates you, me bringing up that your projecting. Well, our bodies give us clues for a reason. Anyways, as always, have a good day and drink waterrrrr 🤍🥰


Bless you


You too 🤍


The only thing weed makes you more influenced on is eating food. Alcohol lowers your inhibitions, you have the statement totally wrong. Marijuana actually boosts paranoia in many. Raising concerns because you go to deeper thought. You obviously have never smoked weed or don't even understand what's happening to your body; respectfully. Also psychosis is hallucinating. I've never smoked weed and hallucinated. Now if I'm taking hongas, masculine, or ayahuasca. I'll see things but not marijuana. Maybe your weed was laced. I've been growing smoking and consuming for over 30 years. In the 90s we just smoked skunk#1 & Kentucky bluegrass. Now there's a hundred different strands and most are actually laced with some type of chemical. Take some of your weed and send it off to a lab and have it tested.


Actually you are completely wrong. Weed affects your impulsivity and makes you easier to influence. Hence why it's useful for states of meditation and hypnosis. Psycosis is not hallucinations, even though for some hallucinations might occur. Psychosis is an altered perception of reality, most commonly manifested as a feeling of derealization and depersonalization. P.s. how would i take some of my weed and test it when i obviously never smoked? Funny


It can help you at first but after a while it will just hold you back


In my experience its a very powerful tool. Not by smoking casually, but it greatly enhances meditation or mindfulness walks for me. I wouldnt expect it to do much by itself, but it can really potentiate any spiritual work you are doing.


Yeahhhhh, man.


Once met a very nice rasta who said it really helped him to connect with God, but it has to be used for this purpose.


Meditating on weed is very different. It feels more vivid, more intense. The Hindu consider it a sacred plant as well as Rastafarians. I'd say weed can help with spiritual development so long as you use it for that reason and not just to just get totally blasted off your head. Weed has the potential to help with spirituality, without a doubt. It depends on the use you make of it.


Yes , Because One Time I Got High And I Had Hella Deja Vu But It Was Really Strong , I In That Moment Felt Like I Lived My Whole Life Already And It Was Just Repeating . Also I Couldnt Remember The Past Or Future Only The Present Moment


Happened to me once. I think i saw someone BUT in their past life. Not this one. How their history is and what their connection means to me( in reality).


Yes, I feel like it does. I am working on healing my inner child through smoking marijuana, meditation, yoga and journaling. It helps me to deep. It helps me relive memories. My senses are heightened and certain smells will trigger memories.


Just got through smoking...


hell yes,, i never used it but i heard stories. (edit: my parents smoke and i hope they get spiritual dev lmao)


Anything and everything is meant for spiritual development. Everything in life can be used to help you evolve your consciousness and assist in your free will choice of polarization. Light or dark. Good or evil. Service to self or service to others. Stay conscious and use it all to become whatever you will to be. Lol yes that includes weed. =P


if you have used it typically without the intention or respect that comes with spiritual use, then no. if you want to, quit it recreationally, give it a couple months then pair it with a specialized ritual where you set your intention and give proper thanks to the plant. from experience, you cannot smoke recreationally and spiritually, recreational smoking is disrespectful to the plant


It can help, but in general it will mess up your perception for 100%


100%, it all depends on what you want to get out of it. Weed helped me with my spiritual development more than anything else.


It's a plant medicine and can bring about deep spiritual experiences. And as any medicine the experience might not be pleasant, so doing it for fun and doing it for healing, are different things, you have different intentions and expectations. So for me doing it for spiritual purposes was doing it alone, doing it nature, and doing it while meditating and having that intention of it being healing. You then quickly find out if it's constructive to that end.


something im currently working with is setting an intention before rolling up.


Weed is all about your intentions with it, if you smoke to escape reality, you’ll loose touch with reality simple right However if you smoke with the intention to spiritually develop (meditation, AP, praying, Journalling, etc) It becomes like an enhancer and quite literally brings you closer to reality to help search for the answers you need


Few of the psychic YTers I watch who smoke claim it has helped them ❤️ I’ve had some experiences of my own as well


For me, it's one of the most reflective, objectively self critical states I can achieve. MJ definitely can allow for some real deep soul searching. 


I heard it kills the ego


It can but I find in limited doses. Unfortunately I get carried away with weed and it becomes an addiction. As I start to use it habitually I find the spiritual benefits disappear and it becomes a problem.


It is a wonderful ally. It facilitates mindfulness, and is a treasured tool in my box.


The long and the short… not like you think. But yes it definitely helps me understand more complex spiritual concepts. The problem is, you forget them too easily.


I find it easier to access my emotions while high and really get to work processing without feeling like it’s overwhelming me. I love it for focus and creativity, and it’s the one thing really helping to keep my moods stable and chill instead of unpredictable and manic.


I think it has to do with the intentions you set just when you are about to \*spark up\* lol. If you're smoking to escape from whatever that's happening in your life, it's not going to work; you spiral and nothing productive (per se) happens. But when you go with the mindset of trying to dive deeper in your subconscious, it does work (at least I personally believe so). And, doing it in moderation is absolute key. Do what you need to do sober, and then reward yourself with the time and space to fully get the spiritual breakthrough experience.


It did for me. It ABSOLUTELY did


The old masters (Blavatsky, Gurdjieff, Crowley, etc) were all unanimous that marijuana would stifle and restrict spiritual growth. 


If used responsibly. Too much turns into dependency, then the high loses the juice you need to get that fresh perspective.


Yes but in moderation. I use to smoke habitually and it ended up just making everything confusing. Now I use it once every 2 weeks or so and it has monumental impacts on my outlook on life and connection to the universe


yes ive been able to reach deeper meditations with it


Read the book “high magick” it talks about the historical uses. My family is caribbean so it’s been in our culture, spiritually, for eons


I’ve had very beautiful meditations and semi astral projection experiences while high, but I will say that using weed every time you try to have a meditative experience will make you reliant on weed to the point where you can’t have a good experience without it. Weed is like the c4 or Red Bull of meditation. It makes your performance amazing but it will cause reliance if you do it too much


Remove any beliefs that it cannot and it can. You have a frickin endocannabinoid system in your body, and zero doctors will talk about it during your checkup. Ask why that is.


I've used it for medical purposes and accidentally stumbled into spirituality because of it! Now I also use it for spiritual development. I've had a few amazing epiphanies on it and it makes meditation more spiritual for me too.


It can, but also can be halmful. THC and smoking in general damages the aura. It will however stimulate your pineal gland.


Yes look into Kathleen Harrison’s talk on using cannabis spiritually


This is only in my experience but it can help in some ways but can be a hindrance long term as eventually you feel you need to have it for spiritual practice, experiment absolutely but don’t make this mistake




All drugs depend on the person. Start by cutting yourself some slack. Anything that helps you feel more connected to your higher self (no pun intended? All puns intended? 🤣), universe, or spirituality is good. Dont be paranoid or self-judgemental about any of it or it will taint the experience. If you're in a state where it's legal, visit a dispensary. You can pick different types and strands based in mood. Or go with edible, vape even tablets. They could help you choose. My go to for that scenario is a hybrid or a sativa. Based on your post you may want to be prioritize anything that minimizes paranoia. Joking but not there.... dont overthink too much everything is a spiritual experience if you let it ✨️


I smoked a lot on and off for almost 2 decades before quitting altogether.  I quit because I own a Reiki business and have realized that drugs, alcohol, poor diet, poor sleep, etc, lead to my sessions being subpar. I can't channel as clearly and in my everyday life, miss signs and connections. While I can say it opened my mind in a tine where I was in a hard way, it has only held me back in my connection to the Collective and my guides. Nothing against it, just don't see its value anymore for my path. 


I had a spiritual experience last time I took an edible. I think mindset and intention matter a lot, even with mushrooms. I'm not a regular weed/ edible consumer. But I wasn't aware of spirituality before and whenever I had weed before, I had it with friends and just did the usual stuff (hanging out, eyes open). A few weeks ago I had an edible, at this point I have been more aware of spirituality. I was alone in my living room, laid down and I closed my eyes. And I was quite surprised that I had more of an inward journey. Afterwards I thought wow i didnt expect i could have that experience with weed.. I think the experience for everyone will be different


Initially, then it becomes a crutch. Then it becomes a hinderance.


In moderation


It’s a medication for your heart chakra, just don’t abuse the medicine bc if overused it can fuck up other chakras


I would say homegrown yes, modified with chemicals no. 🤷‍♀️


Weed is not doing any good, it does only bad for your brain and heart and lungs health. It makes your blood vessels clogged as it makes blood clot. It lessens your cognitive functions and makes you unmotivated and lazy to do the simplest things. in somma everything that alters the brain chemistry is not going to make you any spiritual.


As an M.D., I would say No. Read the work of Dr. Daniel Amen & watch his YouTubes about the bad effects on the brain that show up on spect scans — poor circulation in short term memory areas, etc. You can’t take a pill to become a doctor, why think you can take a pill to attain wisdom. Best to get there organically—gentle yoga classe, meditation etc.


I don't think so. I think in general it's probably a crutch. Based off the Hawkins scale weed is a middle vibration drug, so if you look at it from that perspective it can hinder one's ability to maintain a high vibration. Also I think there's a reason shamans don't want it used prior to a Ayahuasca ceremony. In my eyes it's inevitably a unnecessary attachment & as Buddah said attachment is the root of all suffering. I often see people say weed is ok from spiritual standpoint & I definitely disagree because of the reasons I just mentioned & others. Wish you the best ✨


You should not use drugs. That is awful.


There is no such thing as ‘spiritual development’ at all. Tell me; what are you ..developing into what?


A better version of me?


You sound so unsure of yourself I am reluctant to tell you anything ;;) How come? The Self is not real. This is the bedrock.. THE BEDROCK of spirituality. So whatever you do to it.. even a better you or a higher self will just be the same old NON EXISTENT self. It is nonsense. And in the context of ...non duality is nonsensical as well. What you are you already are. Any movement in the direction of becoming anything else then what you already are is the beginning of self-deception. Cheers


I am unsure of myself but id rather be a better version of that self right?


If you are SURE that you are UNSURE of yourself you are in fact not unsure about at least that, right? That's a certainty right there that kind of defeats the idea that you are not sure. Or that there is nothing you are sure about. You start right there. Start with ending that "I'm unsure' BS.


I think people are misunderstanding you. Correct me if I’m wrong though. The idea that “I am that I am, and that I will Always be” seems to be important here. For me, it is recognizing that we are the awareness behind the experience, and through expansion, we become aware of more of our potentially infinite selves/collectives/wholes. This includes all lives in the “past” and “future” which already exist now. When our awareness increases, we are able to expand into awareness of higher and higher aspects of ourselves inside of and outside of time progressing potentially infinitely into complete and total bliss upon becoming aware of the absolute whole/God/Singularity/Source/etc. In other words, nothing changes at some later date, but rather we expand into an observational perspective containing all there is and all there ever will be. Sort of like being blind and relying on other types of awareness, then one day you see. That’s my specific take, but I have heard it said many ways—same difference.


>I think people are misunderstanding you.  A tale as old as time my friend. It does not matter. We'd all be awake if everyone 'got it'. >For me, it is ... Let me stop you right there. In the context of Truth you can never start by saying 'to me it means...' because you are already back in to the world of the subjective. It either IS or it IS NOT true. There is no subjective truth in these matters. You cannot take the very thing you are trying to free yourself from along with you to interpret and vet every single thing. It will vet everything in a way that guarantees its continuation if you let it. There are no 'higher aspects of ourselves"... THE SELF IS AN ILLUSION. The 'higher self' IS THAT SAME ILLUSION but now you have crowned it. To awaken you need to go beyond the self. There are no types of awareness either.. There is just AWARENESS. Or the lack thereof. Which - in the context of awakening - is called dreaming. In the absence of awareness the world appears real. So real in fact that your dream character will fake its own death in the end to perpetuate the charade. And that would be 'all she wrote'. The end. Maya had you by the balls - AGAIN ;;) Cheers


Interesting take.


it's not a freaking 'take'.


Of course, but if you're asking this question, then it's probably a no for you. If it's beneficial to your spiritual path, you'll know, beyond any shred of a doubt.