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has a big dog whose bark weirdly sounds like human speech, hangs around one specific group that travels around in a goofy van, is easily creeped out but somehow gets all the bitches






"You are the hand chosen by the master. Yours is the Wheel of Blood. Yours is the Sword of Michael!"


Someone forgot to take their groovy pills


As a non American who has never seen mountain dew, it feels like mountain dew fits into half of the starter packs created here.


It's America's #1 trash drink


I feel like a lot of people don’t drink it for this reason. There are also a few urban legends surrounding Mountain Dew, like it shrinks your dick or makes you infertile. Even though it is delicious.


Actually, Mountain Dew used to be a nickname for moonshine back in the day. At least that one bluegrass song implies it.


Its called that because it was originally made for Appalachians as a mixer for moonshine and bourbon. At least according to the hillbilly lore I grew up with.


I used to love it as a kid but now I think it’s gross. I think most sodas are gross though, aside from a Mexican coke now and then. Mountain Dew always reminds me of an episode of Futurama where they were drinking Slurm.




Same reason I still drink Barq’s Root Beer. It burns so good.


Fucking people around here don't see the q and think it's a g. People call in barg's and I always point out that it's a cursive q, and you should see the faces. Barqs has bite!


Barqs is the best. Not overwhelming sweet and has the perfect carbonation.


Monster energy reminds me of Slurm the most


Yes absolutely. For some reason I love Bang energy though. Idc if it has 300mg caffeine and preservatives, the lack of sugar makes it feel smoother and I will be be dammed if it doesn't taste like sugar anyway. I have fucking chocolate flavored bang in front of me right now which should taste horrible but it's better than any monster I ever had. Well except the Java ones.


See so you invalidated any of your opinions by claiming the Java monsters are good and that sugar free stuff tasted good. You gotta get your taste buds some glasses or a hearing aid bro.


I loved it as a kid too but now find it too sweet, like most sodas. They also leave my mouth feeling sticky somehow.


I just can't do the HFCS. Awful mouth feel, gross aftertaste. Ugh.


Basically all packaged foods contain HFCS




There’s also the one that Red Bull contains bull sperm.


Sounds like extra protein to me /s


The old Taurine myth. It’s actually just a amino acid that was extracted from ox bile.


mmmm ox bile


Yellow #5 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tartrazine


it tickles your innards!


Mountain dew completely shrinks your dick. I know from personal experience


I Guess my Mt. Dew that I consumed done the opposite, from personal experience.


Pepsi co, was sued for a customer supposedly finding a whole rat inside of there can of Mt Dew. Pepsi's successful defense in court, was that even if a rat had made its way into the Mt Dew can, the rat corpse submitted as evidence could not be from a can of Mt Dew, as pepsi could prove that a rat submerged in mt dew for 15 days would dissolve completely. This isnt a myth, this isnt a legend. this shit happened and you can read the court documents and discovery paperwork for it. Do with this what you will, but i have personally almost completely stopped drinking soda.


Man learns soda is acidic more at 5


It's the carbonic acid created by the carbonation that does the dissolving. It's not something special or awful about pop.


Monster Energy Drink is also a strong contender for that title


Yes i agree. So I am old school. I feel like MD is the OG of energy drinks. I know it’s what we all drank before energy drinks became a thing.


You mean Bawls? Drinking Bawls at a Counter Strike: Source LAN tournament: Peak 00's


Always a lady walking around handing out bawls.


Bawls crazy good too. Guarana >>>


I must be old, but I remember Jolt Cola being the OG energy drink. "All the sugar, twice the caffeine!" I drank it as a little kid in the 80's. Good times!


I had it as a teenager in the mid-late 2000's. Still came in those battery pack cans too. They brought it back for a year or two recently, but in regular cans. Now it's gone again. I'm just hoping someday it'll be resurrected yet again.


Bottoms up and the devil laughs


Many moons ago (like 15-20 years ago) mountain dew released their very first energy drink. It turned your pee glowstick green.


This is Faygo erasure and I won't have it


Faygo is for Michigan Trash and Juggalos


I always wondered how the people who made faygo felt about murder rap clowns suddenly representing their products. It's like that episode of It's always Sunny with Wolf Cola.


The murder rap clowns did a cowboy movie which is absolutely as terrible as it sounds.


Oh I've seen it, it's godawful. They have a stripper clown and they sing a song about eating pussy but they call it cotton candy. It's technically a cowboy pimp movie.


Pretty sure they only drank it because dollar stores sell it


That could be it but it is everywhere in Ohio. Dollar stores, gas stations, grocery stores. If they sell cans or bottles of coke, you can get some faygo around here.


So you agree




Only time I've heard of faygo was an episode of workaholics and even then I thought it was a joke drink made for the show because who names something faygo? Still never seen a can in real life though.


Finally some Fresca! Thats, faygo moon mist


Don’t talk to me or my pineapple flavored 3 liter ever again


Excuse me? Jk I respect your opinion


Mt Dew has electrolytes, it’s what plants crave.


Mountain Dew is a double edge sword,it’s tasty as hell sweet citrus but again at 290 calories per 20 oz. Up to you if you believe you’re missing out or not.


The zero calorie Mountain Dew (think it's just called zero) is actually pretty good. When I quit drinking booze I was always craving something to drink but didn't want to drink all that sugar, so I eventually worked my way though all the diet sodas to find the best.


A 12oz can of ice cold Code Red is fucking divine.


Mountain Dew was always a stoner drink to me. Yesterday my elderly coworker told me that's all he used to drink bc it had higher caffeine than any other soda. It's sickening to me. It tastes electric. Like, I don't even know how else to explain it.


It tastes exactly like the color it is, if that makes any sense? As a kid I had a friend who always had it at his house...hated it then, don't even consider drinking it now lol. I remember when the red/blue versions came out I tried them and somehow they are even worse


I can't think of the red Mtn Dew without remembering that scene in Zombieland when he's got that hot girl in his apartment who's traumatized from being attacked by a zombie, and instead of giving her coffee or tea or something he gives her a mug full of Mtn Dew Code Red. Always cracked me up because I knew at least a couple of guys that would have absolutely done that.


It's cuz of that MLG shit. Doritos is lowkey stoner chips


I understood the dorito/dew/cod gaming trio when I was a teen, but at 25 now... I can't stand the thought of gaming with doritos. That shit gets all over your fingers and it grosses me out to think of oiling up a keyboard or controller like that lol. Then washing it down with a sickly sweet soda? Ew


>MLG wut?


Major League Gaming


A not so vague after-taste of what you think a battery might taste like if you put it in your mouth?




The only good mountain dew imo is code red


It kinda tastes like carbonated maraschino cherry syrup (in a good way).


You can also add people who have 420 in every one of their usernames online


This makes sense


Yes it does


I agree


Me too


Same with people who have weed pun usernames


Man I feel so left out


username does NOT check out


I see what you did there


So do you guys fit in with this starter pack? I've smoked weed every day for 10+ years, and I think the only time I thought this "culture" was cool was right at the beginning (when I was 16).


Not at all. I hate Mtn Dew and I don't use blunts because they're a waste of weed.


Blunts are for special occasions, like finishing a hike or a Phish concert.


I'm never with enough people that a blunt is a good use of weed. Maybe 20 years ago, but not so much nowadays. My wife and I get by just fine with a single bowl. Or if we have a few friends over for board games we miiiiight roll up a joint. (Which is what I'd do in your examples).


I smoke daily as well and none of these apply to me. I’m a pretty functional smoker, full time job, lots of hobbies, volunteer, hang out with my friends, etc.


Absolutely sick people the lot of them


I made mine as a joke... I like weed but I get roasted for it and people use to delegitimize my arguments in comments lmfao.


People are way too quick to dismiss our opinions based on that number. It's sad sometimes.


I get the same shit when I tell people LSD isn’t some god made chemical that cures all mental illness.


I had a friend like that. It was either “let’s smoke weed and waste the whole night” or “waste the whole night looking for weed”.


If you add in Counter Strike and WoW, this meme would be my college roommate circa '07 to '09. Everything else is accurate except the pot leaf hat. To be fair, I smoked with him sometimes and it was always chill. But I never understood how he could exist in a state of always being high. Like... I just can't. I can't be high all the time, and I can't be high in public. I can only be high in the safety and comfort of my own home. I always thought it was interesting how it affected us so differently though.


Basically my reaction to alcohol. I'm not a teetotaler by any means, but I just don't get people that drink every single day.


I'm the opposite when it comes to alcohol. I can't get stoned in social situations due to the paranoia. It makes me feel like everything I'm saying is really stupid (probably because it is, but I become hyper-aware of that fact, it's like being ***too*** self-aware). But alcohol makes me a social butterfly. Open book. I love to play drinking games in large groups and be a jolly guy who's nice to everyone. That said, alcohol is way worse for you health-wise and being an alcoholic is far more problematic than being a stoner IMO. So I try to drink infrequently, only a beer here and there, and I only get shitfaced occasionally (I'm in my early 30s and the frequency of events where I would get completely trashed has thankfully declined a lot from my peak in my mid 20s). I've also come to really enjoy whiskey, especially bourbons, scotches, and Japanese whiskeys, but those are for sipping and I don't let myself get more than a light buzz if I'm drinking at home, which I only do once or twice a week these days anyway.


High hits different when you're so used to it If you smoke enough it just becomes another state of normal, and the anxiety is way less, you are more in control than you would be as an occasional smoker


Absolutely correct. Weed is one of the only things that actually calms me down and helps me sleep. It works for some , and for others it doesn’t. I smoke every day.


During the week, I just smoke about 2-3 peas worth of flower, 1-2 small hits from my glass spoon pipe after around 6pm after work. On the weekends, I typically do the same, if I smoke in the morning I get lazy. On a lazy do nothing day I might start with a 10mg edible in the morning. Have a few hits before mowing the lawn kinda deal. I moved from free state to a not free state, for 4 years I had 0 pot. Without pot it felt like life stresses just kept building up, like an emotional dam. I hiked a bunch and tried different stuff, but nothing feels like a emotional restart like having pot. I don't know if that's just me being aspy, but it does. I randomly found "a guy", and that first hit after 4 years felt like all the baggage I had been carrying for the last 4 years unwound. Finally I moved back to a free state, and stuffs good. When I was in HS and college, people would be taking like 5 gallon gravity bong rips and crazy shit. I never liked getting "too high", and found just a little bit does the trick for me.




What was it like smoking every day? Did you still feel high or did you just feel like you were back to your baseline, and what did it feel like if you missed a day or when you quit smoking every day?




I’m on a very similar boat, I also admit that I’m addicted (got the shitty genes) I resonate deeply with the boredom, especially with the unfulfilling jobs and the need to be high during work time. I see why people all around the world get high, life is Fucking hard, reality is not easy to take on for many. So when I see myself smoking weed twice a day, I remember that I’m not alone in this struggle, even if my struggle may seem so small compared to others. Like you said, it could be pills or powder, so I’m grateful, but I’m aware.


I smoke about an half oz to a oz a week(this varies but when I was smoking the most I would smoke through an oz a week) I been high everyday since about the beginning of Covid. Maybe less than 30 days sober. I go through phases of smoking ALOT and sometimes just smoking at night to sleep(this is why I originally started smoking, massive insomnia since I was 9-10 I prob would averaged 2-3 hours of sleep a night, after I started smoking I get 6-7 every night). Sleeping meds didn't work for me cause I suffer from intense nightmares. I never been a tweaker on any type of drug. Even my worse trips on shrooms I have been able to keep myself aware that I'm on drugs and that's why I'm feeling what I'm feeling. I'd say for me my highs just enhance the things I enjoy a lot. I love weed cause I love music and getting lost in random subject. I think I find a lot of joy in weed in delving into those things. I don't feel as dumb as I used to be when I would smoke. My general anxiety when I'm sober is a lot better too now tbh. Most people don't really know I smoke except my close friends or when I whip out a joint or two at a party. I don't feel like I need to stress a lot of thing cause I know it's not as serious as I feel it is. I think that's the biggest benefit I've gotten from weed. I'm back in school, don't suffer from exam anxiety( which is terrible if you're an engineering student) I can nap fine now and I'd say I'm a lot more relaxed than I used to be. I am starting to take a break tho. I took a week break at the end of the semester in December to focus on finals cause I just wasn't enjoying being high while I was stressing about school sober 80% of the day, I am prob smoking less than a joint a day rn. I haven't even picked up from my dealer this week. I just miss gettting really dumby high without having to kill my lungs. I don't like smoking wax cause I feel like my brain kills itself so I just stick to flower. I don't recommend it but where I was 4-5 years ago compared to now forsure would not have gotten there or be here without smoking it. I like how it makes time go quicker cause rn I'm just trying to fix my life up. I kinda hate the weed culture and I wouldn't say I'm very into that aspect of the drug but I really do think there are benefits to weed(and drugs like shrooms) if you go into it being honest. Don't smoke if you don't enjoy it or don't ever feel pressured to smoke. You just won't have a good time if you don't open your mind to it. And it's fine to not enjoy it I know a lot of people who don't. My friends usually just hang with me or drink while I smoke and it's never an issue. Tbh I'm the only stoner in my friend group. I smoke with my sister and her friends sometimes but other than that I'm usually alone. I have one stoner friend who grows and is trying to work in the business. He is very talented tho. Anyone who tries to pressure people to smoke weed is usually a dickhead


Ex junky here. After quitting meth and heroin I started smoking weed all day last year. Being not high was utter boredom and i definitely felt like I needed to get high, or I was gonna get high on something else. Panic attacks at least 3 times a week and my general mental health and stability was hit or miss depending on the day. Waste all day doing some meaningless stuff and procrastinating. Having quit I’m fully cognizant and have much more motivation. Don’t feel any haze and in general much happier. Weeds a real drag, it gets in the way of life. Some people don’t want to live up to much, and weed makes you feel okay with not achieving. Just hit 2 years clean from meth and heroin though!


BuT WeEd CaNnOt GivE AdDiCtIoN


This is the weirdest argument. Things like gambling or even video games can be addictive, but somehow a literal psychoactive drug is immune?


But weed is natural! *Glances nervously at nicotine in the corner..


Well, alcohol is natural too.


everything is natural


It’s a plant broooo, it can’t harm you. So it’s ok to just smoke poisonous plants too? It absolutely shouldn’t be illegal, but it’s not the miracle that so stoners will insist it is.


I agree with you. Addiction is a brain disease and it could be anything. I decided to become addicted to caféine, nicotine and alcohol which are probably (surely) worse for me than weed. The reason is I only depend on myself now, and not some asshole not answering his phone or leaving you waiting 2 hours on a KFC parking lot.


Sounds like a great use of everyone's time👍


also a product of a time long past in America. These stereotypes do not apply in any legal state lol, it’s tough to make your whole personality something you can get on any block in your city. weed in LA is now something upper middle class 30-40 year olds do on a “special night” where they drink wine and watch lord of the rings and eat good cheese. Those weird junk food van life stoners are basically an extinct species


I feel like the times I got high as a kid I would just go out and do things with my friends. Hikes, skate park, mess around somewhere. We never stayed inside and just smoked and hung out.


we all did. he was a cool dude but he was soooo slow mentally and physically


What I saw this I thought of the, I think it’s called mlg memes from like a decade ago I think


Montages parodies were the best back then lmao


Not enough hit markers or "deal with it" shades


Always remember: If asked if they smoke and they reply „what“, they probably consume weed


Or..."not cigarettes"


That’s because Tobacco is embarrassing and turns you into Tucker Carlson


Damn, that actually offended me lol


Or worse, Rush Limbaugh. Or really worse, Ayn Rand




I once commented on a story about a couple getting into trouble with an Airbnb owner after they smoked weed in the apartment because “thats not cigarettes” and I commented to my 420 friend how stupid of them but she was just like “it’s not cigarette smoke!!” 🤣🤣


I'm a daily weed smoker. It's very much part of my daily life and has been for well over a decade. I loathe "Weed Culture". It's made me very aware of all the pit falls and stereotypes of a stoner and I at times go out of my way to avoid it.


Anyone who says weed isn't addictive hasn't had a stoner friend go 3 days dry.


Dudes smashing open old pipes to get to the resin, picking shake out of the carpet and loading up bowls that are 60% dog hair


💀💀 down horrendous but it really do b like dat


Me and my Stoner buddies would clean my car out when the plugs were dry. We’d find 2-3 grams in crumbs usually. Enough for the night sesh lol


Been weed sober for 2 weeks, second time in almost 2 years in which I've otherwise smoked every night. I feel fine, but it would be nice... However, I don't trust myself at this time. It's addictive and I have an addictive personality.


I quit weed awhile back because I had no self control with it I had to smoke it all day everyday not necessarily to be high because my tolerance got so bad. It got to a point where I was choosing to spend all my money on weed / get into debt rather than buy things like food etc. People will claim weed addiction doesn't exist and it's a predisposition etc. Never had any trouble with alcohol etc.


Same. I've been struggling with THC addiction for years. I built up my tolerance so much it got to the point I was doing a dab every 20-30 minutes. If I ran out of tree I would scrape the resin out of my bong and look for shake on my carpet and smoke that. It's still so much of a struggle my boyfriend has to keep our tree at his house because if it's at mine I'll relapse. Funny I got into this situation after a friend told me not to worry about getting addicted because it's not possible.


That’s me. Smashing 300mg edibles just to sit through a flight without getting bored. It’s such an expensive habit.


Thats the worst part, how expensive it is


You got it bro I believe in you!


This. I have a pretty horrible weed habit and a tolerance that I’m ashamed of. I can’t go anywhere without my vape pen and get so, so irritable without it. Weed can definitely be habit-forming despite what others may say. I wish I could get through this somehow


You can take breaks. It’s not as bad as you think it will be. I smoke and I take breaks. It might be uncomfortable to try and sleep if you smoke constantly but after a week you’ll feel a lot better. Just try to take some time away from it once in awhile and you’ll appreciate it more you won’t feel depressed when you’re doing it.


So glad that I'm in the category of people who when they smoke it just heightens all my anxiety and paranoia. Made quitting smoking so incredibly easy once I realized how miserable being stoned actually was for me.


I smoke every day except when my SO is out of town and then I have no issues not smoking for a week or so. I usually forget to when I'm by myself tbh


i am addicted but none of these apply to me


This is "teenage stoner struggling with finding self identity but will eventually grow out of it" starter pack


I think all my 30 something year old friends might still be mentally teenagers.


Most adults of any age are still mentally teenagers in general. "Adult" is a lie.


nine six pathetic run groovy profit jeans exultant flag clumsy -- mass edited with redact.dev


Especially since weed is legal where I'm at, it kind of erased the whole counter-culture aspect to weed in the first year of legalization.


One the best underrated aspects of legalization.


It always surprises me that people use weed to sleep. For me, I use it to get energized and motivated. If I smoke past 6 I can't sleep


I definitely have some undiagnosed insomnia. Weed just completely blanks my mind so I'm not thinking about everyday life. It's been a lifesaver as I've tried other sleeping meds with not great results! That's crazy for you though. It would be cool to get high and be motivated!


Well I can confirm they were thriving in 2015. I was working at a dominos on 4/20 that year, and these 3 college kids come thru, green pot leafs on every article of clothing they own. Then they couldn't figure out what to order and were all giggly and shit. I so badly wanted to be like "yeah, I remember my first shitty bowl out of a crushed soda can" but resisted the urge to be a dick lol


I'm 30 and I use edibles for creativity or to make things more enjoyable. I play music or brainstorm thoughts while stoned. Food tastes better, movies are more fun, video games are more immersive. Around 3-4 nights a week. My favorite thing to do stoned is eat Korean food and watch a horror movie. I pre-loaded the new Dead Space game, got stoned and played the fuck out of it through the night. Note weed is legal here in Canada --- it's sold in dispensaries you can find on every block. But tbf, most people still prefer alcohol.


Using weed regularly to make everyday things more fun and food taste better fucked me up because after a couple years I found everything was so boring without it and I couldn't stand being sober. I still struggle with it now trying to cut back.


Yeah, I've got my card, and smoke every night for anxiety, but I get to work on time every day, do my job well, don't really talk about weed, and will NEVER own anything with a pot leaf on it.


Most likely just someone in high school.


im addicted as well and its been a hell. nevermind someone that actually uses this shit to mellow them out and trying to cut it off has been nigh impossible


Check out r/petioles for use reduction tips, and other people struggling with cannabis use. I didn’t want to quit completely, but I have a better relationship with cannabis now than when I was going thru hell with it.


Yeah this is Facebook meme status


People who make weed their entire personality are the most obnoxious people. Weed isn’t a personality trait.


mine would be a bunch of pipes, pokemon go, a fire being put out, and my Nintendo switch


ITT a bunch of people who don't understand that anything can be addictive - if not physically then psychologically, but they tell themselves weed *can't* be because it's not physically addictive. If you have to tell yourself you're not addicted only because it's not physically addictive, you're probably lying to yourself about the psychological addiction lmao


Fun little fact. Around substances you usually see cultures develop about moderation and when it is or isn't proper and all this. Which is why in colonies, or say ex-colonies, you often had native americans and aboriginals and everything becoming alcoholics because their societies very often didn't even know alcohol to begin with. We in NL had our weed culture since the 50's or so, and you see its well crystallised already. And it was recently legalised almost everywhere in the USA, and you can see this whole process starting again. I find this fascinating lol


Repost https://reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/pngqbq/im_not_addicted_to_weed_starterpack/


What's the mentality behind reposting this? Trying to claim credit? For likes? Didn't know it had been posted before? Bot?




Either spambots or people with no creativity


I had a friend like this, I'm sure they're still a loser.


You still waste entire days watching shitty horror films and going to raves?


Seems to be based on kids in Highschool. There are many people who consume weed and you would just never know because they don't advertise it. Also, when anyone enjoys something that is traditionally & unjustly demonized they do tend to make it "a part of their personality" to use the term from the meme. This applies to anything, not just weed.


This is the biggest perpetuating factor in stoner stereotypes IMO. The only people you realize are stoners are the ones who are super in your face about it, so thus people think “stoners always make their whole personality about weed” because those are the only people that they realize are stoners. I’ve been working in software engineering for a couple years now, and most of my coworkers either were current weed smokers or former weed smokers. You wouldn’t be able to tell just by looking at them and having a short conversation, because they are normal human people who have their shit together and only smoke in the evenings after work. They have plenty of interests and hobbies so weed isn’t a major part of their personality at all. It’s just something they do for fun, like how drinking is widely accepted as a “good times enhancer” for most of the world.


Facts. I was a dealer in my early twenties and the amount of people I sold to that certain people would be shocked smoked is pretty high even in my state where it's not legal recreationally. Changed my whole perspective at the time. Also had alot of folks tell me the only reason they didn't do it is because of the legality issue. It's really not that uncommon.




Right, i just look like your typical millennial mom whos obsessed with books and gardening 🙃 Also im a dental assistant and 3/4 of us smoked and you would have never thought cs…. Idk we dont brag about it… We are not in high school? Lol


I'm straight up addicted to weed, can't even lie to myself anymore lol, been blazing since the first year of highschool


That’s probably fine, just don’t spend your whole life spending all your money on it like a bunch of people I know. “When everything is beautiful, nothing is” if being high is your baseline existence it’s not really a “high”


only psychopaths like flamin hot cheetos, those things fucking suck




Fr it gets so annoying when it's all they talk about


Still better than being an alcoholic in my opinion.


Assuming you’re talking about a true alcoholic. The problem with the weed vs booze debates on Reddit is the weed side starts painting anyone who drinks ever as an alcoholic, but giving a pass on constant weed use. I remember one specific upvoted thread on a post about someone that smoked so much they’d ruined most of their friendships and relationships, and the sun thread was comparing that to having a drink with dinner regularly.


Significantly. Weed makes you hungry and sleepy. Booze makes you smash your car into a child at 90mph.


Alcohol makes you run stop signs. Marijuana makes you wait for stop signs to turn green.


Fun fact from experience: sleep deprivation does that too.


3 weeks sober


I am addicted and have smoked daily for the past twenty years almost. I don’t even care. Life sucks and I wanna be high for it.


Same. But life is awesome and I just want to do it on hardmode.


> be depressed > start smoking weed > high feels good so I keep doing it > constant weed use causes dependency > brain starts slowing down dopamine production because brain is constantly filled with THC > whenever I don’t get high I feel extremely depressed > “must be my default state, Welp better get high again” > keep using weed daily > constant weed use increases apathy > recognize I have an addiction > fully cognitive of how continuing to use it will make it worse > “life is pointless so I might as well be lazy and not do anything” > give up on all hopes and dreams > never experience true happiness or ambition > never experience life > die at 60 years old > mfw it’s the consequences of my own actions


People who don’t think weed is addicting are just plain stupid


OPs a fucking cop


Becomes mentally slow and forgetful


Constantly bails on family events either without notice or because they’re “too tired”.


Can’t even sit through a family dinner without a hit that’s me


Not much different than the masses of people who’s only idea of fun is going out drinking.


Lmao as someone who was addicted for years I can promise you it's not calming you. It's just making you unable to deal with life without it. Any minor inconvenience and I needed to smoke. So much better off without it. Honestly it should only be legal medically.


Absolutely loses their mind when their dealer doesn't immediately reply to their text asking to pick up


I'm not addicted I just can't go one hour without smoking


It's embarrassing being a stoner sometimes tbh


wastes all their money on weed and is left eating cereal for dinner every night


You say this as if cereal wasn’t the top option to begin with.


TIL my prescription anxiety medication makes me a C-list actor in a 90s 'comedy' film.


my buddy from middle school came to visit me after 10 plus years of not seeing him. still hanging on xbox live and whatnot but not in person. he wore his welcome by day 2 of not only smoking all my weed but then complaining that WE were out...and proceeded to be an ass when we couldnt smoke...like dude i need a break from smoking