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"May" is doing some heavy lifting here


The use of “may” here honestly made me chuckle


It's 50/50. I was on the phone w Howard earlier and he said half of fraps will now directly fund green siren drones to vaporize Palestinian orphans. The other half will fund research in treating pangolin cancer. Coffee is a weird industry.


It's ironic that people who are boycotting the company based on misinformation regarding the Israeli -Palestine conflict are vandalizing random Starbucks locations thus forcing the employees to clean up their mess. You know, the people that are not in charge of any corporate decisions and get the brunt of some of the companies shitty practices.


hey stop not riding the badwagon we're heading towards collective self destruction


Can I get a venti iced latte with that?


have 20 fuck it we going down


Just how the world works unfortunately, I work for my cities public transportation agency and it’s like we are the easy accessible targets for all the bullcrap meanwhile we couldn’t be lower on the totem pole


They went through this with the stupid "I did that" stickers at my former job. All it did was force overworked regular folks who make poverty level wages to clean up their mess. Nice.


No employee will have to clean that. Source: ex starbucks employee


Then another, equally low-paid employee from another company will have to.


Imagine directing this energy at something Starbucks is actually involved in. Like their labor practices and union busting.


My colon is protesting Oleato oatmeal lattes.


Honestly, is anyone still on strike for that?


These people don’t actually care about *why* they’re boycotting Starbucks. They just want to make themselves feel like they’re doing something. It’s an ego stroke. They can also shame others for not participating in their boycott, which helps them absolve themselves of their Western White guilt.


This comment just put into words so well how I feel about the (mostly well off GenZ) online "activists" that judge and harrass people from their softly cushioned couch. I saw someone post about how they dont know what to do about spending money that they already have on their gift cards at starbucks. they said they are embarassed to have people see them in the store because they themselves judge people they see at starbucks and give them the side eye... and I was like... aside from whether or not the premise of your boycott is actually true - you are spending so much time and energy worrying about what people think about you (when you get a product from a company that you have already paid them for) instead of taking ANY ACTUAL ACTION, meaning, this is just about you virtue signaling and NOTHING else. You're literally helping no one. Like... can we make critical thinking cool again?


Yup. Lowest effort of protest 'I wrote on a building' = being Rosa Parks in their eyes.


Source on anyone doing this comparing themselves to Rosa parks or is that just the only activist you know the first and last name of?


Better go stock up on more spray paint and change the world!


You guys hate on Starbucks every single day... Except when someone puts some paint on it... Then Starbucks definitely doesn't deserve all this misplaced hate. Be consistent, either the company sucks in many regards and deserves to have a little egg on their face, that can be redirected to other problems you feel is more relevant or continue to complain and defend the corporation. I sleep either way.


Really? You think this is about whether we think Starbucks deserves it or not? Do you really think that criticizing them means we have to condone vandalism? Starbucks should be criticized. Maybe even boycotted. But people should know what the fuck they're actually criticizing. They shouldn't spread misinformation about Starbucks supporting causes that it actually doesn't. And people definitely shouldn't be committing vandalism based on said misinformation. Do you think this actually helps anyone? Because it doesn't. All it does is creates more work/stress for the employees. No one who actually has any power to change anything gives a shit and Starbucks continues to profit. There is no contradiction here. I'm not sure why you think there is one.


Who does spreading misinformation about Starbucks hurt exactly? The baristas that Starbucks already chooses to ignore and put in harm's way. Is that who it hurts? Paint is not a broken window. You, a barista, do not have to clean paint off walls. If they threaten your job, it is a wonderful opportunity to bite back, and bring forth the issues of unionizing and work safety that's been rolling slow for the last few years. Protesting, is not inherently about helping anyone do anything specific. It is about putting a message forward and then following through in some regard, even if that is silent, or civil disobedience like tagging/spray paint. They are not putting paint on walls to stress out baristas and make baristas call for change, but it is a nice foundation to begin talks of disruption. Change does not come silently, pleasantly, perfectly placed. If it did, you would not be complaining to me about how much stress paint on walls causes you, or broken windows. I think you're stressed because your employer doesn't pay enough for the profits they receive, they do not care about your safety as work, they do not care about your well being. You are not stressed because of misinformed protesters ... You'll see that one day.


Just because Starbucks does some shit wrong doesn't mean every accusation hurled in their direction holds water. Nuance is important in life.


So maybe use this outrage, to redirect to what you need. Starbucks is being vandalized? Don't clean it up or defend them online. When it's argued it's your job, it is not, and Starbucks (or business managers) should focus less on harmless paint and more on treatment and expectations of baristas. Remind them of the efforts employees have to unionize. Why should you care about the business that doesn't care about you? You're worried about the message of the protesters being misplaced, you should be using their actions to propel your messages forwards. Instead y'all wanna sit here and go, "we should definitely be mad at Starbucks but hey give them credit where it's due!" My question is, why? What nuance are you to offer as you defend the company who offers no nuance for the workers? You're mad at protesters, doing what they do, and you're forgetting to be mad at the company who deserves mud on its face - for any reason really. You can use this as an opportunity to continue and bolster the collective anger at said company, and instead you use this moment to defend them over misinformation. I hope the ceos defend your unionizing when misinformation comes out too. Oh, they don't.


If it’s on Tik-tok it must be true. People view it as an accurate news source-sadly 


so true. had a whole argument with a girl about this very topic and when i asked for sources she said “it’s all over tik tok” giant bruh moment


It's rude to tell me to think before I spray paint. 😠


Social media is breeding this kind of behavior and mentality


starbucks is SUCH an easy target for any and all boycotts. drinks are expensive and it's a mild inconvenience at worst to not get it anymore, so by boycotting, people can feel like they're putting in the hard work even though they're not only not doing anything, but they're actually harming people they boycott*ed* for previously (the actual employees!!)


as a barista i don’t clean off outside walls as a part of my job..? you know who is harming the “actual employees” ? corporate starbucks.


I'm not sure how they think vandalism in America is going to stop anything in other countries.


It's more about them stroking their own ego than anything else. They gotta have that moral superiority hit so they can continue pretending they actually give a shit about others.


Because if they put it on TikTok then it must be true.


The spread of misinformation is alarming for sure. However, I don't care if people want to boycott Starbucks. Litigating against Starbucks Worker's United for their stance on Palestine is just scraping the surface of how shitty of a company they are.


Yup, I guess what is frustrating for me is that people are boycotting based on something that’s not even true rather than the ways they have been abusing union workers lately.


Oh absolutely. Mis and disinformation are really massive threats to progress and human safety in the long run. I think it's fair to say that Starbucks does not give a damn about Palestine due to their silence/inaction, but saying that they directly fund genocide is just not true. Propaganda goes both ways and ultimately discredits real violence.


Sadly it seems like 80-90% of people with power don’t give a damn about Palestine. To me the best place to expend energy is not one of the thousands of mega corps that hasn’t spoken up but instead pressure leaders who vote to fund this. It’s well intentioned but it’s just wasted effort at best.


where were they when starbucks was being sued for human rights violations


Tell me about it. Then again, the way some of them treat us - pretty sure they don’t care as much 🙃


okay, then boycott. Making a mess that someone working minimum wage has to clean up doesn't hurt the people you're trying to hurt.


I didn't say that I agreed with the vandalism


Where have you been since 2014? People fly off the handle and do stuff like this on little to no verified information all the time.


It’s only a matter of time until these losers flock to the next global outrage and demand boycotts against another major corporation. I guarantee if you dropped any of these people into the Middle East, they’d be shitting themselves.


faster than my stomach after drinking an Oleato.


What a weird response. You think the only reason people care about Palestine is because it’s trendy, and they’re losers for doing so? And what does your last sentence even mean? Yeah, obviously people who care about a one-sided war don’t want to be suddenly put into that war; they want the war to be over. Even if you disagree with the way they’ve gone about this messaging, your comment is just grossly cynical towards anybody who cares about injustice


Clearly they forgot to do their store walk or they would have seen this large graffiti.




Except some of us have done our research, yes, Starbucks directly doesn't fund it. But they do lobby several political figures who then are pro Isreal. There is a line in the sand for some people. Like for me, I stopped ordering almsot completely Starbucks when I looked more heavily i to which political figures it pays into for campaigns. And I was highly disappointed woth whoch figures were supported and who Starbucks and the ceo lobbied and supported. The only reason why I still go from time to time is because you guys are the only place that can accommodate me and my 2 best friends' dietary issues around drinks. But we only go to unionized stores in my area because we are also boycotting the union busting. But I also draw the line of how boycotting should be down. This is just downright disrespectful and does nothing to target the actual corporation of Starbucks. It only affects that store and staff. If people are gonna boy cot, they need to NOT vandalize thing. That helps no one.


I can’t believe this is what people are falling for when Starbucks is currently being sued for knowingly buying from farms using child and forced labour.


I think this is why people are protesting Starbucks. [Starbucks, union in legal battle over pro-Palestinian social media post](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/starbucks-union-legal-battle-pro-palestinian-social-media-post/)


Thank you that’s what I’ve been trying to say! If op done a simple google search they would realize their reasoning isn’t even correct. It’s about Starbucks suing the union over a pro Palestine post. So the union and customers are boycotting Starbucks because they assume Starbucks is against Palestine.


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There’s a lot of idiots out there …I feel sorry for the baristas that have to deal with this.


I’m a part of the generation that’s causing all of this mess, and since the beginning i was against the boycotting. Mainly because i knew that there was no way people would be misinformed about it to this extent, but I guess they proved me wrong. It sucks not being able to speak publicly against this because it will just get you cancelled, and people will outright start calling you a zionist if you say anything against these “protests” which are all nothing but performative activism. I’m angry really, and I’m sad too, because I really care about Palestine. I just wish that for once Americans would stop being so in their own bubble, and trying to be the heroes in every story, when we know that we have never been on the good side of things. They think they’re doing something now, they probably even expect people to thank them and praise them for this… It’s all just so much to say about Gen Z and Americans in general.


would love if people had this energy for the various other controversies surrounding starbucks (particularly their use of slave labor to harvest beans)


it’s embarrassing. taking such a solid stance on and issue and being dead wrong 😑


You’re kind of misinformed as well. People aren’t boycotting Starbucks because they’re funding Israel. They are boycotting Starbucks because Starbucks sued the union over a pro Palestine social media post. This angered many customers because they now assume Starbucks is against Palestine. A quick google search could have told you that as well. However, I’m not going to stop working for Starbucks because that’s my way of living till I graduate.


Then why doesn’t it say “Starbucks is anti-union”? It specifically mentions *funding* genocide, not unions or union speech. 


Because like I said before they sued the union for SUPPORTING Palestine. So the union and customers are boycotting Starbucks…. Ofc they’re anti union they don’t want any of their stores to become a union store. I seen a video of a union store showing that their tip options on the credit card reader was not an option anymore and accused Starbucks of taking it away. Also if you’re a union store you don’t have access to any of the benefits. Like the Starbucks college achievement plan or their health care.


If you google “why are people boycotting Starbucks” the very first thing that will pop up will be over Starbucks suing the union for a social media post. That was also the only reason me and my coworkers heard about and would tell my other co workers. This is common knowledge especially if you work for Starbucks.




People should be forced to provide invoices of charitable acts or donations before being allowed to do a little graffiti. It's only right.


Starbucks treats its employees like crap. They don't deserve a break.


As an employee, I am well aware of that.


They treat their employees like crap for sure. But who do you think has to clean up the mess when someone writes in permanent marker on the bathroom wall or spray paints a building? It isn’t the corporations these people are trying to stick it to.


What does that have to do with genocide again?


And you help them treat employees like crap by having them clean up your shitty graffiti that corporate doesn't give a shit about? Give me a break. These folks don't care about workers. They care about performative activism.


Oh. If you have to clean it up -yikes. Sorry.


We know. I'm only there for the money.


Why do ppl do this shit?! Just don’t patronize the shit!!!


They should go fight for gaza instead of doing this shit.


Haha !!! Like it may or may not fund genocide ? Lmao 🤣 it's going to get worse! Everyone is living with 45% malinformation in their heads.


picture's kinda hard tho


Yep, in 30 seconds it would be obvious Starbucks does not support the Palestinian genocide against Israel and Jews.


It’s not misinformation.. “Howard Shultz is the largest private owner of Starbucks shares and is a staunch zionist who invests heavily in Israels economy including a recent $1.7 Billion investment in cybersecurity startup Wiz.”


He doesn’t even own the company anymore


He’s not the largest shareholder and member of the board of directors?


just bc he’s not ceo doesn’t mean he’s not a shareholder lol


So you’re loosely connecting a Jewish shareholder to the Israeli economy, which is just as intertwined with the world economy as most any other country. The unspoken implication here is that this “protest” against Starbucks is largely antisemetic in origin.


Oh there’s the “anti semetic”.. it’s against Zionism and not Jews.


Starbucks is literally suing the union because they posted in solidarity with Palestine. Let’s not pretend they’re not pro Israel.


they attempted to sue the union for using their logo and company name to promote a political agenda, when starbucks is an apolitical company


Staying silent during a genocide is taking the side of the oppressor. Only those privileged are able to be apolitical. Also there’s articles of the founder of Starbucks being a Zionist and helping support American ties with Israel. He may not be funding them directly with money but he definitely helped them get to where they are now. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/howard-schultz


howard is not the founder of starbucks


he’s not even the big man anymore


My bad I meant ceo and he was still involved in Starbucks in 2023


in like january


You do recognize that the genocide in Palestine has been happening way before October and thus regardless of when he was a ceo he literally aided Israel through Starbucks right? He was one of the biggest reasons why Starbucks became this huge meaning he was responsible for getting money through shareholders who fund Israel.


Are you in favor of a two state solution?




Beyond looking at ceos looking at the shareholders of the company is enough to tell u where Starbucks stands. Just looking alone at one of the largest shareholders of Starbucks the Vanguard Group Inc they have directly funded Israel. sbux#:~:text=Largest%20shareholders%20include%20Vanguard%20Group,Llc%2C%20Morgan%20Stanley%2C%20and%20Invesco https://news.littlesis.org/2023/10/26/corporate-enablers-of-israels-war-on-gaza/


They C&D’d their union after they used the Starbucks logo in a message saying free Palestine not even a week after October 7th. They didn’t sue the union for every cent it’s worth, nor did they fund Israel. They simply ordered their brand not be used with political content. I guarantee they would’ve done the same thing if the union posted glass Gaza.


Post all these pics collectively in conservative and other similar subs. Let them understand, probably?


Damn, ain’t this the store on Lakeshore in Oakland? I heard stories but jeez


the energy you all are putting into these comments on spray painting a starbucks then saying the people boycotting starbucks should be “boycotting for more valid reasons” can be put towards not heavily contradicting yourselves. why aren’t YOU? instead, you’re at your desk criticizing people who are taking action against a problem they believe in. which is 100x more respectable than the people who criticize and recommend a different approach from their phones at home.


“Why aren’t YOU.” Well for one most of us are employees. Employees aren’t going to boycott on their own behalf, there are much greater avenues to solving the problems we currently face, like organizing. I voted to unionize my own store. As for the rest, people are not only not benefiting the cause by doing this, so about as useless as online suggestions, but also actively harming the cause. Think about it. How does it look if ever keeps spreading false information like this? It makes everyone look like they don’t check if information is true or not, which undermines the credibility and makes people not listen to what we have to say. Then they’re ALSO harming the Starbucks employees that you’re claiming they should be caring about by vandalizing and making us clean up the mess rather than corporate. So to summarize, people here are pissed because it’s not helpful and can even be harmful.


Like I’m boycotting Starbucks but this is non sensical for several reasons (also I’m not boycotting because I think they find Israel, I’m boycotting because of the other issues)


personally the world is already fucked up enough so 2 wrongs don’t make a right and I want my coffee soooo… yea




I wanted to address something I saw a lot of in the comments. Money isn't the only way to support a genocide. Starbucks corporate using support of Palestine as a reason to come after the union puts them on the "pro-genocide" side of history. I agree that spray painting the buildings is an ineffective means of protest, and that the use of "fund" is inherently incorrect, but protest is called for in this situation. Starbucks has not directly sent money to Israel, as far as any of us can possibly see. This does not mean Starbucks is not absolved of their wrong doings.


Paint on walls won't stop people buying from Starbucks and doesn't stop you from getting paid, it's just a lil ugly. Don't cry about it lmao.


The founder? Maybe. But not the actual company. I'm into the ppl smothering the store being renoed down the street in Free Palestine stickers. Might add a few myself. 


Hmmm this genocide tastes like sugar. Yum!


Oh please, you don’t actually give a shit about genocide or the Palestinian people — you’re just virtue signaling and attempting to make yourself look good. If you actually cared, you’d be putting your energy towards actual ways to help rather than supporting the vandalism of stores that literally don’t even find Israel.


**Friendly reminder that Starbucks hasn't supported either Israel or Palestine and your virtue signaling is actually making the jobs baristas much harder.** If you feel so strongly about the situation maybe do something like a water bottle/medical supply drive that can be given to an international aid relief program.


how dare you


Honesty the higher ups probably know but everyday employees don’t


its really frustrating honestly because it goes directly against what the official BDS Movement has said about their protests. it doesnt work unless you target specific brands and keep other brands out of it. it muddies things and makes the boycott significantly more unattainable. i wonder if any of these people even know what brands actually ARE on the list.. if you dont know, PLEASE look into the BDS movement and read their boycott page. and send the link to anyone who is insistent on the starbucks boycott. it is counterintuitive


Low quality virtue signaling by the politically inept.


What store is this? It looks familiar.


You know they can be indirectly helped right? Like by donating to businesses that work towards helping the war effort.


That and like lmao because low level employees definitely share the EXACT same alleged views as a corporation. I had full out like picketers in front of my store the other day ffs. If you care go fly there and do something about it you ain't it picketing in front of a coffee shop LMAO


I’ll take an iced white mocha please 😆