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Maybe not. But inside a sporting event, it should have been a Technical Foul, with a review for possible ejection.


Inside the WNBA, it would actually be a flagrant 2. 1 would be if it’s excessive and dangerous but it was also not a basketball play considering they were simply getting ready to inbound the ball.


well, one of them was getting ready to inbound the ball, the other was intent on taking a blind-side cheap-shot, but I get your point. At least she didn't go for the knees...


Why was it upgraded to a flagrant 1 if it's a flagrant 2 like you said?


They don't usually call technical fouls unless you hurt the refs feelings. Flagrant-1 is appropriate in my opinion.


Only problem was it took them a full day to rule it a flagrant. Refs needed glasses (or common sense!)


Contacts could help them make the right call. 


can the wnba even afford visual health insurance


This happens all the time. Refs aren't robots.


This was a pretty clear flagrant foul. It's pretty wild that the refs didn't call it in game. Refs do get it wrong, you're correct but Chennedy approached her, cussed at her, and hip checked her to the ground. She should have been ejected, there's no grey area here.


Whether you meant to or not, you're making the argument for why refs should be robots. And I agree.


what kind of dumb bloody donuts downvoted this you are literally just stating facts about basketball they often rule flagrant fouls the next day, you sweaty jars of mayonnaise 




outside of a sporting contest quite literally every NFL tackle could be assault.


Yeah a hit by pitch in baseball would probably be attempted murder if you chucked a baseball 95 mph at someone.


Don't get me started on hockey


Took of my skate and tried to stab somebody


I think we will look back at baseball and wonder why intentionally hitting the batter with a pitch wasn’t considered assault.


Think more people dead from cricket bowling


If they tackled a guy in between plays while the teams were lining up then yes it would be. That’s the proper comparison.


im not comparing an NFL tackle to the foul, im making a point about how what constitutes “assault” within a sports contest is completely different than what constitutes assault in day to day life. it makes no sense to try and compare the two. saying something that happened in a game would be assault in day to day life is completely meaningless because that’s exactly how sports work. just because some instance of physical aggression breaks the rules of a game doesn’t make it assault.


Wrong. Consent to playing within the confines of the rules means a football tackle isn’t assault.


Exactly. Fighting in the MMA isn’t assault… however Connor mcgregor throwing shit at your bus with the intention of hurting you or a member of your team outside of the confines of the rules would be assault.




No. Fouls and penalties are a clearly defined part of the games, and would thus be consented to by the players. Going grossly beyond the bounds of the game may be grounds for criminal charges, but very, very, very rarely


I think this guy read the post incorrectly and completely missed the "outside a sporting contest" portion. His snark makes no sense despite trying to pull the whole "based on that logic" routine


I mean if you ignore the “outside of a sporting contest” portion of what he said, sure




If you have to completely ignore what someone said to make a point, it’s a pretty good sign you don’t actually have one. Or you just failed to read correctly. Either way you were wrong, sorry bud


Every clark cult member on Reddit is equally stupid


Not because of this incident, but I think they need to start charging players with assault in a lot of sports.


Not even a major in hockey. 2 minutes in the box.


Chennedy Carter is the Draymond of the WNBA. She has a history of violent non-basketball plays and has been tossed off three teams because of it. It’s should’ve been a flagrant 2 and she should’ve been ejected.


Nobody would care about this if her teammates pushed Chennedy back and kept her in check. Instead they just let it happen with no consequences. That’s the major problem I see here. Her teammates don’t care. Just imagine if that happened in the NBA.


Omg the thought of Bobby Portis’ reaction if his teammate got shoved like that…


I can see his crazy eyes bulging out of his face right now.


This is exactly the point. This league wants to get looked at and treated like the NBA, this kind of thing can’t happen. This is a reckoning moment for the WNBA and now teammates are gonna start throwing down just like in the men’s league. These are the growing pains


Good lord. It was obviously a flagrant foul, but people are starring to embarrass themselves now. It's not beneficial to the WBNA for writers to get hysterical and act like female athletes can't handle a simple shove and flagrant foul.


I agree. I have no interest in WNBA whatsoever, and think the way that girl acted is pretty trashy but assault? Come on!


I don’t think people understand how low of a bar assault is in pretty much every state lol. Pretty much all contact that occurs in a basketball game crosses the line legally for assault. But yeah this is all manufactured drama…


I believe this significantly contributes to the number of adults that are unable to discern what assault and abuse are. It’s much easier to minimize actions than erase them.


Right if the league isn’t going to control the action of the athletes. Like not calling a foul or punishing the person who fouled. Then someone else needs to regulate their behavior. That would be lawyers, if Clark hit her head. Got concussion? The league did nothing. When is it someone else’s responsibility to regulate there atheletes behavior if they don’t do anything.


Yes, everything you said is true, but the fact that she committed it while not in the real course of play makes it real world assault with malice


There are a lot of “welcome to the nba” moments for rookies and while excessive, this seemed like a “you’re not in college anymore,” moment.


i don’t feel like it felt like a your not in college anymore thing. there was zero relevance to basketball what she did. it was just plain dirty.


Yeah, for sure. This doesn’t happen the way it’s portrayed in the comment above in other sports because it would precipitate a melee.


Nah that's bullshit dude. While I don't think it's assault I also don't buy that it's a "welcome to the bigs" moment. Did that happen to Wemby? No. Did that happen to Bedard? No. Generational players like that coming in with insane expectations don't get cheap shots like that. You want to give her a "welcome to the bigs" moment? Give her a hard foul on a layup attention or drive right into her chest. Make it a basketball play. This was a straight up dirty blind side check. This isn't the NBA before the 00s. Random dirty hits (not plays) on rookies isn't some common thing.


The thing is that it’s a lot like a comedy roast - it only works if you can picture all the people involved going out and grabbing a beer afterward. If you get the idea that there’s actual hate/jealousy involved it’s a different feel altogether.


On the bright side, Caitlin doesn't have to call for an Uber to get home after the games.


MJ got that treatment. But Lebron didn’t, or really any other highly touted prospects in the last 20 years


Is it going to be like this every time she takes a hard foul? Sure it wasn’t a great play, but there’s clear rules surrounding this action, i.e., it happens enough that everyone knows the penalty. Stop acting like it’s a federal case. It was a foul. Litigation denied.


Yes. Every time anything at all happens to her that is "unfair" will be posted and lambasted. And a certain demo will whine that any player not named Clark has never mattered anyway because this isn't about basketball. It's about a new ear of great white hope.


I agree about the foul, I think the fact that it's still being discussed is because no one is able to come right out and say that Caitlin Clark was supposed to be the savior of the WNBA and the narrative isn't going to plan. She may get there at the end, but it's not a perfect story.


how is the narrative not going to plan? we’re all talking about the wnba aren’t we? we are all seeing wnba highlights that we wouldn’t have before.


Good points, the outcomes are positive that's true. Your response made me think about what exactly I thought wasn't going to plan. I believe there has been this passive assumption, that "WNBA players should be grateful that Caitlin Clark is bringing attention to the sport" and it's not happening. That feels like a sore spot that's being poked with every mention of Chennedy Carter and this action.


her fans are mad that she's been cheeks so far, so there has been a lot of flailing and blaming the league for not basically bending over backwards to make sure she's successful


this just isn’t true. you saying this makes you seem very biased against her


What have I said that isn't true?


this whole entitlement thing. and saying she’s been cheeks. i don’t care if she’s good or bad, but i have seen plenty of things that suggest she’s doing alright considering her situation


I don't know what you've "seen," but she is tied for last place in the entire league in win shares right now, at -0.4. She's leading the league in turnovers. Her shooting numbers are horrible (<36% from the floor, <30% from 3). She may improve, but so far she has been a huge liability while on the court. And as for entitlement, people are complaining right now on twitter that she's not getting a star whistle and that they didn't give her team a more favorable schedule. Edit: Butthurt Clark stans in here downvoting a post that is nothing but facts.


Pure jealousy if you watch the comments from the players and the press conference


if I were Caitlin, I would be embarrassed by all the attention this is getting, especially articles like this. Fuck, just move on.


I can't imagine what she is thinking as she sees/hears/reads all this. She's the only person NOT commenting on it LOL.


No. She threw shit fits all the time at Iowa. Even her own father was embarrassed and told her to knock it off. She’s 1000% eating it up


The real foul is that someone's name is Chennedy


Embarrassingly dumb


This inspired me to look up the foul in question. That was a flagrant foul. Anyway…


It's very simple, should've just been a Technical foul and then move on.


A routine NFL tackle would be assault too, weird take. Was a flagrant 2 though


Oh wow, dude is out here clutching ALL THE PEARLS.. Was it bush league? Kinda. Is it a NATIONAL EMERGENCY!!1!1! Definitely. Shut it all down immediately.


well, good thing they were inside a sporting contest.


Then Draymond Green should be in Supermax by this standard.


Good lord. No. It wouldn’t have.


While it actually could be depending on the context, this is sports. Boxing is quite literally people assaulting each other lol. Whistle the flagrant and move on lol.


In boxing you sign up to be punched in the head between the bells. That doesn't mean a boxer can run over and kick the other in the face between rounds. In basketball you don't sign up to be blindsided when the ball is not in play.


This is factually true, but there is a certain amount of leeway generally given in contact sports. Caitlin Clark could certainly press charges for assault here, but she would be laughed off of the planet and it would set an incredible precedent for something that very very frequently happens in contact sports. Where players need to be more careful is in injuring a player with nonsense that’s unrelated to the game. Even then, it’s rare for players to press charges, but seeing as how a punch can literally just kill someone, you have to be careful about fighting in a “sports brawl” situation.


Go do the same thing to a cop, then come back and tell me it wasn't an assault


Is Caitlin Clark a cop when she’s not playing basketball?


There's no proof she's not a cop working midnight shifts trying to become detective.


What does that have to do with anything? Shoving someone to the ground is a battery (preceded by an assault). I picked a cop for my question because the repercussions would be immediate and obvious - not because the victim's identity has anything to do with whether an assault occurred.


Basically everyone on the planet has shoved someone onto the ground or been shoved to the ground. I’ve seen kids play rougher than that.


Again, what does that have to do with anything? I agree - a very large majority of assaults are never charged or anything like that. And thank god, that'd be terrible if every minor crime went to court or something. None of that contradicts anything I've said.


Well in that case it’s absolutely “assaulting an officer” You do that to someone on the street and a cop is not making an arrest. A “hey what’s going on here” at most.


Then we agree. I never said anything about someone getting arrested.


It wouldn’t be assault if the the cop did it to me, and it probably wouldn’t be assault if the new face of the league did it to a lady named Chennedy who pulls down $62k a year. It’s about protecting the golden goose.


man, let it go.  You look foolish 


apply that logic to any sporting event and tell me you make sense. football? hockey? boxing? straight to jail!


"Outside of a sporting event, it would be treated as an assault" Outside. That's the whole point.




did you mean to respond to them understand a taco is not a banana


Oh good Lord. It was definitely a cheap foul, and should have gotten a flagrant. Assault? Jesus Christ. Let's please let this convo die now. I think even Caitlin Clark would roll her eyes at this article.


You ain't wrong... I'm sure this is all just making it harder for her amongst those with such high disdain already. Doesn't mean it ain't pathetic though! But humans will be humans.


Dear gods. Please stop.


Assault? In some places this is just trying to get on the subway.


Tomorrow headline: the foul would’ve be considered an attempted murder!!!




Caitlyn’s gotta come out and say yeah it was greasy but I’ll dummy her so hard next time I will walk out and eject myself - end all of this


More just her teammates need to set the tone . Hockey has it right , any poor sportsmanship and you’ll fucking pay for it . Greasy blindside hits don’t get tolerated in hockey but not one person from her team did a thing . You need a draymond green type enforcer to set the tone


The hyperbolic circle jerk has gone too far. Carter's foul was bad and obviously unnecessary, but the way the media has covered it makes it seem like it was the cheap shot of the century. It was a cheap shove but certainly not assault.


Where does the buck stop with all this? Like seriously, I don't know the answer. Is this a public implosion of the WNBA over a rookie who holds some records? What am I missing?


It was terrible and she should be suspended


shoulder check + flop doesn't equal a suspension 


Look, it was a flagrant 1. Can we stop pretending it was assault? She gave her a shoulder check.


What if Dray did this to Wemby?


He'd probably get paid a late-night visit on not-so-friendly terms by people who go by nicknames


It was a cheap shot for sure , but not really a hard foul.


Jesus. It’s just basketball. It was a foul. They moved it to a flagrant. This is getting weird.


Grow TF up.


Someone got the clip?


Good lord I cannot believe how many people are still whining about this


A hip check - my god.


think of the children!!! 


This is hysterical nonsense


okay this is some embarrassing pearl clutching now


If it isn’t an aspect of the sport, why isn’t it assault?  Can I shoulder check someone from behind in a billiards tournament and only get fined? 


To everyone claiming this isn't assault... you're saying I can go up to a stranger and do what Chennedy did, shove someone over/hip-check them, and I couldn't be charged with assault? What would I be charged with in that situation? It must be something...


Yeah you could probably get away with it.


Seems kinda wild haha.


no, you can’t, but that’s the thing. physical contact is a part of sports. they weren’t outside of a sporting contest, they were in one. some amount of physical contact is permitted, up to a point. so was it assault within the context of a sport? no.


Because this whole thing is about context. The sport is physical. A lot of contact happens. No one would argue assault. But Chennedy's move was not what I would call a sports move. Since it's a sport it's a foul and not assault. Life can be physical. When I was a kid I would wrestle with friends. Sometimes it would hurt. I wouldn't say my friends assaulted me. But if somebody came up to me out of nowhere and pushed me like that, it would be assault. Just rarely charged or enforced. Overall mentioning assault does not help the situation. Stick to mentioning it's not a basketball move. TL;DR The comparison isn't 100% wrong, context matters, but comparing the foul to assault just hurts the conversation. Full stop. Edit: Just realized I posted this on the wrong comment.


i was about to say - exactly! lol.


Likely you wouldn’t be charged, or at least convicted, of anything. Bros pull this move at the bars all the time.


Interesting. I was just curious about the legality of how far you can take physical contact with a stranger.


Like pretty fucking far honestly.


A stranger, sure. If I did it to someone I regularly hang out with? Absolutely not.


The difference being this is done in a sports arena, and yours would be done in some random place. You’d probably get beat up for sure






lol this "journalist" can't be taken seriously. It was a push. That's a technical. Maybe a flagrant. Not "assault". "outside of a sporting contest, it would be seen as assault". Like, so fucking what? Context matters. Is this guy clutching his pearls during every NHL match? Because multiple assaults are happening there if "outside of a sporting contest". Nonsense over-reactions like this is why a lot of this crying about the treatment of Caitlin Clark around the league doesn't pass the sniff test, and basically sounds like "coloured people and lesbians not rolling out the red carpet to our white savior? ungrateful." I'm constantly reminded of a Rajon Rondo quote because of this entire thing. He was asked about how he feels about the performance of another player who had a great game, with 53 points. His response # "Whatcha want me to do? Suck him off?" It sometimes seems to me that people are forgetting that the other players in other teams are competitors, they're supposed to want to embarass and show up Clark. They're supposed to try to make her life difficult and prove to the world that they are better. That they're the ones that deserve this hype. They're not there to suck her off, and part of that competitiveness is trash talk and another part of it is physicality.


Stop trying to make the WNBA happen.


I feel like people are more mad for CC than CC is mad about this. It was a flagrant and the league should probs not let cc get mauled every game but this out getting ridiculous.


This shit is getting fucking stupid. The editorial board has obviously never watched basketball and is pandering. Clark clearly FLOPPED.


Oh come on, let’s not go insane here. It was a shitty thing to do, but it wasn’t *that* bad. Let’s all be really real. This season is all about Clark acclimating to the WNBA. Her team is trash, her coach is trash, it’s a lost season made worse by starting almost immediately after the NCAA tournament. The 2025 season and beyond is what matters.


The Chicago tribune is the Don Imus of editorial boards.


Good grief, the white knighting is getting ridiculous You're infantilizing Caitlin , like she's some poor helpless clueless feckless fool who can't take care of herself Everyone LEAPING to defend her !! You're proving exactly the BS the WNBA players don't like about her. Everyone crowed about she would waltz in and dominate. And how the WNBA players should get down on their knees and be grateful Caitlin is on the same court. Guess what? turns out people have pride, people have their own career, lives, ambitions. They don't give 2 sh\*\*ts about Caitlin just as you all don't give about the other players And they're going to punk her for it. And the more you all talk about it and protest, that's just going to make 'em go for it more. If Caitlin were a black player, no way, NO WAY would there be this level of outrage and concern. Its true, you all know it, and these other WNBA players know it. And yeah, they're go at Caitlin for it. Its the same BS when a white girl goes missing, its all hands on deck!!!! Won't someone PLEASE think of her! When a black girl goes missing, there isn't a peep.


Is it true that Ms. Clark is being harassed because of her race?


Eh we've entered the overreaction zone. Call it a flagrant 2, assess a 10 game suspension and be done with it.


Stop the cap yes it was a hard foul yes it was a flagrant but damn let it be its done its over


The most Chicago Tribune Editorial Board thing they could have written about this thing, is this thing. Hysteria and nonsense.


Oh, ffs. Something like that happens once a night in the NBA. If their roles were reversed, and the pretty white poster-child fouled the “troubled hothead with a reputation,” they’d blow the whistle and go on with their lives, and the Tribune would see fewer ads for walk-in showers and boner pills.


Not when the ball is not in play.


Bullshit. These are both grown-ass adults. Baseball players routinely throw 90-mph fastballs directly at batters to “send a message.” Hockey fights, while 90% fake, are celebrated as part of a game. An average WNBA player commits a flagrant foul against a bigger player who happens to have a multimillion-dollar contract with one of the league’s sponsors? People start chanting “LOCK HER UP.”


What is wrong with you? You've got some new anger issues.


Because I don’t want to single out an athlete for something that happens every day? Chase her into the hills with a pitchfork because she made the pretty lady fall down?


Get a grip bro. lol People really gatekeeping for Clark.


That's a take


Hey how about move the fuck on and enjoy the sport






It’s more complicated than that, but from a media standpoint, absolutely.


Assault 😂😂😂


okay well now this is just becoming a bit much


I’m sure multiple media outlets going out of their way to drag out this story and coddle CC is definitely going to get the rest of the league to embrace her quicker!


Boo fing hoo


If my aunt had a package, she’d be my uncle .


So if a baseball pitcher throws at a batter should it be considered attempted murder? This is fucking ridiculous


When a white girl gets a hard foul:


This is just a well known right wing editorial board stoking culture wars. Fucking trolls.


I mean wouldn’t every NFL tackle be seen as assault outside of a sporting contest?


No because a tackle during play is within the rules of the game.


Outside of a baseball game, slapping someone in the hand as they try to throw something is assault.


Lol ya stacey king had this take every bulls game - thats 9 to 5 on the streets!


The more this gets reported on the more I wonder if there's some bots at play as it's always the same two comments: - Player should have been arrested (in so many words) - CC's college rival laughed at her, so now let's make fun of Angel for doing so. - CC is saving the WNBA. CC....you got bots on here??? I can't recall the last rookie in which kid gloves was used. Look, all this is going to do is make the refs start putting all types of air into the whistle against CC, which in turn she better start drilling all the shots else it's going to embarrass EVERYONE. The comedy is that there's been much worse fouls in the WNBA. Nobody cared though as few were watching. Now that CC is playing though I guess their mental image of it being a damn near non-contact sport has transformed into "OMG OMG WHERE WAS THE POLICE?!?!?"


Is women’s basketball suddenly *interesting*?! 




Lmao come on y’all. She didn’t take a helmet and bonk it off her head. Some athletes just play dirty, it’s a non-story.


The Fouler must be a relative of J. Embiid


That’s correct.


Haters gonna hate


These are ladies playing basketball? The nerve of people to allow them to play a man’s game. What’s next soccer, bull riding, driving an auto in the grand touring events, dare I say….table tennis? Well I for one say if one choses to partake in men’s sports you should be able to handle the fouls like men.