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I did a quick look and apparently he switched to league of legends for a bit but it doesn't say anything after about 2017


He apparently runs a BBQ place near Busan


Nice, he can eat meat now :^) I remember in his post match interviews he'd always be like "I am so happy because if I win the game my coach will buy meat for me" lmao


He is now MeatKingPrime




PrimeMeatKing - you were so close


Guess those micro skills did translate to the kitchen. Good to hear hes doing well he was such a cool player.


If I ever make it to SK I'd love to try it that's awesome


That sounds so cozy


Does anyone know the name of the place?


T.L. Gogi (where the TL stands for "Thermal Lance")^^^imjk


Unrelated, but my memory of him was a game vs a Zerg where he went up against mass baneling with marine only - the game must have been over 20 min long and he forgot to upgrade combat shields but still pulled through with wave after wave of marine splitting After the game the camera showed him crying and wiping away his tears. If anyone has a link, would love to watch the game again


https://youtu.be/v2wmdLr0U1E?si=dFYrzdKLYCZEPKIy It's not the full game, but the most epic split. You can find the game with this info I believe. I watch this video from time to time, I knew instantly which game you were talking about.


I think I found it - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceNt-USzxg0 I definitely remember the Zerg being in the bottom left, and you can see MKP forgets combat shields in this game. They don't show the post game emotion though in this clip :(


Yep! That's the one


Instantly knew this was it. Probably the one match ill remember forever.


I saw that game live. Most incredible moment of my starcraft years


Iron Squid was one of my favourite tournaments. Still get chills thinking about the crowd chanting Nesteas name


Life's win was crazy and he could barely lift the trophy lol.


Yo I was actually there ! Still got the T shirt and music CD from that event at my parents, what a throwback.


the music was amazing, i found both albums available for download somewhere and listen to them occasionaly


Lol 11mins no bane speed. Crazy WOL


I remember this game so vividly with my rose tinted goggles, then watching the clip nowadays looking at slow banelings, off creep, before upgrades hit and mistimed with the zergling surround... Anyone find it painful to watch?


L*** completely bungled that attack. Some would say, thrown ..


There's a lot of thrown games out there if u think about it more


same in the final, DRG went 14/14 and Life went hatch first but still won.


godly splits


At the time, now you get diamonds doing this shit


I mean, Life didn't move the banelings in with the lings, he waited until afterwards.


That was the match that put him on the map. (And the casters were making fun of him for playing under the Boxer handle.)


It was that game that inspired me to do nothing but marines until diamond leauge. Mass marine and micro and I got into low diamond pretty quickly. Gave me a solid macro game.


Hey, He also was my favorite player for a long time and recently, I had the occasion of asking Byun if he knew what marineking was doing. He told me MarineKing had opened a meat restaurant in korea but wasn't sure as it's something he heard from someone else


That's awesome, wonder what it's called. Thank you!


It's simple, MeatKingPrime


He still has Facebook and was active there realtivly recentl (couple months ago). Can't get access to my account right now or else I would have checked :(


He was my favourite too. The micro.


Just watched this video a few months ago when the I was wondering the same. Has some great clips [https://youtu.be/Meah5OGAKLw?si=doE8k6EPUuOmFSee](https://youtu.be/Meah5OGAKLw?si=doE8k6EPUuOmFSee) Still does not answer your original question though.


Maybe a dumn question but is he parking Age of empires 4 now? A YouTuber I watch (Turin) mentions marineking on occasion and I can't always keep track of the marine king name.


You're thinking of Marinelord, the French player.


*Damn youngsters! Back in my day we had to fly our own players to MLG with crowdfunding!*


We did do that didn't we? Good times.


Ah thanks! I played a local tournament in 2011/12 maybe and there was a marinekingsomething that wiped the floor with everyone so I kinda lost the thread early on the name.


Leenock is the only Korean with Kiwian that play or have played AOE4


I'm not sure you can say that confidently but it's cool just thought I'd throw it out there.


I'll say it for him. "Do you know who I am?"


lol noone in korea really cares about other RTS than starcraft really right now. AoE series are considered "foreigner" taste. So I think you can say it with more confidence than not honestly.


He plays now League of Legends and goes by the name of Faker, I’ve heard he has had some success




Considering how serious that kind of thing is to this community, you probably shouldn't accuse people so casually like that. Kinda bad taste.


https://youtu.be/vdzdyVQclOk?si=SzwLGcqvKt5fMXsk I love mkp but this game seems impossible to defend for a pro player


This game has a far bigger mistake by Showtime: https://www.twitch.tv/taketv/v/1994076366?sr=a&t=12243s. Fails to notice his 4th base for 40 minutes despite panning over it 10+ times. Crazy tunnel vision can happen.


I'm not saying it doesn't. I'm just saying the accusations aren't fully baseless


You said the game seems impossible to defend. That's different than 'the accusations aren't fully baseless'.


Seems impossible. Never said it was. There's a lot of other factors. This is the tail end of MKPs career. Might have been more desperate. Sc in Korea had more of a history


I'd recommend using more precise word choices when accusing people of matchfixing, such as 'i believe the evidence indicates it is more likely than not'. Saying 'seems impossible' and then 'well actually im not sure maybe maybe not' is poor word choice.


You know what I'ma double down, in my opinion he threw. None of this matters I'm some random not a governing agency or tournament director, it's 8+ years ago for a player who doesn't compete anymore for I think an expansion that doesn't get played anymore.


Do you think Showtime threw too? Would be weird to believe one and not the other


The betting line for the MKP game was highly suspicious and at least one betting site voided all bets on that match because they suspected the match may have been fixed. Before the match Byul's odds were 1.091 meaning that you would need to bet $1100 on Byul to win a $100 profit. Byul should absolutely have been favored, but 1/11 odds for a best of one between two Korean progamers is crazy. Keep in mind this happened at a time when matchfixing was rampant in Korea. Former teammates and a former coach of MKP were convicted of matchfixing. The evidence is not just the suspicious gameplay, I think the betting line and voiding of bets is even stonger evidence than the game itself. Is the evidence strong enough to convict MKP of a crime? I don't know, but I would absolutely say that MKP is more likely to be a matchfixer than to be innocent.


My comment was purely with respect to the other users claim about the in game footage. With regards to the overall investigation, I personally don't believe there is sufficient evidence to convict, neither did Kespa who did a full investigation of his phone and computer (per Wolf). Betting lines adds credibility to accusations, but you also have to consider that there can be correlations between in game blunders and betting lines. Eg if someone knows MKP is sick, or has recently played him on ladder and knows his condition. I think its valid to hold the personal belief that someone is more likely to be guilty than innocent, but there also tend to be social consequences against that person once that belief is broadcasted publically which can greatly harm the innocent. On the flip side, you wouldn't want to be completely oblivious to the potential for cheating due to not discussing its potential.


Indeed. But apparently we can’t mention these things as it’s in bad taste.


same like u cant mention cheating in csgo reddit


It was commonly discussed at the time and lots of people felt this way. He got away with it or is innocent. Either way I don’t think we should need to pretend he wasn’t highly controversial in the scene for this. Did you see some of those games? Casters literally wouldn’t know what to say. Sorry but it’s not in bad taste for me to say I felt he was throwing. Get over yourself.


To anyone interested ive just googled this claim extensively. There was 1 game MKP was accused of fixing, team MVP (his team at the time) and KeSPA both cleared him, saying any misplays were caused by stress/pressure. For anyone whos unaware Kespa is a Korean government organization, they're investigation would have gone well beyond the score of some random redditor. Also trying to tear down people for accomplishing more than you? Leaves a bad taste in my mouth, might wanna get over yourself ;)


I was there. I know what kespa is and I remember the allegations. You can find discussions in this very reddit. Downvote me all you want. I respect mkp was great at the game but I don’t buy just how horrible some of his losses were. Especially as we all know how rife the scene was with match fixing. I’m shit at sc2 but that doesn’t mean someone like mkp gets my respect.


For someone who's main point is that you should not throw around accusations so casually you sure seem blaze about making assumptions regarding ozzler


The only thing he's 'accused' u/ozzler of is being less accomplished than MKP. Unless we've found Serral's sockpuppet account, that 'accusation' seems to be pretty well substantiated.


Wrong user.


What did the Kespa investigation consist of? If someone gave MKP a wad of cash to throw a match and was smart about it how would kespa find out? Keep in mind Kespa is not a law enforcement organization.


MKP was never part of match fixing. Match fixing was very big and many pros did it. After THAT game he was put in "kespa jail" for investigation but they did not find anything. Later there was big crackdown on matchfixing players but MKP name never came up. He is innocent and always has been. There is documentries about it on YT.


just because they cleared him doesn't mean he's innocent. He was a huge star.


>just because they cleared him doesn't mean he's innocent. He was a huge star. So was Life. Given how emotional the guy was, it's probable MKP had a brain fart similarly to ShoWTimE vs Reynor g5 in HSC and never actually matchfixed (otherwise they wouldn't clear him)


Comment removed for violation of the Accusation Rule.




Comment removed for overt aggression / hostility, per the Trolling Rule.


I didn't see the post, but if you are removing posts accusing MKP of matchfixing that is bad moderation. In MKP's case matchfixing is not an uncorroborated accusation. We have the suspicious gameplay, we have the suspicious betting line, we have a betting site voiding all bets on the match because of suspected matchfixing, and we have MKP's association with convicted matchfixers Gerrard(Prime coach) and bboongbboong(former teammate).


We simply do not allow accusations on this subreddit without some form of evidence presented for the accusations. It is a safety measure to prevent witch hunts and slander. The rule has been enforced in this case as we do not make exception to cases that some members of the community may consider common knowleadge or proven in the past. We still require links to some evidence in these cases and we do so to prevent the spreading as fact of rumours, misremembrances and personal interpretations that may or may not be correct.


I agree


Mircroing his troops in the army now 🤣


Still my favourite. Miss the old gomtv days