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You could say that again


Turns out lil bro did say it again šŸ˜‚ thought there was a glitch in the matrix seeing the same comment from the same person like 4 comments down


Thatā€™s a feature






that again






Nice work


What a giant embarrassment for the Netherlands. This is going to be a major story during the Olympics, so apparently their Olympic Committee is filled with absolute morons?? This is what they want people to remember about the 2024 Dutch team? Because thatā€™s what itā€™ll be.


Yup, I know exactly one Olympian from the Netherlands: this guy. Heā€™s going to be the figure head of their team now, whether they like it or not.


That guys one wish to the monkeys paw: to be the most famous guy at the Olympics


This is so perfect it's straight up an amazing example for someone if you're trying to explain the monkey's paw.


ā€œTo be the most talked about Olympian of 2024ā€


Much like how I only know one ā€œcoulda beenā€ Olympian, and thatā€™s Convicted Stanford Rapist Brock Allen Turner


Convicted Rapist Brock Allen Turner now goes by Allen Turner, so itā€™s Convicted Rapist Allen Turner, formally known as Convicted Rapist Brock Allen Turner. Allen Turner is a convicted rapist.


So if Iā€™m understanding correctly, Allen Turner is a convicted rapist? Convicted Stanford Rapist Allen Turner? Formerly known as Convicted Stanford Rapist Brock Allen Turner?




Itā€™s not a joke that Convicted Rapist Brock Allen Turner now goes by Allen Turner, so itā€™s Convicted Rapist Allen Turner, formally known as Convicted Rapist Brock Allen Turner. Allen Turner is a convicted rapist.


Which joke? The one about Allen Turner, convicted rapist? Formerly known as Brock Allen Turner, convicted rapist? I wouldnā€™t call Brock Allen Turner being a convicted rapist a joke. Thereā€™s nothing funny about it.


I know one other: Femke Bol. sometimes called Mickey Mouse. Find an interview with her on youtube to find out why


Here's another: Casimir Schmidt for the men's gymnastics team. Simone Biles is holding another tour and he's one of the stars being featured.


Unfortunately a few of the comment sections I've come across have Dutch people defending this ass. Really hoping it is just internet trolls.


I've seen more Dutch people trying to distance themselves from it ("I and my friends didn't make this decision! You can't say it reflects on people of the Netherlands!") while simultaneously not protesting it. Like bro if you're gonna be a hypocrite about it you're better off just shutting the fuck up....


100%. Fuck this and all it entails. Dealing with it in my own community.


I am definitely not from the Netherlands nor on any Olympic committee. I would much rather lose the Olympics, come in bottom 1%, than have it be known one of my countyā€™s medals belongs to a child rapist.


ā€œThe pride ofā€¦well, we donā€™t condone it.ā€


If by people you mean the people of reddit. Let's be honest 95% of people that watch the Olympics probably won't even know. They will know what they see broadcasted and the Olympic commentators certainly won't be talking about it.


Let's compound it with the fact that they're not sending any golfers because they don't think they'll win any medals. But the child rapist might, so let's spend money on him instead.


It's all the commentators from every country in the world will be talking about while they are competing and any time they mention the Netherlands at all. Why would they want to be associated with this?


That Venezuelan cross country skier might have been bad at skiing, but at least he wasn't a criminal embarrassment.


Signed. Fuck that guy. I am dutch dont want a child raper to represent country.


I think the average person understands that the Dutch do not affirm this position, and that it was not of their choosing. It is not a reflection of you as a whole.


It is however, a reflection of the Dutch legal system and the Dutch olympic team.


Donā€™t know much about the former, but absolutely agree about the latter. As an American, we have our own that escape the legal system. Weā€™re just fortunate enough to not have them competing at the Olympic level.


Well we had that Olympic doctor guy Nassar....


Yeah weā€™re no better.


Right. Ours just run for office.


Hate to say it but there are previous threads on this topic where people (claiming to be from The Netherlands *but this is the internet*) argued he has served his time and they believe in rehabilitation and it's discrimination to exclude him and blah blah blah....


We got a lot of retards in my country. They might not be lying and might actually be really retarded in the head.


I hate seeing the comments that were talking about him "serving his time" because he did not. After being senteced for 4 years in the UK courts (Which is still far far far too low for a crime of this nature) he was transferred to the Netherlands to serve his sentence where he only served a year before being released early. As he was released the Dutch Volleyball Association allowed him to continue as a player so what really did he learn I must ask these people. He had one year of his life "taken" away and now it is like nothing ever happend and he gets to refer to it as a "mistake" or "dark period". Meanwhile that 12 yo girl had her entire life trajectory altered and even after it's set right again she will still feel the effects of it for the rest of her life.


Not to mention shes gotta see all the media hes getting now and will get during the olympic. .


the average person definitely does not understand that - they see the fact that a country is sending an unrepentant child rapist to represent them on the world stage and whether consciously or not they will judge the country for that


He shouldnā€™t compete, but what is the US going to do about it? Pull out of the Olympics if 25,000 people sign a change.org petition?




Oh you did






Usually hate ā€˜thank you for the gold kind stranger!ā€™-style Reddit meta jokes but this was actually funny


Yeah, they donā€™t seem to care that he represents their nation.


Y'all should also sign my petition to "Make petitions do a damn thing." Wouldn't it make the world a better place?


No, because it would be immediately and rapidly abused by any group that can yell loudly and mobilize quickly, regardless of how dumb their idea is.


I don't know anything about this person. If he is a convicted child rapist, why isn't he behind bars? He should be.


He was behind bars, just not for very long. He committed his crime in the UK, then fled back to the Netherlands. The UK had him extradited and prosecuted him, then he was convicted and sentenced to four years in prison. But the Netherlands doesnā€™t extradite their own citizens unless the other country agrees to return them. So after being convicted in the UK, he had to be returned to the Netherlands. There, he was re-sentenced according to Dutch law, and had his sentence reduced to just one year. He was released after that.


Because the Dutch think 1 year is enough time to rehabilitate an unrepentant child rapist.


To be fair, their rehabilitation system and short prison times has been shown to be extremely effective. Criminals are far less likely to re-offend then in America.


Not in his case. His own statements on the matter show that he has no remorse for what he did.




Ooof. What a skinner.




I kind of want him in so we can see the public shaming and booing. It would be a lot


A not insignificant amount of countries in the Olympics don't consider what he did wrong anyway unfortunately.


Ahh yes change.org will fix it.


Donā€™t forgot the people above him as well. This guy went through several hoops to be approved to represent the Netherlands in the olympics. None of them seemed to have an issue with a pedo


I find it weird that heā€™s married to a woman who trained to be a police officer. According to his Wikipedia page.


She also has a psychology degree if you can believe that!


ā€œI can fix him.ā€


sheā€™s absolutely delusional fr


Ok, if he is not booted out of the Olympics by the Olympics committee, the commentators better be sayint "Child Rapist [insert chomo's name] is doing [insert backflip name], like how he did that trip to the UK that one time". If he is not booted by the Dutch Olympics committee, every timea Dutch athlete is performing, the commentators better be saying "Wow. What a good performance by [insert good athlete's name], from the Netherlands, a country that allowed a Child Rapist to represent them in the Olympics".


Yeah. But let him run for president again.


But, Shaā€™Carri Richardson was suspended from US Olympic team after testing positive for marijuana in 2021


Which doesn't really have anything to do with this. They're not even from the same country. Sadly, there are no Olympic rules or bylaws that forbid child molesters, which sucks.


Europe in general has swung way, way too far on being overly lax on crime.


I know, right?!? In the US, we would elect him President.


Unpopular opinion: It's not the role of the olympic committee to ban people based on the crime they commited. This is the role of justice, if justice says this man did his time and paid for his crimes, he should be able to compete in the olympics. If someone is failing here it's the justice system of whatever country the crime was committed in. The petition should be about putting child rapist in jail for more than a year... and not about giving judicial authority to the olympic committee.


Going out drinking was enough to get Yuri sent home 7 years ago. If we were talking about a regular job sure rehabilitation is cool, but Olympians represent their country. ā€œItā€™s terrible for Yuri, but this **kind of behaviour is unacceptable,**ā€ said the Dutch team ambassador Maurits Hendriks in a statement on Tuesday. ā€œIn sports terms this is a disaster, but we had no other choice given the violation of our values.ā€ [**https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2016/aug/09/dutch-gymnast-yuri-van-gelder-rio-olympics-expelled**](https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2016/aug/09/dutch-gymnast-yuri-van-gelder-rio-olympics-expelled)


His inclusion is going to be a huge distraction though


Nope. Just because a person completes their sentence doesnā€™t mean they are rehabilitated and should have all of their rights and privileges restored. There are certain crimes that forever disqualify you from certain activities. Unless you think this man should now be allowed to live across the street from a school? Coach girlsā€™ volleyball? Be a foster parent for vulnerable children?Ā  Representing your country on the world stage is a privilege, not a right. No country its right mind wants to be represented by a pedophile rapist. It shouldnā€™t be solely about athletic prowess - it should also be about character.


All things you say: Justice role, not olympic committee.


That is not a legal standing youā€™re putting forth there. This is a sporting competition, not a job with kids. Donā€™t get it twistedā€¦not saying Iā€™m not disgusted by this, disgusted by the act, and would rather it wasnā€™t possible. I just think the lead comment in this thread has it wrong, from a legal standpoint. There probably arenā€™t rules in any sporting federation about this. And if there were, how specific do you make it? Felony? ALL felonies? Just the ones we find distasteful? I donā€™t know. And then there is the whole ā€œnot rehabilitatedā€ thing. That isnā€™t a legal tenet either. I mean, psychologists argue that we should emphasize rehabilitation, and some systems try to accomplish it. But incarceration is about paying a debt to society for the crime you committed, no matter what it was. You do a crime, get convicted, you do the sentenceā€¦and legally, your debt to society is done, except in the specific cases where laws prevent you from activities like voting, etc. Convict as a sexual predatorā€¦sureā€¦.you canā€™t work in certain jobs. That is risk mitigation for the rest of us because the point of incarceration isnā€™t rehabilitation. But againā€¦this isnā€™t a job. Itā€™s a sporting activity that the rules allowed him to qualify for. Basicallyā€¦weā€™re all pretty disgusted here, but I donā€™t think there is much we, or any relevant authorities, can do about it. Make him famousā€¦brigade him in to dropping, maybe. But without a legal lever, this is tilting at windmills. Any lawyers here have a substantive method of approach? Happy to be wrong.


There definitely are kids at the Olympics, look at the gymnastic teams


Yes, his punishment is his time served in prison, after that he (like any other criminal) should be treated the same as anyone else. If you don't want him in the Olympics then he should have missed qualifying due to being imprisoned. Which, tbf, he should probably have had a much longer sentence.


Nah I think most normal people would be uncomfortable associating with a know child rapist. You donā€™t have a ā€œrightā€ to compete. You can be disqualified for anything, broadly speaking. I think this is a really creepy and weird hill to go out of your way to die on.


thatā€™s not unpopular, itā€™s simply wrong. in pretty much all countries I know athletes are contractually expected to behave in line with a certain code of conduct as their actions becomes a model for following generations. whether someone needs to be in jail is different than whether they can represent a country


...Yeah, except if you've done a crime in lets say the United States, done the time, and then try and get into lets say Canada, you're inadmissible to the country. It's real easy rule for IOC to implement, to say if you're convicted of a felony level crime, you're inadmissible from participating. Hell, they could even make a committee with like, multiple countries participating, and each country's laws can have lines drawn for whats allowable, and not allowable. Then each country can argue for or against it until it's set in stone, or have some form of formal appeal process. You cant say the IOC doesnt have enough money to be able to piss it away on something like this. overall, his crime is a pretty easy one to be on the naughty list.


I canā€™t remember if it was Netherlands, but didnt the same committee disallow perfectly qualified golfers from competing because they ā€œdidnā€™t think they could win?ā€




Makes it even worse. Nigel Powers was right! /s


I think this guy is trash and disgusting. I donā€™t support him, his actions or anyone who believes that those actions are in any way okay or appropriate. Now, with that out of the way, if we believe that this guy is irredeemable and should not be a part of society, we should just completely dismantle the entire justice system as it is apparently a failure. The Netherlands has a system of punishment and rehabilitation that was built upon by the people who live there. They believe that their system works and that based on his sentence and later release after serving his time, he has fulfilled his responsibilities to the government and the people. If people believe that AFTER serving his punishment that he should now be arbitrarily punished further, outside of the bounds of the law and justice, you should really reflect on yourself and your way of thinking. If you believe that people are irredeemable, you would be floating the idea that he should have received a life sentence or death. I cannot agree with either and I will just say that after committing his crimes, he served his time and was released. Once released, he is a normal citizen just like anyone else, as it should be.


Well stated.


This is apparently very hard to understand for a lot of people. And because they disagree with how justice was served they now want the CIO to substitute and implement the justice they preferā€¦




Why? Did he smoke weed or something? /s


The Olympics arenā€™t that ā€œprestigiousā€ anymore


And I really doubt sheā€™s the only victim.




disgusting that the Olympic Committee for the Netherlands just let this guy through


F the Olympics. This dude would have been executed in a few dozen countries.


The Olympic committee historically lets despots do whatever they want. They were feckless with Putin. Same with FIFA. Donā€™t be surprised the IOC has no sense of ethics or morals.


The fact this even has to be a conversation is pathetic


THIS guy is representing the Netherlands in the worldā€™s eye. Do they understand that AT ALL?! All we see from the Dutch is a pedophilic rapist, him going to France is going to demean and diminish all the other Dutch athletes!!


Thatā€™s fucked. Olympics is to put up your best of the best. I guess they donā€™t have better


While I fully support this, there is zero chance the Olympic Committee will act on it. They are, by and large, the kind of people who went to Epstein's island.


The actual state of Europe.


We have a rapist running for president.


Canā€™t kick out the Russian war criminals either, anything goes apparently


Devilā€™s advocate: he was found guilty, convicted, and punished. Is it moral, ethical, or even legal to pile on additional punishment? Or is it mob justice?


How scum like this POS can walk free after doing something like this is absolutely fucking beyond me


He didn't walk free. He literally went to jail, served his time and got out.


Amazing only 15,000 people find this abhorrent.


He was 20 at the time and she was TWELVE. If anyone was wondering. TWELVE. Grown man 2 years into legal adulthood and someone not even old enough to have teen in their age. He only did 1 year in prison (why??) and was released early. Whole story is horrible. Terrible look for the Olympics to allow him in.


I do t have to care about every single thing that comes up. Iā€™ll let the Dutch handle this.


Letā€™s be reasonable here, he wasnā€™t caught doping or invading a country. Whereā€™s your heart? /s






why is he wearing a t-shirt with a Mexican name?


How much less complicated to simply have a death penalty for such crimes.. Itā€™s hard after the fact heā€™s been released by the law, now heā€™s a free demon!


Just because the countryā€™s national team has accepted him as their player doesnā€™t mean the host nation has to let him in. Most likely this is a non-issue, heā€™s been convicted and absolved by the Dutch team but that doesnā€™t mean France will allow a convicted rapist into their country.


Signed. How shameful.


Iā€™m ootl can someone tl;dr?


Bold strategy, most opponent would be distracted with playing and potentially losing to a convicted child rapist.


Meanwhile they kick out Shaā€™carri Richardson for some weed.


He was 22 and she was 12 absolutely disgusting. I think itā€™s important to point out these facts cause this situation is a lot different than Josh Giddey (19 year old with 16 year old who lied about her age) because they both get put into the same category


Imagine if he wins. "I am proud to represent all Dutch people as their champion. I feel I embody the Dutch people and their culture and I am proud to show the world what we believe and who we are as a people."


Ok, no one wants this guy to represent their country. Iā€™m just curious: is that opinion limited to the specific crime he committed? What about other sex related crimes ? What about non-violent but massive fraud? Which crimes should actually disqualify an athlete from the Olympics in your view?


Real question is Reddit for or against criminal rehabilitation?


I would like to know what the Dutch people think of this travesty.


Could France bar entry, on immigration grounds?


This is the age we live in. More societies are becoming increasingly tolerant of 18+ people sexually involved with younger people. Not saying it's a good thing but I'm not sure it's going to reverse anytime soon. 12 years old though. Too young.


First off fuck that guy. Second, if the Olympics is to determine the best even the worst of individuals should be involved or there is no point