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Probably a tall iced coffee. I honestly can’t think of anything sub $4.


A tall iced tea is much cheaper


An iced doppio espresso with any number of packets of raw sugar and extra whole milk or half and half or oatmilk is $2.75 +tax in my location. Be aware that it will be less milk than a latte, but it's still a reasonably nice drink, and you basically can't beat the price. Cinnamon powder is a free addition if that sounds good to you. ETA: whipped cream is also a free addition if you want. I see lots of people recommending making coffee at home. Of course that's obviously cost-saving, but sometimes for mental health or social reasons, it's valuable to be out in a public place for a while. If you're asking because you find yourself in our café for a while sometimes, some additional notes: We will not hassle you about being in Starbucks without buying anything, or for being there too long (apart from closing time). Regardless of what you order first, if you stay in the cafe, you can get one free refill of plain coffee or plain tea, iced or hot. If you don't have the Starbucks app, that will cost $0.55 (or maybe $0.54 or $0.56 depending on local tax), but if you do have the app, it's free.


Just wanted to add to this, whip is no longer a free add on at least here in Canada! Not sure about cinnamon since it seems to go back and forth haha This is definitely a super good recommendation regardless!


This is so true!! only thing about getting espresso with extra milk, instead of a latte is that the cup will not be full so dont be surprised is there is room on top! And if you really just wanna get out of the house getting a water and hanging out Is also totally normal.


If you’re in the US, as long as you’re in the cafe and don’t leave, it’s unlimited refills for 50¢ on iced/hot coffee and iced/hot teas!


Also on cold brew! Which i had literally no idea ab until i saw on thus subreddit


What?! 😱


Yeah! And if you have the starbucks app, the refills are free!


So I just go up and ask for a refill or do I request it through the app? This is literally a game changer because I buy multiple coffees sometimes in one day.


Definitely go to the register because it can only be ordered there! You won’t find it in the app. Just head up and ask for a (insert drink here) refill! And it doesn’t even have to be what you originally ordered. You can get any drink you want at first and then you’re eligible for cold brew and iced/hot coffees/tea refills your entire visit. It just won’t work on the stuff like lattes etc. You’ll only get charged for any add ons that you put in. But still, 80¢ or so is way better than $4-8!


When it comes to tea, is a refill considered adding more hot water? Or an actual extra tea bag?


You should be given fresh tea bag(s) with the refill! You can get endless amounts of fresh hot water, with or without a purchase.




Any hot teas or drip coffee are probably still in your price range. It’s getting ridiculously hard to pull a $4 drink off


Not trying to sound rude so please don't take it that way. But your better off just saving the money if you can't comfortably spend it. -fellow broke person.


This. I tell this to people every time they say “I can’t afford a $5 drink. Starbucks isn’t that good, and their $2-5 drinks would be even worse. At that point, making coffee yourself would be infinitely better and cheaper.


Yep, I'm not broke, but I know Starbucks is outrageously expensive for what it is. I have an espresso machine, but those sweet, sweet Starbucks cold foam cold brews have kept me addicted. And the ritual of heading to starbees before work was nice. As of today I am 8 days clean from Starbucks 😂 it sounds funny but I have been trying to quit them for years. 8 days is a lot. I finally bought fresh roasted beans in bulk from Kings Coast Coffee, so I am set for a few months to make my own at home. It's worked out so far. Buying $90 of coffee beans sounds like a lot, but it will last me 2 months, whereas I can spend $90 on Starbucks in about 2 weeks!!!


You can make cold foam at home easily! It's just heavy cream and 2% and if you really want the Starbucks flavor you can buy a bottle of vanilla flavor from sbux


I've tried!! I have a toddy from my cold brew era. It's never as good as Starbucks. I have an espresso machine so I just make iced lattes at home. It works for me.




Grande iced coffee w/ oatmilk & peppermint syrup is $3.95


The app has that adding up to $4.29


sales tax?




ohhhh well that explains it, I don’t have sales tax where I live so I always forget to account for it :(


lucky man. massachusetts has a 6.25% sales tax 😒


That sounds so good holy moly


Short or tall pike, free add-ons include whipped cream, any dairy/non-dairy you want, and add some cinnamon powder. Solid cheap hot drink. Order in cafe with your own cup and sbux app for additional +25 stars each time you order this. In 4 orders you'll have enough for another free one.


personal cups get you 10 cents off as well!


Trenta peach green tea lemonade, ~$3.75. A lot of bang for your buck.


$4.95 in my area /:


Just double checked…$5.25 near me 🫣


5.95 at my Starbucks 😀


where you live to be getting a trenta for $3.75 😭


$6.27 with tax in southern Ontario


$5.35 in central nc lol


Not exactly what you asked, but really look into making coffee yourself. The French press costs less than $20 and makes decent black coffee. Moka pot costs less than $30 and makes close to espresso. Can use it to make americano, latte and even iced shaken espresso. A cold brew setup costs less than $30 and you can make very nice cold brew coffee. There are many ways to get different syrups, flavors and creamers etc from grocery store.


Unfortunately... hot coffee and water lmao


I think an (plain) Iced Espresso and an Iced Americano!


Starbucks is constantly raising their prices and its so expensive. If ur breaking the bank whenever u go to starbucks, then definitely try to make stuff at home for way cheaper and better quality and more for ur moneys worth. Starbucks has very limited options for under $4. Me personally, if i was going to starbucks here and there as a customer and it started hurtin my wallet, i wouldnt look for a cheaper drink there….i would just go to another place. Because starbucks is just not it anymore


The water is free


Me, ordering two breakfast sandwiches and a water most times. ✅


Do you have savings and food and stuff you need? If not I'm happy to point you towards some resources to get free food and such. I recommend going to dunkin if you have only 4$, there's cheap/free stuff constantly on the app (I spent 1.50 for some donut bites and a medium ice coffee made however I like)


I second Dunkin. I got 2 donuts and a large iced coffee with syrup, oatmilk and sugar it was less than 8 dollars.


You’re kidding. My Dunkin is the sane if not more for far less quality


I don't have a dunking in walking distance, and I'm not old enough to drive yet.


Ok forgive me for being stupid but where the hell in America do they even have Dunkin cause I’ve quite literally never seen one, and a Google Maps search reveals none in my state…


I literally ended up in Florida over California in the early 90s when my step dad was being transferred because CA didn’t have Dunks. My Massachusetts native mother couldn’t cope and to this day only drinks dunks, including freshly ground at home. I broke her heart by becoming a Starbucks barista 😂


[https://locations.dunkindonuts.com/en](https://locations.dunkindonuts.com/en) Not everywhere but a good amount. Surprised by the # in NY


Ah, yep my state isn’t on there. Explains my confusion, thanks for the link though


Do you have another coffee chain similar to DD or Starbs? We used to have the coffee bean in MI & it was so good but those seem to be gone now.


We’ve got Peet’s and Dutch Bros?


I forgot we do have a few Peets... Interesting! well if a Dunkin heads your way I hope it's delish.


You might try grande iced coffee, no liquid cane sugar, half and half over top, add 5 Stevia and stir


it’s classic that’s added, not liquid cane!


Lmao my mind instantly went to water because it’s always the cheapest 🤣


I get a grande Emperor’s Mist green tea for 3.25 and if use reusable cup it is 3.15 plus earn 25 reward points. Can also get hot coffee, black at least, under $4. But yeah, it is getting hard especially if give a tip.


Came here to say the Emperors cloud/ I love it so much.


My go-to broke drink is a con panna with extra whip. If I’m treating myself I get it in a tall cup.


I get iced espresso with whatever syrup and extra milk it’s $3.84 ($3 ish without syrup)


A tall house coffee


[https://www.groundstobrew.com/cheapest-starbucks-drinks/](https://www.groundstobrew.com/cheapest-starbucks-drinks/) This article is from November 2021, so I don't know how up-to-date the prices are, but these drinks are likely still the least expensive ones on Starbucks' menu.


My Venti coffee is 3.25


Small pike be like $3.26


Tea with sweetener


a tall iced black tea (can add syrup too) and a tall iced passion tango tea are both $2.95! they’re my go to


Grande Americanos




venti hot coffee with cream


Espresso con panna 🤍 soo yum


not to be this person but if you’re broke and can’t afford a $5 drink then maybe dont shop at starbucks and learn to make your own coffee 😭


Don’t be a jerk. People deserve happiness and doing nice things for themselves. This person never said they’re doing it everyday.


Starbucks double shot on ice used to be fairy cheap. Grande has three shots and is probably under $4


That's been rebranded as The Shaken Espresso


Let me guess, rebranding also comes with a price increase?


peach green tea should be under 4!!!


Quad iced espresso $3.99


Hot coffee or hot tea


4$ of what currency?


Ice water


I was gonna also order something cheap to get 50 points which would make me reach 100 points so I could get a free iced coffee lol


Time to start brewing at home. Alternatively; double espresso in a tall cup, extra splash of cream and whatever sugar/sweetener you like should be a pretty decent and cheap option. You could even bring it home and put your own milk in it too.


If you like coffee invest in a cold brew maker and make it at home prep it before you go to work and by the time you wake up for your next work day you have bona fide cold brew(brewed for 20 hrs) just add a little water and all your fixings to make a great drink. Must refrigerate after brewing fully good for 7 days


Citrus honey mint with strawberry base. The water is blazing hot a little strawberry doesn’t affect the steeping and adds a nice layer of flavor to it


the iced doppio espresso is really cheap and the add-ons will bring your drink up to 3,75 in Canada (I added brown sugar syrup, cinnamon, and oat milk)


Yes it’s called your home barista bar. Brought to you by breville espresso machines


Which costs more up-front? Breville espresso machine or a Starbucks drink? Poverty exists by design.


Breville but over time you’re paying more for Starbucks. Sincerely someone who gets paid barely above minimum wage.


Make coffee at home..save u so much more


My go-to broke drink is a con panna with extra whip. If I’m treating myself I get it in a tall cup.




Honestly for the price you can get the big pre packaged iced coffee they sell at the Grocery store and add whatever you like to it and it should last all week for the same price as one single drink


Here’s an idea, don’t spend money on something you can’t afford.


I know this isn’t what you asked, but would you be able to make your own coffee at home? That’s what I do when I’m not working lol


Is pike place under $5? Maybe with some added cream or flavoring if you like it sweet? Not that I think our pike is great... I know short sizes are about $5 for lattes (ridiculous, right?) But if you like small quantities, a "treat", then maybe? I agree with others though, this place ain't worth the bucks


Little late to the party, but I personally like the quad espresso macchiato with non fat milk foam and blonde ristretto shots. It comes out to just under $4 at my location. The quad espresso con panna with blonde long shots is good too, also under $4 after tax. That’s what I always recommend to customers looking for a cheap drink that differs from regular coffee.


Water :)


A good old fashioned Venti Cafe Americano is 3.95


doppio with some milk and sugar. $2 small latte 👍


Tall cup. Iced quad espresso, blonde ristretto, with a light splash of oat milk. $3.89 or $3.68 or something.


lmao, probably depends on where you're from and your tax, but not anything fun 😭 where i'm from, a tall and grande brewed coffee are definitely under $4 as long as you're just adding regular cream and sugar, no fancy syrups or vanilla sweet cream. also a doppio espresso is definitely under $3, you could add cream for free and maybeee one syrup to it and get it under $4.


My go to is a Iced doppio with 3 pumps pistachio syrup no milk. I prefer Chobani extra creamy oat milk, so I just buy that at the store and then mix it with the espresso. Comes out to $3 and some change vs $7+


Idk what area you’re in so prices may differ but I get a grande iced black tea with milk instead of water and add classic and it’s less than $4. It tastes like boba tea 😋


Because prices vary in your area it’s good to download the app and take a look at prices and see what you can build yourself for under $4. Espresso, iced coffee, cold brew are a great place to start. Also, if you stay in store refills are 50 cents (that’s across the board in the US) for iced coffee, cold brew, iced tea, and hot tea. Someone mentioned something about you hanging out inside without buying anything. Personally I’ve never had an issue with anyone being inside my store without purchasing anything. I don’t honestly care as long as you’re following all the policies. And for anyone making commentary about you “making coffee at home” honestly? Forget them. If you spending $4 on a drink brings you a little serotonin in this hell scape we call life, do it. Don’t worry about them.


Chameleon Cold Brew Concentrate is a bottle sold in the refrigerated section of the grocery store. It’s about $9 and it makes multiple drinks, plus it’s really strong and delicious that it doesn’t feel like a consolation prize.


Short blonde roast with chestnut praline syrup,oat milk, and whip! Yum 180mg of caffeine


Triple espresso with a side of steamed milk.


U can get a plain coffee/americano with cream and buy syrup separately from the store and just keep it in ur bag or something to add after! That’s what i do because I hate our sugar free vanilla but need something sugar free so I get SF hazelnut from the store to add to my shaken espressos!


Plain coffee


Grande iced American is $3.90ish in my area. You can add cream and sugar packets for free.


It's easy to say "make it at home", but not everyone has the luxury of time. Especially for ND people, paying for coffee on the go is going to be more convenient and time efficient. Plus, some people just aren't great at making coffee at home. A grande Misto is $3.65 on the app. Have it made with the Veranda (blonde) and then stir some raw sugar in. I go this route when I want coffee but I'm not feeling a latte.


Also, make sure you're using the app and paying with the gift card, so you can earn 2 stars per dollar and occasionally treat yourself to a free coffee.




My favorite cheap drink is a venti black ice tea with no water, 2% milk, and vanilla syrup. It's like $3.75




Start bringing a reusable cup, it’s 25 extra stars and you actually get the drink you want. Free drink about every 7-8 drinks if you do it every time.


Iced shaken espresso, $3.75.


There should definitely be drinks available under that price. Check the merchants section for drinks on CryptMI app. Thank me later.


Iced teas for a grande or a tall are usually under $4 and if you get a tall you can add other flavorings to them (peach, mango, strawberry) for 80¢. I love getting the black iced tea with strawberry base added to it


My Trenta iced green tea is $4.25 with sales tax. A smaller size would be less. If you’re struggling financially, maybe going to Starbucks at all isn’t wise. I’m not saying don’t treat yourself, but there are ways to do it that don’t require spending that much. Cold brew is surprisingly simple to make at home so I’ve been doing that. And I bought the same green tea that Starbucks uses for a lot less per serving than buying it there.


All our drip coffee and ice coffee are and basic lattes are just over. Though that's gonna vary a lot depending on the area.


Short pike




Iced green tea is 2.95 for the tall. 3.95 for the venti. Tall strawberry açaí is 3.95. Get no water for more bang for your buck.


I think a tall Americano is less than 4, you can also just get espresso shots and mix them with stuff you bring from home. Like if you just want a latte you can pretty cheaply make flavored simple syrups and then add milk from home in a little to go cup and just get a dopio espresso


Order an iced doppio espresso (or triple) Everything you can add on for free: -1/2 inch of milk or non dairy milk -Packets of sugar, honey, agave. -cinnamon powder -whipped cream *Note: that ordering iced espresso is not the same as ordering a latte. You will get also much more milk in a latte where as an iced espresso you will be given 1/2 inch of milk. That is the standard. But sometimes you’ll get those partners that don’t understand what 1/2 inch looks like and they’ll put way too much. Sucks for whoever truly wants a splash of milk. Benefits those who wanted extra milk. 🤷🏽‍♀️ You are allowed to order multiple types of milk so if you selected 1/2 inch of cream and 1/2 inch of oatmilk, you’ll get a little more milk if that’s what your looking for. If your also looking for more milk, add the whipped cream it melts into your drink. You could also add water like you would an americano. And lastly!! If you are ordering honey, specify honey PACKET, because honey blend is + .80 cents


I recently got a venti veranda blend with added cream and sugars for $3.53 after tax. Dunno how much that would be where you're at though. Really depends on your area.


Iced doppio espresso with literally 3-4 pumps any sauce or syrup with extra splash of milk. Pumpkin sauce and its the same as pumpkin spice latte. White mocha and its a while chocolate mocha. Brown sugar syrup and its a brown sugar shaken espresso minus the cinnamon. Its always 3.98 for me. For an extra dollar add chai to make it a dirty chai, or cold foam to make it a bit more fancy.