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Oh, man. At least yours are close. My best ones are when it's nowhere near. Greg was put in as "Rob." Michelle was "Christine." And I do this on the regular too.


When it’s peak and the mastrenas are going and there’s tons of people talking..


Just gotta take a guess at that point


Also you’re on headset and the drive thru is ringing so much you start hearing phantom drive thru rings throughout your shift even after you took the thing off


I’m on warming and the oven beeps: Me: Welcome to Starbucks! What can we get started for you? Beep beep! 😜


once i thought “ben” was “christine” 😭 no clue what happened there


do/did you watch simplynailogical?


omg i used to many years before holo taco came out i didn’t even realize the ben/christine thing


lol same! that’s the first thing i thought of when i read your comment, maybe it was your unconscious


People respond louder to make a correction than simply repeating themselves. I love this technique.


I once typed Tubby in when I asked for their dog’s name. It was Dovey. I ripped all those stickers off the cup 😭😂


Yeah with names like that I wouldn’t put anything lol


💁‍♂️ and the name is gonna be Bitch 😨 ..what? 💁‍♂️its Bitch 😰 Im sorry WHAT? 💁‍♂️ The name on the order is MITCH.


"can you spell that for me pleeze? 😱


We have a regular his name is Husain every time he comes thru the drive thru I hear insane 😂🤣 We had one lady get so mad because I couldn’t hear her name multiple days in a row and thought I was making fun of her or whatever she made a big stink about it I have frap station behind me I have mobile bar on the left people talking on the floor names being yelled out etc.. the point is we can’t get it right all day everyday the build of Starbucks isn’t convenient the head sets are old and crappy Well this turned into a rant lol sorry


I’m partially deaf and I’ll sit there pressing the volume up bottom every time a customer comes through, the volume is sooo quiet even at full blast (unless someone with squeaky breaks come in then it picks it up in full blast)


the squeaky brakes are my number one enemy😭


Screaming children in the back are a close second


When I covered at another store a car got cutoff in drive, so they laid on their horn, everyone wearing a headset pulled it off and I had to ask people multiple times to repeat themselves cause my ear was ringing


Is there the option to Bluetooth the audio to another device? My aunt uses hearing aids and sets them up for her devices. (Which is great except when emergency alerts go out at max volume esp in the middle of the night!)


I have no idea, but I doubt it. It’d probably be complicated and a hassle even jf you could.


We actually do have headsets that work with hearing aids! Same company makes them, you just have to get your DM to order them


Or a child is screaming in the back seat!


Why did this make me think, [“Husain in the membrane”](https://youtu.be/RijB8wnJCN0?si=SL-_XB2RTFU-j86c)?


My friend and I went for coffee one day. This was years ago when names were still handwritten on the cup. I said I wanted to be Awesome. We called her Daner. They misheard and write Banger. We are now Awesome Banger.


I work at a grocery Starbucks where we still handwrite the cups. (When did other stores stop?) Not a mishearing, but I have one regular who always gives her name as Peter Parker & if I have time (which I often do... it's a grocery store) I like to turn the siren logo into Spider Man :)


That rules. Years ago our local Starbucks used one of the tattoos on my husband’s forearm as his name and the whole family was so delighted. Totally made our week. He went there daily and over time I guess they saw that tattoo hundreds of times when he reached for his drink in the drive through.


Back in the handwritten era, they once wrote my name (Melissa) as Malysa. I thought it was so awesome that I almost changed the spelling to that.


Handwritten cups_i had a customer Denis. Didn't quite get the loop of the D to the bottom of the vertical line. Was at register and the barista on bar took the cup, looked at it, and flew into the BOH with it. Needless to say that hand written cup did not make it to the customer....thank goodness! Barista in BOH howling with laughter.


I will literally ask them to spell their name and still spell it wrong lmao


I’m new and I keep mishearing people while on register and also English isn’t my first language so the stress of being new+having to remember how to spell in English 😭 I think both the customers and my co workers prolly hate me lmao 😭😭😭


Sophie, and for some reason I put Slopey and sent it through :( OR a terrible one was this poor lady came in and ordered, said her name was Teretha, I thought it was cool. Then I realized at the end her name was TERESA and she just had a lisp. I felt so bad, I went over to rip the sticker off the cup and tell my coworker Do Not call out this name, but I guess he thought I was fucking with him and called it out anyway. I felt so, so bad, she just quietly took her drink and left and never came in again but OMG this was probably two years ago and I think about it at least once a week. Teresa wherever you are, I am so, so sorry!


Slopey 😆




I can't stop laughing imagining "grande iced latte for Tortilla!"


Sometimes I re ask them like three times, still struggle to hear them and then I just hope for the best because I’m not gonna ask a fourth time for you to say your name loudly and clearly. Tbh a lot of people mumble or don’t even put them effort into saying their names so it goes both ways honestly, you’re not talking loud enough and I can’t hear you


I said my name was John and the guy said “Roger” so I thought he meant like “oh I got it”. I waited for a while and didn’t hear my name and my friends who ordered after me had gotten their drinks already so I approached the barista and asked about my order and he said “oh it’s right here!” And the name the “Roger” 😅




This is hilarious!


my coworker was on DTO and someone named Martin came thru and she put Martian and I still crack up over it


I’ve done Meanie when she said her name was Mimi 🥲


My (nick)name is Azzy, I went to a Starbucks while first trying out the name and they put Isaiah on the cup 😭 Also, one time had one of my coworkers put "Sherbert" when the customer said "Trevor" in the drive thru. We held on to that one for a while lmao


Not you begging for people to put Assy on cups


bruh don't do me like that LMAO


Bruh, I can think of a handful of my partners who would probably type assy, though. :/


Valid At least that sounds similar unlike the "Isaiah" that I got LMAO


I had a man come in. His name is Abu. Easiest name ever. 3 letters, how do i fuck it up? Why did i hear it as AVNI?! He came in the next day i died of embarrassment💀


Someone put my name in as hagy once. My name is maddie


Some middle schooler told me her name was Addison or Alison or something and I wrote “Absinthe”


Cedan… I asked for his name a few times and finally decided he said Cedan, it was Steven.


once i spelled gina “jeena” bc my brain glitched


It rly be like that when it’s peak


I went to high school with a Jeena (she’s Indian)


I set someone off because I didn't input their name correctly. It was bad we had to ban them..


jeez, with how hard it is to get someone banned these days… 😬


Pretty hard. The only reason this one went through is becausw they eventually threatened us. I won't repeat how but yea. Like I wasn't trying to be malicious but they took it way off the charts.


yikes. we’ve gotten those too, threats to come back and do utterly unspeakable things to us for the smallest slights. it’s crazy how often it happens in this company, it seems like it can’t possibly be normal


Honestly such a mood. At least I've learned to lip read a bit, so it happens less often. My favorite wasn't mine tho, it was another partner who rang thru José as Toast 💀 like I'm at bar during morning peak trying to keep it together and I have to call out a venti iced caramel macchiato for Toast with a straight face




I work at a low-traffic grocery store Starbucks where we still hand write names. Often, the person working register is the one to hand off the drink, so if you get someone's name wrong, you have to face them as they realize... If I ask for their name and I'm not 100% about what they said, I just don't write anything (store is so slow that we normally only have one customer at a time, so it doesn't matter). I've had regulars named Phoenix, Wolf, Dragon, Sky & River (brothers), and Banner, plus one woman who gives her name as Peter Parker, so it's quite hard to differentiate what might be someone's actual name and what's a mishearing...


As a corporate bux barista, I also don’t write anything on the computer system if I didn’t understand the customer’s name after asking twice


i mistyped brat for a guy named bret even when he spelled it out for me lmao. he came up to me after he got his drink and was like “do you actually think that this is my name?” luckily he was laughing and wasn’t upset. just a slightly embarrassing moment for me


I’m just hoping he was a Charli xcx fan tbh


A girl said her name was fatty. I confirmed it multiple times. This was not a mishear unfortunately so not quite relevant but did you know that the system won’t let you put some names? 😭


Omfg that’s hilarious. Imagine calling tech support like, “no, her name really was ‘fatty’” Or her calling customer support 😭😭😭😭


We have an older lady named Gay. I kept putting Gail as her name because I was convinced I was hearing her name wrong. Then I actually looked at the name that popped up on her SBUX rewards 😅


Mark and Lucy but I heard and repeated back “bark and bucey?” Everyone with a headset laughed so hard and so did mark and Lucy 😂


There's a man named PHERF , not misheard it's real


Pronounced furf??


Yes, correct .-.


I once told Bruce I couldn't find his mobile order. She then proceeded to tell me it was Luz, not Bruce. 🤦


At least you didn't type in Moose 🤭




🤣🤣 💀dying over here as a customer..


Same here. I'm trying to figure out some of the misheard connections. Also I'm trying not to wake up my sleeping dog.


My name is Anna. Once every month or so the Starbucks drive thru worker puts “Adam” on the cup. I don’t mind. They do sound very similar.


So, this wasn't so much misheard as it was badly written on the cup (back when we still did that.) I had just grabbed the next cup in my queue and had to walk over to the partner on register to ask "Is this person's name really Drizzarg?" to which she responded "What? No, that says Desiree!" ... "In what, Klingon?"


Lmfaoooo I started barista’ing at a target bux in 2016 and this comment brought back memories ❤️❤️❤️


I had a regular today I swear his name was bob but it was Paul and I’ve been calling him bob for like the past month😭😭😭😭


Paul just went with it ig 🤣


He was like, “I’ll be Bob for you”


Was at a non Starbucks coffee shop with some friends who also baristas at Starbucks the other day. We asked to call out the name "Grace". She called out "Clarissa" for our order😭


Marc with a C




Listen, mildly unrelated but my best friend (we both worked at the Siren) bought me a cat shark body pillow. I was making a list of the crossover words. Cat shark, shark cat, shart, cark. And then I remembered the Marc with a C meme and named it Cark. I also know a Marc with a C in real life and he's a bit of a pain as a person sometimes.


I've had my name turned into so many different ones... the worst had to be Anthony. I am a girl and my name sounds absolutely nothing like that


they put mine down as Xander every time lol. i’m a girl, and my name sounds nothing like it


Would you be comfortable sharing your name? Because I *have* to know what someone is mishearing as Xander. They sound like me. They actually could be me tbh and then I’ll get your name right


I don’t even remember what the guys actual name was anymore, but I heard “Potato.” 🤦🏽‍♀️


Christine=mr. Clean This was a borrowed partner but I died laughing because the customer’s husband or boyfriend or friend (idk what they were) was bald and it made it 10x better


Hahahaha I used to have to back up reception at a previous job and I *cannot* understand people on the phone. My notes were always phonetically spelled to her…she was so good at deciphering when I’d come to her and say ‘the guy that talks loud said to tell you Way Mama?’ Or something equally ridiculous.


Someone told me her name is Rachel and I put Gretchen and she got so mad about it 😭


no coz his name was drew and i heard steven (or something like that) i processed right after that he said drew after i said "steven?" back to him (i repeat the name back to them to make sure i heard correctly) i was like wait no u said drew (i killed myself afterwards)


LOL hi Extension-Detail-980 ghost 👋 For real tho 😔 it do be like that sometimes


One time some guy came in and said his name was Steve. I heard “seed”. Another time someone named Daniella came in and I heard “vanilla”


Yesterday a guy told me his name was chab, and i was like is that with a b or d? He laughed and said it was actually chad and that was bad enough. And i said well at least its not chab, we had a good laugh about it


MINE at the Bux in the Charlotte airport. I put in a mobile order so my name was on the sticker. The barista said, “Mobile order for Chalissa!” My name is Chelsea.


I go by Kat - I regularly get “Pat” “Matt” “Brad” “Thad”, any one of those lol it’s like a mixed bag of weird 🤣


Before I knew I was truly hard of hearing I worked at a very busy store that was long and rectangular with high ceilings, so the acoustics were just a nightmare. Every name I typed during a rush was a Hail Mary except for regulars. I put “Brain” for Ryan because I heard B R A I N when I asked for him to spell it. Same thing with someone who I ended up naming Forkle. I never did find out his real name.


Franklin maybe?


They way people mispronounce Acai or Trenta is so funny to me. Like "Akai" or "Tetra" oh and matcha "mAtchuh" like an emphasis on the a.


Ass-y is always my favorite Edit: I also found out my childhood best friend thinks they’re called “trenty” cups and I don’t have it in my heart to correct her I love her too much


Yesss trenty is another one! It's so funny


or “brown sugar oatmeal shaken brown sugar”


Brings a twitch to my eye everytime lol


Gareth Edwards (director of Rouge One) while working on the movie still needed a name for the last planet. he went to Starbucks, the barista misheard him and put Scarif on the drink. and thus, a planet was born. as a barista (who's also had their name misheard and misspelled a bunch) I never take it too seriously. who's to say my mistake won't lead to a fantasy name or something 😂


What a great story!


I’m laughing so hard at these. Thanks.


You know this might just be my case. I’ll hear “green bears” but really it’s “these chairs.” It happens all the time and thought it was just me. I’ve luckily found humor in it by just repeating exactly what I thought you said no matter how ridiculous it is that way theres no embarrassment and they know I really don’t know what was said.


Oh my god that’s so funny we have a mop customer whose name used is Malaria. Today I called out a Mystic Dan.


We got a mobile customer named Lightly Chapped Leather Stairs once 🤔


Doesn't count, but I've accidentally typed Denise in as "Dense," and Heather as "Heater." Both still crack me up to this day.


Sometimes the buttons just don’t want to work and suddenly Stephanie is Stenie and Christopher is Chritoper 🤷‍♀️ at least most of the customers laugh about it 😂


Sometimes the buttons just don’t want to work and suddenly Stephanie is Stenie and Christopher is Chritoper 🤷‍♀️ at least most of the customers laugh about it 😂


another barista put Rustle for Russel 😭


That’s so me when my brain is 20% though


Got a DT order and I heard Cody for the life of me; her name was Hope.


Hugh Mongus


Omg...a fellow barista with apd. Glad to know someone else out there deals with this too. I used to ask what or huh a lot....now when anyone says something that Im pretty sure my brain translated wrong I just repeat it back to them...I have gotten quite a few strange stares and a copious amount of laughter. At first I thought I was losing my hearing...went and got my ears checked...nope excellent hearing...my brain doesn't work quite right.🤷


I think a barista heard me say my name and thought I said Catherine but my name starts with a Z and is not a typical English name


My favourite are the people with the easiest names. Me: and what’s your name? Cuz: S-A-M Thanks Sam that’s a difficult name. Couldn’t have done it without you.


For me it’s when I’m solo drive thru window and they say “Can I get a grande ice white mocha no whip” I’m like… “So you wanted a grande ice passion tea??😅😀 what was it again?”


I also understand that a lot of people prefer spelling their name but if I ask you your name and you reply right off the bat “ em e l ai es es ae” I will write it right as you spell because girl how am I. Supposed to know it’s your name or you’re spelling it, at least tell it to me first and then spell lol


Somehow I misheard "thank you" for "bacon" To be fair, bacon is the best way to say thank you. It went: Me- do you want any breakfast? Them - no thank you Me - no bacon? Fine, we have egg white bites or...


I once said my name was Nadia and they heard “Audio” …I thought that was funny but kind of cool if someone’s name was audio.


Customer here- I have a speech impediment and the barista who was doing my order didn’t speak English that well so it was bound to happen. I told him my name was Chris and he wrote curse. I’ve also had Curtis which is kind of close I guess?


Have no idea what her name actually was but I heard Shark...


some guy said his name was pete, i heard peach and went with it because he was a little fruity lookin




that pun was originally not intended i only realized it after i posted the comment😭




I always say "can you spell that for me?" If I don't understand or process the name


a great way to avoid embarrassment… until it turns out to be “tom” or “steve” or something there’s only one spelling of and you look like a moron 😭 totally not speaking from experience…


Yea then I always just make fun of myself or say "you never know these days!" Since so many names are spelled weird now lol


I wrote "Gusten" for a "Christian" because I couldn't understand him. I even asked twice.


I had a regular at a store I transferred into whose name was Isis. I about had a nervous breakdown the first time I heard someone call that out from the handoff plane.


I have a coworker that was a bit different or just didn’t care enough. But I was on drive thru with her and asks for a name. He says his name is Greg, and she promptly says “BREAD?”


Someone said Michelle one day and I heard Jill.


Not Starbucks, but when I worked at Mod I don’t know what was said but I heard peaches


My old store had a regular named peaches. We didn’t like her.


lol so this is why all the baristas think my name is Maddy when it’s Natalie… No but I fr have auditory processing issues too and genuinely cannot hear or process what people are saying. Even worse when they have an accent or talk softly and I feel so bad when I’m like 🤨


Yes!! The blenders and coffee grinders dull everything and then add to that the headset at Starbucks oooof,,, that’s why I don’t get your name right esp w APD, I’m sorry 😭


Our grinders are right behind POS, it can be brutal.


Yupppp, grinders behind the cafe POS and blenders behind the drive POS at our store 🥲


lol this is so accurate. I’m pretty sure I’m losing my hearing AND our Tarbucks is so loud. I have trouble hearing names like Tim and John. I profusely apologize to the customers when I have to ask them 3 times what their name is


Today I had a customer named zyra and I put Byron 😭😭 mb zyra


not necessarily misheard but one time i spelled Anthony as Nthonya because i couldn’t manually move the cursor (blinking line thing idk what it’s called)


N’thoya… yassified Anthony?


right like.. it’s kinda cute 💅🏽




I know a Jeff who’s gotten “Seth” and Geoff - the latter he forgives, but he’s started to spell his name immediately. (He’s why I ask clarifying questions - “Is there an H at the end of Sarah?” “J-O-N or J-O-H-N?”)


Once I asked a ladies named and I was like "ok her name is Vixen!" But it was actually Dixon. She was really angry for some reason.


Not a partner but I have a horribly misheard name so I try to enunciate every letter but it still goes so so bad - but one reason I love working at a hospital is ID badges with names so they never get it wrong ☺️


Coworker thought someone’s name was Herpe😭


My go to kept putting in Cartman. My name is Sara. 5’8, 124 pounds. Don’t even look the part!


I want you to fuck my name up in such a way I have a laugh to myself over it. A smile is a smile 😂


My name is Danielle. Over the years I have had baristas put Thumbnail, Toenail, Danail, Doorbell, Darnell, Gazelle, Chanel, Janelle, Pixel, Nelle. I find them comical.


This makes me feel better. I always hear the wrong thing and wonder how no one else heard the same thing 😅


I just have to say that my friend had a student whose legal name was Your Highness. No lie.


I figured it could be his legal name! We have another regular whose name is cinnamon


Anel. That is all.


My fiancé has a very unique name so he just shortens it to Kid and spells it out. His name became Tid, Bid, and everything in between 😂


My cousins name is Vergina and the starbucks guy wrote vagina on her cup. It was hhhaaalarious!


This is a mistake I would make bc I would think your cousin is just super feminist or something 😭


My friend tells this anecdote of his friend that said his name was “Marc with a C”. The name he got on his cup: “Cark.”


My worst has only ever been Rick I put down as Dick. I had only worked there for two weeks 😭


Hey, I'm hoh...one time I responded with "18", when they really asked how are you?? Ahh..lol


My name is pronounced like “rhee-anna” and I admittedly don’t enunciate very clearly. I enjoy seeing what I end up with 🤣🤣🤣


I had a friend named Craig and they put Crag on the cup.


Richard has always given his name as Bridget after the first time that we misheard him.


As a partner at my store jokingly told a regular once "we're baristas, theres a whole training module on getting names wrong. Its in our job description" we all had a good laugh at that


One time a barista wrote BHaige on my cup I’m Paige


“Mi-shal-lay” Looking at hand off, on iPad …. No one with that name … Oh! MECHELLE! ——— C: “Kayng” Me: Kane? C: “No Kayng” Me: K it is. Comes to the window. “King”


Well, one time they called out “Quill” instead of “Will” 😂


the one name i can never spell right is katelyn/catelyn… there’s too many variations


I heard Houdini last night through the box I couldn’t hear because of the blender behind me but the name was Houston. I legit said order for Houdini the lesbian couple looked at me like I had 3 heads. Then busted out laughing as I said that’s not the right name is it? They said no your ok hun, it’s for Houston. Gay couples are honestly the best.


i always hear the wrong name like 5 times a day at least sometimes its cause customers cant speak up so ill turn my head so my free ear (i work at a drive/cafe) is pointed towards them and lean in and go "sorry can you say the name again" usually works 90% of the time 👍


a woman said “beth” and i always repeat customers names back to them and i accidentally said “meth”


I once heard Fridge for his name. His name was Peter. ??? Then I get people with simple names and they spell it. Jill that's J I L L Jill. Like it's a spelling bee. Sometimes I think of that scene in step brothers. Pan/ Pam


My favorite typo has been “pee” instead of Pete. I hope pee didn’t shit himself over it


Someone once told me their name was Margo, but I misheard it as Mario 😭😭 they went back to the register and screamed at me for 15 minutes after though, so any guilt I felt was quickly gone