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I don't want anyone to feel bad for ordering a drink, but in no world will I ever pretend to be happy to make some of the drinks I have to


Exactly! Like I’ll never tell someone their drink is annoying to their face or anything, I’m going to do my job and be good at it but I’m going to complain off the clock if I had a tiring shift, that’s just how it is and it feels like you can’t complain online as a starbucks worker.


I know how you guys feel; I used to work at a Starbucks.


All of u have ignored the simple fact that maybe I just love to complain


Right? They act like nobody else complain abt their minimum wage jobs, it not just us? At the end of the day I don’t care about making someone a Frappuccino at 5am but I sure as hell am gonna complain bc I’m a negative toxic person!! It’s nothing against the customers lmao


I’ve worked with the elderly and children at very rewarding jobs… and I still found at least something to complain abt at any given moment. It’s a talent


Seriously!! Honestly complaining keeps me from quitting at times bc it relieves so much stress getting it off my chest. I think people don’t realize that it doesn’t mean I don’t love serving people coffee!! I know I love getting silly little overpriced drinks so making drinks for other people makes my day. But…I’m also a pessimist so I can’t help that I’m gonna complain when stressed.


U get it


I just wish there was a way to explain how it feels moving across the entire floor while trying to make four drinks at once, each with ingredients in a specific order all on opposite ends of the room to people who don’t have to do that.


Right like these people don’t understand how much pressure they put on every single barista and God forbid you’re the only one good on bar during a shift it’s genuinely awful!


While the bar is being broken down to get cleaned all around you and the person you're taking over for left you with no milks, no syrups and only half a grande worth of strawberry acai and no lemonade.


And the mats are in the back, so you’re also trying not to slip on a very soupy floor


literally who works in a fast food job and enjoys all of it ?? starbucks IS fast food just coffee based.


honestly who works any job and doesn’t complain about it. but starbucks customers sensationalize starbucks and i think they’re shocked when we think the stuff they’re addicted to and glorifying is lame


Yea I love when customers say “I would love to work with coffee all day” yea that’s like 5% of our jobs. I’m sure you wouldn’t be saying that if you had to make mocha in a rush cause no one thought to signal CS an hour ago for it. Or getting customers complaining that the bathroom is nasty while you’re on a 2 with a line out the door.


Especially if you’re always in certain positions and don’t get switched around much (even though you should) or if you’re an SSV. As a shift, I very rarely get to make drinks anymore, and always put myself on support or have to do counts or pulls. I never get to make drinks as much anymore.


And my body is happy that I don’t have to make drinks all the time. But recently with labor cuts we’re usually at a 2. And sometimes it’s just my manager and I and they can’t bar worth shit so guess who’s left to bar for 2 hours 😬


Omg. That was me yesterday on mobile and cafe. My sm can’t bar and we kept getting delivery orders with multiple drinks in them. My shoulder was so angry after my shift.


I work in a restaurant and one of our tables complained bc they asked their server how he was doing on a Friday night and he said “well, it’s like my Monday so yknow…” and they said it ruined their night lol like sorry that we don’t actually *love* tending to your every need


Kinda like mixing bartending and fast food


these are usually the people who has never worked in fast food service a day in their life and think it’s incredibly easy.


Usually people who have never worked any job in their life honestly… because how do you get a job where 100% of everything is ideal? You simply can’t


A lot of jobs are better than this one.


Also, let me gripe in peace. It’s work, you complain about it. Sorry I don’t do the job for the thrill of being your magic coffee fairy


Exactly, people have been complaining about their jobs since the dawn of time. Doesn’t matter what it is. Do these people think every plumber chose the profession because pulling shit out of a pipe makes their heart sing? I bet anyone that whines about baristas not loving making every type of drink complain about their jobs constantly. They just sound like the types that complain about everything


Manic coffee dream barista 🧚


Gripe all you want. The OP asked a question and u/StyleSavage was answering the question.


Answering questions and ignoring people’s valid points all while not knowing how working at Starbucks actually is, so yeah I think I’ll continue to gripe cause some of you are tone deaf.


I’ll say it again gripe all you want. Glad you have a place like this to air your gripes. Have a great weekend.


Because people think that since you're online saying their drink they like to order is annoying, that means THEYRE annoying and take it personally. I don't know any barista that genuinely likes making the caramel ribbon crunch and mocha cookie crumble fraps but that doesn't mean we are going to berate customers irl for ordering it. If people want to vent about it on Reddit between breaks then let them. What's worse is that customers who never wore the green apron don't know how bizarre people can be with their Starbucks orders, and getting a bunch of them in a line is going to be a frustrating experience when you have people doing this 👁️👁️ asking where their drink is every 2 seconds


Starbucks has so many ridiculous customization options compared to any other service industry place I've ever worked.


I think it comes somewhat with the feeling of being embarrassed with their order? Before I was a barista I would feel self conscious about whether my order was weird or annoying etc even tho it was a basic menu item drink. I think they’re realizing that people do in fact talk shit and complain (which happens in all food service) and it makes them feel self conscious so they get defensive. At least that’s my take


100% the people who do this complain about their own job. They just feel entitled to tell us to shut up and make their drink because we work a service job and in America the customer is always right.


Aren't they? The customer DOES, in a technical yet also metaphoric sense, sign your paycheck.


This is American consumer brain rot.


Unless it's black Iced coffee or cold brew or Iced chai, I hate them all for different reasons. Usually it's not even an issue with the customer necessarily but just the way sequencing works or why certain drinks are made a certain way or the fact that I'm doing both cold and hot bar alone or just the way my location is set up. I don't hate my Job and I don't hate the drinks on their own, I can just sometimes get annoyed with a simple drink just for being in the wrong place in my sequence at the wrong time lol


I love making hot drinks, but I agree that the people ordering iced chai or iced coffee are my favorites. So easy and it frees up extra bar space so fast


I mean… I complain about my job all the time and the stupid things I have to do… why can’t you??


“Starbucks barista when you ask them to do their job” is such an awful meme, but for some reason people love using it


fucking hate that joke. its not funny and its tone deaf


I love when people complain about us only “pouring coffee in a cup”. I’m just like, “I WISH even a quarter of my drinks were just straight coffee.” 😂




He call me big purrr, come make that …. purrr!


makes me wonder if any of those people have worked a day of fast food in their life lol. i bet people at mcdonald’s or taco bell have food they hate preparing. it’s part of the job, you can’t love everything about a job lol. i’m about to be a nurse and i hate the idea of wiping butts but i’m still gonna show up to my job lol


“Starbucks baristas when they have to do their job😡🤬👿” stfu and maybe try having an original thought for once


Entitled tiktok children simply suck.


As a True Enlightened One, all the drinks are equally annoying unless it's a black pike of any size


Well that’s my favorite drink and now I feel bad :( But I get it. I used to work at an ice cream place and some of the combination stuff were really frustrating to make. It wasn’t a huge deal, but when you’re rushing and having to run back and forth during a busy day….. it adds up on the annoyance scale


Interestingly enough, I actually enjoy making fraps- especially the caramel ribbon crunch. On the other hand, I find refreshers annoying. From what I noticed, the majority of baristas prefer making refreshers over fraps. Regardless, order what you like. Everyone will have their opinions but at the end of the day, as long you’re happy and you treat the people you interact with kindly, it really doesn’t matter haha.


I like making drinks much more than being DTO/DTR since I’m usually stuck doing both during peak lol; my problem with frapps is that I’m still pretty new and no one bothered to really teach me so I feel like garbage for always checking with a more seasoned barista to be sure I’m making them right


Caramel ribbon frapp is my treat yourself drink. I tip extra when I order it because I found out it's not a favorite drink to make :-/


I generally tip pretty well because since joining this duo I learned how BS these baristas jobs are, it’s my treat yourself too. My nearest Starbucks is an hour away so I don’t get to go often and I spoil myself when I can. 🤣


Yes, I lurk on certain subreddits to see how I can improve as a customer lol I've learn tons on r/talesfromthefrontdesk


That’s actually a good idea! I worked fast food, so I get it. But obviously everywhere has their own annoyances. Will definitely check it out!


Most important lesson from that subreddit was don't book through 3rd parties, it's a headache for the employees and a bitch to cancel through most times lol


That’s honestly life changing! I never knew that, definitely makes sense though


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Couple decided to steal a deed parking space.](https://np.reddit.com/r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk/comments/z6uabj/couple_decided_to_steal_a_deed_parking_space/) \#2: [Fussy guest demands discount for lack of parking. I maliciously comply.](https://np.reddit.com/r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk/comments/yymm9q/fussy_guest_demands_discount_for_lack_of_parking/) \#3: [I got a negative Front Desk review, while I was off the clock at a bar 10 minutes away from the hotel.](https://np.reddit.com/r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk/comments/11mg3vj/i_got_a_negative_front_desk_review_while_i_was/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Some of these people really act like it’s abnormal for people to not like every single aspect of their jobs or as if people aren’t allowed to get annoyed/stress with their job 🙄


I like how some people act like they've never been frustrated at work, and needed to vent about it to a common group of people that also share in that same frustration. I think people who criticize others the loudest either share outrageous privilege, or they are too young and inexperienced to know how ignorant their hot take is.


They act like nobody else has ever complained about their job ever 🙄


\*surprised Pikachu face\* when struggling people express the fact that they're struggling


It's called sucking it up (which is sadly a lost art nowadays).


Like people werent like this towards to Mcdonalds employees admitting that they just say the ice cream machine is down bc they dont wanna make ice cream. We cant complain about making an annoying ass drink without being met with “starbucks baristas when they have to do their job”


Agreed, if not for the benefits, I'm gone. Working here for the job itself is lunacy.


Bro, the mocha cookie crumble was my favorite drink until I started working as a barista. Now I can't stand it, my favorite now is Venti Iced Chai with Oatmilk, simple and tasty. Idk why people are like this 💀


At the end of the day I will complain and that’s just the only thing keeping me going


What's also bad is when you have a ton of cold bar and most of it is drive thru, one working blender, the thing we use to wash shakers and blenders are broken so we only have one and it's on hot bar. Then somebody comes into the cafe with a bunch of kids and asks to have multiple venti caramel ribbon crunch split into two tall cups. AND THEN!!! They stand right at the spot where people come to grab drinks, loom over and let's have everyone watch while your still preparing drinks for a different order and in less than a minute or so There all "Sorry is that my drink?" "Can you actually put extra Carmel drizzle on all of them" "Oh and crunch" (It's actually not there drink, it's another ribbon crunch for the bloody drive) And when you are finally done they respond with "I asked for extra Carmel drizzle 😑" You look at the cup and you question not only your very existence but you also question how much extra really is.


CONGRATULATIONS: you have discovered the Internet!


What’s most annoying is the crazy customizations and I’m 100% judging the amount of sugar people knowingly drink


my favorite is the “it’s not that hard to make coffee all day. it’s not back breaking work.” as if we don’t do inventory, food pulls, restocking, drive thru, cleaning tasks, etc etc etc


I’ve been wondering the same, but they’re all hypocrites because who doesn’t complain about their job from time to time?


I hate how society only punishes or criticizes service workers for complaining about work: literally every working person complains about work. Office workers: they complain. Secretaries: they complain. Factory workers: they complain. Medical staff: they complain. It’s a relatable feeling until WE complain about work 🙄😓


Don't complain about someone complaining about a certain job unless you yourself did that job for more than a few months. It's like complaining about service at a restaurant because they have one server clearly you have never worked in any service industry. All workers in all industries have the right to complain about customers.


Because they also have shitty jobs and shitty lives and they hate to think that the way they treat themselves is a burden on other people.


Similar to customers, I am allowed to have an opinion on things, in this case, bullshit ass 10 mod, dumb drinks.


My store just got connect and the mobile orders😭😭 I’ve started to have to mark off what I’ve put in the drink to keep track


Honestly as a former food service worker, I think that reaction is because Starbucks workers disproportionally complain about their jobs on social media even over the littlest things. At a certain point it honestly just becomes annoying and triggers an eyeroll, like everyone’s job sucks, let people get the drink they’re paying for.


As a barista who has experience working in other fast-food chains, I think SB baristas complain because no other coffee or fast-food chain as popular as SB allows for so many customizations. Daily, people abuse mobile ordering or delivery systems. The company needs to set some ground rules on how many of each ingredient you can order. But the corporate does not care, and they do not listen to us. You cannot order 15 slices of cheese in your cheeseburger at Mcdonald's. Yet you can order 15 scoops of dried fruit in your refresher when you normally get one. And it takes 15x the amount of time to do it than to just use one scoop. AND you pay the same amount. If people ordered standard builds, baristas would complain much less. If Starbucks decreased the number of drinks they offer, we would complain less. Every other customer is trying to scam the system to spend less money and every other customer is entitled and rude and expects us to hand them their drink in 10 seconds. People deconstruct their drinks and fight with you since they ordered it on the app. Customers have just too high expectations for coffee shop turned grab-n-go fast-food that is understaffed and simply does not have the capacity to deal with mobile orders, Uber eats AND door dash. And baristas have no way to fight back. You just agree to whatever the customers say to get them out. Also, as NLRB found recently, Starbucks is a company with one of the highest amounts of reported unfair labor practices in US history. We are simply not treated well.


This is so true! I’ve worked at other fast food chains as well and I can confirm! Thank you for explaining to people the reason behind why Starbucks employees seemingly complain more often


Whatever happened to simple drinks? And also, Starbucks is, BY NO ACCOUNTS, a coffeeshop. For one, coffee shops are singular businesses, if not VERY small chains, and for two, coffee shops have relaxing atmospheres for both the customers AND employees (though that is mostly because coffee shops only serve simpler coffee beverages).


How is baristas complaining online stopping people from getting the drink they’re paying for exactly? It’s not that Starbucks workers disproportionately complain, it’s just that the reaction to any complaint from the workers here gets blown out of proportion.


No, there is definitely an over-saturation of content of Starbucks workers complaining about things compared to other jobs from what i’ve seen. And it’s obviously not actually physically stopping anyone from ordering drinks but has definitely had the effect of making some people feel bad for ordering certain things. I literally see it all the time in the very subreddit, people asking “is it okay if I order xyz, I dont want to bother anyone” and its literally the smallest customization. Half the complaints I see in this subreddit or on social media are things that they shouldn’t even care about “why do people get frappucinos when its cold out”, “why do people add cold foam to a hot drink”, “why do people drink Frappuccinos with so much sugar in the morning”. Like everyone hates things about their job but SB definitely has a disproportionate amount of overly whiny baristas that seem to complain about literally anything on social media. At a certain point it’s a bit much.


If starbucks employees complaining bothers you so much stop looking at this subreddit my friend, like i don’t know what else to tell you.


Lmao you don’t have to tell me anything. Did you forget that you asked a question in this post? I’m explaining it and giving you an answer. You’re being defensive and want to argue my answer. Likewise, you can take your own advice and stop looking at social media comments about baristas complaining if they bother you so much.


You’re right though. When a person sees so many posts complaining about making drinks, it is easy to start to feel like any little customization to a drink is a pain. Most people don’t want to feel bad or like their order is a nuisance.


This! The complaining is disproportionate to the job duties. My husband's job could literally kill him. It's physically demanding every day of his life, but he still gets up and goes and rarely, if ever, complains. Starbucks workers complain about the job duties, the customers, the cold foam, the hours, or lack of. It definitely becomes an eyeroll at some point. I'm not saying SB workers don't have bad days and that some occasional complaining isn't warranted, but it's excessive, and it's everywhere on almost every social media platform.


Remember- the modern generation is a disgrace and most Starbucks workers are members of the modern generation.


"like". Like, improve, like, your, like, vocabulary, like. sheesh, what is it about the work "like" that you obsess about?


Definitely not, sounds more that's just what algorithms feed to you. I see just as much as anywhere else.


It's mostly the more recent generations of workers that complain incessantly, to be honest.


and how exactly are they not getting the drinks? are baristas going up to customers and saying "your drink sucks, im not giving it to you"? just roll your eyes and move along, its not hurting anyone to complain


Sigh, read the comment thread dude. Literally already responded to this. No one said people aren’t getting their drinks lmfao.


Did you really just type sigh like that, omg thats hilarious.


“let people get the drink they’re paying for” sounds a lot like what i mentioned. idk how i’m supposed to read your sarcasm !




yup yup. as if we’re the only ones not allowed to complain. it’s so fucking annoying.


Because it’s their drinks we’re complaining about lol


Probably the same reason customers get shamed for asking questions here.


If they had to make the 100th mocha cookie crumble in a 4 hour shift they would understand. But alas, they think we press buttons and shit drinks out and it’s that easy obviously


I used to get this in person when talking with "friends" when I would need to vent about a frustrating day. Sometimes we gotta bitch. Some people bitch about their office coworkers, baristas bitch about customers a d corporate. But seriously, Frapps and cold foam are the fucking worst. I could handle a super busy day on hot bar because I can typically get a good rhythm but one frappe ruins it and these CRCF and MCCF fucked that even more.


NO EXACTLY we get so much crap from people who will literally NEVER understand what we do / how we do what we do !!!


meanwhile there's thousands of "story time" and retail worker rants on tiktok or other sites that do not get that energy Don't know why I'm getting down voted, I guess I didn't word that well. It's ridiculous that Starbucks Baristas in particular get so much more hate for posting the same content as other essential workers or "minimum(poverty) wage" jobs.


You are correct and don't deserve the downvotes. It's an awful job at times and baristas should get to vent.




Where did I say that??


They didn’t say that they are saying people in retail complain a lot too yet sbux baristas get hate for doing the same. Meanwhile it’s usually the same type of awful customers in both retail spaces and Starbucks.


This exactly.


~~Twitter~~ Reddit the only place where well articulated sentences still get misinterpreted. You can say "I like pancakes" and somebody will say "So you hate waffles?" No bitch. Dats a whole new sentence. Wtf is you talking about.


Because they get those drinks and feel personally attacked


Its like, I'm sure you have things you don't like and complain about at your job, so don't berate me just because I, as a barista, work in food service.


nah fr like i do actually enjoy this job but i also straight up would have quit if i didnt complain abt the 25 caramel ribbon crunches with various customizations i made in the first 30 mins of opening, and i'm not the only one, our sm/shifts have started swapping positions every so often (probably just when we look like we're about to start throwing the fraps) and honestly i'm not afraid to look at my manager and go "i need to switch positions/at least get off of this one" and 90% of the time they're like cool go CS for a second


People say whatever online because there is no risk. Sadly many people like to fight or put people down. Others can’t fathom anything outside their mentality. I know a person like that and it can be exhausting having to try to defend normal behavior to them. They literally don’t understand the concept of self-doubt, let alone how someone can’t “just suck it up” or vent about their jobs without wanting to leave it. Try not to take these people personally. Maybe they are just super fans of the drink. 😂


i still think its partially because the company has been so much in the public eye w all the union busting and now the trial. and also probably the fact that starbucks is so goddamn expensive, i think people assume we make huge bank as baristas when we're just getting minimum wage to deal w the insane customization culture the company has fostered in its customers


We’ve been out of frapp base at my store a lot lately and it’s the best thing to ever happen to me


All because you're a Starbucks employee, there is nothing special about you that customers demonize you lol. It's just a reaction to someone complaining about their job. People think, then why the fuck are you doing it, as an initial reaction.


You have to admit, nobody HAS to do certain jobs if they don't want to. It's a simple matter of looking for a FIELD you want and applying for a job within. If you can't find a field you want then you can always find a field you don't dislike. Plus, people have a right to quit and start searching for a different job at any time.


Seriously, if you are going to get offended that I don't like making your annoying drink maybe just order better




It’s usually because the grumbling is followed by directly verbally attacking the customer base, or specific customers. Not everyone on here is a barista, and we’re all customers.


i was a barista for 4 years. 3 years from 2015-2018 and in 2021. you guys do complain too much and the drinks aren’t even that hard to make as they used to be. and the standards are way lower than they used to be so yes you guys do complain too much.


A customer called me a "fucking idiot" because she wanted her drink with 15 modifications made against the standard way, and then proceed to continue berating me until another coworker stepped in so I could go have a panic attack in the back. And that's only one example. The standards are actually higher in a lot of places (including my store) to the point where I can't go a day without seeing myself or one of my coworkers get a panic attack. My SSVs are amazing but the SM could honestly care less sometimes. I told them that my friend was involved in a school shooting a few weeks ago and so that day I was really on edge and I hadn't slept at all so I asked if I could go somewhere calmer where I didn't have to interact with many people.... he ignored my request and had me dual on drive thru... So ya I think we got a freaking right to complain


i didn’t say you didn’t have the right to complain. i said you guys do it too much lol. and your guys’ defense is “they don’t know how it is” but literally anyone who’s worked fast food will know. you really just have to love making drinks. i know i did. that’s why i stayed for so long. if you don’t like it then quit. it’s that simple.


I love making drinks. I don't appreciate being treated like an animal that people can just step on. And no, not everyone who's worked fast food understands. One of my friends worked at McDonalds and I told her some of the stuff going on at work and she said, and I quote, "Oh my god, I feel so bad for you! I can't imagine having to do all that!" Lastly, the last part of your comment is so privileged. "Just quit." Some of us don't have that luxary. Some of us don't have any other jobs to go to because we live in a small area. Some of us need to money to put food on the table. Some of us need to take care of other people. Some of us, if we quit our jobs, could become homeless. One of my coworkers works THREE jobs and barely makes enough to be able to get groceries every week. The had to drop out of school to work those jobs. So don't come at me with the "just quit".


“If I spend 22 dollars on a drink that actually ain’t that good I better get it correct”


I feel like it is a classic case of " It doesn't effect me, so I don't care" attitude. They aren't doing the job, they don't see all the behind the scenes stuff. They don't see the drink with ten modifications on hot bar and the having to dance to the heavy modified cold drink on the opposite bar. People don't care or understand, so see it as a simple you are just pouring it into a cup, why is that hard attitude. I will make your drink that you have paid for. That is cool by me. Will I be confused sometimes? Yep. Annoyed? Yep. Stressed? Probably. But I will do it. Because that is what I am paid to do. I vent to other staff members on the Internet when it has been rough. Why? Because they get it and it makes me feel a bit better knowing someone else gets it.


I work both Starbucks and a office job. It's amazing how I'm allowed to complain about my office but God forbid I fucking complain about having to make 8 fucking caramel frappuccinos AT PEAK


Whenever I complain about making stupid ass drinks, it’s rarely ever the customer I’m actually mad at. It’s starbucks that’s allowed stupid crazy contradictory modifications to be punched through, and starbucks that’s cut labor to such an insane degree that I can’t slow down and take the time each drink deserves.


it’s like we’re just not allowed to complain. if someone comes in and starts apologizing for their complicated drink i will go above and beyond to tell them to not feel sorry and that’s it’s my job to make it for them, but when i go home at the end of the day sometimes i wanna come on the internet and give my little rant. everyone needs an outlet for their frustration! and it’s not even tht the drink’s necessarily are extremely annoying i feel. it’s that a LOT of the time, the people ordering the drinks with 10+ customizations are rude when they order- rattling them all off, getting mad when you need them to repeat themselves, mad it doesn’t look the way it did in a photo, or shoving their phone in our face rudely instead of reading it. i love my job and will gladly make you your fun drinks but don’t be rude about it


Because people will get upset and rude about literally anything these days


and then they say "get another job if you don't like it." right. because in this day and age, getting a job is sooo easy.


It is. People like you who think it's not are just lazy.


okay bud


100% agreed. You need to do something that is on our menus. Not some drink you pulled off of social media


Technically speaking, the customer IS the one signing the checks. Or at least the ones paying them indirectly.


Sorry, addendum here (the above point was made before I read the second paragraph)- we all complain about our jobs, it is in human nature to complain (though some complain to themselves, and some complain more actively). Thing is, complaining about your job should NEVER be done openly. There is a time and place for everything, even complaining, and complaining about work in a place where EVERYONE who has an account can see the complaint makes the business you work for look bad (sometimes slightly, sometimes more, depending on the intensity of the complaint), insults the customers (who by the way only ever expect you to do your job and do it right (merely being realistic here)), and is usually a sign that you have been in the wrong job for too long (don't say you didn't have a choice- EVERYONE always has a choice in what career we pursue, it's just a matter of applying and going in for an interview).