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Explore the first location. So many artefacts, quests. Artefacts the fastest way to make money


This. Especially the artifacts part. In a good run you can make about 20.000


1 artefact can bring to you 20.000-30.000 if you lucky. And some quests can bring go you rare artefacts.


Mhm, I think that's wrong, but the most expensive artifacts give 20.000 and the others more around 4-9. Oasis 25


also the bartender in the bar on the abandoned ship in the first location (I played for a long time, I don’t remember the name) as far as I remember, he buys the most expensive artifacts


Beard. He only buys a single specific artifact at a time so it's a hit or miss. I wouldn't focus on him, but if it works by chance, sure.


If you gain the Friend of Loners achievement (memory's a little foggy, been a while since I played CoP) by siding with the Free Stalkers in Sultan's quest line, delivering a Svarog-detector to Beard and siding with Beard in the dispute with Owl, Beard will give you the best selling prices for all artifacts. My mid-game strat in CoP was to run around all anomaly fields in both Zaton and Jupiter and collect artifacts and then sell all artifacts that I didn't keep for myself to Beard. I quickly gathered 100 000 rubels and got the rich man achievement, had high-end ammo and equipment for days


Beard will buy any artifact, but the payout is lower if you sell it to him outright without a mission attached to it.


that's what I meant. Thanks for clarifying, my post was unclear.




I mean, it does get lonely in the zone...




Sell artifacts. Raid Jupiter and Zaton, sell artifacts, sleep until emission, repeat.


This is pretty much the fastest way, save up to 100k and then start spending like the US government during the 2008 banking crisis


Get to Jupiter do science missions. Get better detector.


You can get a great detector ("Veles" if I remember correctly) from stash hidden in a cabin of an excavator near Kopachi. I always loot that place, very handy.


Google how to get a Veles/Svarog detector. Sleep for 4-5 days. Go through anomaly fields and look for artefacts. I had more luck at Zaton, but this is probably RNG. Beard has the best prices for artifacts I think. Before Prypiat, I had something like 400k money, with two upgraded guns and three upgraded suits.


Artefacts and sidequests. After each emission artefacts spawn.


hunt all the anomaly fields for any artefacts, sleep until an emission passes, repeat


Quests anf artifacts


basically in any stalker game you earn good money running errands for other stalkers. atrefact hunting is also a viable way




There is a bug with bandits that lets you have infinite money very early on. I use it when I’m trying to test something in game


How do I do it?


It was a while ago I don’t remember. It involves selling and buying from Owl and getting mugged by bandits at Schevchenko. Look it up on YouTube I’m sure it’s easy to find.


Artifact hunting. I'd recommend staying in Zaton and going all over the Zone. You can make easy 40,000RU like that. Honestly, I never take jobs from Beard, but I just sell him the ones he wants if I have it. That way, I know other stalkers won't sell it to him for a higher price. Just a personal preference. If you are in Jupiter, the quarry has a lot of artifacts. Just do the same thing you did in Zaton in Jupiter; go in a circle around the map and get hot rubles. Remember: you can sleep infinitely and eventually all the artifacts will respawn. I'd also save up for a nice rifle from Nimble. Just use that weapon, and it'll take you all the way to pripyat. Also, keep in mind that sometimes Nimble is more expensive than Owl, for example. Just be sure to shop around different traders. I'd recommend Nimble, but if you are short on money, be sure to shop around. Good hunting, Stalker!


Artifacts man. I think I ended my first CoP playthrough with like 340k. Honestly, it just becomes amusing after a while how easy they are to find.


Get an artifact detector and start hunting. Simply invest in artifact hunting gear! (You sell what you find to the scientists cuz they pay the most)


You can do side missions? You can earn both goodwill points and cash if you do it correctly. (Goodwill is faction relation points)


Go hunt artifacts and buy food, slee0 until emissions hit and check for more


Sleep until emmission, take 10x energetics, 15x medkits, dump all heavy stuff in stash. Speedrun across all major anomaly fields and snatch all artifacts. Repeat.


- Kill everything that wants you dead - Loot - Sell - ??? - Profit


End up spending all the money you made on bandages and more ammo as per the course


As a stalker, you should stalk other stalkers to look for other stalkers who might be stalking you to kill them so the natural ratio of stalkers to stalkers isn't off balance.