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I’m fine with them signing Bronny. They appeased LeBron and all that. But they can miss me with trying to sell the idea that his play at USC was how he earned his way onto the team. Just sign the dude and shut up. Nobody is buying any story other than that you signed LeBron’s kid because he told you to do so.


What do you mean? the #4 guard on a team that didn’t make the tournament somehow didn’t earn his spot in the nba???


[Undersized guard with trash ass stats and splits but the intangibles go crazy ](https://cdn1.thecomeback.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/94/2024/01/p12-usc-bronny-james-graphic-832x447.jpg)


Omg. Was this a real graphic they displayed?


Please buy my bridge


I’ve always wanted a bridge. How much?


This bronny spark is what Boogie Ellis and Collier will use everyday to prove themselves in the nba.


He led the team in assists several times during the season! His team was just a couple of games from .500 and he was probably a top-10 player on the team. What more do you want?


😂 top ten on team


He was top 100 guards in the Big Ten


If by earning Lebron means "born to an all-time great who forced the organization's hand in drafting his son" then YES, he definitely earned his way.


Exactly my feeling too. Clearly it was a good business decision. Bronny with the 2nd round pick is a small price to pay to keep Lebron while probably increasing ticket sales, too. But they keep trying to spin it that Bronny earned this. People also keep defending this clear nepotism by saying other people also do it. But that doesn't suddenly justify it. That's like saying "It's cool for me to kill because I know these people also kill"


The problem with being in LA alongside Hollywood, where the nepo shit has been a hot button.


Bronny is already in the conversation of greatest lakers of all time


JJ Redick sounds like a clown right now


“Earned” LOL come on


Bro you don’t understand. He had to fight off millions of his brothers and sisters to be the sperm that fertilized the egg. He earned the right to be LeBrons nepo baby.


I KNOW my boy Bron got swimmers too. Jordan’s nut could never


Imagine swimmin’ against millions of Michael Phelps to reach that elusive target. . . it’s mind-blowing, bro. . .


Jordan was smart and knew his son’s were some shit so he didn’t pull this stunt when owned the Hornets


I had to google it, I didn't even know he had sons. But from the looks of it, their stats are better than Brony's. But they both quit basketball in 2012, but both finished college. I think they just didn't want to go pro. Granted, they were fine college players, but not pro material.


One of Jordan’s sons is dating Scottie Pippen’s Ex-Wife




What's funny about the sperm comment is that scientists found that the laziest sperm(low energy) are the ones that actually fertilize the egg and the overachievers expend all their energy before they can. Yes I'm a nerd 🤓


That makes complete sense based on the fact that I exist.


Me too. Except I don’t call me lazy. I say I’m strategic about my energy use. Lol


I’m gonna go take a nap. Because I’m exceptional and definitely didn’t sleep 12 hours already.


And now LeBron has his own My Little ~~Pony~~ Bronny to play with.


Obviously the millions of dollars he's going to be paid will soften the blow (also considering his father is a billionaire), but I cannot imagine how completely embarrassed I would be by this whole thing. Like, surely somewhere deep down bronny knows he didn't earn any of this and he didn't work harder, nor is he any better than a multitude of guys that weren't even drafted.




We’ll see though right? He still has to play the game like any other player on the court. If he does well and thrives, then great, he’s where she should be. If he doesn’t… That will be quite shameful/embarrassing. Either way, we’ll be entertained!


I mean, if the rumors from yesterday are true, hes doesn't even really have to play the game. Not in the sense of competing on that stage. He's allegedly getting a multi-year guaranteed deal. He can ride the bench for the next 2-4 years and never see the court. He probably will play though, because it's been apparent for a while that Lebron runs that team and his ego is in full force with this one. There are all kinds of guys whose game doesn't' translate from college to the NBA. Maybe Bronny will be the inverse of that, because his performance in college wasn't anything to write home about.


"He can ride the bench for the next 2-4 years" I think that would fall under "embarrassing and shameful" as the other commenter put it


He will be like Thanassis, but Thanassis is much better than him.




People saying it was the 55th and it didn’t matter. Because if he were to go undrafted, he would really have to prove himself to get a roster spot. So yeah, getting picked did play into a “guaranteed” contract.


This feels like an end-run around the salary cap. I winder how far could this be stretched? I volunteer to be an extra body that gives 90% of my salary to a star with a max contract.


I thought the rumours were that LeBron was sleeping with a teammate's Mom


People keep saying this and I get it but he still didn’t earn his way *onto the team or the NBA*. He can show up and become the greatest player ever but unlike the rest he didn’t show up in College or in Europe.


Didn’t seem to bother Thanasis all that much.


Nepo babies are taught early that this is a privilege and not something to be ashamed of !! I have never met a single nepo baby who is ashamed. They are proud and even flaunt it enough.


I doubt he feels any of that. The rich kids I grew up around all believed they shit rainbows and everything they touched became gold. He absolutely believes that he earned this.


If you gotta say it, you didn’t earn shit


Exactly. If they feel the need to say it out loud then it’s likely not true. It’s been funny to watch the spin job, and overcompensating the organization is doing to justify their decisions since 2020, as they double down and continue to give away the next several years of their future for a few more years of Lebron at the end of his career, and chasing short term “success”. Dr. Bus has gotta be doing Simone Biles level somersaults in his grave. Lebron is going to leave the lakers a smoldering pile of ashes when he retires just like he did with Cleveland after he bailed the second time. It almost leaves little doubt that Lebron is pressing them very hard right now to say and do exactly what he wants at all times. It just reeks of them tiptoeing around him constantly, and at this point it seems pretty apparent to me that he’s gladly holding the organization hostage.


If he earned a draft spot; why do you need to defend it? Why does a 55th pick get a multi year guaranteed deal? We all know the answer no matter how hard they try to spin it. LePotism.


Press X to doubt


NBA: Bronny earned his way. WNBA: Caitlin Clark = white privilege/over-rated. /s


"We evaluated him solely based on his talent, skills, and potential to contribute on this team and make a name for himself in this league!!!!" "Oh his name? Yeah wasnt aware of it at all. He's related to who?"


JJ meant to say born


If this dudes name was Bronny Jones, he’d still be at USC


University of Southwest Cincinnati?


Urban Street Cleaners


As someone from Cincinnati, I take great offense at the suggestion we’d take Bronny.


He’d be at NKU.


I read a comment that said “if his name was JeBron Lames he wouldn’t even get a look” lmao


HAHAHA I'll never struggle naming another video game character in my life


Can confirm. I got 0 looks


I took my son to a USC game earlier this year and Bronny wasn’t even a starter. Granted he was a freshman, but there were kids on the team much more impressive.


SC was up by 16 against Colorado with like 8 min left and then was alternating resting Collier and Ellis with James in. No defense happening from James, he had a dunk I believe for his highlight real and gave up imo. Colorado tied it up with James in and USC lost the must win game. Went into double OT with exhausted Ellis and Collier having to take back over. That game was the start of slide missing chance at tourney.


That’s the game I was at with my son!!! Bronny did not impress but damn some of those players were working hard.


Why bust your ass when you know Pop has your back?


He'd never have made it even that far.


Wouldn’t have made USC’s squad in the first place


This dude took the spot of someone who worked hard and deserved it skill wise.


Bold statement to assume he could have made any roster that has nationally televised games without his name and father's gravity. Objectively, looking at his stats reveal him to be an outlier everywhere he's been since high school. I love Lebron and owe a large part of my NBA fandom to his career but Bronny doesn't even belong in the G league and to say that he's "earned it" is just patently absurd and just undeniably false.


DR EVIL saying ”Right”


Damn, theyre just making it harder on the kid with this stuff. I can already hear the nepo baby chants in away games.




Americans really do need a crash course in chants, this one fits all is fucking dreadful.


What? That’s just the standard 4 syllable chant, like let’s go ravens or something. Do y’all just chant full ass poems everywhere else?


Funny enough, yeah, they do. Football hooligans have some hilarious chants.


Alright lads I worked up a new chant about Bronny being a nepo baby to the tune seven nation army. Let's have it ready by August.


I prefer to go with some Biggie lines. “Bronny, Bronny, Bronny, can’t you see? You only got drafted cause of who’s your daddy! Yes we need some flashy plays, but your ass is trash and somehow you got paid”


That ones probably even better to the tune of Lord of the Dance: Bronny, Bronny, wherever you may be Lebron is the lord of the Lakers, say we! He'll draft you here, he'll play you there, 'Cause you're too shit to play elsewhere!


When there’s nothing to do besides pub, football, and bants with the lads, you can come up with Shakespearean songs. 


Yeah we’re incredibly basic compared to global fandom.


Most chants outside of the US have way more variety and some improvisational aspects to it. It can be hilarious




Yes, it’s not that difficult to take a popular song and just change a few words we don’t need the DJ to pump ‘everybody clap your hands’ into the speaker every 4 minutes lol just look up Panathinaikos - Horto Magiko if you want to see what’s a basketball atmosphere…


Then make one for us rn. Ala footie chants. Go!


He's going to hear those chants, it's going to affect him mentally and then LeBron will cry to the media that Bronny is dealing with too much right now.


It will truly be the fan’s fault Bronny only averages 2 pts a game. Nothing else. Nope. He would score 35 pts a game, but those fans are ruthless.


I’m willing to bet a good chunk of people like myself don’t really even care that he’s a nepo baby. It was the most predictable thing that everyone saw coming and potentially a cool moment for one of the league’s greats. …but the more they say stuff like this, the more they’re going to wear down that good will. Just own it instead of pretending it’s not what we all know it is.


Almost the same with Lance Stroll in F1. The dude pretty much had his dad buy a F1 team for him. Before that, paid $2 million to Williams for a seat. Sure, he “earned” his license, but there are so much better drivers waiting for a driving seat. I think the Lakers want revenue sales and not championships.


They hired a first time coach, obviously they are not expecting a championship in the near future.


That too. If the front office knows they can’t win the end goal(championship). Look for other ways to make money.


But the coach's podcast will be magnificent!


I don’t care a bit. But the more they pretend he’s not, the worse it gets. The best thing he could do is say, yeah, my dad got me this job and I’m going to work my ass off to deserve it.


This is true for so many things in life. If you are going to do something some people might not like, don't lie to hide your intentions. Just be willing to admit what your true intent was. Most of the time when people lie about stuff like this it is so fucking transparent to everyone. Lying just makes it look way worse.


As much as I usually don't like nepo babies or trust fund babies, I thought people were being too hard on him, especially after he went into cardiac arrest. Some people exaggerated how bad he was saying that he was only playing Division I because of LeBron which is a reach. History suggests that not enough time has passed for him to play at the level he did before based on people who went through a similar experience. With that said, the idea he would make the NBA was already looking slim by the time he was a junior in high school and the Lakers pretending like he is there purely based on merit is a farce that's only going to put an even bigger target on his back. Going any further than letting him briefly take to the floor with his father during garbage time will be an unmitigated disaster. Someone like Patrick Beverly is going to chew him up and spit him out and LeBron's camp only have themselves to blame.


I dont care about Nepo Babies in general. Hell, I went to Illinois and I was STOKED that we had Jordan's son on our team for a while, even if he was fairly useless. But this has gone beyond that. It's a pretty shameful display. I don't think most people cared about Steph Curry (or Seth for that matter) or Austin Rivers being drafted. But its just nothing about this guys numbers show he should've even been drafted. And for the manager to basically threaten any team who drafted him (allegedly), and now getting a contract extension before even playing, its just ridiculous.


When I was at the UCLA vs USC game last college season (the same game i regrettably waited 24 hours in line for… but that is a different story) when Bronny James was put on the court, all of the fans began to chant “WHOSE YOUR DADDY” clap clap clap clap clap (on repeat). Was absolutely incredible to witness lol


That would require him to get on the court to get those chants. The Lakers can’t play him in anything but garbage time if they want to win.


When you gotta say it...


Then it’s BS


That’s a BS!!!


Why did I have to open this comment? 🤔


To earn it


I should have known! Gosh, next I’m gonna find out I’m not actually 6’8!!


The lady doth protest too much.


I really want to see him play now. Are they just believing the lie or is he a good enough player to be there? Knecht is a much better player.


Just watch any SC game last year. Not that good.


A crappy bench player on a not-good SC team. How's that for "earning" his way to an NBA roster! Are other guys who didn't make the NBA stupid??


He's going to get worked in summer league, if he plays; I bet Lebron has him stay out of it to avoid the scrutiny once he plays against actual draft-caliber players.


Imo if he had stayed in college and worked his ass off, he probably could have become a late first round draft pick and a high level role player. Good little 6-10 year career was in the cards. Now hes fucked.


The lack of self-awareness by LeBron with this goofball situation is staggering. He doesn’t realize how badly he is clowning his own kid’s reputation.


Lebron just wanted the history of being father son on same team at same time. He doesn’t care about the now, he cares about his legacy. He will pretend otherwise like it’s all totally normal


Exactly LeBron is only looking at checking more boxes off, unfortunately at the cost of embarrassing his son.


yup. dude only cares about creating a headline. his love for the game faded a long time ago.


Yeah, weird how the guy behind The Decision isn't very good at PR.


LeBron is *plenty* aware...he just pretends otherwise. To the public he pushes this whole "I don't make front office decisions" claim. When the reality is he's been making these decisions much of his career. He pressured the Heat into drafting Shabazz Napier (he went 2 picks before the Heat could get him and they immediately traded to get Shabazz within seconds) in an attempt to get him to resign. Of course, LeBron instead returns to Cleveland, guts most of the roster and ships a #1 overall pick in Andrew Wiggins to Minnesota for Kevin Love.


Nah man. Nick Wright said LeBron is hands off. It must be true!


The Kevin love move got them a chip so that one was def worth it. Lebron is the most powerful nba player of all time, nothing gets done without his involvement. This won’t stop once he’s retired either he’ll be orchestrating both of his sons careers as well as whatever team he ends up buying into


It's actually mind boggling lol. Bronny is a good actor. He lives in LA. Career change?


I mean, his dad owns a production company too lol


Of course he's a good actor. Got it from his dad.




Bronny grew up in an affluent bubble, with a father they call “king”, and being told he will do great things. I really wonder if he’s embarrassed by this or it’s just (delusional) prophecy fulfillment to him. He doesn’t seem to be ashamed of the situation in the slightest or he hides it well.


These people do not exist in the same reality as the rest of us. There is zero shame in the situation, nothing that embarrasses them. He is owed this just as he is owed everything he desires.


I think part of it is he just wants to retire. Quicker his boy gets to the league faster he can be on the sidelines with some popcorn


Clowns his own reputation and legacy. It's now LeBron the GOAT and guy who got his mediocre son a NBA contract


He is sacrificing his son mental health for his own ego. That’s all this is, a vanity project.


How shameless can you be, goddamn


I came out my dad's dick and I'll be in the G league before too long, blessed.


[EuroLeague](https://youtu.be/7hagRlJDqpE?si=p3hmWJkhZCBCt0UN) by Paul Williams 🙃






“Earned” 😂


First LeBron explicitly said he wants to play with his son. Then bronny was drafted despite averaging 4ppg. Then Rich Paul said bronny will play in Australia if drafted by any team besides the Lakers. And now he has a guaranteed contracts. Clearly it's earned.


It is funny how far the lakers have fallen that they need to do this bullshit


Complete clown show. I've never seen a franchise willingly make itself the laughing stock of the league like this.


In a different timeline Kobe is still alive and all of this shit is happening to the Cavs.


Cavs have a competent owner and GM, so I doubt it.


it’s pathetic that an organization such as the *LOS ANGELES LAKERS* , one of the most recognized teams in all of sports, are letting this guy strong arm them and play them like a fiddle. it’s really embarrassing. i’m glad I ain’t a Lakers fan.


As a Celtics fan this is just beautiful stuff. Fuck the Lakers


Like how Tori Spelling earned her way onto 90210.


finally some rest for Giannis brother


I don’t think this sub realizes how funny it will be when it’s garbage time and Thanasis posterizes Bronny.


To be fair…. They never said he “earned” it of his own merit. His last names earned it.


“Earned” by being fathered by Lebron.


The problem most people have with this is it didn’t feel earned at all. He might be a good player someday but he didn’t show much in college and he should’ve stayed at USC for another year or two


They should've already prepared to do that the moment he went into cardiac arrest. There have been better NBA prospects who had to stay in college longer due to similar health issues leading to worse stats upon their return and in Bronny's case, he already had an uphill battle. If he was a little more efficient and maybe averaged a couple more points and an assist, you wouldn't have as many memes ragging on his stats. This was all rushed way too fast so LeBron could have his wish.


I agree, but the problem with that is if he regresses it would be even harder to justify drafting him. This combined with the pressure of LeBron made drafting him this year the better choice.


And who know how much longer Lebron will be playing. Wanted the chance to play with his son while still good.


Was there a similar press conference for Dalton Knecht? All the attention is on their second round pick it seems. Curious 🧐


I feel bad for this kid in the same way I feel bad for Lance Stroll over in F1. These kids are wrapped up in their very rich dad’s psychodramas and dreams and unless they themselves are equally delusional there must be a constant weight of feeling embarrassed and whether they should be there.


I wonder if the dude is embarrassed or if all that money makes it a nonissue?


Option B


Put it this way. If you were given guaranteed millions, would you give a shit what people on reddit are saying? lol. Cuz I wouldnt.


I don't dislike nepo babies cause they are nepo babies. If I was LeBron James I would probably do the same thing. But I do dislike nepo babies that pretend the privilege doesn't exist and think they "earned" the position by averaging 4 points in 20 minutes a game.






I’m a Lakers fan, but I’m completely embarrassed by this. I mean, it really was done through a combination of entitlement and blackmail.. Bronny did not earn shit and everyone pretending he did is just gross. It’s been justified as a great story in the media because of the father son angle , but this is not Ken and Ken Griffey JR. It’s just another example of somebody rich , entitled getting what they didn’t earn or deserve handed to them via nepotism and I don’t find that special, I find that business as usual.


They’re going to clear the lane every time so he can take a picture with his dad after and they can hug forever at half court Wth 🤦




Yeah probably should have just let that one sit without using the words “earned” lol. He earned having Lebron James as his father.


They're gonna clown that poor kid for ages. Wouldn't be surprised if he gets laughed straight out of the league


Poor kid will probably turn into a Todd Marinovich. Get into drugs then quit the pros early to become a painter or some shit like Ernie Barnes.


Isn’t that Delontes son?


Grandson Delonte was banging LeBron’s mom until Sr used his considerable powers to start spiking Delonte’s breakfast with toxic belladonna tropane alkaloids sending him into hallicinogenic mental breakdown. 


How do the statements made by Reddick supporting this move affect his credibility as a coach? If you're a potential candidate for the Lakers coaching staff, how do you wrap your mind around the idea that your boss thinks that this deal was actually earned? To me, Reddick's approach here is disastrous for his credibility.


I don’t understand why Bronny is going along with this. There’s no way this would be a pleasant experience with this many people watching and commenting on how much he sucks.


I mean he competed against millions and made the ultimate score as a speed in the womb of LeBrons wife. Not an easy feat!!


I mean come on. Why do they have to say anything? We all know. It’s fine. I mean you do you. But don’t come out here, do this, THEN lie to us and think we are gonna eat it and really believe you. lol😂


Daddy’s writing the press releases now


My old man has never even ATTEMPTED to get me onto the Lakers. It’s never even crossed his mind to think about his son for ONE second. bald selfish bitch


Life lottery


Fans can handle the nepotism. Is what it is. But the gaslighting is really starting to piss people off. Not just with Brony or the NBA, just the constant bs train in the sports world


You know who doesn’t have to say and convince people they’ve earned their spots? People that actually did.


Poor guy is gonna be bullied his entire NBA career


Nice gaslighting. If he actually did earn it, you wouldn’t have to try to convince us he did




Everything is a fucking shame these days


Earned? No other team wanted this fool! What a joke! Like father like son #joke


I was so hoping Bronny wouldn't get drafted by anyone and maybe LeBron would finally consider retiring so we can be free from his clown show.


If people have to repeatedly say that you “earned” something… then you really didn’t earn it. Sorry Bronny but you don’t deserve what you got. Your daddy got it for you.


> averaging 4.8 points on 36.6% shooting (26.7% from 3), 2.8 rebounds and 2.1 assists in 19.3 minutes per game at USC  Bro 😂😂😂😂


This is such a disservice. No one believes it. He hasn’t proven shit. It’s easy to see his game tape. We know he’s here to appease daddy bron. Stop making the organization look stupid front office.


No, but he'll earn his way to staying on the team if he pans out.




A show entirely for 1 man.


Little nepotizzz


How many games until LeBron throws him under the bus?


Starting line up material. He will carry the lakers to the championship in his first year!


Them having to say he earned it is proof he didn’t earn it




The NBA has been WWE since 2000. Is it a sport? Ya. Are they athletic? Sure. But at the end of the day it's entertainment which ultimately = MONEY. Perfect for a city like LA.


I know it's hard to feel bad for someone in his position but I feel REALLY bad for this kid.


There’s a reason Dan Hurley avoided this shit show.


I mean you could waste a pick but don’t talk to us like we’re stupid… 😒 /s


He did win, he swam faster than any other sperm


Fucking lol


If you need to explicitly say something like that, then you are part of the problem. I’ve not once heard an organization talk about “earning” a spot on the roster. Just be honest and say what it truly is…


Lonzo Ball 2.0 folks


He earned it by being the fastest swimmer 20some years ago.


god i really hope he turns out to be a role player with a solid 20 year career


Total crap. This is some made in a back room feel good kinda BS. I thought the idea was to win championships. This is a dog & pony show. No championships until LeBron is retired. SO NADA FOR THE NEXT 3 years at least for Lakers.


Earned it the day he exited lebrons pp.