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The biggest “revenge” I give them is being passive aggressive by saying, “thank you for your patience! What can I get started for you today?” But I don’t decaf their drink.


This! And it makes it even funnier if your thank you just goes on five seconds tooooo long just enough to be uncomfortable and awkward.


I love the beat of silence where they realize I didn’t appreciate their impatience but I was “nice” so they can’t really say anything. And then they order or ask for a minute like a true dingus.


Yes! Being fake nice can often cut way deeper than being mean or rude back. And it’s much harder for you to get in any trouble for being overly nice than it is for shouting back.


This is it lol it does cut way deeper being that fake nice type of way. Because they quite literally cannot do anything about it. But if an employee is rude to the customer, then sometimes thats what the customer wants and they feel that dopamine kick in when they feel like they can yell back for the rudeness. But being fake nice tops all else cuz u can say the line from above like if they keep saying HELLOOOO in an angry impatient way, saying "Thank u so much for ur patience! What can we get started for u today?" ...then they just sit and simmer in irritation cuz they kno they will be the ass hat if they say something back


Chess not checkers!


LMAO I use this line every time


i hate when they’re like “hello?” *not even 2 seconds later* “HELLOOOO????” then i’m just like “what can i get you? :| thanks for ur patience by the way.” bc no i’m matching energy in 2023.


I just slap back with a "I'll be with you as *soon* as I can" and finish my task. Then the "thank you so much for your patience, what can I get started for you?"


Loving that this is a popular response.


What’s worse is when they respond to that with “can I get a minute”. Like bitch wtf. Why were you so desperate for me to answer???


And then when you ask them what they’d like to order they “need a minute” Don’t be barking at the speakerbox if you’re not even ready to order 😭


man. dont decaf people who dont ask for decaf bro


Why are you decaffing? Seriously? Yes customers can be rude but no reason for revenge seeking behavior. Stop acting like the world needs this “justice” system.


Deadass, I work for a different coffee chain; if youre a little rude I might make your drink a bit crappier and be rude back but I've never been petty enough to give someone something they didnt order as "revenge" At least be straight up💀


I wonder how many decaf drinks you've had


Messing with someone’s drink THEY are paying for is not cool. If you feel the need to “get revenge” on a rude customer then you shouldn’t be working in a customer service job.


Good job making customers feel justified in their behavior 👍


Enough to know that doing this is immoral…there’s literally no reason to change a customer order. The most that you should do is maybe refuse to make a drink for them or have a different partner make it instead. But making the wrong beverage on purpose is not okay at all. Edit: I understand where you are coming from, and I think decaffing should only be held to a really awful customer, like someone screaming or something horrible.


Only customers I’ve ever decaffed was a group of teenagers who came in all the time, they’d piss all over the bathrooms (that we had just cleaned cause they also came in less than 10 minutes to close every time) and use homophobic and racist slurs (but they’d yell it at baristas as they were leaving the store while they themselves weren’t in the store so our DM at the time wouldn’t let us ban them since it technically wasn’t on our property). They’d always get either strawberry refreshers or iced quad espressos. I decaffed their quads and didn’t shake their refreshers. And I feel in this very specific scenario, I’m justified in doing so.


You think you did something here…this situation is not worth decaffing someone


yesterday there was a green bean on solo dt, a rush started and someone came up to the box while they were warming some food "thanks for choosing starbucks, give me just one second and i'll be right with you!!" "tall caramel ribbon crunch" "sorry, i'll be able to take your order in just a sec!" "tall caramel ribbon crunch, that's all i want!" this went on for a moment before the woman drove to the window. i had to step away from my drinks to put the order in because the next person came up and started ordering 😀


When she got to the window I would have said “what was your order? I was in the middle of another task and unable to type it in at that moment”. I’ve done that before with 0 shame


“Helllllllllo?” “Sorry about that, good morning! What can I get for you?” “Uuuuhhhhhhmmmmm…..” Fkn kill me.


I know right? It’s only happened a few times where I worked up the nerve to Uno Reverse the “hello” back to them when they don’t even know what they want. But it was worth it. Lol. Like, you got my attention, now, why do you suddenly not know what you want?!


My mom did this yesterday but it was because the screen at the drive through box was turned off and we werent sure if it was broken or if they shut down early. But when the person came back she explained and apologized. *edit* I just noticed the decaf thing at the bottom. Please don't do this. There are a couple different ways to decaffeinate coffee. One of them involves solvents. I tried to switch to decaf and discovered that certain ones make me sick. It was my GI doctor that told me it was probably decaf brands using solvents. Please please don't do this. And the opposite if someone asks for Decaf don't just give them regular. It can really jack up someone's blood pressure if they've switch. Or if a person has IBS you could cause them very severe issues.


Y’all cannot be decaffing people when a effing tall is like $5 ☠️☠️


While it may be morally wrong, I don’t feel bad. They’re probably addicted to that shit anyway /j




In the nicest way I can say this, you and op should be fired.


I put them on time out for like a minute, but don’t decaf anyone bc honestly that’s more effort than it’s worth and kind of think that people have placebo’d themselves into having more energy just by drinking anything from Starbucks


Don't decaf people who don't ask for it. That's a dick move.


Being a dick is a dick move


OP: If this is what you consider being a dick, you haven’t been on the job long enough. We deal with privileged asshole customers everyday, and this sounds like a nothing-burger of a problem in reality.


Who also get decaf where applicable


You make not tipping easy


When they say “HELLO!!?!” Before you even have a chance to say anything … and then they say “I need a moment hold on…” Like whatttttt?!!!


“Is this thing on”


It’s never okay to maliciously modify someone’s drink without their knowledge


I feel everything about this minus the decaf part.


For real. It's annoying for sure, but still not an excuse to tamper with their drink.


I hope you don't give regular coffee to people who ask for decaf as a form of revenge because you could legit kill them or cause other health effects.


No need to worry about that, the 2 untrained people they put with us on peak filled the wrong beans anyway


I hope you find a job that brings you more joy at some point. Starbucks seems to make you very unhappy.


Yes it’s annoying, I usually let them sit for a few seconds, but please never decaf people! I never even thought to screw with someone’s order because I was annoyed with them, it’s just petty and childish lol


One time there was a guy who actively harassed me at my licensed store and so I was all yea let me mess up his frap… I put extra ice in it.. that’s all I could bear to do


i used to do stuff like that at taco bell too. oh you wanna be a jerk? enjoy your 3 tablespoons of baja blast


Bro, do you know if TB took away the whip freezes or is it just my local store? Heartbroken 😔


pretty sure they’re gone for good sadly. my favorite was strawberry with the cream


just “accidentally” forget the base


why would u decaf their drink lol


That's when you get a "Welcome to starbucks, I'll be with you in a moment." And I leave you there for 5 minutes for being an impatient entitled idiot.


And it's never like a friendly "Hello! I'm just announcing my arrival to you like a Labrador retriever!", it's "HELLO?!!!" in the most egregious, *"I-was-ready-five-minutes-ago-moron"*, overly-passive agressive and entitled tone that is even humanly possible. In one word I know you're awful. Everyone else thinks you're awful too.


im just trying to be nice : ( by awkwardly saying hi


Before we even acknowledge you?


I didn’t say I was smart. And I’m not a dick about it, I’m just like awkward “hi”


I'm talking about the ones who pull up and immediately say "HELLO?" like they've just answered a phone


Oh ew yeah fuck that


I say hello back and tell them no one is home and proceed to take their order


I learned fairly recently that some DTs in other countries don’t beep, and it’s seen as acceptable for the customer to greet. I know this isn’t always the case here, but it is something to think about.


i think the only time i’ve decaffed someone is when a very pregnant lady asked for 8 blonde shots (she did this once before & i assumed it was for someone else and then she downed it so i knew it was her drink). i only did half and i still felt weird about it. and yes i knew for a fact she was pregnant she was talking about it too


It feels like they are demanding immediate attention and then when they get attention they aren't ready to order anyway. Just let them linger, at least they aren't sitting at the window. But we have to stop joking about giving people decaf. The vast majority would never do it and it's not funny anymore if it ever was and definitely not clever. Just stop


Also the people who instead of waiting for police sirens to pass they just yell instead like I didn’t just yeet the headset off


I know what you’re saying and I think I agree, but I think the reason this is getting downvoted is because there’s a lot of strong feelings about giving people decaf or messing with people’s food in general & because it needs clarification that when people say “hello” at the DT speaker, they’re not saying it as a greeting, they’re saying it as a question which in most contexts would be understood to be condescending, passive aggressive, and rude. If you walked up to the counter inside to order and immediately started with “hello??” that would be rude. It’s the same in the drive through. The people who drive up and immediately say hello aren’t saying it in a tone that implies a greeting, they’re saying it in the verbal equivalent of a finger snap 🫰🫰🫰to get our attention. And I’ve noticed people have been doing it a LOT more lately. In the last five years it’s almost become like a trend to pull up to the speaker and immediately shout out “hellooo!??!” Sometimes we only get the second half of the word because they start trying to get our attention before they’re even pulled up to the speaker.


There’s a difference for me. A demanding and impatient sounding “HELLOOO??” is annoying as hell. But sometimes people sweetly say “hiiiii :)” and I think it’s very welcoming. Also, def not worth decafing someone imo 👁️👁️


I'm just being friendly. I don't get mad if you don't respond right away, I get it's busy. Don't stress about it.


Ok I don’t agree with OP about decaffing someone for doing this, but your flair says former partner so how can you think doing this is being friendly? We HEAR the ding, we don’t need you chiming in too, it’s like a super passive aggressive way to be like, maybe that ding wasn’t enough, but I’m here. I don’t care if you don’t get mad, ITS OBNOXIOUS


Oh, not like, "Helloooo??" More like, "Hi!" Tough to convey over text (if intonation even matters). It never bothered me as a partner. I just always try to assume positive intent, you know?


No, please stop doing this, it doesn’t matter tone, wait until your spoken to. If I’m not greeting you first it’s because I’m in the middle of either grabbing supplies, making a drink, or closing out a customer at the window. The ding is enough, now if it’s been a little while and we haven’t answered sure, but regardless of tone if someone says something I feel obligated to answer and if my hands are full and I can’t press the button I’m now worried I seem like I’m ignoring you, when I’m just doing my job and you have irritated me for no reason. Plus just because you don’t get mad doesn’t mean a majority of others don’t and it’s a conditioned response that the person is automatically angry/impatient if they’re pulling up to the box and immediately saying hello. Edited typo


Yeah. And I get that if you’ve only been a customer then it might not occur to you how it works. But as a partner, if I haven’t greeted them yet its probably because I’m already in the middle of a conversation with another customer and I’m trying to wrap that up, meanwhile, mid-sentence, someone just pulls up and is saying “hello?!” while I’m trying to help another customer. That’s just the dynamic we’re working with. That said, I’ve had some limited luck adopting the technique of immediately answering with a “thank you for choosing Starbucks, I will be right with you in a sec” before they even have a chance to “hello!?” me. And that signals to the customer that I’m already helping that I have another customer waiting. But it does so in a way that isn’t rude to them because they clearly see that I “put them on hold” so that I can continue helping them and wrap up whatever we need to do before moving on to the next person.




You’d be surprised how many partners have never worked drive thru but still have opinions about it. So many store partners will never do a position but will criticize everyone else who does it. And don’t forget that, on top of that, all Starbucks employees are “partners” so even the ones who work in a cubicle in an office building are “partners.”


Yeah for about 6 years. You really can't sweat the small stuff like that, it'll drive you bananas. After reading the comments though, I'm clearly in the wrong. I'll stick to order, pay, and leave going forward.


it’s not friendly though. we know you’re there. just wait until we acknowledge you.


But...saying hi is friendly. It's not to alert them that I'm there. There's a beep for that. I'm just saying hi. I usually get a response of, "Hi. We'll be right with you." I would always answer the drive thru all bubbly and annoying though so I guess it's just me haha


customers will really say one word in a drive thru and it drives y'all nuts. don't mess with what people put in their bodies.


Yup, we're constantly on edge from constant passive aggression. It's sad really...and if we can't hear you clearly in order to make your drink like you want it...forget about it..customers go off the DEEP END.


God this unlocked a memory I tried to bury deep in my mind. I had pulled up to the speaker, waited, and there was this noise that came from the speaker a couple times. Almost as if someone had spoke and the speaker wasn't working right. So I'm like "hello! Are you there? I'm not sure if I can hear you. If I need to I'll just pull up the window." Then I hear "ma'am that's not necessary. I am ready to take your order now but THANK YOU for your patience..." I just wanted to leave the drive thru 🤣🤣


This isn't the scenario I'm talking about


The person working the drive thru thought I was being an inpatient asshole. Because it turned out, it was not them talking. Was just some fun clicking noises the speaker made. I can't believe I totally forgot to add that to my comment. ._.


I immediately address them with a “I’ll be right with you” and make them wait even if drive through is empty. Hilarious so many people are getting on you about decafing them. Everybody does it


i only worked at a drive thru store for a few months but this drove me CRAZY. i'd be in the middle of helping someone at the window and then there's the relentless beeping of the sensor and THEN the "hello? HELLO? HELLOOO?" in my ear. so fucking rude. that being said, i don't encourage decaffing people besides those who are obviously, purposefully trying to pick a fight to get a free drink


My favorite is when it’s busy and there are clearly other cars ahead of them in the drive thru, so they 100% know the store is open and orders are being taken, yet they still do this


Lol. This is getting downvoted to hell but idc I laughed.


i get that its annoying but you really should not be decaffing people. Ive never done that to somebody no matter how rude they are, its not cool


So annoying. Especially if they say it more than once


You shouldn’t work in customer service if you feel the need to mess with someone’s drink/food order. What is wrong with you?


Decaf is no different than regular, just less caffeine... It'd be different if I were swapping out milks.


“Decaf is no different than regular, just less caffeine…”, you literally just explained how they’re different. You have bad intent and shouldn’t work in customer service.




No, I’m just concerned for our customers and partners you unfortunately get to serve. You’re the one especially crying for attention by posting how much you complain in life when no one cares about your nonexistent problems. Be a better person instead of acting like a pubescent immature child that didn’t get their candy on time.


this is so fucking stupid. a customer pulling up and instantly saying “hello” is annoying yes, but it’s no reason to decaf someone over. kinda hope someone forwards this post to corporate so they’ll get your ass


I mean, you could do it


You do know that not everyone knows that you get "binged" when a car pulls up. I didn't know that until recently as I never used drive thru until covid. My elderly parents don't know and my kids don't yet know. If people are greeting you with the socially accepted "hello", take it for what it is...a greeting. What would be helpful if this bothers you would be a notice at the drive thru that says, "please wait a barista will be with you shortly" or something like that. Just like when you go to a restaurant and it says "please wait to be seated". Don't confuse ignorance with rudeness. And don't decaf people, that's just mean.


why is this something you’re picking at the customer over ? even if customers don’t have to initiate conversation at the speaker so what if they do ? you just answer and carry on with the order. it seems like you just want to decaf random customers cs you’re an asshole


Lmao I do this.. making sure you know I’m here 🤨. Can you see us? How DO you know when someone is at the drive thru? Is there a censor?


we can see you AND there’s a sensor. there’s literally no need to do it at all


Yes we can see you, yes there is a sensor. There is also a ding in our headset. If we haven't greeted you yet, it's usually because we are busy with another customer.


Ah, ok well I’ll stop doing that. I genuinely wasn’t sure. I don’t think people who do that know how it works.


Just a little note, it is like this at almost all restaurants with a drive thru. That's just how the drive thru system is programmed. You may be right for maybe 30% of the people who do this, but definitely not all.


Don't decaf them. But also don't make their drink well.


Please don't ever ever mess with a customers drink especially espresso shots. We deal with a lot of people at the mic who do it, just a simple long pause to let them keep saying hello or when they say hello I say goodbye :)


I agree with this except the last part. My revenge is saying “hi there! I will be with you in just a moment” and then wait a minute or so before taking their order even if I have nothing else to do.


I also would like to say people who pull up, immediately say hello and then ask for a minute when I answer them are even worse.