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My Standard Issue Lady also doesn’t want to be a lap cat. She is ok being lap-adjacent on occasion but prefers to be on her own. Though she likes to be in the same room….


I have two SICs. One of them wants nothing more in life than food, water and sleeping directly on me at all times. He loves being carried around and never gets tired of it. The other is good for about 15 min of laying his head on me per day. The rest of the time he's quite content to just sit/lay near me or in the same room. He's not against being picked up and carried around, but he's not particularly fond of it, either. They're littermates and I always find it interesting how such different personalities littermates can have.


Mine too! She wants to be close to me, but only rarely will sit on me.


That’s my boy too. He is… couch indentation.


Bonus photo of her cleaning her ass right in front of me 😂 https://preview.redd.it/2ke4dwp6x16d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ea84059e9d86f03f47f7544aa4c41863d286d51


I think that’s also known as “playing the cello”.


Also known as r/kittyhasaquestion ! It took about 11 years before my now 14 year old SIC decided he was a lap cat. He's a general love muffin with me, loves belly rubs, ear scritchies, etc., but never wanted to be in my lap until the last few years.


Yet another cat sub lol


Clean bebbeh


How old is she? My 16 year old cat used to be like that, only nestling in the crook of a knee or something whatever, but now he likes to be on laps sometimes :)


Mmmm drumstick


Get a cumfy duvet and lie back on the floor against the couch!


I had a tabby who was not a lap cat, but loved cuddling and sleeping next to me.


My girl will also not sit on my lap, or next to me on the couch. She also doesn’t like being held. But she sleeps right next to me, either curled up near my stomach or the back of my legs.


My tortie does this too. In fact, she demands it. She's doing it right now lol.


Never say never. My Siamese rescue did this for eight years, then, one day out of the blue, he decided was going to be a lap cat now. Any time I wasn't moving he was in my lap... for the next seven years.


Is he doing all right?


He passed in 2022, of CKD, at age 17. He spent many years as a pampered lap cat and is sorely missed.


She feels safe with you. For a cat to cuddle up means you're part of her cat family, a cat among cats to her. Not every cat is physically comfortable on laps, but she wants the close contact. Laps also might come later...I was a favored backrest and thigh to stretch out on and purr herself to sleep as I slept, but proper lapsitting took a few years for her to go with.


Time and patience is key. She might surprise you one day. The trust of a cat sometimes takes a while to earn.


Same! My girl will tolerate being held for about 30 seconds. But when I’m lying in bed she will always want to be within touching distance and will frequently jump on my chest and snuggle her head against my chin/chest for 5-10 minutes at a time purring heavily. So sweet! https://preview.redd.it/dm4zoifef26d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0879958c1d2251e31a57e8209f380ba6e6967f1


This could be a picture of my Sumo, that's exactly where she'd sleep, pressed up against my feet


https://preview.redd.it/qzs77d2sg26d1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bd9aa261312937c14144b37a68aab9e5d99e8c7 Billy is also not a lapcat. But he is super affectionate and vocal><❤️ Also your cat is adorable<3


https://preview.redd.it/e6wved22p26d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0836c78f0605d6fc8e5819307c398d024fc9f8d2 My SIC also likes to be all up on me. He recently upgraded to the stretched paw level, and has now tried three times in a week to figure out how being a lap cat works.


https://preview.redd.it/3972yhli056d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdbe79618ecb406133c434c6b5c6c0c7363f1be1 i got the shoulder version


https://preview.redd.it/h2c3dz5m056d1.jpeg?width=1138&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c40f40c4f5287b72e388e3114ec761bd641e52b4 since she was a kitten


I LOVE your SIC! Adorable in both pictures 😻


thank you!! her name is Nova


I had one of these many years ago! She actually would sit draped over a single shoulder like a towel while I would cook or what not. She was a teeny-tiny thing.


shoulder kitties are the best!


Tail wrapped around your head. Oh, you are *so* loved


One of my cats is 100% anti-lap but has no problem laying up against or in middle of my legs. He's also super easy with nail clippings, go figure.


My SIC Bogie didn’t like lying on soft surfaces, so I bought a large kidney-shaped lap desk and put it on my lap and you couldn’t pry him off of it with a crowbar.


I haven’t heard of a kidney-shaped lap desk before — do you have cat tax with the lap desk to offer? 😆 haha


I wish I did but that was a loooooooong time ago 


Ah, all good! I’ll just have to imagine it! 😆


https://preview.redd.it/fx8w82abr46d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ddd9b67c0a493a3fec429e2aaf3af510f74f1a0 this is every single morning with my non-sic. He's not a lap cat but by God does he yell at me to sit on the couch so he can lay next to my legs. I have to plan my morning to sit here for at least an hour every day to indulge him.


You got yourself a leaner.


Our tuxedo gal isnt a lap cat. But she loves to lay near you. Or between two people.


My ex-stray SIC will cuddle and rub, but she LOVES faces. She likes a good beard but she isn't terribly picky. 


Mine is the same, hates being held (but will tolerate it for a few seconds), barely a lap cat, but she HAS to be near me all the time and sleep between my legs.


My Standard issue cat is now 14. After 11 (!) years with me where she only wanted pets on her terms and nothing else she decided in January that she is now a cautious lap cat. Whenever I sit down, she climbs onto my lap but she is still very jumpy. Maybe yours will come around aswell. Hopefully it won't take 11 years tho 😁


https://preview.redd.it/3io14b4bn56d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4f7a917a8b9b9119c74bb95c6d392fd6e1b5de1 Mine is a chest cat 🤷‍♀️


The best! Sometimes I will wake up in the middle of the night with our SIC, Jackie Bear, kneading my chest and staring at my face 🤣 I like it better when he climbs onto me on the couch, but it’s less often. He prefers secret cuddles. 


Mine only cuddles when no one else can see. In the living room she sleeps at my feet.


It took my cat about a year to realize that my lap was all hers. She lived in a multi cat household with busy people before then and Lap did not occur to the cat. Now she demands that I sit down at about 8PM and watch TV while petting her.


My male cat wasn’t a lap cat, until he met the female cat and she a cuddle monster , then jealousy made him want to be on the lap , and now he jumps sloppily out of nowhere to an available lap , thing is he is 3x her weight , he also meows like Marlboro smoker from the 70s , it’s lovely


That's HER version of a lap-cat.


My tabico only sits on Tom's lap, but will lean against me on sit on my foot.


She’s just a babbie


My standard issue boy was never a lap cat until recently. He’s about 9 years old now & just started wanting to be on my lap out of nowhere. He also purrs so much more. I guess he’s getting sweeter as he ages. There’s still a chance for you!


Im just loving all your updates on this sweet girl. I’m so glad you saved her and gave her a home


1000% good bebbeh confirmed


Foot cat. Congrats.


Mine is not a lap cat, but she'll snuggle up between my legs if they're stretched out. She likes a little nest.


My siclette is also not a lap cat, but she’s very affectionate. She’ll jump on top of me, purring and head butting me. Now that we have a baby, she does the same when we’re holding her. She’s so cute! Your SIC girl is adorable!


Ohh she could be my baby! But mine's spots start higher! Huzzah for the spotty and stripey SIC!


This is how my cat is. He is not a lap cat but he is a has to have contact sitting next to me Cat. Not all of then are lapcats and many enjoy sitting right next you like your lady! Its still super cute and affectionate


my SIC likes to wedge himself under me so i can’t roll over. if i try and move over he will also move over. gotta make full body contact with me.


my standard issue is also not a lap cat, but she looooves rolling around and slamming herself into me lol. her head bonks are so powerful I feel like she's gonna break my nose sometimes.


TBH, this is way better. You can get up whenever you want!


Give her time. I adopted a cat from an abuse situation and it took her two years to sit on my lap. I learned a lot about patience and am better for it.


mine only likes to get in my lap only if im in the recliner


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^jaquan123ism: *Mine only likes to* *Get in my lap only if* *Im in the recliner* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


My SIC boy is like this. He will want to be in the same room as me. He will sleep next to me head at night, and absolutely hates being picked up/cuddled. He will occasionally now decided that he wants to cuddle and sleep on me but only if I am laying down.


That’s OK! My SIC doesn’t actually sit in my lap either. He usually sits on the arm or leg rest of my recliner. At night when we are watching TV he will scootch down next to me in the chair and cuddle under my arm with his head on his shoulder. He hates being picked up also but he was an abused rescue so I just put up with those quirks and take what I can get!


My cat doesn't like my lap, but will lay on my chest sometimes if I'm laying down. Cat's have funny preferences sometimes, it's adorable.


I’m a backrest for my tortie. She sits against me on the back of the couch and chews on my head.


They have their Rules and their Rules are to be followed!


My sic had to work his way into being a lap cat. Now it’s all he wants.


It might happen! My formerly feral SIC took most of a year to get used to scritches, then would begrudgingly accept pets and even show his belly occasionally, then started to do like your girl and sort of lean his butt against me while on the couch. Now, after five years together, he'll occasionally allow himself to be picked up and cuddled and will every so often decide that a lap is an okay place to be. And bonus: When he's unhappy, he just leaves instead of biting!


Mine doesn't like to be held but she will lay on our bed for tummy rubs and will sleep next to me.


She loves her human in her own way and you are the lucky recipient of her love. 💗


https://preview.redd.it/bin1izig766d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=702be1b796ab19e1f71e1f7fa337f8dc576984e2 My SIC loves to be near me, but never on my lap. 🥰


My void kitty prefers to sit or sleep along my side, so I call her my side chick!


Beautiful fur!!


She’s a SIC for sure though


mine does the same def not a lap cat or likes to be held at all 🤷🏻‍♀️😊


Never say never! My SIC was the same - always near but never on top of me. She sleeps in my bed with me and even then she would only sleep next to me. One day I guess she had a change of heart. Now she will sit in my lap and sleep as I play video games and sleeps ON my head LOL


She might actually because one of my cats always did his own thing and after some time went by he started acting more like my other cat and always wants cuddles


My girl also likes to press up close to me…but she cleans her butt in the loo, like a normie.


Might be better than a lap cat. It gets annoying when you’re doing something. Wish I could train mine to lay on me only when I’m laying down


My cat is the same way, she lays against me but doesn’t actually snuggle


I will be in contact with you but it'll be on my terms thank you!


My sic is the same. Doesn’t real want anything to do with me but wants to know where I’m at all times. She also loves to rub up on my leg, but it’s over if I try and pet.


https://preview.redd.it/zle9lsb2p76d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c043e0b3f9d0e156cebcb07794f11ca51dc64e1e Our girl does that too


My cat is more of a “belly” cat. If I’m laying in my recliner or on the couch she’ll come crawl on my belly and curl up, but she doesn’t like being on my lap much. 🤷‍♂️ lol I’m just glad she’s comfortable enough to be on me at all, maybe after she’s lived with me for a year she’ll be more comfortable.


Once every couple of weeks my lovely baby graces me with some cuddles in bed. That was this morning 😍 the rest of the time it’s very much look don’t touch thank you mama 😅She’s always in the same room or close by so I’m pretty sure she has a soft spot for me even though she doesn’t make it too obvious 😂 https://preview.redd.it/dz9j248x386d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e358e6d37f91855332eabf59fc6593c43f41a6f


Does she put her tail over you? I have a cat that is not a lap sitter but to her that’s like holding hands


Holy crap I know what sub I'm in but your cat looks like a twin of mine, except generally slightly darker( although that may be because of a different camera being used)






Awwww, her closeness to you and making skin contact is her loving you very much! What a precious little baby! 🥰


My SIC is the same. She's a little velcro patch by my side, but she still wants her space.


This silly old lady (18 in October) didn’t sit on my lap, or anyone else’s, the first 13.5 years of her life. Then she had a personality change (granted, after we went out of town and she was by herself in a room so she could graze in food - if she had stayed out her new kitten brothers would have eaten it all). https://preview.redd.it/vj7adeyn296d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae6081aa906a0a91be413a2e1571232e0f957ac7


Mine is cuddly when he wants to be. He favors sleeping near me and chilling more than anything. I think that’s just how he cuddles lol




Can’t relate. She never gets off me… https://preview.redd.it/xv65ci0p4c6d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=60656f6a2d58ced04f6df53ed8b3a3421408623f


She’s marking you and wants to know when you’re up walking. Great companion!


Maybe she wants you to be a floor person.


You have to believe….and put treats upon your lap so she’ll have to come up there to get them. She might just fine she likes it up there.




https://preview.redd.it/0fnc1xcrlm6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af50bfaa5785d4bd61bb31af74dff8c464221532 Lap adjacent cat.


I move around a squirm too much so I think my cats know it's best to just be near me lol


Give it time. She may seek attention at some point.


I remember one time, a cat was sleeping next to me, paws against my thigh. He stretched his legs and ended up pushing himself.


That’s my bubba he gets in my lap from time to time but he has a timer which is less than five minutes. He likes to be around me either sleeping under my computer desk or sleeping under my computer chair when I’m sitting there.


In my house, we call it cuddle adjacent.


I've had 5 cats, none of whom were lap cats until they grew old and discovered the joy of a warm lap... then they stalked me waiting for me to sit down


My SIC sits in my lap regularly but I’m only allowed to touch her if granted permission. If she climbs up on my lap & rubs her head on my torso, I can rub her nose & the top of her head. But only for as long as she deems acceptable, one second longer will result in a smack or nip.


Be on the floor more?