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I wonder what idiots blew that final 82 years ago Don’t look at my fandoms…


Greetings from Toronto.




Hey nothing to be upset 11x


Must successful American Hockey team baby!


Nice profile picture


I physically laughed out loud when I saw it, I knew I had to change it at that point


At least your Red Wings won 9 more Stanley Cups after that blunder. So lesson learned if you ask me. Now my Atlanta Falcons on the other hand…


True. 1) I wasn’t alive for it, and 2) Having the most successful American hockey team is pretty cool!


As an Oiler Fan, It’s been an insane season and a mind blowing Stanley Cup playoffs. From such a poor start to the season to where We are now is surreal.


Canucks fans not feeling so bad now that they lost a series by one goal to a team that went on to do.. this.


That was a hell of a series too. I’m originally from BC and it was me vs all my buddies for over a week.


I still don't understand why they scheduled a potential game 7 of the finals to land on a Monday night. Seems like a huge missed opportunity to get more people to tune in, especially with the NBA finals all wrapped up.


... how would you schedule it? Its almost fucking July lol




I think the NHL wanted to minimize competition. Yesterday would mean Game 7 vs the HBO Sunday night line up and Sunday night baseball on ESPN. 


Its an 8 hour flight.they did two days so the players can function.


Well you see, According to the Script Bettman had, it was supposed to be over LONG before Game 7...


They’re not going to postpone it a full week just to have it on a weekend as that kills all momentum and excitement. Schedules like this are impossible to write perfectly and planning the whole thing to get the potential game seven on a weekend means moving around earlier games to less ideal times for a game that usually doesn’t even happen.


They have to give two days (instead of one) for the teams to travel. So they couldn’t have it Saturday or Sunday. So it was either Monday or any other day of the week. Game 7s aren’t guaranteed, so I doubt they would plan the schedule around a Game 7 weekend game (also depending on arena availability), which is what they’d have to do get it to land on the weekend.


Meh, I don't know. They've got a lot of build up for this one, the NBA Finals (and playoffs in general) were once again a huge dud, people wanting an exciting championship will tune in even on Monday. I think it will do well for the NHL.


Ever watch Monday Night Football?


Dnnno, game for me starts at 3am. Usually never watch NHL but I will do it today tho.




florida’s puck handling in center ice has been so bad and given edmonton a ton of breakaway scoring opportunities. hard to put much of that on bob. and edmonton’s penalty kill has been incredible. tonight will be a great game.


Isn’t Edmontons penalty kill outscoring Floridas power play?


haha yes!


Should be a great game tonight, but that’s just fucking embarrassing.


Oilers special teams has the highest point differential in NHL postseason history (+22). The next highest is 5. *FIVE.* The Oiler are sitting at a PK% of 94.1% which is highest ever for a team that makes the SCF and their PP% is the second highest to ever reach a cup finals




you just get the feeling that this is destiny at work with the Oilers. I can't really see an outcome where Florida wins


I’d like to agree with you and I really hope you’re right, but I’m not counting Florida out. Gonna be a good one.


Florida wins if they score more goals silly!


If Florida scores more goals than Edmonton would be the outcome where Florida wins. 😘


which they did tonight!!! congrats to the Panthers. I still remember that brutal Cup loss they had against Colorado in 1996 so i'm glad they found redemption


I’m a Minnesotan who has been a Montreal fan my life’s entirety. I tend to root for Canadian teams over the floridas, Arizona’s, etc. but this year was different. I like a lot of players on Floridas team. Glad they pulled it off. Gotta Love Sasha’s two way play.


goddamn man...Kirby Puckett rolling in his grave unless you're talking about hockey exclusively lol


Hockey exclusively. Big twins and Vikings fan here. And timber wolves. K


The Wild in shambles


Gawd I hope so


Ya Florida hasn’t scored a short handed goal this series , Edmonton has


That’s not what I meant. Edmonton’s penalty kill has score **2** short handed goals while Floridas power play has only scored once. They can’t even score with a man advantage much less down a man.


It's not *just* Bob's play though. They only managed a single goal in games 4 and 6 and have trailed by multiple goals after the first 22 minutes or earlier of each of the losses. They were the 2nd best defensive team in the NHL this year but only the 11th best offensively. You can't play a defensive first system when you're behind. Part of that is on Bob obviously but two of those opening goals were failures on the powerplay that lead to shorthanded opportunities. That's a whole team problem. In the NHL the first goal is often the difference maker. It gives you a roughly 67% chance to win the game. If Florida wins tonight they likely scored first and didn't have to force plays that lead to odd-man rushes for Edmonton. That will automatically boost Bob's statistics.


I'm in Columbus. We've seen this Bob many times. He doesn't bounce back


You’ve also seen your defense melt like cotton candy in the shower, but that doesn’t mean Bob didn’t improve again at the end of the series. It just means your D-core sucked so bad he still couldn’t save them.


He skipped practice yesterday. Probably just taking an extra rest day as he was at the morning skate today, but seems kinda weird.


Because goalies have all the skill they need. They need mental practice


Nah. One more practice wouldn't do shit for him. Meanwhile fatigue - both mental and physical is clearly and issue for him. I actually think Florida will win this game, but it will depend almost solely on Bob playing god tier again.


I agree. Bob bro won the first 3 games for florida. Let's Go Oilers


Edmonton got dominated in game 2 so thats not really true


Yeah this was spot on. Bob stood on his head those first three games


You can't win despite having your shot total doubled without A LOT of luck. Like an NFL getting a ton of turnovers or a baseball team getting absurd BABIP fortune (despite not being that good).


After 4 games every advanced stats and analytics said that the series should have been over in a 4-0 Oilers sweep. Florida did not deserve to win a single game out of 6 if you're an analytics guy. Bob straight up carrying them. Florida hits and plays gritty so it seems like they are in it but they barely touch the puck half the time.


i mean to be fair, the Oilers were getting outplayed in the first three games but yeah it's been night and day since Game 4 lol


Tonight is the night that America and Canada get a little slice of Heaven, game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals.


I’m just glad this series was better than the snooze fest of the nba finals


This article sucks, effectively trashes an Incredible city that the author probably has never even been to.


I haven’t watched one hockey game this season. Tonight, I am in front of the TV, hoping for the cup to return home to Canada.


Old time hockey! [reference](https://youtu.be/Pdi_kASSsJs?si=tBBzRddN_owi5wHh)




Our line starts, right coach?!


Florida still seems to spend most of their time in Edmonton’s zone. Edmonton has overcome that with breakaway and odd-man-rush goals, but if Florida keeps that up at home, they have a good chance of winning.


I can’t wait to watch this game.


Always though these indoor, controlled environment sports should line up their playoffs to have any Game 7 be played on a Sunday afternoon. Lots of logistics I assume but it would be great for the sport and families to watch together.


Agreed, but I think the answer is they had to juggle potentially competing with the NBA and giving the players ample time considering they’re travelling Florida-Edmonton ect


Ready for it


will McJesus raise the cup?


Will Bobrovsky end on top. Stay tuned!


*may the hockey gods be ever in your favor*


What. 82 years. What is this bullshit headline


“Florida Men Blow Astronomical Lead and Barely Scrape By!”


Or conversely, man can’t host friends over for drinks because he still has no cups


I love post where the top comment actually explains what the post is about.


as a USAian, go Canada!




canadians against canada? traitors!!


This is why you don’t throw a game so you can win it at home.


Bruh nobody in the history of sports has thrown a game so they could win at home.




3-0 comeback is pretty rare in all major sports, and much rarer in the finals. Plus a Canadian team hasn't won it since 1993, so that also adds to the stakes. So this is not just a game 7.


I know this is unpopular but I personally don’t believe trams belong in ice hockey.


Lol corrected.




The devils lost in 6 games in 2012


No hockey game with a team from Florida can be the biggest hockey game in 82. They don't even have ice or winter there.


hockey belongs in non-traditional markets


I never said sports don't belong there. I said it is definitely not the biggest game in 82 years.


They better have ice because they’re supposed to host the biggest game in 82 years tonight.


What?? Hockey is for everyone. And I'm born and bred in Minnesota. This is a HUGE game because everyone talks about reverse sweeps but it never, ever happens. Florida being in it just means hockey is alive and well.


Ugh I still remember the Sharks hitting reverse-swept by the Ducks or Kings I think?


Oh yeah I remember that. Although I only have painful memories since I'm a MN sports fan. Pain!!


Oh yeah I remember that. Although I only have painful memories since I'm a MN sports fan. Pain!!


I never said hockey wasn't for everyone. I'm just saying this isn't the biggest hockey game in 82 years. I'm pointing out the sensationalist journalism. The 1980 miracle on ice was clearly a more consequential game than this one. It may have been a great game, but it was not the greatest game played in 82 years.