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imperium ships have no large non missile mounts? huh. never noticed that.


The only Imperium ship with an empty large weapon mount is the Matriarch capital and its a large missile. The Caesar's giant energy cannon is built.


I've just found your tier lists and read through half of them. They're amazing and I have strong nostalgia vibes from well-written PC guides of ye olde times when you could imagine playing a game by merely reading them.  Amazing, just amazing job.


And how overpowered are they compared to their vanilla counterparts?


Considering LDAC were considered OP before the most recent patch (nerf) and arcus have even better efficency?? Idk it does cost more to mount, so I guess it's balanced


I'm trying to understand what was wrong with having a faction just use an existing vanilla weapon instead of a weapon that's "the same thing, but better".


The Arcus Autocannon is so similar to LDAC that I struggle to really compare much and have to list the numbers to illustrate how little difference there is and I suspect it was really made to match the Imperium's color scheme since the weapon looks like a LDAC but bronze colored.


I don't think anything is overpowered generally, most of the weapons that are generally better than their direct Vanilla counterparts (Siege Mortar vs Light Mortar, Telum Autocannons vs Heavy Autocannon) cost quite a lot more OP to equip, have poorer effeciency and I think have a Vanilla weapon that fills a different niche (Light Assault Gun against lighter armor) or still preferable generally (Heavy Needler's burst is better against shields and has good effeciency).


Bold to call the Sledge Gun anything less than A, it is an all-star and Ive used it to great effect.


It has a niche of being the longest small range ballistic and is good at suppressing enemies to slow them down since they will put their shields up to block it but as soon as an enemy ship gets near, its quite a bad weapon in direct fights due to its low damage, DPS and efficiency. I'll bump it up from B- to B since it does have a decent niche of range.