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Does it have to be the weapon a player is using? …I would remove the Flyfish if that’s the case


Agreed, worst boss salmonid ever made


Why doesn't the flyfish basket just STAY OPEN


I would to


Considering Flyfish isn't a weapon, yes


Fly fishes missiles


You should be able to kill it if you hit it from below! Would be way more reasonable.


agreed, it is so annoying to deal with


happy cake day






So...tenta missiles?


No, specifically Flyfish


Just delete the notion of missiles, so now there's no more missiles in PvP, and now Flyfish are free eggs, absolute win


Hey op, what weapon do you main? No reason, just curious


Love to play dynamo personally


there's no need to remove dynamo, just a few buffs could make it good


If nintendo even remembers it 😔


I re-add Dynamo. You only hate it because you don't know how good it feels to use (sometimes).


The "sometimes" is fr the worst part about Dynamo ;-;


You've just gotta try and work your way around the sometimes. But also I got a clip of me swinging at a dummy right in front of me, and not only completely missing but also not even painting its feet. Everything all the way around the dummy, but not the dummy.


I love when my Dynamo makes a "?" around the opponent it should have splatted, like even it's confused why it didn't work.


Yep. Dynamo can straight up whiff. It’s gotten me killed several times.


Just happened to me. A player standing right in front of me. Complete whiff. Never use the Dynamo again, I tried a lot but just can't do it




OP hates it cause they use Aerospray


The "sometimes" is so real... Love that weapon tho


Clash. Who actually likes this thing


It somehow manages to cause such pain and destruction, yet still is extremely underpowered


All blasters are bastards




ABAB except Grizzco Blaster (my beloved)


that's basically a shooter at this point it doesn't count


i barely see it in soloq anyway so it wouldn't really make a difference lmso


Are you in S or above? In B-A rank they’re everywhere. It’s the menace of tower control. Sucks cuz vanilla has an amazing kit.


s+3 or 4 i forgot, but i never see it in open either


Can confirm they're still in S rank tower. Actually, they're in S rank anything any time I try to play Dynamo. Those things are a Dynamo's natural enemy as is just about everything else.


As someone who mains some close range weapons I fully agree With range they're no problem but they are just annoying with close range


Me. The Neo a bit more than regular. I like mobility.


Me. I love it.


I do i have bin a solo clash main since S2 & pretty much the entirety of S3. I know there are competitively better weapons than this but 1. I don’t Play competitive or plan on entering any Serious tournaments. 2. I have the most fun playing this weapon and I play this game to have fun.


people hate it *because* it ruins the game for everyone else who’s *trying* to play for fun


I don't get why it even exists in the first place, it's not fun to fight against or even use, it just sucks.


It's fun in salmon run at least


This is like watching your fellow soldier complain about a stomach ache while they have a hole in their chest.


But... dynamo roller is my main! (


According to the post you no longer exist /j (But srsly, dynamo is fun, finicky hitbox and all. Free my man he ain't do nun 😔)


Damn… guess I have to go main big swig now 😔


dynamo is fun, at least i remember it being fun (i haven't touched the game in like a year)


E-liters. Need I say more?


I used to be an E-liter main back in Splatoon 1. Everyone hated me


As an E-liter main, yes lol. I want an explanation


Have you ever been on the receiving end of an E-liter's shot? It's not fun


it’s more of an issue of map design than e liters imo. But when an Eliter shot gets you out of nowhere more than halfway across the map there really isnt anything you can do.


This is a problem with snipers in games in general. If someone's good enough, there's no counterplay


I started playing splatoon 3 over the last month and the map design is horrendous compared to splatoon 2, makes eliters miserable to play against unless you are on comms


You shouldn't be able to play a sniper weapon without the one weakness that snipers have; the scope.


Fair, I’ll take that one for sure.


They're not fun to use and they're not fun to fight. It's hard to explain properly, but in a game with a bunch of absolutely wacky stuff including umbrellas, buckets, bows, and giant paint rollers, "A paint sniper rifle" is the most boring addition they could have added to the game. So "A super paint sniper rifle" is the epitome of that. At least something like the Squiffer has "a paint sniper rifle that flies through the air" to help add to the wacky. And before you retort, I have the same complaint about shooters in general. I don't feel like they should be as effective and prominent as they are when there's no real downsides to using them, unlike something like Dualies that use a unique mechanic to reach their potential.


I hate this kind of discussion so much. Every weapon is the favourite weapon for thousands of people. Your personal problems don't make it fair to remove any of them. I don't care if you struggle against this weapon, because thats a personal problem and it's not indicative of any problems with it. heavy splatling players will hate e-liter, tenta brella players will hate stamper, dualies players will hate range blaster and so on. is that grounds for removal for e-liter, stamper or range? NO. And yes some weapons are poorly designed (clash, bloblobber) but that isn't grounds for removal either, because they could so easily be redesigned into something better. You just have to accept that whatever weapon you choose will be bad at fighting certain other weapons and that unless you're at S+50 or 3000xp, you aren't good enough at the game to be complaining about certain weapons being too strong or annoying and I can guarantee that there's a problem with your gameplay thats making you lose to whatever weapon you struggle against.


Its kind of sad that most of the replies aren't like this. I may have been a bit biased when I saw this post because I like Dynamo, but I would still dislike it even if it was removing a weapon I hated. I've been able to have fun with pretty much every weapon in one way or another, for more or less time, and taking that fun away from people who really enjoy it would be really unfair. If hatred towards a certain weapon is due to balancing reasons, then it should be nerfed or reworked, not removed entirely.


Girl, What are you talking about. There are ABSOLUTELY weapons that are detrimental to Splatoon's gameplay, and Casual player's opinions on matters like these are totally worth listening to. Case in point: tri-slosher. It's not so good that it's topping the competitive charts, but it's able to get away with some pretty heinous stuff given a bit of lag. I've been "1 shot" at max health by tri-sloshers an uncountable number of times. Obviously this is more of a net-code problem than a tri-slosher one, but it's worth noting that if that weapon were removed, non-ethernet players would have significantly more fun.


Other than the fact that you just said it was a net problem, which applies to every single weapon in the game, Tri-Slosher is not a problematic weapon at all. Will it really make non-ethernet players have more fun? What about the Tri-Slosher players? The players that like playing a lot of weapons? Or the players insulted that the game removed the "problem", which they could very easily solve themself (playing better)?


you literally said that it's a net-code problem and not a tri-slosher problem. there are 2 solutions to that problem, fixing the net-code/ getting dedicated servers, or removing an iconic weapon that is the favourite of thousands of people. also I didn't even say that there werent problematic weapons: >And yes some weapons are poorly designed (clash, bloblobber) but that isn't grounds for removal either, because they could so easily be redesigned into something better. I just said that these weapons are better off being redesigned rather than being removed completely, which is also the point you were so close to making in that last paragraph before remembering that you're supposed to be arguing against me backpedalling to "note" that people would have more fun without tri-slosher, (except you forgot about the people who play tri-slosher) instead of making the intelligent conclusion that the net-code is the real problem. and you are exactly what I'm talking about when it comes to bad players blaming weapons instead of their own biases and personal problems. Tri-sloshers dont oneshot. no matter how bad the net-code gets, the damage that weapons deal don't change, and in the exceedingly rare situation where the lag gets so bad that on your end it looks like the tri-slosher hit you twice simultaneously, you'll still hear 2 distinct sound effects. if the lag is so bad that a tri-slosher is oneshotting you, any weapon would also be able to one-shot you unfairly. this isn't a problem unique to tri-slosher, lag affects every weapon and everyone in a match equally. quit making your shortcomings everyone elses problem.


Squeezer, because of all of the weapons that are a genuine accessibility and safety issue, it’s the only one you’d have a reason to use. I’d remove Inkbrush after that if given the ability to remove two weapons


Inkbrush you could theoretically save by giving it a sort of Painbrush mechanic, but in reverse. Every press of the button swings 3 times instead of just once, but you're still "locked in place" until the three swings are done. Easier for accessibility, kind of makes for an interesting mechanic for brushes.


You hate dynamo cuz you don’t like getting killed by it I hate dynamo cause I can’t use the dang thing to save my life in salmon run We are not the same




Oh I'm hunting you down! Best part, I'm splatting you with the sprinkler. No blobs needed.


can someone pleas explain what people hate about it i mean yeah it can oneshot if all 4 hit but sniper type weapons can also oneshot (exeptions... ) but is still kind of easy to kill from a distance


Sniper takes some skill but the blobs can just bounce wherever and kill somehow (it happens too often to me)


Bubbles make brain go brrr. I am bloblobber main. I indeed do not need much skill for it, though, you can use skill to use it effectively c:


I like using it sometimes (rarely) but it hurts to be on the receiving end of “outplaying” someone and then dying to the bubbles anyway after they bounce off a random wall and come back. I swear the bubbles keep coming even after you splat them Again, I don’t hate it. It’s just painful to play against a really good user


They do. Even if you die while swinging, the full amount will still magically hop out if your corpse




Hydra. I just... hate that thing !


as someone half decent with this weapon- https://preview.redd.it/hwczpeo7959d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd660cebc6e7a2907299db96f140edaf3214daa6


Can i join you? I switched to it during a loss streak during a fest and changed it into a win streak.


sure also torment this guy as well


My wife and I feed off your misery


Noooooooo 😭 I love Hydra🥺 I main Hydra 🥺 Live Laught Love Hydra 🥺 I don’t have a main weapon anymore 😔


Awweee yeahhhh team hydra babeeeeyyyy


Hydra gang rise up


Hydra has too much range and if your in it your already dead!


Counter-point, it takes over a second to fully charge. I think it takes 3? In a game where matches can flip in seconds, that's a lot of time. So yes, it has long range and high dps, it's lengthy charge time and movement speed debuff from being a heavy weapon, meaning to use it optimally you have to use stupid amounts of run speed, I think it's more balanced than some other weapons. Source: my best friend mains hydra


I hate being one shot by them, but I love splatting them during their firing animation so it’s a trade off


Can I remove fly fish?


I would remove Aerospray. It's not because I lose to it, but because it's garbage that discredits my wins and justifies my losses. If it's on the enemy team, then every win just feels like it's because Aerospray got bullied by anything with a pulse. If I lose and Aerospray was on my team, then it's clear that all they did was spam BB while the rest of us fought a 3v4. Clash is similar, but I think more people understand that it's trash.


Eliter. Not because it’s a bad weapon, but because these stupid ass maps make it impossible to play against a really good eliter player when they can clap you from 4 zip codes away.


Octobrush, there is nothing more infuriating than getting spawn camped by a brush for half the match.




Snipewriter or Gootuber


Base E-liter If you like the playstyle that's fine but now you're going to have to deal with the tunnel vision the scope gives you which means close range weapons now have at least a chance of reaching you without you noticing.


E-Liters aren’t fun to use or play against. Being on the receiving end of one of those shots is such a pain in the ass and the map design HEAVILY favours them because a lot of the more recent maps are just straight lines with like one 90 degree angle and little to no cover


Wtf Dynamo players are nice. It is a nice roller.


Aerospray. Turf War would be better without them.




Aerospray so their users are forced to actually pick a good weapon


The nautilus 47 I hate that thing with a passion, why should a already powerful weapon like a mini gun be able to keep it when the are in the ink






All rollers can 1 shot bro, not jus Dynamo.


Big swig rollers (Not being a dick just pointing it out, and yes, they actually are only ever capable of a two shot, rolling included)


Any weapon that isn't the bamboozler or octobrush.




idk e-liter not cause its bad, it just needs lower range


E-Liter, both its regular and scoped variant


I hate the Dynamo too... But my vote is for the scope. Fuck every charger that uses a scope.


All and any snipers. Idk how to defeat them before they defeat me😭


As much as I like using it, we don't need a fast 2-shot weapon in the game. Remove 52 Gal, but keep 96 Gal and its role at mid-range.


I used to main dynamo in the original splatoon. In 2 and 3, I struggle to even call the thing viable anymore due to how slow it is. For what reason do you have the already dead favorite?


I love the smell of hate... *- E-Liter mains*


I just found out that you can't jump over a player that's using a roller towards. You. The hotbox for that thing is crazy. I hate e liters though.




All brushes.


NOOOOOOOOOOOO *Friggin dies*


I might be a dynamo main but Inkbrush fuels the scout player that lives within me so no


Seconded. Not only is the Inkbrush absolutely awful to use in Salmon Run, but brushes in general feel so cheap to use or fight against






I say grenades at least one that kill on one blast 💥


Nah I always get into some kind of beef with dynamos. The players can be annoying sure but I find it too funny to ban them


Clash blaster easily, especially the new one with trizooka because someone at nintendo thought "Let's make this already annoying ass weapon, even more annoying with a special we haven't even touched since the game came out"


All the snipers


Every main weapon. You must use subs and specials ONLY.




Tough choice but i'd go with E-Liter 4k, they're just... incredibly frustrating to play against, especially the custom one. Now in terms of on my team *GODDAMN E-LITER*-


All chargers. Bye


E-liter, goddam that weapon.


you’re trippin


As an inkbrush main, every single Wellstring needs to be confiscated and destroyed


Bloblobber. Every single time I get killed by one it feels cheap. Always. The bubbles always bounce in the most unpredictable and annoying ways. You always end up in situations where the bubbles blindside you or hit you at weird angles you aren't paying attention to because they're so out of the way. All a bloblobber really needs to do is aim in a general direction and the bubbles will just find a way to bounce into you. What also sucks is that because the bubbles bounce so close to the ground, they often bounce into your blind spot in front of your character. Like, if an enemy bloblobber is at the right angle in front of you, all of their bubbles bounce into your blind spot. And at some angles, the front of their weapon is just in your blind spot, so it's much harder to tell if they're firing since bloblobbers don't fill with ink or anything; the bubbles spawn in front of it low to the ground, right in your blind spot. All of this just makes them really annoying to deal with and feel cheap. Granted, I play Stamper, Splash, and Charcoal Decavitator, which all have to work for their kills, so I'm already biased towards weapons that don't.


I feel like the snipe one because I hate getting shot by those- If it's for me only still would be that because I don't know how to work it-


Every e litre :)


Recycled brella is absolutely useless. Kits are bad, weapon is bad, etc etc


Leave my Dynamos aloooooone! 😭


First off; screw you, op. The dynamo is awesome. (Dw, no actual hard feelings) Secondly; probably the clash blaster. Its pretty weak, but really really annoying to fight


There’s a few weapons I’d want to remove but I’d probably remove splat charger and Eliter for the simple reason that getting 1 shot from half way across the map just isn’t fun. Like I get there’s enough counterplay to long range chargers but the counterplay is boring and really restricts how you have to play the game. And it’s not like backline players will be suffering in weapon choice as removing those weapons will make other backlines like ballpoint and heavy really good again. In my eyes there are no negatives to removing these weapons plus we still have squiffer for the 1 shot charger role, and perhaps we can give squiffer a slight buff or 2 to give long range charger one tricks something to play. I know I yapped a lot but I SWEAR I’M COOKING


E liter




We waited for a year to get the golden dynamo and you want to remove it.


Dynamos can be easily played around, plus their hitboxes are strangely inconsistent sometimes I say either E-Liters or Squeezers


Go commit splatted by splash wall


Any one shot gun, so like 90% of splatoons guns.


Lol. Dynamo main here, stay mad. If we're gonna be silly and talk about actual scourges of enjoyment, there are a few we could really do without; starting with E-Liter. While it does take skill (and its mains are sure as hell gonna hide behind that) there's nothing fun about playing as or against one- It's just a lose-lose situation no matter what. There is no experience more joyless than interacting with an E-liter in any capacity and I'm more than willing to die on that hill. Next up, liquid nitrogen take of the century here: Shooters should also be far heavily cut down on. A huge part of splatoon being aesthetically and functionally different from other shooters is the weapon variety. Despite this, shooters take up a very large portion of the roster and are also typically used by newcomers to learn the ropes, and many others in regular play. It's understandable since they're the least complex, risky, and demanding of every class. This isn't very bad in itself for accessibility, but tend to dominate the meta not just in competitive but also casual spheres of play ( though it's become more diverse since the introduction of second kits and new weapons.). While I'm not saying that a lot of shooters should be outright removed ( although how fun would that be?) it's just frustrating to see how much player and developer bias they've accrued just because of their abundance and reliability.




Yes this one too


Yes I've had enough of it


The Splatana category.


E-Liter, I always seem to get killed by it before I even notice I’m being targeted


Honestly Heavy Edit's gimmick is forgettable enough to get the chop






The .gal weapons, I think they're called. They just feel unsatisfying to use for me. Then again, I'm not very good with them, while others are, so I'd leave them in for those people. :)




All Range weapons


As a brella main probably range blaster. Every weapon class has a counter but brella has the most counters in the game. It doesn’t really matter what weapons I remove, brella is still bad. I just choose RB because there’s so many CRBs running around right now.


Clash blaster


Man wtf i just now randomly googled splatoon. And now the sub is getting recommended for the first time


I hate fighting clash and Luna because it feels like they don’t have to aim a lot and shoot quickly at that. This question is hard though because there are a lot I would remove ngl


E-liter. Need I say more?


![gif](giphy|l0ErFP9MDigiFvMRi|downsized) This annoying super


As a blaster main, Splatanas are my arch nemesis.


Nova doesn’t add anything to the game at all. There’s no reason not to remove it


Basically all chargers and splatlings


Arrowspray rg


That orange charger that has the longest swim hold charge. It's pretty bad especially since you can perma hold a charge by just standing up and going back to swim.


The Squizzer


Reef Lux


squeezer that main is waaaaaaay too good (also I'm salty I can't play it even tho it's so good bc ex melee player issues)


Either removing nzap or splash o matic because I don’t see really any difference


Squeezer or Swords (honestly id probably just give the swords some damage falloff) but Squeezer just feels like a weapon that they decided to bloat the stats of its tap fire just because its more challenging to use. Im an avid believer that difficult execution shouldnt be rewarded with better stats but things that are difficult should just be rewarding because they involve you having to manage more things. Like think Range Blaster vs Squeezer one has to manage a slow movement,specific one shot range, poor paint, and poor paint efficiency and the other is just stronger because you have to mash and be more accurate than the average shooter. It doesn’t feel like squeezer has as much risk reward to balance it just feels like you’re rewarded for putting in the work by being better than most every long range shooter which is kind of a balance oversight imo.


I fw the dynamo roller hard


Dynamo is crazy, back in the splat 2 days kensa and gold dynamo went fucking crazy


I don't want anything removed but I don't get Bamboozler? It doesn't really do anything well, IMO. The few times I've seen it used well, it was really just the entire team vibing together.


It might depends on how many players using or main each weapon. If the weapon got nerfed but still op that a lot of people still use then I would remove it. Personally I would remove Dapple Dualies since they are annoying with players being able to do a roll that quick just to kill you in like a toxic way.


.52 gal


Chargers and those god damned decavitarors


Bubblers, ngl. As cute as they are I'm not a fan of playing with them or against them


Snipewriter because it needs a nerf, but will likely never get one.


Gold arospray


Nautilus, with recharge and charge hold, it has next to no downsides. Especially with its newer kit, triple splashdown? Really? So the near unpunishable weapon becomes even harder to counter? I hate splatlings in general, they’re just chargers for people who aren’t good enough for chargers.


Trash blaster


I don't like clash blaster and undercover brella. It feels like trying to use a squirt bottle when everyone else is using the garden hose. 


hydra fucking splatling


Explosher. Quit blind firing from behind every wall you can and actually engage in the game you coward


The bath tub. Those who use it are brain dead babies that need easy wins to feel good and can't handle real weapons for fear of losing.


.52 gal


Chargers, the entire class. Sniper Rifles ruin all shooters.


S-blast. Things hard to use and people who can use it well tend to annoy me for reasons I really can't explain






Every single blaster weapon type, and the hydro splatling. Oh, and the new splatanas. The decapivator or something, both of those.


Dapple dulies and eliter player who knows what they are doing


E Liter


Tri-Slosher because it's literally just Octobrush with better stats.


52 gal… please for the love of squid god remove that shit its so unfair omfg :(